184 research outputs found

    Étude du rôle des lymphocytes T chez les receveurs pédiatriques de greffe de sang de cordon ombilical

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    La transplantation de sang de cordon ombilical (TSCO) est utilisée pour traiter les enfants atteints de maladies hématologiques en l’absence de donneurs apparentés compatibles. Elle est associée avec des risques plus élevés d’échec de greffe et d’infections opportunistes dans les premiers mois qui suivent la transplantation en comparaison avec une greffe de moelle osseuse. Par contre, la TSCO comporte un risque plus faible de maladie du greffon contre l’hôte et une incidence comparable de rechute de leucémie. Ces quatre complications impliquent directement les lymphocytes T. Dans le but de mieux comprendre le schéma particulier des évènements qui suivent la TSCO et d’améliorer le pronostic des patients, nous avons étudié le potentiel fonctionnel, la persistance et la reconstitution antivirale des lymphocytes T au sein d’un groupe d’enfants transplantés de sang de cordon ombilical (SCO). Étant donné que le SCO contient une majorité de lymphocytes T naïfs, nous avons étudié les lymphocytes T spécifiques au HLA-A2:Melan-A26-35 A27L; seul répertoire naïf et abondant caractérisé chez l’homme. Nous avons observé que les lymphocytes T du SCO se différencient en populations effectrices, s’oligoclonalisent, produisent de l’IFN-γ et lysent spécifiquement leur cible suite à la stimulation. Néanmoins, ces cellules produisent moins d’IFN-γ et sont moins bifonctionnelles que leurs homologues issus du sang périphérique d’adultes. Chez les patients, les lymphocytes T du SCO s’épuisent après la TSCO : ils s’oligoclonalisent dramatiquement, sont principalement en différenciation terminale, et une importante fréquence exprime PD-1 (« programmed death-1 ») dans les 3 à 6 premiers mois post-greffe. Très peu de patients sont capables de développer des réponses antivirales durant cette période et la fréquence de lymphocytes T qui expriment PD-1 semble aussi avoir un impact sur le risque subséquent de faire une rechute de leucémie. La deuxième vague de lymphocytes T émergeant à 6 mois post-TSCO mène à une population fonctionnelle et diversifiée. En conclusion, la fonctionnalité des lymphocytes T présents dans les 3 à 6 premiers mois post-TSCO doit être rétablie pour améliorer les risques d’infections opportunistes et de rechute de leucémie.Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is increasingly used as a source of hematopoietic progenitor cells to treat a variety of disorders in children. UCB transplantation (UCBT) is associated with a reduced incidence of graft-versus-host disease, a robust graft-versus-leukemia effect, more frequent graft failures and a higher incidence of opportunistic infections (OI) compared to bone marrow transplantation; four processes in which donor-derived T lymphocytes are known to be predominantly involved. UCB T cells are mostly naïve. To examine the differential functionality of UCB T cells, CD8+ T cells specific for the melanoma-associated HLA-A2-restricted Melan-A26-35 A27L peptide were isolated from UCB and UCBT recipients, as it represents an abundant preimmune repertoire in human. Following in vitro stimulation, UCB T cells proliferated, oligoclonalized, acquired cell surface markers reflective of effector/memory differentiation, expressed cytolytic activity and produced IFN-γ. While functional properties of UCB T cells resembled their counterparts in adult peripheral blood, they were more likely to reach terminal differentiation following stimulation, produced less IFN-γ and were less frequently bifunctional (IFN-γ and cytolysis). Following UCBT, T cells became exhausted: they oligoclonalized dramatically, exhibited a terminal differentiation phenotype and a high frequency also expressed PD-1 (“ programmed death 1 ”) in the first 3-6 months post-UCBT. Moreover, very few patients developed an antiviral response during this period. Finally, the frequency of PD-1+ CD8+ T cells was significantly higher in subjects who subsequently experienced leukemic relapse. A second wave of T cells emerging at 6 months post-UCBT was observed and characterized by an increase in the repertoire diversity till 1 year, the development of a naïve population with polyfunctional potential and the progressive reconstitution of antiviral responses. This study reports to the biological properties of UCB-derived CD8+ T cells and provides a rationale for the characteristics of UCBT in terms of immune reconstitution and OI. These results also suggest that the first wave of CD8+ T cells in the first 3-6 months post-UCBT should be targeted in priority to improve both OI and leukemic relapse risks

