585 research outputs found

    An Examination of Employment Model and Policy and Procedure Practices of Secondary School Athletic Trainers

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the policy and procedure practices of secondary school athletic trainers based on employment models. Methods: Following an online informed consent confirmation, participants completed a Policies and procedures status questionnaire, including demographics. This was distributed to certified athletic trainers currently employed in the secondary school setting in the United States. The survey consisted of 49 questions about the status of policies and procedures being in operation and/or written form. Results from the policies and procedures questionnaire were combined with the recorded employment model type to compare the status of policies and procedures between employment models. This study utilized descriptive and inferential statistics consisting of means, frequencies, percentages, and chi square analyses to report results that described and compared the current status of policies and procedures based on employment model. Results: There was a total of 232 participants. Fifty-nine percent (59.9%) of participants were directly employed athletic trainers and 40.1% were outreach employed athletic trainers. Policy and procedure manuals were in existence according to 72% of the participants. A total of 49 variables were inquired about. Of the 26 clinically significant (pConclusion: The results revealed that athletic trainers who identified the outreach employment model were more likely to have policies in both operation and in written form over those identifying with the directly employed model

    An Examination of Policy and Procedure Practices of Secondary School Athletic Trainers

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the status of P&P practices of secondary school athletic trainers. Methods: Following an online informed consent confirmation, participants completed a Policies and Procedures Status questionnaire, including demographics. This was distributed to certified athletic trainers currently employed in the secondary school setting in the United States. The survey consisted of 49 questions about the status of P&Ps using one of the following responses: the practice is in operation and it appears in written form; the practice is in operation but does not appear in written form; the practice is not in operation but does appear in written form; and the practice is not in operation and it does not appear in written form. This study utilized descriptive statistics, consisting of means, frequencies, and percentages, to report results that described the current status of policies and procedures Results: There was a total of 232 participants. 72.6% of secondary school athletic trainers had existing P&P manuals and 37.9% reported the P&P manual existed when they acquired the position. 31.9% who did not have an existing P&P manual upon starting their position never developed a manual. 45.7% of all P&Ps were reported to exist in both written and operational form and 25.9% reported having neither written nor operational forms of P&Ps. 54.5% used the BOC Guiding Principles for AT Policy and Procedure Development and 45.2% used the BOC Facility Principles document. Conclusion: The results revealed almost half of participants reported the risk management practices in the P&P manual were in operational and written form. P&Ps that have been described in NATA Position Statements were more likely to be in both written and operational form when compared to those that were not. Secondary school athletic trainers may have limited guidance and training in risk management, with even less guidance on resources specifically for developing and reviewing P&Ps

    El despertar de la arquitectura moderna a orillas del Mediterráneo: debate y controversia en los contextos de Italia y España

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    Arquitectos y teóricos españoles e italianos identificaron las nuevas tendencias arquitectónicas procedentes de Europa como elementos exógenos. Corrían los años 20 y se presentaba ante ellos el problema de encontrar razones locales que justificasen la adopción de las ideas y las formas de la nueva arquitectura. Para ello acudieron a la tradición que les era propia: la tradición mediterránea, clásica y vernácula. Dilucidar el papel que la arquitectura vernácula tuvo en un proceso de búsqueda común de un lenguaje arquitectónico propio es el principal objetivo de este artículo.In the period studied ( 1920-1940), Italian and Spanish journals raised awareness of international architectural movements. Encouraging the dissemination of modern architecture in their respective environs, they became a key to its consolidation. The journals at issue include Architettura e Arti Decorative, founded in 1921 and later renamed Architettura ( Organo ufficiale del sindicato degli architetti), headed by Marcello Piacentini; Quadrante, with Pier Maria Bardi and Massimo Bontempelli at the helm ( 1933-1936); Casabella, managed by Edoardo Persico and Giuseppe Pagano; and Domus, founded in 1928 and run by Gio Ponti until the nineteen forties. In Spain, works authored by May, Taut, Gropius, Schumacher and others were published in any number of journals, such as Arquitectura, Órgano de la Sociedad Central de Arquitectos, Cortijos y Rascacielos, D’Aci i d’Allá, La Gaceta de les Arts, AC and Documentos de actividad contemporánea. The importance attached by these media to vernacular Mediterranean architecture, in connection in Italy with the debate around Mediterranean culture and in Spain with the national context, sheds light on the impact of the subject on architectural practice, irrespective of the positions adopted by the various journals and the opinions defended by their columnists. As a result of a revisionist approach to the Modernist Movement, a good deal of literature has appeared in recent decades on the development of modern architecture in the Mediterranean context. Drawing from those studies and focusing in particular on documentary sources, the primary aim of this article is to establish the role played by vernacular Mediterranean architecture in the appearance and unfolding of modern architecture in Mediterranean regions through a comparison of developments in Spain and Italy

