106 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Karyawan PT. Bio Nusantara Teknologi Jl. Lintas Utara Km. 19 Bengkulu Tengah

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    Merta Kusuma, Tm. Said:The purpose of this research is to know the influence of motivation, work environment, selection, and training toward employee's performance in PT BIO Nusantara Teknologi. Population of this research was 550 permanent employees in PT BIO Nusantara Teknologi. Sampling techniques that used in this research were Nonprobability and Insidental sampling. To determined the sample used Solvin formula, so there was 84 people as samples. Data collection techniques were observation questionnaire, and interview. Data analysis techniques used by researcher were qualitative and quantitative analysis which consists of a multiple regression model and coefficient of determination. The result of this research used regression test Y= 6.003 + 0.230 X1 + 0.134 X2 + 0.188 X3 + 0.232 X4. While the result of determination R = 0.472 and R2 = 0223. T test significant level < 0,05 so, there was significant influence, if significant level > 0,05 so, there was not significant influence, the result of each t sig was 0,021 for motivation variable, 0,034 for work environment variable, 0,045 for selection, and 0,049 for training variable. The four variables were < 0,05 so there was significant influence. Next, F test, if F sig < 0,05 and (Fanova > F table) so, Ho was rejected ad H1 was accepted, the result of F sig=(0,000) < 0,05 and (5,673>2,337)so, the regression model can be used to predict employee's performance variable or it can be said that the motivation variable (X1), work environment(X2), selection(X3), and training(X4) were influenced employee's performance(Y) together in PT BIO Nusantara Teknologi

    Efficacy and feasibility of proton beam therapy in relapsed high-risk neuroblastoma-experiences from the prospective KiProReg registry

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    BACKGROUND: Despite an intensive multimodal treatment approach, approximately 50% of high-risk (HR) neuroblastoma (NB) patients experience progression. Despite the advances in targeted therapy, high-dose chemotherapy, and other systemic treatment options, radiation therapy (RT) to sites of relapsed disease can be an option to reduce tumor burden and improve chance for disease control. METHODS: Patients who received salvage irradiation with proton beam therapy (PBT) for local or metastatic relapse of HR NB within the prospective registry trials KiProReg and ProReg were eligible for this retrospective analysis. Data on patient characteristics, multimodality therapy, adverse events, and oncologic endpoints were evaluated. Adverse events were assessed before, during, and after PBT according to common terminology criteria for adverse events (CTCAE) V4.0. RESULTS: Between September 2013 and September 2020, twenty (11 male; 9 female) consecutive patients experiencing local (N = 9) or distant recurrence (N = 25) were identified for this analysis. Distant recurrences included osteomedullary (N = 11) or CNS lesions (N = 14). Salvage therapy consisted of re-induction chemo- or chemo-immuno-therapy (N = 19), surgery (N = 6), high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation (N = 13), radiation (N = 20), and concurrent systemic therapy. Systemic therapy concurrent to RT was given to six patients and included temozolomide (N = 4), carboplatine (N = 1), or anaplastic lymphoma kinase tyrosine kinase inhibitors (ALK-TKI) (N = 1). A median dose of 36 Gy was applied to the 34 recurrent sites. Local RT was applied to 15 patients, while five patients, received craniospinal irradiation for CNS relapse. After a median follow-up (FU) of 20 months (4-66), the estimated rate for local control, distant metastatic free survival, and overall survival at 3 years was 68.0%, 37.9%, and 61.6%, respectively. During RT, ten patients (50%) presented with a higher-grade acute hematologic adverse event. Late higher-grade sequelae included transient myelitis with transverse section (N = 2) and secondary malignancy outside of the RT field (N = 1). CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates the efficacy and safety of RT/PBT for recurrent HR NB in a multimodality second-line approach. To better define the role of RT for these patients, prospective studies would be desirable

    Application of Focal Conflict Theory to Psychoeducational Groups: Implications for Process, Content, and Leadership

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    Group psychoeducation is a common group type used for a range of purposes. The literature presents balancing content and process as a challenge for psychoeducational group leaders. While the significance of group psychoeducation is supported, practitioners are given little direction for addressing process in these groups. Focal Conflict Theory (FCT) is a model for conceptualizing and intervening in group process that has been applied to therapy and work groups. This article presents the challenges of psychoeducational groups, describes FCT, and discusses its application to psychoeducational groups using case examples. Implications for leaders of psychoeducation groups are discussed

    A Distinct Urinary Biomarker Pattern Characteristic of Female Fabry Patients That Mirrors Response to Enzyme Replacement Therapy

