250 research outputs found
Translating modernist language: the case of Gertrude Stein’s repetition
The present dissertation offers a comparative analysis of the two translations into
Spanish of Gertrude Stein’s The Making of Americans (1925). The following pages
study the different translations of the last chapter of the novel, History of a Family’s
Progress: the first translation done by Antolín-Rato (1974), and the second and last
translation by Aragón (2005). The focus of this project will be centered in analyzing one
of the most representative language experimentation techniques in expatriate modernist
Gertrude Stein, the repetition. We will compare how both translators face the challenge
of translating Stein’s repetitions and in so doing, which techniques they use.El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado ofrece un análisis comparativo de las dos
traducciones al español que existen de The Making of Americans (1925) de Gertrude
Stein. A lo largo del presente trabajo se estudian las distintas traducciones del último
capítulo del libro, History of a Family’s Progress. La primera traducción por
AntolínRato (1974) y la segunda y última traducción hecha por Aragón (2005). El
objetivo de esta investigación se centrará en analizar una de las técnicas de
experimentación con el lenguaje más representativas de la modernista expatriada
Gertrude Stein, la repetición. Se comparará cómo los traductores afrontan el reto de
traducir la repetición de Stein, y qué técnicas de traducción utilizan para ello.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese
Biometría de la pardela cenicienta Calonectris diomedea y paiño común Hydrobates pelagicus para el estudio de su aerodinámica y vuelo
En este trabajo se analiza, desde unas medidas biométricas concretas, el vuelo y el aprovechamiento aerodinámico de la pardela cenicienta Calonectris diomedea y del paiño común Nydrobates pelagicus. Al mismo tiempo se pretende iniciar una base de datos lo suficientemente diversa y completa para estudiar, más adelant,. la aerodinámica del vuelo de lals aves, así como la importancia que tienen los macanismos de hipersustentación que presentan las alas y en concreto el álula. El álula actúa como un mecanismo llamndo hipersustentador puesto que permite al ave volar a bajas velocidades en las cUales el ala perdería sustentaciÓn. Esta situación se da habitualmente durame los aterrizajes y despegues pero también puede presentarse en ciertas ocasiones durante el vuelo, al realizar maniobras acrobáticas, giros bruscos y operaciones que impliquen una pérdida de velocidad significativa.En aquest treball s'analiIZa, des d'unes mides biomètriques çoncretes, el vol i l'alprofitamcnt aerodinàmic del virot Calonectris diomedea i de la noneta Hydrobates pellagicus. Alhora hom pretén iniciar una base de dades prou diversa i completa per estudiar-ne, més envant, l'aerodinàmica del vol, així com la importància que tenen els mecanismes d'hipersustentació que presenten les ales i concretament, l'àlula. L'àlula actua com un mecanisme anomenat hipersustentador atès que permet que les aus puguin volar a baixes velocitats en les quals l'ala perdria sustentació. Aquesta situació es dóna habitualment durant els aterratges i enlairaments, però també pot presentar-se en determinades ocasions durant el vol, en realitzar maniobres acrobàtiques, girs bruscs i operacions que impliquin una pèrdua de velocitat significativa.Biometry of Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea and Brithish Strom-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus and the study of there aerodynamics and flight. In this article, Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea and British Storm-petrel's Hydrobates pelagicus flight and aerodynamics are analysed by taking centain biometric measures. At the same time we intend to recompile information for a data base, with complete and varied information, With the intention of studying in the future the aerodynamics of night in birds; emphasising on the mcchanisms of hypersustentation of the wing, and the role of alula. The alula, working as a hypersustention feature of the wing, allows the bird tO fly at low speeds without loses in lift. This situation generally occurs at landings and take-off, but it sometimes happens during flight, when making acrobatic manoeuvers, sharp tums and motions which cause a significant loss of speed
Predicting topology propagation messages in mobile ad hoc networks: The value of history
