100 research outputs found

    The Effective Fragment Potential: Small Clusters and Radial Distribution Functions

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    The effective fragment potential (EFP) method for treating solventeffects provides relative energies and structures that are in excellent agreement with the analogous fully quantum [i.e., Hartree-Fock (HF), density functional theory(DFT), and second order perturbation theory (MP2)] results for small water clusters. The ability of the method to predict bulk water properties with a comparable accuracy is assessed by performing EFP molecular dynamics simulations. The resulting radial distribution functions (RDF) suggest that as the underlying quantum method is improved from HF to DFT to MP2, the agreement with the experimental RDF also improves. The MP2-based EFP method yields a RDF that is in excellent agreement with experiment

    Migrant African women: tales of agency and belonging

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    This paper explores issues of belonging and agency among asylum seekers and refugee women of African origin in the UK. It discusses the ways these women engendered resistance in their everyday life to destitution, lack of cultural recognition, and gender inequality through the foundation of their own non-governmental organization, African Women’s Empowerment Forum, AWEF, a collective ‘home’ space. The focus of this account is on migrant women’s agency and self-determination for the exercise of choice to be active actors in society. It points to what might be an important phenomenon on how local grassroots movements are challenging the invisibility of asylum seekers’ and refugees’ lives and expanding the notion of politics to embrace a wider notion of community politics with solidarity. AWEF is the embodiment of a social space that resonates the ‘in-between’ experience of migrant life providing stability to the women members regarding political and community identification

    Investigating the Role of Hypothalamic Tumor Involvement in Sleep and Cognitive Outcomes Among Children Treated for Craniopharyngioma

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    Objective: Despite excellent survival prognosis, children treated for craniopharyngioma experience significant morbidity. We examined the role of hypothalamic involvement (HI) in excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and attention regulation in children enrolled on a Phase II trial of limited surgery and proton therapy. Methods: Participants completed a sleep evaluation (N = 62) and a continuous performance test (CPT) during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI; n = 29) prior to proton therapy. Results: EDS was identified in 76% of the patients and was significantly related to increased HI extent (p = .04). There was no relationship between CPT performance during fMRI and HI or EDS. Visual examination of group composite fMRI images revealed greater spatial extent of activation in frontal cortical regions in patients with EDS, consistent with a compensatory activation hypothesis. Conclusion: Routine screening for sleep problems during therapy is indicated for children with craniopharyngioma, to optimize the timing of interventions and reduce long-term morbidity

    Exile Vol. XVII No. 1

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    FICTION The Backyard Burial by Heather Johnson 9-11 French Persuasion by John Benes 18-22 In His Time by Keith Mcwalter 27-37 Time Ticking Off, Not Stopping by Holly Battles 39-40 ARTWORK by Roxy Sisson 13 by Bill Lutz 16 by Carol Belfatto 17 by Ned Bittinger 23 by Gail Lutsch 41 by Diane Ulmer 43 PHOTOGRAPHY by Tim Heth 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 22, 38, 40, 44 by Rip Odell 15 by Maggie Hernandez 26, 42 POETRY For G. S. & A. B. T. by Paul Holbrook 2 Picture Writer by Julie Lockwood 6 Youth by Rufus Hurst 6 Today I Watched Flies Without Wings by Alice Merrill 6 Room 102 by Alice Merrill 6 The Flick by Debby Snyder 8 For P. E. H. by Timothy Cope 12 In Memory of Gertrude Stein by Michael Daugherty 14 Apogee Analogy by Paul Holbrook 15 First Impressions by Austin Hartman, Jr. 16 Count Jack Playing Peasant by Alice Merrill 24 Cherokee Arrowsmith by R. Crozier 24 road runs down valley by Fred Hoppe 25 Singularity by M. J. Wallace 25 Love\u27s Labour Lost by Tina Ostergard 25 Gnome by Cary Spear 25 Design and Layout: Keith McWalter 1 EXILE is the literary magazine of Denison University. It is entirely student-run and student edited, and receives operating funds from the Denison Campus Government Association. Submissions are edited anonymously and final actions are made independently by each staff. Printed by Ace News, Heath, Ohio.

    “Have a little less, feel a lot better”: Mixed-method evaluation of an alcohol intervention

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    The aim of the mixed-methods study reported here was to evaluate the impact of a “gain-framed”, multimedia campaign to encourage heavier drinking men aged 45–64 years to drink less. Quantitative analyses were based on pre-intervention panel surveys of 3057 men in intervention regions and 500 in the control region, and post-intervention panel surveys of 1508 men in intervention regions and 219 in the control region. Qualitative analyses entailed thematic analysis of interviews with 14 men: five who had reduced their drinking after seeing the campaign, four who had considered reducing but did not, and five who did not consider changing. Interviews focused on men’s responses to the campaign, and their ideas for how to improve it. In quantitative analyses, the campaign was associated with significant changes in alcohol consumption, and significant increases in readiness to change and likelihood of using moderate drinking strategies. In qualitative analyses, men appreciated the friendly, non-threatening tone and that the message was straightforward, meaningful, achievable, and was gain-framed - i.e., emphasised the benefits of drinking less rather than the harms of drinking too much. However, the men who did not change their behaviour also identified several barriers to responding in ways encouraged by the message. It would be important to address their views of their drinking as not problematic, as pleasurable, and as socially expected, and also their sense of not feeling empowered to initiate or maintain behaviour change

    MusMorph, a database of standardized mouse morphology data for morphometric meta-analyses.

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    Complex morphological traits are the product of many genes with transient or lasting developmental effects that interact in anatomical context. Mouse models are a key resource for disentangling such effects, because they offer myriad tools for manipulating the genome in a controlled environment. Unfortunately, phenotypic data are often obtained using laboratory-specific protocols, resulting in self-contained datasets that are difficult to relate to one another for larger scale analyses. To enable meta-analyses of morphological variation, particularly in the craniofacial complex and brain, we created MusMorph, a database of standardized mouse morphology data spanning numerous genotypes and developmental stages, including E10.5, E11.5, E14.5, E15.5, E18.5, and adulthood. To standardize data collection, we implemented an atlas-based phenotyping pipeline that combines techniques from image registration, deep learning, and morphometrics. Alongside stage-specific atlases, we provide aligned micro-computed tomography images, dense anatomical landmarks, and segmentations (if available) for each specimen (N = 10,056). Our workflow is open-source to encourage transparency and reproducible data collection. The MusMorph data and scripts are available on FaceBase ( www.facebase.org , https://doi.org/10.25550/3-HXMC ) and GitHub ( https://github.com/jaydevine/MusMorph )

    Regulating STING in health and disease.

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    The presence of cytosolic double-stranded DNA molecules can trigger multiple innate immune signalling pathways which converge on the activation of an ER-resident innate immune adaptor named "STimulator of INterferon Genes (STING)". STING has been found to mediate type I interferon response downstream of cyclic dinucleotides and a number of DNA and RNA inducing signalling pathway. In addition to its physiological function, a rapidly increasing body of literature highlights the role for STING in human disease where variants of the STING proteins, as well as dysregulated STING signalling, have been implicated in a number of inflammatory diseases. This review will summarise the recent structural and functional findings of STING, and discuss how STING research has promoted the development of novel therapeutic approaches and experimental tools to improve treatment of tumour and autoimmune diseases
