374 research outputs found

    Reconstrucción de series de precipitación en España a través del rendimiento de los cultivos de secano

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    Ponencia presentada en: VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Tarragona del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2008.[ES]El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar un modelo agrometeorológico de las producciones agrícolas que permita relacionar las condiciones meteorológicas con las productividad agrícola de los diferentes cultivos y zonas de España. Así, tras la calibración y validación del modelo se tratará de reconstruir los valores de precipitación anual asociados a los valores de las producciones agrícolas entre los siglos XVI al XIX, recogidas en los registros de las diferentes fuentes historiográficas, pudiéndose llegar a reconstruir parcialmente las series de precipitación hasta el siglo XVI.[EN]The objective of this research is to develop a model agrometeorological of agricultural production that allows linking weather conditions with the agricultural productivity of different crops and areas of Spain. So after the calibration and validation of the model trying to rebuild the values of annual precipitation associated with the values of agricultural production among the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries reflected in the records of different sources historiographic and it can partially reconstruct precipitation series until the sixteenth century

    Adaptation of practical classes of clinical subjects in the COVID-19 era

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    Pharmaceutical Care is a subject within the Pharmacy Degree that is taught using theoretical and practical classes. When COVID-19 appeared, Faculty of Pharmacy had to change its way of teaching and learning to online classes. Our aim is to assess the impact of COVID-19 situation on practical classes in Pharmaceutical Care. A prospective study was performed by undergraduate students from Pharmaceutical Care subject. Students attended to 2-day practical classes and were assessed through an evaluative workbook. Undergraduate students (n=390) obtained a score of 8.4±0.8 in practical classes, being higher in face-to-face sessions than online sessions, but not significant differences among both methodologies. The higher score was for the session of minor ailment services (9.3±1.3) and the lower for Personalized Medication Dosage (7.0±1.6) and similar in both scenarios. 59% of students obtained more than 8 score in the global punctuation, being higher in in-face-to-face practical classes. This study showed that learning in health care can be guided and evaluated through an online method. Adapt to new technologies, prevent vulnerable students from being left behind, as well as working on cross-cutting skills at a distance, are some of the challenges of higher education in times of COVID-19

    Validity of a Questionnaire for the Assessment of Work-related Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Physical Demands

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    Fundamentos: En las intervenciones de ergonomía participativa es frecuente utilizar cuestionarios autoadministrados para obtener información acerca de los daños y riesgos ergonómicos percibidos por los trabajadores. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la validez de un cuestionario diseñado para su utilización en este tipo de programas. Métodos: Participaron 35 trabajadores voluntarios de diez empresas de Valencia y Alicante. El trabajo de campo se realizó en 2009. Se siguieron tres estrategias: análisis de repetibilidad en dos vueltas del cuestionario, comparación de las respuestas al cuestionario (primera vuelta) con la información obtenida mediante observación directa de los puestos de trabajo y comparación de la información recogida en el cuestionario con la incluida en los informes rutinarios de vigilancia de la salud y evaluación de riesgos disponibles en las empresas. Resultados: En el análisis de repetibilidad, la concordancia (Kappa ponderado, Kp) de los ítems que valoraban la presencia de síntomas musculoesqueléticos en las distintas zonas del cuerpo (con la excepción de "muslos") se situaron entre 0,32 (IC95% 0,05-0,59) y 0,70 (IC95% 0,41-0,99). En relación con la exposición a riesgos ergonómicos, se observaron en general concordancias más bajas, por ejemplo Kp para posturas del cuello entre 0,36 (cuello hacia atrás, IC95% 0,11-0,61) y 0,55 (cuello hacia delante, IC95% 0,30-0,80). En el análisis de comparación con la observación de los puestos de trabajo se encontraron las menores concordancias. La mayoría de las preguntas del cuestionario presentan niveles de concordancia aceptables en el análisis de repetibilidad. Conclusiones: En la comparación con la observación los índices son en general más bajos. La mayoría de los problemas referidos por los trabajadores en el cuestionario no se reflejaban en los informes rutinarios de las empresas. El cuestionario es más sensible que otras estrategias rutinarias (reconocimientos médicos, evaluaciones de riesgos) para identificar los problemas percibidos por los trabajadores.Background: Participatory ergonomics interventions are frequently based on the use of self-answered questionnaires intended to gathering information on work-related musculoskeletal symptoms and physical demands reported by workers. The aim of this study is to assess the validity of a questionnaire designed to be applied in these programs. Methods: Thirty five volunteer workers from ten different companies located in Valencia and Alicante (Spain) agreed to participate. Field work was developed in 2009. Three complementary approaches were applied: reproducibility in two administrations of the questionnaire; comparing data in the questionnaire with data from direct observation of workplaces; and comparing data in the questionnaire with data from routine reports of health surveillance and risk assessment in participating companies. Results: Agreement indices (weighted kappa, wK) in reproducibility analyses for musculoskeletal symptoms in the different parts of the body (thighs being the only exception) were between 0.32 (95%CI 0.05-0.59) and 0.70 (95%CI 0.41-0.99). In general, the same analyses for exposure to the different ergonomic risks yielded lower agreement indices; e.g., wK for neck positions between 0.36 (backwards, 95%CI 0.11-0.61) and 0.55 (forwards, 95%CI 0.30-0.80). In the analyses comparing with data from workplace observation, agreement indices were lower. Most items in the questionnaire show acceptable levels of agreement in reproducibility analyses, but lower indices when comparing with observation. Conclusions: Most of musculoskeletal symptoms and physical demands self-reported by the workers in the questionnaire were not included in the companies' routine health surveillance and risk assessment reports. The questionnaire is a more sensitive tool than routine health surveillance and risk assessments practices in order to identify perceived problems by workers

