303 research outputs found

    Power and Resourse Efficient Envoronmentally Safe Technology for Processing Dumps of Technogenic Waste From Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprises

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    This research proposes a systematic approach for the analysis of volumes, physicochemical, granulometric, lithologic and thermal characteristics of waste from ore-dressing and processing enterprises stored in the dumps (tailing dumps) of ore-dressing and processing plants to assess the economic potential of its use in the system of complex power and resource efficient environmentally safe processing including palletizing machines, conveyor indurating machines and ore–thermal furnaces. The obtained results allow the authors to formulate the basic engineering, technological, economic and environmental requirements for complex chemical and power engineering systems of processing technogenic waste from ore-dressing and processing plants, these results make it also possible to define the degree of variability for the characteristics of the waste lots from various dumps. The paper describes the developed intensional and mathematical formulations for the multiscale problem of optimizing chemical and power engineering processes of technogenic raw materials processing in a complex chemical and power engineering system as a problem for discrete dynamic programming. The distinctive feature of this problem is to take into account the spatio-temporal multistage processing in a moving multilayer mass of pelletized raw material, the intensity of the process of internal moisture transfer and the variables for the control flow of the heat carrier gas. It allows increasing power efficiency by intensifying heat and mass transfer processes of multilayer drying, calcination and sintering. The criterion of the efficiency is the minimum cost of electric and thermal energy spent on processing. The obtained results were used to calculate power efficient environmentally safe processing of technogenic waste from ore-dressing and processing enterprises dumps. It was defined that heat and mass transfer processes are intensified, power consumption is reduced and the quality of the finished product is increased in the conditions of optimal power and resource efficient operation for the processing system. Keywords: tecnhogenic waste, waste processing, ore-dressing and processing plant, power and resource efficiency, optimization, system analysis, environmentally safet

    On the average rank of LYM-sets

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    Let S be a finite set with some rank function r such that the Whitney numbers wi = |{x S|r(x) = i}| are log-concave. Given so that wk − 1 < wk wk + m, set W = wk + wk + 1 + … + wk + m. Generalizing a theorem of Kleitman and Milner, we prove that every F S with cardinality |F| W has average rank at least kwk + … + (k + m) wk + m/W, provided the normalized profile vector x1, …, xn of F satisfies the following LYM-type inequality: x0 + x1 + … + xn m + 1

    Sperner type theorems with excluded subposets

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    Let F be a family of subsets of an n-element set. Sperner's theorem says that if there is no inclusion among the members of F then the largest family under this condition is the one containing all ⌊ frac(n, 2) ⌋-element subsets. The present paper surveys certain generalizations of this theorem. The maximum size of F is to be found under the condition that a certain configuration is excluded. The configuration here is always described by inclusions. More formally, let P be a poset. The maximum size of a family F which does not contain P as a (not-necessarily induced) subposet is denoted by La (n, P). The paper is based on a lecture of the author at the Jubilee Conference on Discrete Mathematics [Banasthali University, January 11-13, 2009], but it was somewhat updated in December 2010. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Optimality, Equilibrium, and Curb Sets in Decision Problems without Commitment

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    The paper considers a class of decision problems with infinite time horizon that contains Markov decision problems as an important special case. Our interest concerns the case where the decision maker cannot commit himself to his future action choices. We model the decision maker as consisting of multiple selves, where each history of the decision problem corresponds to one self. Each self is assumed to have the same utility function as the decision maker. We introduce the notions of Nash equilibrium, subgame perfect equilibrium, and curb sets for decision problems. An optimal policy at the initial history is a Nash equilibrium but not vice versa. Both subgame perfect equilibria and curb sets are equivalent to subgame optimal policies. The concept of a subgame optimal policy is therefore robust to the absence of commitment technologies

    Stability of Rossby waves in the beta-plane approximation

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    Floquet theory is used to describe the unstable spectrum at large scales of the beta-plane equation linearized about Rossby waves. Base flows consisting of one to three Rossby wave are considered analytically using continued fractions and the method of multiple scales, while base flow with more than three Rossby waves are studied numerically. It is demonstrated that the mechanism for instability changes from inflectional to triad resonance at an O(1) transition Rhines number Rh, independent of the Reynolds number. For a single Rossby wave base flow, the critical Reynolds number Re^c for instability is found in various limits. In the limits Rh --> infinity and k --> 0, the classical value Re^c = sqrt(2) is recovered. For Rh --> 0 and all orientations of the Rossby wave except zonal and meridional, the base flow is unstable for all Reynolds numbers; a zonal Rossby wave is stable, while a meridional Rossby wave has critical Reynolds number Re^c = sqrt(2). For more isotropic base flows consisting of many Rossby waves (up to forty), the most unstable mode is purely zonal for 2 <= Rh < infinity and is nearly zonal for Rh = 1/2, where the transition Rhines number is again O(1), independent of the Reynolds number and consistent with a change in the mechanism for instability from inflectional to triad resonance.Comment: 56 pages, 31 figures, submitted to Physica

    Subgame perfect equilibria in majoritarian bargaining

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    We study the division of a surplus under majoritarian bargaining in the three-person case. In a stationary equilibrium as derived by Baron and Ferejohn (1989), the proposer offers one third times the discount factor of the surplus to a second player and allocates no payoff to the third player, a proposal which is accepted without delay. Laboratory experiments show various deviations from this equilibrium, where different offers are typically made and delay may occur before acceptance. We address the issue to what extent these findings are compatible with subgame perfect equilibrium and characterize the set of subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs for any value of the discount factor. We show that for any proposal in the interior of the space of possible agreements there exists a discount factor such that the proposal is made and accepted. We characterize the values of the discount factor for which equilibria with one-period delay exist. We show that any amount of equilibrium delay is possible and we construct subgame perfect equilibria such that arbitrary long delay occurs with probability one

    Theoretical Bases of Electrochemical Cleaning of Oil-contaminated Soil

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    This study developstheoretical bases for the electrochemical process of cleaning soils from oil, oil products and highly mineralized reservoir water. The article experimentally and theoretically reveals patterns of reducing the content of polluting oil products in soils of various types during the small voltage passing. The optimal amount of electricity for the effective removal of various types of pollution was required. For the implementation of a electrochemical soil cleaning process a scheme of an original installation with placement of electrodes in the soil was studied. It reduces the resistance between the electrodes. The technical and economical calculations to determine energy costs of the electrochemical installation for cleaning oil-contaminated soils included: the number of electrodes; the voltage depending on the properties of the soil; the area; the depth of contamination of the soil to be treated;azndthe parameters of the electrodes. This allowed us to determine and develop the required degree of cleaning. Keywords: electrochemical process, charge, soil, oil products, voltage, cleanin

    Two-part and k-Sperner families: New proofs using permutations

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    This is a paper about the beauty of the permutation method. New and shorter proofs are given for the theorem [P. L. Erdős and G. O. H. Katona, J. Combin. Theory. Ser. A,4