70 research outputs found

    Effect of varying injection rates of a saline chaser on aortic enhancement in CT angiography: phantom study

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    The effect of varying injection rates of a saline chaser on aortic enhancement in computed tomography (CT) angiography was determined. Single-level, dynamic CT images of a physiological flow phantom were acquired between 0 and 50 s after initiation of contrast medium injection. Four injection protocols were applied with identical contrast medium administration (150ml injected at 5ml/s). For baseline protocol A, no saline chaser was applied. For protocols B, C, and D, 50ml of saline was injected at 2.5ml/s, 5ml/s, and 10ml/s, respectively. Injecting the saline chaser at twice the rate as the contrast medium yielded significantly higher peak aortic enhancement values than injecting the saline at half or at the same rate as the contrast medium (P  0.05). In CT angiography, saline chaser injected at twice the rate as the contrast medium leads to increased peak aortic enhancement and saline chaser injected at half the rate tends towards prolonging peak aortic enhancement platea

    Hedgehog Signaling Antagonist Promotes Regression of Both Liver Fibrosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Murine Model of Primary Liver Cancer

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    Chronic fibrosing liver injury is a major risk factor for hepatocarcinogenesis in humans. Mice with targeted deletion of Mdr2 (the murine ortholog of MDR3) develop chronic fibrosing liver injury. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) emerges spontaneously in such mice by 50–60 weeks of age, providing a model of fibrosis-associated hepatocarcinogenesis. We used Mdr2−/− mice to investigate the hypothesis that activation of the hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway promotes development of both liver fibrosis and HCC

    Consensus Report of the 4th International Forum for Gadolinium-Ethoxybenzyl-Diethylenetriamine Pentaacetic Acid Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    This paper reports on issues relating to the optimal use of gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid magnetic resonance imaging (Gd-EOB-DTPA MR imaging) together with the generation of consensus statements from a working group meeting, which was held in Seoul, Korea (2010). Gd-EOB-DTPA has been shown to improve the detection and characterization of liver lesions, and the information provided by the hepatobiliary phase is proving particularly useful in differential diagnoses and in the characterization of small lesions (around 1-1.5 cm). Discussion also focused on advances in the role of organic anion-transporting polypeptide 8 (OATP8) transporters. Gd-EOB-DTPA is also emerging as a promising tool for functional analysis, enabling the calculation of post-surgical liver function in the remaining segments. Updates to current algorithms were also discussed

    Just Friends? : Richard Rolle and the Possibility of Christian Friendship Between Men and Women

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    Tutkimus kÀsittelee Richard Rollen (k. 1349), englantilaisen erakon ja uskonnollisen kirjailijan, kÀsityksiÀ ystÀvyydestÀ yleensÀ ja erityisesti hengellisestÀ ystÀvyydestÀ miesten ja naisten vÀlillÀ. Rolle kirjoitti useita latinan- ja keskienglanninkielisiÀ tutkielmia ja hengellisiÀ oppaita, joissa hÀn sivusi ystÀvyyden tematiikkaa sekÀ omaelÀmÀkerrallisesta ettÀ teoreettisesta nÀkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen pÀÀasiallisina lÀhteinÀ kÀytetÀÀn seitsemÀÀ Rollen omaa teosta sekÀ kanonisoinnin toivossa hÀnestÀ laadittua pyhimyselÀmÀkertaa. Tutkimus esittelee Rollen ystÀvyysteoriaa ja suhteuttaa sen 1300-luvun Yorkshiren historialliseen kontekstiin, Rollen kirjallisiin esikuviin sekÀ hÀnen ajatteluunsa yleensÀ. Rolle nÀyttÀÀ tunteneen sekÀ Ciceron (k. 43 eaa.) ettÀ Aelred Rievaulxlaisen (k. 1167) teokset ystÀvyydestÀ, mutta sovelsi nÀiden nÀkemyksiÀ omintakeisesti. Rollen maailmankuvalle oli ominaista jyrkkÀ kaksijakoisuus maailman ja Jumalan rakkauden vÀlillÀ, minkÀ vuoksi ero pyhÀn ja maallisen ystÀvyyden vÀlillÀ oli ehdoton. VÀÀrÀnlainen ystÀvyys oli vaarallista etenkin kontemplatiivista elÀmÀÀ harjoittaville erakoille ja anakoreeteille, joita Rolle opasti vÀlttÀmÀÀn ihmiskontakteja. JyrkkyydestÀÀn huolimatta Rolle erosi edeltÀjistÀÀn ja 1300-luvun valtavirrasta puolustamalla sukupuolten vÀlisen pyhÀn ystÀvyyden mahdollisuutta. Tutkimuksen keskeinen löytö on, ettÀ Rolle mÀÀritteli sukupuolten vÀlisen ystÀvyyden hengelliseksi ohjaukseksi ja perusteli siten sen tarpeellisuutta; naiset tarvitsivat pyhien miesten neuvoja pelastuakseen. TÀllainen opetusystÀvyys ei ollut tasa-arvoinen suhde, vaan miehen tuli opastaa ja oikaista naista tÀmÀn omaksi parhaaksi. Toisaalta Rolle uskoi naisten mahdollisuuksiin saavuttaa hengellisen elÀmÀn korkeimmat asteet. LÀhteet paljastavat, ettÀ Rolle tosiasiassa opasti naisia esittÀmÀnsÀ mallin mukaan. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettÀ yksittÀisille naisille laaditut kansankieliset opaskirjeet sisÀltÀvÀt opetusystÀvyyden keskeisiÀ piirteitÀ ja noudattavat sen hierarkista logiikkaa: Rolle esiintyy vÀlittÀjÀnÀ Jumalan ja lukijan vÀlillÀ houkutellen, moittien ja neuvoen lukijaa, jotta tÀmÀ saavuttaisi yhÀ korkeamman pyhyyden asteen. Rollen ja anakoreetti Margaret Kirkebyn vÀlinen suhde, jota on keskiajalla ja myöhemmin pidetty esimerkkinÀ pyhÀstÀ ystÀvyydestÀ, nÀyttÀÀ myös muiden lÀhteiden valossa olleen hierarkkinen opetussuhde. Tutkimuksessa argumentoidaan, ettÀ Rollen kirjoittamista motivoi tarve itsepuolustukseen ja toiminnan oikeuttamiseen; hÀnen kontaktinsa naisiin herÀttivÀt epÀilyksiÀ. Rolle halusi olla hengellinen auktoriteetti, mutta hÀnellÀ ei ollut luostarisÀÀntökunnan, kerjÀlÀisveljestön tai pappisviran tuomaa virallista tukea, joten hÀnen paras mahdollisuutensa itsepuolustukseen oli kirjallinen toiminta. Oikeuttaakseen toimintansa naisten parissa Rolle esitti mallin Jumalan rakkauden elÀvöittÀmÀstÀ pyhÀstÀ elÀmÀstÀ, johon kuului velvollisuus opettaa naisia ystÀvinÀ. LisÀksi Rollen tuli osoittaa, ettÀ hÀnen oma elÀmÀnsÀ edusti hÀnen puolustamaansa mallia, jonka edellytyksenÀ oli vÀlinpitÀmÀttömyys maallisia houkutuksia kohtaan. Kaiken tÀmÀn takana nÀyttÀÀ olleen toive tasavertaisen ystÀvÀn löytÀmisestÀ: Rolle ei ollut löytÀnyt vertaistaan ystÀvÀÀ, joka olisi jakanut hÀnen hengelliset kokemuksensa, joten hÀn pyrki hengellisen ohjauksen avulla nostamaan edes yhden oppilaistaan tasolleen. On huomionarvoista, ettÀ Rolle nÀyttÀÀ pitÀneen naisia kelvollisina kandidaatteina tÀllaiseen suhteeseen