    Reconstrucción paleontológica de las sequías en España

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    Ponencia presentada en: VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Tarragona del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2008.[ES]España es un país que se caracteriza por la variabilidad de sus precipitaciones, tanto en tiempo como en lugar. Dentro del régimen de precipitaciones, es importante conocer con detalle las características de las sequías, pues suponen los episodios más críticos en la gestión y planeamiento de los recursos hidráulicos. Al régimen variable de las precipitaciones se suma actualmente la posible influencia del cambio climático. La evaluación de esta influencia requiere la mejor cuantificación de la variabilidad natural. Con ello, el estudio con mayor detalle de esta variabilidad climática en España, y en concreto de las sequías, es muy necesario en un país tan sensible a estas amenazas.[EN]Spain is strongly characterised by high precipitation variability (regional and temporal). It is very interesting for the water resources planning and management to understand the characteristic of droughts (severity and duration). In fact, several international institutions had marked the southwest of Europe like one of the most vulnerable regions in front of the Global Climate Change. For several reasons, Spain needs know how droughts occur and how to face up to this natural hazard

    Who are the top contributors in a MOOC? Relating participants' performance and contributions

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    The role of social tools in massive open online courses (MOOCs) is essential as they connect participants. Of all the participants in an MOOC, top contributors are the ones who more actively contribute via social tools. This article analyses and reports empirical data from five different social tools pertaining to an actual MOOC to characterize top contributors and provide some insights aimed at facilitating their early detection. The results of this analysis show that top contributors have better final scores than the rest. In addition, there is a moderate positive correlation between participants' overall performance (measured in terms of final scores) and the number of posts submitted to the five social tools. This article also studies the effect of participants' gender and scores as factors that can be used for the early detection of top contributors. The analysis shows that gender is not a good predictor and that taking the scores of the first assessment activities of each type (test and peer assessment in the case study) results in a prediction that is not substantially improved by adding subsequent activities. Finally, better predictions based on scores are obtained for aggregate contributions in the five social tools than for individual contributions in each social tool.This work has been partially funded by the Madrid Regional Government eMadrid Excellence Network (S2013/ICE-2715), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project RESET (TIN2014-53199-C3-1-R) and the European Erasmus+ projects MOOC-Maker (561533-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) and SHEILA (562080-EPP-1-2015-BE-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD).Publicad

    Efecto de paricalcitol sobre el metabolismo mineralóseo en pacientes trasplantados renales con hiperparatiroidismo secundario

