22 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of the stellar wind in the Cygnus X-1 system

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    The X-ray luminosity of black holes is produced through the accretion of material from their companion stars. Depending on the mass of the donor star, accretion of the material falling onto the black hole through the inner Lagrange point of the system or accretion by the strong stellar wind can occur. Cygnus X-1 is a high mass X-ray binary system, where the black hole is powered by accretion of the stellar wind of its supergiant companion star HDE226868. As the companion is close to filling its Roche lobe, the wind is not symmetric, but strongly focused towards the black hole. Chandra-HETGS observations allow for an investigation of this focused stellar wind, which is essential to understand the physics of the accretion flow. We compare observations at the distinct orbital phases of 0.0, 0.2, 0.5 and 0.75. These correspond to different lines of sights towards the source, allowing us to probe the structure and the dynamics of the wind.Comment: conference proceeding from Integral/Bart Workshop Karlsbad, CZ, 14.4-18.4 201

    Use of spectroscopic methods in colorectal cancer detection.

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    Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers and a global health problem. Approximately 8,000 new cases are diagnosed annually in the Czech Republic and about half of them die from this malignancy, with 20 % patients being under 60 years of age. It is still true that the greatest hope for successful treatment and management of the disease is given to patients by early diagnosis of cancer. There is still a remarkably high proportion of detection of colorectal cancer in the advanced stage, which is mainly due to the absence of reliable and sensitive clinical methods. The still unfavorable epidemiological situation is a clear challenge to further strengthen all activities aimed at active prevention and early diagnosis. Colorectal cancer is the best preventable disease of the gastrointestinal tract, it lasts for several years, when an invasive lesion gradually develops through a precursor lesion. This offers a sufficiently long diagnostic window, Therefore, attention is currently being focused to find affordable, sensitive and minimally invasive techniques that can provide early, simple, rapid, inexpensive and reliable diagnosis of this disease and could thus support or replace conventional diagnostic methods in the future. In our work, we focused on the use of completely new diagnostic...Kolorektální karcinom patří mezi jedno z nejčetnějších nádorových onemocnění a představuje globální zdravotnický problém. V České republice je ročně diagnostikováno přibližně 8000 nových případů a zhruba polovina na tuto malignity umírá, přičemž 20 % pacientů je mladších než 60 let. Stále platí, že největší nadějí na úspěšnou léčbu a zvládnutí nemoci dává pacientům včasná diagnóza nádorové choroby. Nadále trvá velmi vysoký podíl odhalení kolorektálního karcinomu v pokročilém stádiu, což je dáno především absencí spolehlivých a senzitivních klinických metod. Stále nepříznivá epidemiologická situace je jednoznačnou výzvou k dalšímu posílení všech aktivit směrujících k aktivní prevenci a včasné diagnostice. Kolorektální karcinom je totiž nejlépe preventabilním onemocnění gastrointestinálního traktu, trvá několik let, kdy přes prekurzorovou lézi vzniká postupně léze invazivní. Nabízí se tak dostatečně dlouhé diagnostické okno. V současné době se proto pozornost obrací na hledání dostupných, citlivých a minimálně invazivních technik, které můžou poskytnout včasnou, jednoduchou, rychlou, levnou a spolehlivou diagnostiku této nemoci a mohly by tak v budoucnu podpořit nebo nahradit konvenční diagnostické metody. V naší práci jsme se věnovali využití zcela nových diagnostických přístupů. K nadějným metodám...Onkologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFNDepartment of Oncology First Faculty of Medicine and General University HospitalFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Spectroscopy of the Stellar Wind in the Cygnus X-1 System

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    The X-ray luminosity of black holes is produced through the accretion of material from their companion stars. Depending on the mass of the donor star, accretion of the material falling onto the black hole through the inner Lagrange point of the system or accretion by the strong stellar wind can occur. Cygnus X-1 is a high mass X-ray binary system, where the black hole is powered by accretion of the stellar wind of its supergiant companion star HDE226868. As the companion is close to filling its Roche lobe, the wind is not symmetric, but strongly focused towards the black hole. Chandra-HETGS observations allow for an investigation of this focused stellar wind, which is essential to understand the physics of the accretion flow. We compare observations at the distinct orbital phases of 0.0, 0.2, 0.5 and 0.75. These correspond to different lines of sight towards the source, allowing us to probe the structure and the dynamics of the wind

    Transdisciplinary collaboration in architecture: Integrating microalgae biotechnologies for human and non-human perspectives

