19 research outputs found

    A Polyvagal Theory and Mindfulness Based Art Therapy Approach to Self-Regulation and Self Compassion in the Face of Trauma

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    Many people experience dysregulations for all kinds of reasons. Our bodies are constantly sensing our environments and taking in information. Recent research shows mind-body approaches, such as art therapy, can increase somatic awareness and self-acceptance. The posed question for this papers research was if art therapy experiences are combined with psychoeducation in polyvagal theory, how will it affect the participants level of self-compassion and understanding for their own self-regulation. A group of four women met for five total one-hour sessions over six weeks. They learned about the nervous system, how to identify its three states, gained skills for regulation, and engaged in somatic experiences through art therapy and mindfulness practices. Art materials from the Expressive Therapies Continuum were used with the participants as they were guided through each state of the nervous system. This allowed the participants to experience and deepen how they could identify state. It was found, when given information on the body’s functions from a nonjudgmental and curiosity-based approach, participants gained more self-compassion and increased interoception

    Detection and Recovery of Anti-Forensic (VAULT) Applications on Android Devices

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    Significant number of mobile device users currently employ anti-forensics applications, also known as vault or locker applications, on their mobile devices in order to hide files such as photos. Because of this, investigators are required to spend a large portion of their time manually looking at the applications installed on the device. Currently, there is no automated method of detecting these anti-forensics applications on an Android device. This work presents the creation and testing of a vault application detection system to be used on Android devices. The main goal of this work is twofold: (i) Detecting and reporting the presence of various vault applications installed on given Android devices, and (ii) recovering the files that are hidden by utilizing these vault applications. The testing of our system was performed on six different devices running different versions of Android and in various states of rootedness. The findings show that with a fairly comprehensive list of known vault applications, it is possible to provide a list of the vault applications installed on the Android device and possibly provide extracted hidden files to the investigator unless they are encrypted. Hence, our work greatly reduces the amount of time that the investigators are required to spend examining the applications on the device

    Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Dengan Sering Membaca Di Perpustakaan Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas V Semester II

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya kemampuan membaca pada siswa sehingga menurunkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas V di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Clering. Kurangnya pengawasan guru dalam membimbing siswanya untuk membaca membuat siswa kurang maksimal menangkap ilmu yang diperoleh. Kegiatan sering membaca di perpustakaan menjadi salah satu alternatif pembelajaran untuk menciptakan rasa cinta terhadap kegiatan membaca sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan yang lebih luas, serta meningkatkan prestasi belajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) apakah dengan sering membaca di perpustakaan dapat meningkatkan ketuntasan belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia? (2) apakah dengan sering membaca di perpustakaan dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada siswa kelas V semester II. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mencapai ketuntasan belajar siswa serta meningkatkan prestasi belajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia khususnya aspek ketrampilan membaca. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga siklus.Setiap siklus meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Data diambil dengan cara observasi dan metode tes. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V semester II SD Negeri 2 Clering Jepara tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa baik secara individu maupun secara klasikal. Pada siklus I siswa yang dapat mencapai ketuntasan individu ada 8 orang sedangkan ketuntasan klasikal 40% dan rata-rata prestasi belajar 67,45. Siklus II siswa yang dapat mencapai ketuntasan individu ada 15 orang sedangkan ketuntasan klasikal 75% dan rata-rata prestasi belajar 78,1. Siklus III siswa yang dapat mencapai ketuntasan individu 18 orang sedangkan ketuntasan klasikal 90% dan rata-rata prestasi belajar 85,25. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan sering membaca diperpustakaan dapat meningkatkan (1) ketuntasan belajar siawa dan (2) prestasi belajar siswa