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    ResumenIntroducciónEl hiperparatiroidismo secundario es muy prevalente en pacientes trasplantados renales. Cursa con frecuencia con hipercalcemia y se ha asociado al desarrollo de osteopenia y fracturas óseas. El paricalcitol ha mostrado su eficacia en el control del hiperparatiroidismo secundario en la enfermedad renal crónica con y sin diálisis, con una baja incidencia de hipercalcemia. La experiencia con paricalcitol en trasplantados renales es muy escasa. El objetivo de este trabajo fue mostrar el efecto sobre el metabolismo mineralóseo del paricalcitol en trasplantados renales con hiperparatiroidismo secundario.Material y métodosEstudio retrospectivo multicéntrico con trasplantados renales de más de 18 años de edad y más de 12 meses de evolución postrasplante, con función renal estable, que hayan sido tratados con paricalcitol durante más de 12 meses, con seguimiento clínico hasta los 24 meses de tratamiento.ResultadosSe incluyó a 69 pacientes, con 120±92 meses postrasplante, con creatinina inicial de 2,2±0,9mg/dl y FG-MDRD 36±20ml/min/1,73 m2. La dosis de paricalcitol se incrementó progresivamente durante el estudio: basal 3,8±1,9μg/semana, 12 meses 5,2±2,4μg/semana; 24 meses 6,0±2,9μg/semana (p<0,001). Los niveles séricos de PTH descendieron de forma rápida y significativa: basal 288±152 pg/ml; 6 meses 226±184 pg/ml; 12 meses 207±120; 24 meses 193±119 pg/ml (p<0,001). Observamos una reducción sobre PTH basal ≥30% en el 42,4% de los pacientes a los 12 meses y en el 65,2% de los pacientes a los 24 meses. La fosfatasa alcalina descendió también significativamente en los 6 primeros meses para luego estabilizarse: basal 92±50 UI/l; 6 meses 85±36 UI/l, 12 meses 81±39 UI/l (p<0,001). Globalmente no hubo modificaciones en el calcio o fósforo séricos ni en la excreción urinaria de calcio. La reducción de PTH fue más importante en trasplantados con niveles séricos más elevados de partida. Observamos que los pacientes con calcio basal más bajo mostraron un incremento significativo de sus cifras de 0,5-0,6mg/dl en promedio aunque manteniéndose en rango de normalidad, mientras que pacientes con calcio basal>10mg/dl mostraron una reducción progresiva de sus cifras. Quince (21,7%) pacientes seguían tratamiento previo con calcitriol y al cambiarlos a paricalcitol precisaron dosis significativamente mayores que los pacientes que no habían recibido calcitriol. El paricalcitol fue asociado a cinacalcet en 11 pacientes, con reducciones significativas de PTH, con evolución similar al resto de la población y con dosis de paricalcitol también similares.ConclusionesParicalcitol es eficaz en el tratamiento del hiperparatiroidismo secundario de trasplantados renales. Globalmente no observamos modificaciones significativas de los niveles de calcio ni de fósforo, ni en su excreción urinaria. Los pacientes en tratamiento previo con calcitriol precisaron dosis mayores de paricalcitol. Cuando el paricalcitol se administra a pacientes tratados con cinacalcet, se observa un descenso significativo de la PTH con dosis de paricalcitol similar a pacientes sin cinacalcet.AbstractIntroductionSecondary hyperparathyroidism is highly prevalent in kidney transplant recipients, and commonly results in hypercalcaemia; an association to osteopenia and bone fractures has also been observed. Paricalcitol has proved effective to control secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic kidney disease in both dialysed and non-dialysed patients, with a low hypercalcaemia incidence. Currently available experience on paricalcitol use in kidney transplant recipients is scarce. Our main aim was to show the effect of paricalcitol on mineral bone metabolism in kidney transplant recipients with secondary hyperparathyroidism.Material and methodsA retrospective multicentre study in kidney transplant recipients aged>18 years with a 12-month or longer post-transplantation course, stable renal function, having received paricalcitol for more than 12 months, with available clinical follow-up for a 24-month period.ResultsA total of 69 patients with a 120 ± 92-month post-transplantation course were included. Baseline creatinine was 2.2±0.9mg/dl y GFR-MDRD was 36±20ml/min/1.73m2. Paricalcitol doses were gradually increased during the study: baseline 3.8±1.9μg/week, 12 months 5.2±2.4μg/week; 24 months 6.0±2.9μg/week (P<.001). Serum PTH levels showed a significant fast decline: baseline 288±152 pg/ml; 6 months 226±184 pg/ml; 12 months 207±120; 24 months 193±119 pg/ml (P<.001). Reduction from baseline PTH was ≥30% in 42.4% of patients at 12 months y in 65.2% of patients at 24 months. Alkaline phosphatase showed a significant decrease in first 6 months followed by a plateau: baseline 92±50 IU/l; 6 months 85±36 IU/l, 12 months 81±39 IU/l (P<.001). Overall, no changes were observed in serum calcium and phosphorus, and in urine calcium excretion. PTH decline was larger in patients with higher baseline levels. Patients with lower baseline calcium levels showed significantly increased levels (mean increase was 0.5-0.6mg/dl) but still within normal range, whereas patients with baseline calcium>10mg/dl showed gradually decreasing levels. Fifteen (21.7%) patients had received prior calcitriol therapy. When shifted to paricalcitol, such patients required paricalcitol doses significantly larger than those not having received calcitriol. Paricalcitol was used concomitantly to cinacalcet in 11 patients with significant PTH reductions being achieved; clinical course was similar to other patients and paricalcitol doses were also similar.ConclusionsParicalcitol is an effective therapy for secondary hyperparathyroidism in kidney transplant recipients. Overall, no significant changes were observed in calcium and phosphorus levels or urinary excretion. Patients having previously received calcitriol required higher paricalcitol doses. When used in patients receiving cinacalcet, paricalcitol results in a significant PTH fall, with paricalcitol doses being similar to those used in patients not receiving cinacalcet