    Parents' perspectives on the value of assistance dogs for children with autism spectrum disorder: a cross-sectional study

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    Objective While there is an emerging literature on the usefulness of assistance dogs for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), there is a dearth of quantitative data on the value of assistance dog interventions for the family unit and family functioning. Using previously validated scales and scales developed specifically for this study, we measured parents’/guardians’ perceptions of how having an assistance dog affects: (1) child safety from environmental dangers, (2) public reception of ASD and (3) levels of caregiver strain and sense of competence. We also obtained open-ended response data from parents/guardians on benefits and constraints of having an assistance dog. Setting This study was based in the primary care setting, within the context of a specific accredited assistance dog centre in Ireland. Participants A total of 134 parents/guardians with an assistance dog, and 87 parents of children on the waiting list were surveyed. Primary and secondary outcome measures The primary outcome measures were scores on environmental hazards and public reception scales. The secondary outcome measures were scores on caregiver strain and competence scales. Results Parents/guardians of children who have ASD and an assistance dog rate their child as significantly safer from environmental dangers (p<0.001), perceive that the public act more respectfully and responsibly towards their child (p<0.001) and feel more competent about managing their child (p=0.023) compared with parents on the waiting list. There was a concentration of positive feeling towards assistance dog interventions with particular focus on safety and comfort for children, and a sense of freedom from family restrictions associated with ASD. The amount of dedication and commitment required to care for a dog were viewed as the primary constraints. Conclusions Our findings indicate that parents perceive that assistance dog interventions can be a valuable intervention for families with children who have ASD


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    Ao longo do tempo tem-se assistido a uma atenção no estudo das questões de géneroe, também, sobre mulheres eminentes, ou seja, mulheres que alcançam a excelência em áreas econtextos valorizados socialmente, altamente competitivos e que exigem um nível superior deconhecimentos especializados. No entanto, alguns fatores foram surgindo na literatura comoinibidores do sucesso à medida que estas mulheres vão exercendo uma atividade profissional,podendo ser necessária intervenção no sentido de as ajudar a lidar com estas adversidades e aconstruir um projeto de carreira, de modo a não privar a sociedade do contributo que podemoferecer. Neste sentido, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é, numa lógica de estudo de caso,identificar e analisar de forma exploratória as características e os percursos de vida de um grupode alunas de mérito no ensino superior, procurando conhecer os fatores que parecemcondicionar o sucesso académico, a inserção no mercado de trabalho e a construção da carreira.As participantes são cinco mulheres que receberam pelo menos um prémio/bolsa de méritonuma universidade pública portuguesa, entre os anos letivos de 1999/2000 a 2012/2013. Osdados foram recolhidos através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e da aplicação do NEO-PI-R,Inventário de Personalidade NEO Revisto. As entrevistas foram analisadas através da análise deconteúdo e foram construídos perfis individuais dos traços avaliados pelo NEO-PI-R. Osresultados sugerem que, apesar de algumas idiossincrasias, as participantes apresentam fatorespessoais e contextuais comuns considerados fundamentais para a emergência e manutenção daexcelência na idade adulta, nomeadamente ao nível da personalidade (e.g. abertura àexperiência, conscienciosidade), da motivação (e.g. paixão pela área), da cognição (e.g.autorregulação). No entanto, verifica-se que no caso destas mulheres o reconhecimentoacadémico por mérito não significou, até ao momento, sucesso profissional de mérito excecionale reconhecido. Salienta-se que aspetos como a multipotencialidade, a dificuldade de gestão depapéis dentro e fora da carreira, as oportunidades e as próprias ambições e opções pessoaisparecem ter condicionado o investimento nas suas carreiras. Finalizamos com a apresentaçãodas limitações da presente investigação e com algumas sugestões para estudos futuros.&nbsp

    Embedded library services : beyond chance encounters for students from low SES backgrounds