    25 Years of Self-Organized Criticality: Numerical Detection Methods

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    The detection and characterization of self-organized criticality (SOC), in both real and simulated data, has undergone many significant revisions over the past 25 years. The explosive advances in the many numerical methods available for detecting, discriminating, and ultimately testing, SOC have played a critical role in developing our understanding of how systems experience and exhibit SOC. In this article, methods of detecting SOC are reviewed; from correlations to complexity to critical quantities. A description of the basic autocorrelation method leads into a detailed analysis of application-oriented methods developed in the last 25 years. In the second half of this manuscript space-based, time-based and spatial-temporal methods are reviewed and the prevalence of power laws in nature is described, with an emphasis on event detection and characterization. The search for numerical methods to clearly and unambiguously detect SOC in data often leads us outside the comfort zone of our own disciplines - the answers to these questions are often obtained by studying the advances made in other fields of study. In addition, numerical detection methods often provide the optimum link between simulations and experiments in scientific research. We seek to explore this boundary where the rubber meets the road, to review this expanding field of research of numerical detection of SOC systems over the past 25 years, and to iterate forwards so as to provide some foresight and guidance into developing breakthroughs in this subject over the next quarter of a century.Comment: Space Science Review series on SO


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya kemampuan membaca pada siswa sehingga menurunkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas V di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Clering. Kurangnya pengawasan guru dalam membimbing siswanya untuk membaca membuat siswa kurang maksimal menangkap ilmu yang diperoleh. Kegiatan sering membaca di perpustakaan menjadi salah satu alternatif pembelajaran untuk menciptakan rasa cinta terhadap kegiatan membaca sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan yang lebih luas, serta meningkatkan prestasi belajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) apakah dengan sering membaca di perpustakaan dapat meningkatkan ketuntasan belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia? (2) apakah dengan sering membaca di perpustakaan dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada siswa kelas V semester II. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mencapai ketuntasan belajar siswa serta meningkatkan prestasi belajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia khususnya aspek ketrampilan membaca. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga siklus.Setiap siklus meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Data diambil dengan cara observasi dan metode tes. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V semester II SD Negeri 2 Clering Jepara tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa baik secara individu maupun secara klasikal. Pada siklus I siswa yang dapat mencapai ketuntasan individu ada 8 orang sedangkan ketuntasan klasikal 40% dan rata-rata prestasi belajar 67,45. Siklus II siswa yang dapat mencapai ketuntasan individu ada 15 orang sedangkan ketuntasan klasikal 75% dan rata-rata prestasi belajar 78,1. Siklus III siswa yang dapat mencapai ketuntasan individu 18 orang sedangkan ketuntasan klasikal 90% dan rata-rata prestasi belajar 85,25. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan sering membaca diperpustakaan dapat meningkatkan (1) ketuntasan belajar siawa dan (2) prestasi belajar siswa.Kata Kunci: prestasi belajar, membaca, perpustakaa