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    Female patients affected by Fabry disease, an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder, exhibit a wide spectrum of symptoms, which renders diagnosis, and treatment decisions challenging. No diagnostic test, other than sequencing of the alpha-galactosidase A gene, is available and no biomarker has been proven useful to screen for the disease, predict disease course and monitor response to enzyme replacement therapy. Here, we used urine proteomic analysis based on capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry and identified a biomarker profile in adult female Fabry patients. Urine samples were taken from 35 treatment-naive female Fabry patients and were compared to 89 age-matched healthy controls. We found a diagnostic biomarker pattern that exhibited 88.2% sensitivity and 97.8% specificity when tested in an independent validation cohort consisting of 17 treatment-naive Fabry patients and 45 controls. The model remained highly specific when applied to additional control patients with a variety of other renal, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Several of the 64 identified diagnostic biomarkers showed correlations with measures of disease severity. Notably, most biomarkers responded to enzyme replacement therapy, and 8 of 11 treated patients scored negative for Fabry disease in the diagnostic model. In conclusion, we defined a urinary biomarker model that seems to be of diagnostic use for Fabry disease in female patients and may be used to monitor response to enzyme replacement therapy

    Twenty-six years of HIV science: an overview of anti-HIV drugs metabolism

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    From the identification of HIV as the agent causing AIDS, to the development of effective antiretroviral drugs, the scientific achievements in HIV research over the past twenty-six years have been formidable. Currently, there are twenty-five anti-HIV compounds which have been formally approved for clinical use in the treatment of AIDS. These compounds fall into six categories: nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NtRTIs), non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), protease inhibitors (PIs), cell entry inhibitors or fusion inhibitors (FIs), co-receptor inhibitors (CRIs), and integrase inhibitors (INIs). Metabolism by the host organism is one of the most important determinants of the pharmacokinetic profile of a drug. Formation of active or toxic metabolites will also have an impact on the pharmacological and toxicological outcomes. Therefore, it is widely recognized that metabolism studies of a new chemical entity need to be addressed early in the drug discovery process. This paper describes an overview of the metabolism of currently available anti-HIV drugs.Da identificação do HIV como o agente causador da AIDS, ao desenvolvimento de fármacos antirretrovirais eficazes, os avanços científicos na pesquisa sobre o HIV nos últimos vinte e seis anos foram marcantes. Atualmente, existem vinte e cinco fármacos anti-HIV formalmente aprovados pelo FDA para utilização clínica no tratamento da AIDS. Estes compostos são divididos em seis classes: inibidores nucleosídeos de transcriptase reversa (INTR), inibidores nucleotídeos de transcriptase reversa (INtTR), inibidores não-nucleosídeos de transcriptase reversa (INNTR), inibidores de protease (IP), inibidores da entrada celular ou inibidores de fusão (IF), inibidores de co-receptores (ICR) e inibidores de integrase (INI). O metabolismo consiste em um dos maiores determinantes do perfil farmacocinético de um fármaco. A formação de metabólitos ativos ou tóxicos terá impacto nas respostas farmacológicas ou toxicológicas do fármaco. Portanto, é amplamente reconhecido que estudos do metabolismo de uma nova entidade química devem ser realizados durante as fases iniciais do processo de desenvolvimento de fármacos. Este artigo descreve uma abordagem do metabolismo dos fármacos anti-HIV atualmente disponíveis na terapêutica

    Stereo image visualization in a VISROBOT system

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    Proponując nowe podejście do wizji robotyckiej, opisuje się system, którego zadaniem jest wizualizacja obrazu stereo dla operatora robota. Pomysł ten zasadza się na inteligentnym wykorzystaniu zmiennej bazy stereo, która pozwala na zwiększenie zakresu rozdzielczości głębi obrazu dla obiektów odległych. Na podstawie obrazu stereo, przy zmiennej bazie stereo, wyznaczana jest mapa dysparycji. Odpowiednio przeprowadzona wizualizacja (zakresu) dysparycji umożliwia poprawne postrzeganie głębi w obrazie stereoskopowym dostarczanym ludzkiemu operatorowi.The article describes a novel approach to robotic vision in mobile robotic systems. The task of such a system is to visualize a stereo image properly for an operator. The system uses different stereo baseline values. Variable baseline can result in increasing depth resolution for distant objects. We assume that the robot works in a static environment. Variable baseline stereo imaging is realized based on the submission of images taken from different robot's placements. A disparity map is determined with the use of various baselines. Visualization of the disparity extent allows making a stereoscopic picture that ensures a proper perception of the depth
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