    Therapeutic Effects of Anti-Bone Morphogenetic Protein and Activin Membrane-Bound Inhibitor Treatment in Psoriasis and Arthritis

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    Abstract Objective: The transforming growth factor ? (TGF?) inhibitor BAMBI (bone morphogenetic protein and activin membrane-bound inhibitor) has been shown to control differentiation of CD4+ T lymphocytes into either tolerogenic Treg cells or pathogenic Th17 cells, through the regulation of TGF? and interleukin-2 (IL-2) signaling strength. The present study was undertaken to explore the potential beneficial effects of this strategy of pharmacologic inhibition using novel anti-BAMBI monoclonal antibodies (mAb) in different experimental murine models of chronic skin and joint inflammatory/autoimmune disease. Methods: Development of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mannan-induced psoriatic arthritis (MIP) (n = 18-30 mice per group), imiquimod-induced skin psoriasis (n = 20-30 mice per group), or type II collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) (n = 13-16 mice per group) was analyzed in a total of 2-5 different experiments with either wild-type (WT) or BAMBI-deficient B10.RIII mice that were left untreated or treated with mAb B101.37 (mouse IgG1 anti-BAMBI), a mouse IgG1 anti-TNP isotype control, anti-CD25, or anti-TGF? mAb. Results: Treatment of normal mice with IgG1 anti-BAMBI mAb clone B101.37 led to expansion of Treg cells in vivo, and had both preventive and therapeutic effects in mice with MIP (each P < 0.05 versus controls). The conferred protection against disease progression was found to be mediated by Treg cells, which controlled the activation and expansion of pathogenic IL-17-producing cells, and was dependent on the level of TGF? activity. Furthermore, treatment with B101.37 mAb blocked both the development of skin psoriasis induced by imiquimod and the development of CIA in mice (each P < 0.05 versus controls). Finally, pharmacologic inhibition of BAMBI with the IgM anti-BAMBI mAb B143.14 also potentiated the suppressive activity of Treg cells in vitro (P < 0.001 versus controls). Conclusion: These results in murine models identify BAMBI as a promising new therapeutic target for chronic inflammatory diseases and other pathologic conditions modulated by Treg cells.Funding was provided by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Plan Nacional I+D+i) co-financed by European Development Regional Fund to RM (SAF2017-82905-R) and JM (SAF2016-75195-R). PA and MI were partially supported by grants from “Luchamos por la Vida Foundation” and the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (IPT2011-1527-010000) associated with Fibrostatin SL, respectivel