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    Στη σημερινή εποχή, το πρόβλημα της αυτόνομης πλοήγησης στα σύγχρονα κινητά ρομπότ αποτελεί σημείο ενδιαφέροντος για την πλειοψηφία της έρευνας που γίνεται γύρω από τη ρομποτική. Αυτό το θέμα γίνεται ακόμα πιο απαιτητικό, καθώς οι απαιτήσεις στα δυναμικά περιβάλλοντα περιλαμβάνουν αυτονομία υψηλού επιπέδου και ευέλικτες δυνατότητες λήψης αποφάσεων για το ρομπότ, ώστε να επιτευχθεί αποφυγής συγκρούσεων. Το Deep learning κατάφερε να λύσει κάποια κοινά ζητήματα στη ρομποτική, όπως η λήψη αποφάσεων, η πλοήγηση και ο έλεγχος, όμως, με εποπτευόμενο τρόπο. Οι Reinforcement learning τεχνολογίες έχουν συνδυαστεί με το Deep learning, με αποτέλεσμα ένα νέο ερευνητικό θέμα γνωστό ως deep reinforcement learning (DRL). Με τη χρήση του DRL, η διαδικασία μπορεί να αυτοματοποιηθεί με τη μετάφραση δεδομένων αισθητήρων πολλών διαστάσεων σε εντολές κίνησης ρομπότ χωρίς τη χρήση κεντρικοποιημένων πληροφοριών, παρέχοντας έναν μη εποπτευόμενο τρόπο. Αυτό που χρειάζεται, για να ενθαρρυνθεί ο agent μάθησης και μέσω διαδικασίας δοκιμής και σφάλματος με το περιβάλλον, να βρει την καλύτερη δράση για κάθε κατάσταση, είναι μία βαθμωτή συνάρτηση ανταμοιβής. Στην εν λόγω διατριβή, δημιουργήθηκε ένα προσομοιωμένο περιβάλλον με ένα κινητό ρομπότ που αλληλεπιδρά με αυτό. Δύο αλγόριθμοι βασισμένοι στο DRL, οι Actor-Critic και PPO, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για να εκπαιδεύσουν τον παράγοντα να κινείται με ασφάλεια στο περιβάλλον, αποφεύγοντας τα εμπόδια και στοχεύοντας στην επίτευξη ενός καθορισμένου στόχου. Τα αποτελέσματά τους παρουσιάζονται και συγκρίνονται.Nowadays, the problem of autonomous navigation in modern mobile robots is the point of interest for the majority of research in robotics. This topic becomes even more challenging as the requirements in dynamic environments include high-level autonomy and flexible decision-making capabilities for the robot, to achieve collision avoidance. Deep learning has succeeded in solving some common issues in robotics, such as decision making, navigation and control, in a supervised manner though. Reinforcement learning frameworks have been combined with deep learning, resulting in a new research topic known as deep reinforcement learning (DRL). With the use of DRL the procedure can become automated by mapping high-dimensional sensory data to robot motion commands without using ground-truth information, providing an unsupervised manner. It simply takes a scalar reward function to encourage the learning agent through trial-and-error interactions with the environment, with the goal of finding the best action for each state. In the project thesis in question, a simulated environment was created with a mobile robot interacting with it. Two DRL-based algorithms, Actor-Critic and PPO were used to train the agent to move safely in the environment, avoiding the obstacles and aiming to reach a specified goal. Their results are presented and compared

    25 Years of Self-Organized Criticality: Solar and Astrophysics

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    Shortly after the seminal paper {\sl "Self-Organized Criticality: An explanation of 1/f noise"} by Bak, Tang, and Wiesenfeld (1987), the idea has been applied to solar physics, in {\sl "Avalanches and the Distribution of Solar Flares"} by Lu and Hamilton (1991). In the following years, an inspiring cross-fertilization from complexity theory to solar and astrophysics took place, where the SOC concept was initially applied to solar flares, stellar flares, and magnetospheric substorms, and later extended to the radiation belt, the heliosphere, lunar craters, the asteroid belt, the Saturn ring, pulsar glitches, soft X-ray repeaters, blazars, black-hole objects, cosmic rays, and boson clouds. The application of SOC concepts has been performed by numerical cellular automaton simulations, by analytical calculations of statistical (powerlaw-like) distributions based on physical scaling laws, and by observational tests of theoretically predicted size distributions and waiting time distributions. Attempts have been undertaken to import physical models into the numerical SOC toy models, such as the discretization of magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) processes. The novel applications stimulated also vigorous debates about the discrimination between SOC models, SOC-like, and non-SOC processes, such as phase transitions, turbulence, random-walk diffusion, percolation, branching processes, network theory, chaos theory, fractality, multi-scale, and other complexity phenomena. We review SOC studies from the last 25 years and highlight new trends, open questions, and future challenges, as discussed during two recent ISSI workshops on this theme.Comment: 139 pages, 28 figures, Review based on ISSI workshops "Self-Organized Criticality and Turbulence" (2012, 2013, Bern, Switzerland

    The Lonely Leader: The effect of Creative and Innovative Leadership on Workplace Loneliness.