This research was funded by the Spanish Government under contracts TIN2016-77836-C2-1-R,TIN2016-77836-C2-2-R, and DPI2016-77415-R, and by the Generalitat de Catalunya as Consolidated ResearchGroups 2017-SGR-688 and 2017-SGR-990.The mobile ad hoc communication in highly dynamic scenarios, like urban evacuations or search-and-rescue processes, plays a key role in coordinating the activities performed by the participants. Particularly, counting on message routing enhances the communication capability among these actors. Given the high dynamism of these networks and their low bandwidth, having mechanisms to predict the network topology offers several potential advantages; e.g., to reduce the number of topology propagation messages delivered through the network, the consumption of resources in the nodes and the amount of redundant retransmissions. Most strategies reported in the literature to perform these predictions are limited to support high mobility, consume a large amount of resources or require training. In order to contribute towards addressing that challenge, this paper presents a history-based predictor (HBP), which is a prediction strategy based on the assumption that some topological changes in these networks have happened before in the past, therefore, the predictor can take advantage of these patterns following a simple and low-cost approach. The article extends a previous proposal of the authors and evaluates its impact in highly mobile scenarios through the implementation of a real predictor for the optimized link state routing (OLSR) protocol. The use of this predictor, named OLSR-HBP, shows a reduction of 40–55% of topology propagation messages compared to the regular OLSR protocol. Moreover, the use of this predictor has a low cost in terms of CPU and memory consumption, and it can also be used with other routing protocols.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
TRPA1 channels mediate cold temperature sensing in mammalian vagal sensory neurons: Pharmacological and genetic evidence
Cold thermoreceptors have been described in different territories of the vagus nerve. Application of cold temperature to these visceral afferents can evoke major protective reflexes and thermoregulatory responses. However, virtually nothing is known about the transduction mechanisms underlying cold sensitivity in vagal afferents. Here, we investigated the effects of cold stimulation on intracellular calcium responses and excitability of cultured vagal sensory neurons in the rat nodose ganglion. A large fraction of vagal neurons were activated by cold, with a mean threshold of ∼24°C. Cooling was accompanied by development of a small inward current and the firing of action potentials. Most cold-sensitive neurons were also activated by heat and capsaicin, suggesting a nociceptive function. The pharmacological response to TRPM8 and TRPA1 agonists and antagonists suggested that, unlike results observed in somatic tissues, TRPA1 is the major mediator of cold-evoked responses in vagal visceral neurons. Thus, most cold-evoked responses were potentiated by cinnamaldehyde, menthol, icilin, and BCTC [4-(3-chloro-pyridin-2-yl)-piperazine- 1-carboxylic acid (4-tert-butyl-phenyl)-amide], agonists of TRPA1, and were inhibited by ruthenium red, camphor, and HC03001 [2-(1,3-dimethyl-2,6-dioxo-1,2, 3,6-tetrahydro-7H-purin-7-yl)-N-(4-isopropylphenyl)acetamide]. Results in mouse nodose neurons revealed a similar pharmacological profile of cold-evoked responses. Furthermore, experiments in TRPA1 knock-out mice showed a large reduction in the percentage of cold-sensitive neurons compared with wild-type animals. Together, these results support an important role of TRPA1 channels in visceral thermosensation and indicate major differences in the transduction of temperature signals between somatic and visceral sensory neurons. Copyright © 2008 Society for Neuroscience.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science Project Grants BFU2007-61855 (F.V.) and BFU2005-08741 (C.B.), and Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Grant CSD2007-00023 (C.B.). O.F. and V.M were supported by predoctoral fellowships from the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and the Generalitat Valenciana.Peer Reviewe
On the Correlation Between Heart Rate and Driving Style in Real Driving Scenarios