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    This article investigates the role of architectural research in addressing the current ecological, geopolitical, and socioeconomic challenges by exploring the potential of symbiotic ecosystems, particularly microorganisms such as microalgae, in architectural and design applications. Microalgae biotechnologies have the potential to offer a wide range of applications in architecture and design, encompassing small-scale objects, living systems on building exteriors, as well as urban and rural scenarios, thereby allowing for systematic research. When using these biotechnologies in architectural designs, it is crucial to consider maintenance requirements, environmental impacts, and the potential for enhancing public spaces and society across various dimensions in both short-term and long-term perspectives, and potential environmental impacts before implementing microalgae-based systems in real-life scenarios. This study de-scribes a collection of interdisciplinary projects and research that involve microbiology, architecture, and design and proposes various experimental scenarios concerning the integration of both human and non-human perspectives. Through collaborative aca-demic efforts, these projects demonstrate the potential for combining microalgae culti-vation with architectural applications. The projects include Photosynthetic Landscape, a modular photobioreactor system, Synthesizing/Distancing which addresses coexist-ence in global epidemics, Biotopia, a permanent interior installation incorporating microalgae, Exchange Instruments, a semi-closed cultivation system, and Cultivated Environment, a small-scale microalgae cultivation apparatus. The article highlights the implication of controlled environments, maintenance, and interdisciplinary coopera-tion while showcasing the potential for these systems

    Crafts, traditions and folkways for kindergarten

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    Bakalářská práce popisuje řemesla, tradice a lidové zvyky české kultury v její historii a současnosti. Seznamuje se zvyky a obyčeji v rámci ročních období a lidského životního cyklu. Přehled je určen především pro pedagogy MŠ a práci s předškolními dětmi. Měla by přispět k ucelenosti a přehlednosti tématu v prostředí MŠ. Zabývá se zařazováním a využitím řemesel, tradic a zvyků ve vzdělávání předškolních dětí. Seznamuje s řemeslnými postupy a představuje konkrétní nabídky činností pro práci s dětmi. Využitelnost tématu v prostředí MŠ je v práci dokazována fotodokumentací. Při psaní práce byly využity metody pozorování a dotazník. V závěru práce je vytvořena praktická nabídka činností k lidovým zvykům a svátkům pro předškolní děti.ObhájenoThe dissertation describes crafts, traditions and folkways of Czech culture in its history and present. It introduces the customs and traditions during the seasons and human life cycle. The overview is designed primarily for teachers of kindergartens and for working with preschool children. The study should contribute to coherence and clarity topic in the kindergarten environment. It deals with classification and use of crafts, traditions and customs in the education of preschool children and acquaints us with craft techniques and presents specific activities offered to work with children. Usability of the topic in the environment of kindergartens is evidenced by photographs. When writing were used the methods of observation and a questionnaire. In the end was created a practical offer of activities to folk customs and festivals for preschool children

    Comparative Analysis of Draw Financial Means from the European Union's Funds

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    The goal of this work is analysis of financial funds from the EU and final recommendations for Czech republic. To analyse different EU countries is the way to obtain the main goal of this work. Results represents synthesis of qualitative and quantitative data

    Fire occurrence mapping for providing the risk analyses and fire investigation purposes

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    In the paper, there are introduced the results of analysis of fire occurrence data and a map of spatial distribution of fire occurrence in the territory of Presov region in period 2004 - 2013. To provide the analysis was necessary to build a fire geodatabase, which contained the data that are collected at the Fire Research Institute since 1996. To visualize the data on fire occurrence we used the cartogram built in the ArcGIS environment. The results of such analysis are necessary as for providing the fire risk analyses as for fire investigation purposes

    Variable doppler shifts of the thermal wind absorption lines in low-mass x-ray binaries

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    In this paper we address the general applicability of the method pioneered by \citet{Zhang2012} in which the motion of the compact object can be tracked using wind X-ray absorption lines. We present the velocity measurements of the thermal wind lines observed in the X-ray spectrum of a few low-mass X-ray binaries: GX 13+1, H 1743-322, GRO J1655-40 and GRS 1915+105. We find that the variability in the velocity of the wind lines in about all of the sources is larger than conceivable radial velocity variations of the compact object. GX 13+1 provides a potential exception, although it would require the red giant star to be massive with a mass of 56 M\approx 5-6\ M_{\odot}. We conclude that the variability of the source luminosity occurring on a time scale of days/months can affect the outflow properties making it difficult to track the orbital motion of the compact object using current observations. Given the intrinsic variability of the outflows we suggest that low-mass X-ray binaries showing stable coronae instead of an outflow (e.g. 4U 1254-69, MXB 1659-29, 4U 1624-49) could be more suitable targets for tracking the orbital motion of the compact object.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS; typos corrected, references updated, clarification added in the introduction and table 2, conclusions unchange