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    The main objectives of this research reported were to investigate the relationship between creative and innovative leadership, amongst males and females. One hundred and twenty-three leaders in various organisations around the world, participated in this study. The relationships were tested using the Creative and innovative Leadership Scale, Innovative performance scale and Loneliness in the workplace scale. The results showed a significant relationship between workplace loneliness and creative and innovative leadership, as higher reported creative and innovative leadership skills resulted in lower reported loneliness. Gender was found to have a non-significant effect on all variables. Unlike previous research, there were higher levels of loneliness reported amongst males, compared to females. Taken together, the results suggest that gender plays no role in how lonely or creative a leader is. It further suggests that creative and innovative leadership may act as a buffer to loneliness within the workplace for leaders

    Integrated flare model

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    This dissertation highlights the applicability of the SOC approach to the transient energy release events in the solar corona. Concerning the variability of the probability distribution functions’ exponents of the solar flares’ parameters related with the Rieger periodicity we develop an enhanced detection method based on the Scargle-Lomb periodogram and the Weighted Z wavelet transform, which shows that the Rieger periodicity is detectable also in weak flares without any privileged wavnumber in the propagation of the Rossby waves, which are assumed to be the cause for such periodicities. Regarding the fractality of solar flares, we investigate the correlation between the photospheric and the coronal structures through a non-linear force-free extrapolation of the magnetic field and the box-counting method, without finding any correlation due to the highly non-linear phenomena taking place in the low corona. Finally, we develop the static and the dynamic Integrated Flare Model based on cellular automata with driving and diffusion rules, which lead the simulated active regions to reach the state of the Self-Organized Criticality. Through this process we reproduce all the statistical properties of the solar flares, which are derived from the so far known observational studies.Αυτή η διατριβή επικεντρώνεται στην ανάδειξη της καταλληλότητας εφαρμογής της έννοιας της Κρίσιμης Αυτο-οργάνωσης στην περιγραφή των παροδικών γεγονότων έκλυσης ενέργειας στο ηλιακό στέμμα. Σχετικά με τη μεταβλητότητα των εκθετικών δεικτών των συναρτήσεων κατανομών των ηλιακών εκλάμψεων σε σχέση με την περιοδικότητα Rieger αναπτύσσεται μία εξελιγμένη μέθοδος ανίχνευσής της βασισμένη στο περιοδόγραμμα Scargle-Lomb και το Ζυγιμένο Μετασχηματισμό Κυματιδίου Ζ, που καταδεικνύει ότι η περιοδικότητα Rieger εμφανίζεται ακόμη και σε ασθενείς εκλάμψεις χωρίς προνομιακούς κυματάριθμους κατά τη διάδοση κυμάτων Rossby που πιθανώς αποτελούν την αιτία εμφάνισής της. Σε σχέση με τις φρακταλικές ιδιότητες εξετάζεται η συσχέτιση των δομών σε φωτοσφαιρικό και στεμματικό επίπεδο μέσω μη γραμμικής παρέκτασης του μαγνητικού πεδίου υπό την απουσία δυνάμεων και της μεθόδου απαρίθμησης κουτιών, χωρίς να προκύπτει καμία συσχέτιση λόγω των ισχυρά μη γραμμικών φαινομένων που συμβαίνουν σε χαμηλά στεμματικά ύψη. Τέλος αναπτύσσονται το στατικό και το δυναμικό Ολοκληρωμένο Μοντέλο Προσομοίωσης Εκλάμψεων, που βασίζονται σε κυψελικά αυτόματα με κανόνες οδήγησης και διάχυσης που οδηγούν τις προσομοιούμενες ενεργές περιοχές σε κατάσταση Κρίσιμης Αυτό-οργάνωσης. Μέσα από αυτήν τη διαδικασία αναπαράγονται όλες οι γνωστές στατιστικές ιδιότητες των εκλάμψεων από έως τώρα παρατηρήσεις