[EN] Driving safety is of utmost importance in our society. The number of fatalities due to car accidents is still very high, and reducing this trend requires as much attention as possible. There are situations where the emotional conditions of drivers vary due to reasons beyond their control, or because they decide to change their driving style. Hence, we consider that such frequent situations deserve more scrutiny. In this work we addressed such issues by designing an Android application able to monitor in real-time both physiological data from the driver and diagnostic data from the vehicle (this data is obtained using an OBD-II connector) to study their correlation. Among the various non-invasive biomedical sensors available nowadays, we have adopted heart rate sensors, either packaged in belts or in smart watches. This allows studying the relationship between driving aggressiveness and heart rate. For our analysis we focused on fourteen different routes accounting a total driving time of 6 hours and 2 minutes, which we have split into three separate categories: urban, suburban, and highway routes. We analyzed the correlation between the heart rate and the driving style for each of the three groups. Our experiments show that the differences in terms of heart rate between quiet and aggressive behavior range between 2.5 % and 3 % beats per minute higher for the latter behaviour compared to the former.This work was partially supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Proyectos I+D+I 2014, Spain, under Grant TEC2014-52690-R.Meseguer Anastasio, JE.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Cano, J. (2017). On the Correlation Between Heart Rate and Driving Style in Real Driving Scenarios. Mobile Networks and Applications. 1-8. doi:10.1007/s11036-017-0833-xS18Gibson PM, Wiesenthal DL (1996) The Driving Vengeance Questionnaire (DVQ): the development of a scale to measure deviant drivers, LaMarsh Research Programme Report Series, No. 54Cohen S (1980) After effects of stress on human performance and social behavior: a review of research and theory. Psychol Bull 88:82–108Gravina R, Fortino G (2016) Automatic Methods for the Detection of Accelerative Cardiac Defense Response. IEEE Trans Affect Comput 7(3):Andreoli A et al SPINE-HRV: A BSN-based toolkit for heart rate variability analysis in the time-domain, Wearable and Autonomous Systems, pp 369–389Karel A, Cornelie JG, Tineke H (2001) Driving with a congestion assistant; mental workload and acceptance. Psychophysiol Ergon 40(6):1019–1025Shuii S, Kazushi T, Masanori K (2001) Heart rate variability during long truck driving work. J Human Ergol 30(1-2):235–240Keyword Protocol 2000 (1999) International Organization for StandardizationISO 9141-2:1994/Amd 1:1996,1196 (1996) International Organization for StandardizationKhan MA, Raza A (2013) Development of an On-board Diagnostic (OBD) Kit for Troubleshooting of Compliant Vehicle, Emerging Technologies (ICET), 2013 IEEE 9th International ConferenceHaykin S (1994) Neural Networks: A Comprehen-sive Foundation, Macmillan, p 2Hecht-Nielsen R (1989) Theory of the backpropagation neural network - Neural Networks, IJCNN., International Joint ConferenceMeseguer J.E, Calafate C.T, Cano JC, Manzoni P (2015) Assessing the Impact of Driving Behavior on Instantaneous Fuel Consumption, IEEE 12th Consumer Communications and Networking ConferenceKuhler M, Kartens D (1978) Improved driving cycle for testing automotive exhaust emissions, SAE Technical Paper Series 780650Johansson H et al (2003) Impact of EcoDriving on emissions. International Scientific Symposium on Transport and Air Pollution, Avignon, FranceRakha H (2011) Simple Comprehensive Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emission Model based on Instantaneous Vehicle Power. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.Meseguer JE, Calafate CT, Cano JC, Manzoni P (2013) DrivingStyles: a smartphone application to assess driver behavior, 18th IEEE symposium on Computers and CommunicationsRiener A (2012) Subliminal Persuasion and Its Potential for Driver Behavior Adaptation, IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transportation, pp 1–10ELM327DS (2010) OBD to RS232 Interpreter, Elm Electronics CircuitsLajunen T, Parker D, Summala H (1999) Does traffic congestion increase driver aggression?, Transportation Research Part F2 225-23
Energy-Aware Topology Control Strategy for Human-Centric Wireless Sensor Networks
