48 research outputs found

    Current preventive policies and practices against Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and tuberculosis targeted for workers from hospitals of the Sardinia Region, Italy

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    Introduction: Health care Workers are exposed to infectious diseases more than the general population. Many of these infections are preventable by vaccination. The objective in this study is to investigate whether, how, and which vaccination underwent Sardinia Health Care Workers (HCWs) and the variability of policies in different Hospital Health Managements of the whole region. Methods: In March 2013, we enrolled the Hospital Health Management of all the 32 Sardinia hospitals. We investigate on immunity against vaccine-preventable diseases and education campaigns about recommended vaccinations for HCWs. Flu, hepatitis B, measles-mumps-rubella, varicella and tuberculosis were the objects of our research. Results: In most of the hospitals, influenza vaccination coverage among HCWs is less than 6%. Hepatitis B antibody assay was performed in all the respondent hospitals but only 14 had available data as collected electronically. Most of the hospitals did not perform serological tests for the evaluation of antibodies against Varicella, Measles, Mumps and Rubella in their HCWs. In 30 hospitals Mantoux test was replaced or integrated by âin vitroâ test for health surveillance protocols. Conclusions: This method produced a large amount of data in small time and at a low cost. Sending back data to respective Hospital Health Management (HHM) we took a step towards greater awareness of the issue of biological risks of HCWs and of vaccine coverage

    Ecological impacts of atmospheric pollution and interactions with climate change in terrestrial ecosystems of the Mediterranean Basin:Current research and future directions

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    Mediterranean Basin ecosystems, their unique biodiversity, and the key services they provide are currently at risk due to air pollution and climate change, yet only a limited number of isolated and geographically-restricted studies have addressed this topic, often with contrasting results. Particularities of air pollution in this region include high O3 levels due to high air temperatures and solar radiation, the stability of air masses, and dominance of dry over wet nitrogen deposition. Moreover, the unique abiotic and biotic factors (e.g., climate, vegetation type, relevance of Saharan dust inputs) modulating the response of Mediterranean ecosystems at various spatiotemporal scales make it difficult to understand, and thus predict, the consequences of human activities that cause air pollution in the Mediterranean Basin. Therefore, there is an urgent need to implement coordinated research and experimental platforms along with wider environmental monitoring networks in the region. In particular, a robust deposition monitoring network in conjunction with modelling estimates is crucial, possibly including a set of common biomonitors (ideally cryptogams, an important component of the Mediterranean vegetation), to help refine pollutant deposition maps. Additionally, increased attention must be paid to functional diversity measures in future air pollution and climate change studies to establish the necessary link between biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services in Mediterranean ecosystems. Through a coordinated effort, the Mediterranean scientific community can fill the above-mentioned gaps and reach a greater understanding of the mechanisms underlying the combined effects of air pollution and climate change in the Mediterranean Basin

    SapRete: saperi in rete per il recupero delle competenze logico matematiche e scientifiche

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    Questo lavoro descrive e presenta i risultati del progetto dal titolo “SapRete: saperi in rete per il recupero delle competenze logico matematiche e scientifiche”, finanziato dalla Regione Sardegna con l'azione P.O.R. 2000/2006 (Misura 3.6 "Prevenzione della dispersione scolastica e formativa") che ha visto coinvolte tre scuole superiori e due scuole medie di Cagliari e l'Università degli Studi di Cagliari con il Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica e il Dipartimento di Fisica. Il progetto, della durata di due anni, concluso a giugno 2009, aveva come obiettivo quello di sfruttare le potenzialità e le opportunità offerte dalla rete. In particolare, ci si proponeva di utilizzare un contesto di E- learning, attraverso l’utilizzo della la piattaforma Moodle 1.8 per costruire e sperimentare un repertorio di proposte di azioni didattiche miranti a ridurre il tasso di dispersione scolastica in ingresso nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Si volevano inoltre introdurre innovazioni didattiche e di sistema finalizzate all'integrazione nei curricula istituzionali di esperienze di apprendimento logico-matematiche e scientifiche più attraenti e motivanti

    Cardiovascular Safety and Effectiveness of Bisphosphonates: From Intervention Trials to Real-Life Data

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    Both osteoporosis with related fragility fractures and cardiovascular diseases are rapidly outspreading worldwide. Since they are often coexistent in elderly patients and may be related to possible common pathogenetic mechanisms, the possible reciprocal effects of drugs employed to treat these diseases have to be considered in clinical practice. Bisphosphonates, the agents most largely employed to decrease bone fragility, have been shown to be overall safe with respect to cardiovascular diseases and even capable of reducing cardiovascular morbidity in some settings, as mainly shown by real life studies. No randomized controlled trials with cardiovascular outcomes as primary endpoints are available. While contradictory results have emerged about a possible BSP-mediated reduction of overall mortality, it is undeniable that these drugs can be employed safely in patients with high fracture risk, since no increased mortality has ever been demonstrated. Although partial reassurance has emerged from meta-analysis assessing the risk of cardiac arrhythmias during bisphosphonates treatment, caution is warranted in administering this class of drugs to patients at risk for atrial fibrillation, possibly preferring other antiresorptives or anabolics, according to osteoporosis guidelines. This paper focuses on the complex relationship between bisphosphonates use and cardiovascular disease and possible co-management issues


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    A sample of 360 Bathypolypus sponsalis from the central western Mediterranean Sea (the Sardinian Channel and the Tyrrhenian Sea) was analysed in order to describe size, depth distribution and reproductive data. The first record of the species in the Tyrrhenian Sea and of a spent female are reported in this paper. The size-structure of the sample was in between values of documented data from the western and eastern Mediterranean basins and the minimum mature sizes in both sexes and spermatophore length were similar to previous data from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Low values of gonadosomatic index and fecundity, the asynchronous ovulation, in addition to an extended reproductive period, have been associated with an intermittent spawning strategy

    On the first record of the genus Octopoteuthis (Cephalopoda: Octopoteuthidae) in the Sardinian Channel (central western Mediterranean Sea)

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    A specimen of the rare squid genus Octopoteuthis (Cephalopoda: Octopoteuthidae) from 1600m in the Sardinian Channel (central western Mediterranean) is described. Meristic and morphological data are provided. The specimen was a spent female and details of the reproductive system and implanted spermatangia are reported. Genetic analysis of this specimen and comparison with those available for species in this genus were carried out. Due to issues associated with the taxonomy of the genus Octopoteuthis, it was not possible to identify the specimen to the species level. The taxonomy of the genus is discussed

    Multivariate fatty acid and fatty alcohol profile of mullet bottarga

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    Mullet bottarga is a food delicacy obtained by salting and drying the intact roes of mullet (Mugil spp.). The fatty acid and fatty alcohol compositions of different samples of bottarga were studied by means of gas chromatography (GC) and multivariate analysis (MVA). High percentages of beneficial n-3 PUFA, among which docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (22:6n-3, 11.9%) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (20:5n-3, 8.6%), were detected. Differences in the concentrations of unsaturated FA and FAL were observed among samples, while saturated components showed little variations. On the other hand, the total contents of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated components were similar. The principal component analysis loadings bi-plot showed that n-6 PUFA concentrations were inversely correlated to those of n-3 PUFA, except for DHA that showed no correlations. Correlations between FAL concentrations were also observed. Furthermore, integrating our GC data with those from the literature on mullet and tuna bottarga, the MVA showed that both bottarga typologies exhibit a similar trend in the FA distribution and that 16:0 and 16:1n-7 FA are the variables with the highest discriminant power. In this work, we demonstrated the usefulness of the application of MVA to GC data to extract meaningful information otherwise hidden in the amount of data