3 research outputs found

    3D genomics across the tree of life reveals condensin II as a determinant of architecture type

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    We investigated genome folding across the eukaryotic tree of life. We find two types of three-dimensional(3D) genome architectures at the chromosome scale. Each type appears and disappears repeatedlyduring eukaryotic evolution. The type of genome architecture that an organism exhibits correlates with theabsence of condensin II subunits. Moreover, condensin II depletion converts the architecture of thehuman genome to a state resembling that seen in organisms such as fungi or mosquitoes. In this state,centromeres cluster together at nucleoli, and heterochromatin domains merge. We propose a physicalmodel in which lengthwise compaction of chromosomes by condensin II during mitosis determineschromosome-scale genome architecture, with effects that are retained during the subsequent interphase.This mechanism likely has been conserved since the last common ancestor of all eukaryotes.C.H. is supported by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds; C.H., Á.S.C., and B.D.R. are supported by an ERC CoG (772471, “CohesinLooping”); A.M.O.E. and B.D.R. are supported by the Dutch Research Council (NWO-Echo); and J.A.R. and R.H.M. are supported by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF). T.v.S. and B.v.S. are supported by NIH Common Fund “4D Nucleome” Program grant U54DK107965. H.T. and E.d.W. are supported by an ERC StG (637597, “HAP-PHEN”). J.A.R., T.v.S., H.T., R.H.M., B.v.S., and E.d.W. are part of the Oncode Institute, which is partly financed by the Dutch Cancer Society. Work at the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics is sponsored by the NSF (grants PHY-2019745 and CHE-1614101) and by the Welch Foundation (grant C-1792). V.G.C. is funded by FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundation and Higher Education Personnel) grants 2016/13998-8 and 2017/09662-7. J.N.O. is a CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research. E.L.A. was supported by an NSF Physics Frontiers Center Award (PHY-2019745), the Welch Foundation (Q-1866), a USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative grant (2017-05741), the Behavioral Plasticity Research Institute (NSF DBI-2021795), and an NIH Encyclopedia of DNA Elements Mapping Center Award (UM1HG009375). Hi-C data for the 24 species were created by the DNA Zoo Consortium (www.dnazoo.org). DNA Zoo is supported by Illumina, Inc.; IBM; and the Pawsey Supercomputing Center. P.K. is supported by the University of Western Australia. L.L.M. was supported by NIH (1R01NS114491) and NSF awards (1557923, 1548121, and 1645219) and the Human Frontiers Science Program (RGP0060/2017). The draft A. californica project was supported by NHGRI. J.L.G.-S. received funding from the ERC (grant agreement no. 740041), the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (grant no. BFU2016-74961-P), and the institutional grant Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu (MDM-2016-0687). R.D.K. is supported by NIH grant RO1DK121366. V.H. is supported by NIH grant NIH1P41HD071837. K.M. is supported by a MEXT grant (20H05936). M.C.W. is supported by the NIH grants R01AG045183, R01AT009050, R01AG062257, and DP1DK113644 and by the Welch Foundation. E.F. was supported by NHGR

    High Resolution View on the Regulation of Recombinase Accumulation in Mammalian Meiosis

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    A distinguishing feature of meiotic DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), compared to DSBs in somatic cells, is the fact that they are induced in a programmed and specifically orchestrated manner, which includes chromatin remodeling prior to DSB induction. In addition, the meiotic homologous recombination (HR) repair process that follows, is different from HR repair of accidental DSBs in somatic cells. For instance, meiotic HR involves preferred use of the homolog instead of the sister chromatid as a repair template and subsequent formation of crossovers and non-crossovers in a tightly regulated manner. An important outcome of this distinct repair pathway is the pairing of homologous chromosomes. Central to the initial steps in homology recognition during meiotic HR is the cooperation between the strand exchange proteins (recombinases) RAD51 and its meiosis-specific paralog DMC1. Despite our understanding of their enzymatic activity, details on the regulation of their assembly and subsequent molecular organization at meiotic DSBs in mammals have remained largely enigmatic. In this review, we summarize recent mouse data on recombinase regulation via meiosis-specific factors. Also, we reflect on bulk “omics” studies of initial meiotic DSB processing, compare these with studies using super-resolution microscopy in single cells, at single DSB sites, and explore the implications of these findings for our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying meiotic HR regulation

    Untangling the contribution of Haspin and Bub1 to Aurora B function during mitosis

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    Aurora B kinase is essential for faithful chromosome segregation during mitosis. During (pro)metaphase, Aurora B is concentrated at the inner centromere by the kinases Haspin and Bub1. However, how Haspin and Bub1 collaborate to control Aurora B activity at centromeres remains unclear. Here, we show that either Haspin or Bub1 activity is sufficient to recruit Aurora B to a distinct chromosomal locus. Moreover, we identified a small, Bub1 kinase-dependent Aurora B pool that supported faithful chromosome segregation in otherwise unchallenged cells. Joined inhibition of Haspin and Bub1 activities fully abolished Aurora B accumulation at centromeres. While this impaired the correction of erroneous KT-MT attachments, it did not compromise the mitotic checkpoint, nor the phosphorylation of the Aurora B kinetochore substrates Hec1, Dsn1, and Knl1. This suggests that Aurora B substrates at the kinetochore are not phosphorylated by centromere-localized pools of Aurora B, and calls for a reevaluation of the current spatial models for how tension affects Aurora B-dependent kinetochore phosphorylation