The adoption of mobile and ubiquitous solutions that involve participatory or opportunistic sensing increases every day. This situation has highlighted the relevance of optimizing the energy consumption of these solutions, because their operation depends on the devices’ battery lifetimes. This article presents a study that intends to understand how the prediction of topology control messages in human-centric wireless sensor networks can be used to help reduce the energy consumption of the participating devices. In order to do that, five research questions have been defined and a study based on simulations was conducted to answer these questions. The obtained results help identify suitable mobile computing scenarios where the prediction of topology control messages can be used to save energy of the network nodes. These results also allow estimating the percentage of energy saving that can be expected, according to the features of the work scenario and the participants behavior. Designers of mobile collaborative applications that involve participatory or opportunistic sensing, can take advantage of these findings to increase the autonomy of their solutions.Fil: Meseguer, Roc . Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya; EspañaFil: Molina, Carlos. Universitat Rovira I Virgili; EspañaFil: Ochoa, Sergio F.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Santos, Rodrigo Martin. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingenieria Electrica y de Computadoras. Laboratorio de Sistemas Digitales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería Eléctrica; Argentin
A New Bayesian Inference Methodology for Modeling Geochemical Elements in Soil with Covariates. Characterization of Lithium in South Iberian Range (Spain)
When the scientific need to model
elements in soil, is using geostatistical methodologies, for
instance krigings, but we can use a new possibility with
Bayesian Inference. The models for the analysis were specified
by the authors and estimated using Bayesian inference for
ian Markov Random Field (GMRF) through the
Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) algorithm.
The results allow us to quantify and assess possible spatial
relationships between the distribution of lithium and other
possible explanatory elements. Are
these other elements
significant to the study? We believe the methods outlined here
may help to find elements such as lithium, as well as
contributing to the prediction and management of new
extractions or prospection in a region in order to find each
mical element. The application for the modeling is to study
the spatial variation in the distribution of lithium and its
relationship to other geochemical elements is analyzed in
terms of the different possibilities offered by geographical and
l factors. All in all, Lithium presents many
important and meaningful uses and applications such as:
ceramics and glass, electrical and electronics standing out
lithium ion batteries, as well as a lubricator for greases, in
metallurgy, pyrotechnics, air pu
rification, optics, organic and
polymer chemistry, and medicine. This study aims to examine
the distribution of lithium in sediments from the area of
Beceite, in the Iberian Range and the Catalan Coastal Range
(Catalànids), within the geological context of
the Iberian Plate.
The Atlas Geoquímico de España (IGME, 2012) was used as
the main geochemical data bank in order to carry out a
statistical analysis study
A new spinosaurid dinosaur species from the Early Cretaceous of Cinctorres (Spain)
A new spinosaurid genus and species is described based on the right maxilla and five caudal vertebrae of a single specimen from the Arcillas de Morella Formation (Early Cretaceous) at the locality of Cinctorres (Castellón, Spain). Protathlitis cinctorrensis gen. et sp. nov. is diagnosed by one autapomorphic feature as well as by a unique combination of characters. The autapomorphy includes a subcircular depression in the anterior corner of the antorbital fossa in the maxilla. The new Iberian species is recovered as a basal baryonychine. The recognition of Protathlitis cinctorrensis gen. et sp. nov. as the first baryonychine dinosaur species identified from the Arcillas de Morella Formation (late Barremian) from the same time as Vallibonavenatrix cani, the first spinosaurine dinosaur from the same formation in the Morella subbasin (Maestrat Basin, eastern Spain), indicates that the Iberian Peninsula was home to a highly diverse assemblage of medium-to-large bodied spinosaurid dinosaurs. It seems that spinosaurids appeared during the Early Cretaceous in Laurasia, with the two subfamilies occupying the western part of Europe during this period. Later, during the Barremian–Aptian, they migrated to Africa and Asia, where they would diversify. In Europe, baryonychines were dominant, while in Africa, spinosaurines were most abundant
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