    Chocolatine: Outage Detection for Internet Background Radiation

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    The Internet is a complex ecosystem composed of thousands of Autonomous Systems (ASs) operated by independent organizations; each AS having a very limited view outside its own network. These complexities and limitations impede network operators to finely pinpoint the causes of service degradation or disruption when the problem lies outside of their network. In this paper, we present Chocolatine, a solution to detect remote connectivity loss using Internet Background Radiation (IBR) through a simple and efficient method. IBR is unidirectional unsolicited Internet traffic, which is easily observed by monitoring unused address space. IBR features two remarkable properties: it is originated worldwide, across diverse ASs, and it is incessant. We show that the number of IP addresses observed from an AS or a geographical area follows a periodic pattern. Then, using Seasonal ARIMA to statistically model IBR data, we predict the number of IPs for the next time window. Significant deviations from these predictions indicate an outage. We evaluated Chocolatine using data from the UCSD Network Telescope, operated by CAIDA, with a set of documented outages. Our experiments show that the proposed methodology achieves a good trade-off between true-positive rate (90%) and false-positive rate (2%) and largely outperforms CAIDA's own IBR-based detection method. Furthermore, performing a comparison against other methods, i.e., with BGP monitoring and active probing, we observe that Chocolatine shares a large common set of outages with them in addition to many specific outages that would otherwise go undetected.Comment: TMA 201

    Generation of Potent and Stable Human CD4+ T Regulatory Cells by Activation-independent Expression of FOXP3

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    Therapies based on enhancing the numbers and/or function of T regulatory cells (Tregs) represent one of the most promising approaches to restoring tolerance in many immune-mediated diseases. Several groups have investigated whether human Tregs suitable for cellular therapy can be obtained by in vitro expansion, in vitro conversion of conventional T cells into Tregs, or gene transfer of the FOXP3 transcription factor. To date, however, none of these approaches has resulted in a homogeneous and stable population of cells that is as potently suppressive as ex vivo Tregs. We developed a lentivirus-based strategy to ectopically express high levels of FOXP3 that do not fluctuate with the state of T-cell activation. This method consistently results in the development of suppressive cells that are as potent as Tregs and can be propagated as a homogeneous population. Moreover, using this system, both naive and memory CD4+ T cells can be efficiently converted into Tregs. To date, this is the most efficient and reliable protocol for generating large numbers of suppressive CD4+ Tregs, which can be used for further biological study and developed for antigen-specific cellular therapy applications

    Substrate-Induced Self-Assembly of Cooperative Catalysts

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    Dissipative self-assembly processes in Nature rely on chemical fuels that activate proteins for assembly through the formation of a noncovalent complex. The catalytic activity of the assemblies causes fuel degradation, resulting in the formation of an assembly in a high-energy, out-of-equilibrium state. Herein, we apply this concept to a synthetic system and demonstrate that a substrate can induce the formation of vesicular assemblies, which act as cooperative catalysts for cleavage of the same substrate

    Novel HIV-1 Recombinant Forms in Antenatal Cohort, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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    Near full-length genomes of 4 unclassified HIV-1 variants infecting patients enrolled in an antenatal cohort in Canada were obtained by sequencing. All 4 variants showed original recombination profiles, including A1/A2/J, A1/D, and A1/G/J/CRF11_cpx structures. Identification of these variants highlights the growing prevalence of unique recombinant forms of HIV-1 in North America

    Asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 in a confined adult community population in Quebec: a cross-sectional study

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    Several countries have undertaken social distancing measures to stop SARS-CoV-2 spread. Asymptomatic carriers’ prevalence is unknown and would provide essential information on hidden viral circulation. In our cross-sectional study, 1.82% of 330 asymptomatic confined individuals living in the community carried SARS-CoV-2 despite no contact with declared cases, raising concerns about unnoticed transmission

    Energy consumption in chemical fuel-driven self-assembly

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    Nature extensively exploits high-energy transient self-assembly structures that are able to perform work through a dissipative process. Often, self-assembly relies on the use of molecules as fuel that is consumed to drive thermodynamically unfavourable reactions away from equilibrium. Implementing this kind of non-equilibrium self-assembly process in synthetic systems is bound to profoundly impact the fields of chemistry, materials science and synthetic biology, leading to innovative dissipative structures able to convert and store chemical energy. Yet, despite increasing efforts, the basic principles underlying chemical fuel-driven dissipative self-assembly are often overlooked, generating confusion around the meaning and definition of scientific terms, which does not favour progress in the field. The scope of this Perspective is to bring closer together current experimental approaches and conceptual frameworks. From our analysis it also emerges that chemically fuelled dissipative processes may have played a crucial role in evolutionary processes

    Stimulated Transitions of Directed Nonequilibrium Self-Assemblies

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    Near-equilibrium stimulus-responsive polymers have been used extensively to introduce morphological variations in dependence of adaptable conditions. Far-less-well studied are triggered transformations at constant conditions. These require the involvement of metastable states, which are either able to approach the equilibrium state after deviation from metastability or can be frozen on returning from nonequilibrium to equilibrium. Such functional nonequilibrium macromolecular systems hold great promise for on-demand transformations, which result in substantial changes in their material properties, as seen for triggered gelations. Herein, a diblock copolymer system consisting of a hydrophilic block and a block that is responsive to both pressure and temperature, is introduced. This species demonstrates various micellar transformations upon leaving equilibrium/nonequilibrium states, which are triggered by a temperature deflection or a temporary application of hydrostatic pressure