9 research outputs found

    Prevalence of poor biological response to clopidogrel: a systematic review

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    The existence of poor biological response to clopidogrel has been shown in some patients. Despite the increasing number of studies, this phenomenon remains difficult to quantify. We performed a systematic review to estimate the prevalence of poor biological response to clopidogrel and investigate the factors known to modulate this. An exhaustive search was performed. Altogether 171 publications were identified, providing data for a total of 45,664 subjects. The estimated prevalence of poor biological response to clopidogrel ranged from 15.9% to 49.5% according to the platelet function assay employed. The assays most frequently used were light transmittance aggregometry (LTA), the vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) assay and the Verifynow® assay. For all these assays, higher cut-off values were associated with a lower prevalence of poor biological response to clopidogrel. However, when choosing a fixed cut-off point for each assay, the prevalence of poor biological response to clopidogrel was highly variable suggesting that other factors could modulate poor biological response to clopidogrel. Finally, none of the studied factors could apparently explain the variability of poor biological response to clopidogrel. This meta-analysis shows that the prevalence of poor biological response depends on the assay employed, the cut-off value and on various unidentified additional factors

    "Exigua pars est vitae qua vivimus. Ceterum quidem omne spatium non vita sed tempus est” : divagazioni semantiche (e lessicali) su spatium e sui suoi esiti romanzi

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    diasistema latino, attestato in tutta la discretio della lingua che ci è dato conoscere dai testi, spatium manifesta una sorta di liminarità concettuale con tempus che solo a partire da un certo momento si scioglie nella complementarità dell’estensione spaziale e di quella temporale. Muovendo da questi presupposti, questo contributo cercherà di evidenziare la complessa stratificazione semantica di questa lessia di basilare importanza giacché connessa con categorie fondanti per l’esperienza umana tanto dal punto di vista cognitivo, tanto da quello linguistico e pragmatico. Esaurito l’excursus interno al latino si guarderà allora alla continuazione romanza, per cercare di capire se e in quale parte del lessico permangano tracce di quell’originaria complessità di spatium risolta probabilmente prima a livello “lessicografico” che semantico-concettuale