    Technical solutions for automation of warehouse operations and their implementation challenges

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    PurposeThe purpose of this study is to focus on the challenges with the implementation of technical solutions for automation of warehouse operations for the movement and tracking of goods. Additionally, the focus is on the similarities and differences between the identified challenges in theory and practice. MethodologyThis study employs a qualitative research strategy with a cross-sectional research design. A qualitative analysis of the challenges for the automation of warehouse operations is done, with the help of semi-structured interviews of 9 different companies.TheoryThe theory chapter starts with an introduction of warehouse management systems (WMS) and the differentiation between the main and supportive warehouse processes, whereby the focus is drawn on the supportive processes. The supportive processes are differentiated into the movement and tracking of goods. For the movement of goods automated guided vehicles (AGVs), Automated forklifts and Automated conveyor systems are analyzed. For the tracking of goods Barcodes, QR-Codes and RFID technology is examined. These two areas are also analyzed regarding their identified challenges. AnalysisThe analysis is based on the identification of the challenges from theory and empirical data for the tracking and movement of goods within a warehouse. Therefore, the empirical perceived challenges are processed and merged together. Afterwards, the theoretical and empirical identified challenges are compared for each of the technical solutions for automation for the movement and tracking of goods. Additionally, a comparison between the degrees of importance of the perceived challenges is drawn.Conclusion Technical solutions for automation for the movement and tracking of goods perceived in theory and practice are analyzed in this thesis. The conclusion of this study is that there are differences and similarities between the challenges for the movement and tracking of goods. Regarding the movement of goods, theory is more directed to see challenges after the implementation in contrast to the focus of practice on the pre-implementation challenges. For the tracking of goods, the perceived challenges in practice are more about the usage and not as technical oriented as the theory

    MR cholangiopancreatography: 1.5T versus 3T

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    Soon after its introduction in 1991, MR cholangiopancreatography has become an established diagnostic tool for the evaluation of the pancreaticobiliary ductal system at a field strength of 1.5T. It remains unclear whether MR cholangiopancreatography performed at 3T will benefit from the higher magnetic field strength or whether a field strength of 1.5T should continue to be considered the gold standard for MR cholangiopancreatography. This article reviews the current literature on the benefits and drawbacks of MR cholangiopancreatography at 3T compared with a standard field strength of 1.5T. Field strength-related artifacts that affect MR cholangiopancreatography at 3T also are discussed

    MR imaging of the adrenal glands: 1.5T versus 3T

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    MR imaging at 1.5T is considered the prime cross-sectional imaging modality for characterization of adrenal lesions. This is of utmost clinical importance, because non-functioning adenoma and adrenal metastasis are fairly common. The differentiation of these two tumor entities primarily is based on chemical shift imaging, also known as dual echo in-phase and opposed-phase imaging. At 3.0 T, the echo time pairs for in-phase and opposed-phase MR imaging need to be adjusted because the frequency difference is double that of standard 1.5T MR systems. Unfortunately, the acquisition of the first opposed-phase echo at 1.1 milliseconds and the first in-phase echo at 2.2 milliseconds within the same breath-hold requires unacceptably high receiver bandwidths at 3.0 T. Therefore, alternative data collection schemes have been implemented. This article reviews the current literature regarding adrenal imaging at 3.0 T with a focus on the chemical shift technique

    A Retroperitoneal Bronchogenic Cyst

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