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    This paper reports research that examined how the embedding of library services through the learning management system contributed to the experience of students from low socio-economic status (SES) backgrounds. To evaluate the embedded practice, the researchers used a mixed-method approach involving surveys with students and interviews with library and academic staff. Survey results showed gains in students\u27 awareness of library resources and in their confidence and satisfaction using them. Staff participants reported benefits to students from the improved visibility of the library and involvement of students in conversations about information literacy. The teacher derived personal benefits in learning more about digital information resources while library staff benefitted from the research-driven nature of the practice which strengthened their collaborative partnership with academic staff. Based on the evaluation, an embedded approach has been adopted at the university in additional courses which have similar student profiles. The outcomes are relevant more widely in demonstrating both the potential benefits of embedded practice for supporting diverse student populations and how libraries can target their activities more effectively to national and university agendas for improving student outcomes

    Anisotropic admixture in color-superconducting quark matter

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    The analysis of color-superconducting two-flavor deconfined quark matter at moderate densities is extended to include a particular spin-1 Cooper pairing of those quarks which do not participate in the standard spin-0 diquark condensate. (i) The relativistic spin-1 gap Delta' implies spontaneous breakdown of rotation invariance manifested in the form of the quasi-fermion dispersion law. (ii) The critical temperature of the anisotropic component is approximately given by the relation T_c'~ Delta'(T=0)/3. (iii) For massless fermions the gas of anisotropic Bogolyubov-Valatin quasiquarks becomes effectively gapless and two-dimensional. Consequently, its specific heat depends quadratically on temperature. (iv) All collective Nambu-Goldstone excitations of the anisotropic phase have a linear dispersion law and the whole system remains a superfluid. (v) The system exhibits an electromagnetic Meissner effect.Comment: v2: references added, angular dependence of the gap clarified, v3: extended discussion, typo in eq. (5) corrected, version accepted for publication in PR

    Measurement of gamma-ray production cross sections for nuclear reaction 31P(p,pγ1-0)31P

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    In order to implement a standard free PIGE analysis of phosphorus, the cross section of the reaction 31P(p,pγ1-0)31P, γ1-0=1266.1keV was measured for the proton energy range 2.6–4 MeV, with energy steps ranging from 1 keV on resonances to 10 keV off resonance. This data provides additional information in relation to previous works on this reaction, as a more detailed and extended (in energy) measurement was made. The results obtained in this work were compared within the common energy range with previous measurements. There is a fair agreement within the quoted uncertainties although a larger energy step was used by the other authors and some resonances were missed. Also, a validation was accomplished by introducing the measured excitation function in the ERYA code to calculate thick target phosphorus yields of Ca3(PO4)2 and comparing the calculated values with the corresponding measured yields and also with other thick target yields found in the literature. A good agreement was found.authorsversionpublishe

    Selected Lactobacillus strains isolated from sugary and milk kefir reduce Salmonella infection of epithelial cells in vitro

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    The isolation of potentially probiotic strains and the subsequent study of their properties are very important steps to gain insight in the health benefits ascribed to sugary and milk kefir. The aim of the present study was to characterise fifteen Lactobacillus strains isolated from these beverages by determining some surface properties and their ability to antagonise enterocyte cell damage after Salmonella infection in vitro. Lactobacillus surface properties were determined by hydrophobicity, autoaggregation, and coaggregation assays with Salmonella. In addition, lactobacilli adhesion to Caco-2/TC-7 cells and the effect on Salmonella invasion were evaluated. Finally, the disassembly of F-actin cytoskeleton on intestinal epithelial cells was assayed in vitro when Salmonella infection was performed in the presence of selected Lactobacillus strains. Ten out of the 15 strains showed a high adhesion capacity to Caco-2/ TC-7 cells. Most of the strains were hydrophilic and non-autoaggregating. Strains isolated from sugary kefir were non-coaggregating with Salmonella, while strains Lactobacillus paracasei CIDCA 83120, 83121, 83123, 83124, 8339, 83102 isolated from milk kefir were able to coaggregate after 1 h. L. paracasei CIDCA 8339 and Lactobacillus kefiri CIDCA 83102 were able to diminish Salmonella invasion to the enterocytes. An antagonistic effect on cytoskeleton disruption elicited by the pathogen was also demonstrated. Our results suggest that both strains isolated from milk kefir could be considered as appropriate probiotic candidates.Fil: Zavala, Lucía. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos; ArgentinaFil: Golowczyc, Marina Alejandra. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos; ArgentinaFil: Van Hoorde, K.. University of Ghent; BélgicaFil: Medrano, Micaela. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos; ArgentinaFil: Huys, G.. University of Ghent; BélgicaFil: Vandamme, P.. University of Ghent; BélgicaFil: Abraham, Analia Graciela. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos; Argentin