13 research outputs found

    La stratĂ©gie de l’ONF relative aux rĂ©serves forestiĂšres intĂ©grales en France <br>: Colloque "BiodiversitĂ©, NaturalitĂ©, HumanitĂ©. Pour inspirer la gestion des forĂȘts" (ChambĂ©ry, France, 2008).

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    Corpus "AGORA"Dans une dĂ©finition Ă©troite, la biodiversitĂ© ne transcrit qu’une des notions liĂ©es au fonctionnement de la Nature (organisation, complexitĂ©, spontanĂ©itĂ©, continuitĂ©s et diversitĂ©). Aujourd’hui, nombreux sont ceux qui expriment le besoin de gĂ©rer les forĂȘts (ou les composantes forestiĂšres d'espaces naturels) suivant un principe impĂ©ratif de naturalitĂ© et recherchent une vision intĂ©grative et partagĂ©e sur tout ce que cela sous-entend. Les idĂ©es reçues sont nombreuses sur ce concept scientifique novateur et ses applications. Le colloque BiodiversitĂ©, NaturalitĂ©, HumanitĂ© - Pour inspirer la gestion des forĂȘts a Ă©tĂ© organisĂ© par le WWF France, RĂ©serves Naturelles de France (RNF), le RĂ©seau Ecologique Forestier RhĂŽnes-Alpes (REFORA), le comitĂ© Man and Biosphere France (MAB France) et le Cemagref Ă  ChambĂ©ry (Savoie, France) du 27 au 31 octobre 2008. Son objectif principal Ă©tait de contribuer Ă  apprĂ©hender la naturalitĂ© en tant que paramĂštre intĂ©grateur pour l'Ă©valuation du fonctionnement des Ă©cosystĂšmes forestiers, la qualification des pratiques de gestion qui y sont dĂ©veloppĂ©es et la dĂ©finition des relations entre les sociĂ©tĂ©s humaines et ces derniers

    ForĂȘts françaises en crise : nature, climat, sociĂ©tĂ©. Analyse et propositions des ONG de conservation de la nature

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    International audienceThe six conservation NGOs that wrote this article present their arguments for an evolution of the French forest policy. Their arguments are based on 5 main principles for the management of forest commons, i.e. 1) ensure a multifunctional management valuing all the ecological services of forests, 2) place biodiversity at the heart of forest policies to adapt management more easily, 3) be more aware of societal expectations in order tobetter meet them, 4) enable forests and foresters to fully respond to the unprecedented challenges of the climate crisis, and 5) integrate forests into land planning as a green infrastructure of the economy. Then, the six NGOs recommend a general political orientation basing any forestry policy on the constitutional environmental charter of 2004, and they propose 21 structural or operational measures.Les six ONG de conservation de la nature auteures de cet article proposent leur argumentaire pour une Ă©volution de la politique forestiĂšre nationale. Celui-ci est fondĂ© suivant cinq grands principes de gestion du bien commun que sont les forĂȘts : 1. Assurer une gestion multifonctionnelle valorisant tous les services Ă©cologiques des forĂȘts ; 2. Mettre la biodiversitĂ© au coeur de la politique forestiĂšre pour faciliter l’adaptation de la gestion ; 3. AccroĂźtre l’écoute des attentes de la sociĂ©tĂ©, pour mieux y rĂ©pondre ; 4. Mettre forĂȘts et forestiers en capacitĂ© de rĂ©pondre pleinement aux enjeux inĂ©dits de la crise climatique ; 5. InsĂ©rer les forĂȘts dans l’amĂ©nagement du territoire comme infrastructure verte de l’économie. Ensuite, les six ONG recommandent une orientation politique gĂ©nĂ©rale consistant Ă  fonder toute politique forestiĂšre sur la charte constitutionnelle de l’environnement de 2004 et proposent 21 mesures structurelles ou opĂ©rationnelles

    A transition support system to build decarbonization scenarios in the academic community

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    International audienceA growing portion of scientists realises the need to not only alert about climate change, but also change their professional practices. A range of tools have emerged to promote more sustainable activities, yet many scientists struggle to go beyond simple awareness-raising to create concrete transition actions. Here we propose a game-based transition support system MaTerre180’ , which has been designed to build scenarios of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions in the academic community. After providing a common scientific background about the context (global warming issue, its causes and consequences) and setting up a challenge (50% reduction of carbon budget by 2030), the participants belonging to the academic community and its governance bodies immerse themselves into fictional characters, to simulate the behaviour of real research groups. The game has been deployed during the year 2021, with six hundred participants from nine countries and 50 cities. Results explore clear pathways for GHG reductions between 25 and 60%, and a median reduction of 46%. The alternatives allowing the greatest reduction are video communication tools (36%), followed by mutualization of professional activities and voluntary cancellation or reduction, that represent 22 and 14% of reduction, respectively. The remaining 28% of reduction consists of transport alternative, relocation of professional activities, extended duration of some travels, etc. In addition, the analyses pointed out the importance of the guided negotiation phase to bring out some alternatives such as relocation, local partners and computing optimization. An added value of this transition support system is that the information it collects (anonymously) will be used to answer pressing research questions in climate change science and environmental psychology regarding the use of serious games for promoting changes in attitudes and behaviours towards sustainability, and including broader questions on how network structures influence “climate behaviour”, knowledge and the governance of the commons. Modestly, MaTerre180’ offers an innovative game-based transition support system to build scenarios of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions in the academic community. It is not simply a question of moving tokens on a virtual gameboard and a playful adjustment of practices, but rather a question of brainstorming about possible and desirable ways of remodelling research and teaching communities and embracing a new paradigm. After tens of workshops, our results show clear pathways for reaching up to 50% GHG reductions and stress the importance of guided negotiations to bring out alternatives to carbonized activities. This first attempt reinforces our belief that scientific engagement is at the heart of the international development agenda and a key approach to tear down the institutional barriers that inhibit the transformation needed to achieve a more sustainable society