811 research outputs found

    The impact of cultural dissonance and acculturation orientations on immigrant students' academic performance

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo; Redalyc.Prior research has documented meaningful differences between school performance of immigrant and native students. Multicultural education has been associated with academic failure of foreign students. e aim of this study was to examine the impact of a set of psychosocial variables on the perceived academic achievement of first generation immigrant adolescents from public secondary schools in Northern Spain. Results showed that 46% of the variability in foreign students’ perceived academic performance was explained by home-school cultural dissonance. We also explored the impact of acculturation orientation to separation, perception of discrimination from teachers, school adjustment, and psychological well-being in academic performance. Any multicultural education context should take into account psychosocial adjustment, given its influence on academic performance of all studentsSe han hallado diferencias significativas entre el rendimiento académico de los inmigrantes y el de los estudiantes nativos. Sin embargo, hay una escasa evidencia acerca de los aspectos psicosociales de este fenómeno. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar el impacto de un conjunto de variables psicosociales: disonancia cultural y orientaciones de aculturación en el rendimiento académico percibido de adolescentes inmigrantes de primera generación de centros de Educación Secundaria en el Norte de España. Los resultados mostraron que alrededor del 46% de la variabilidad en el rendimiento era explicada por la disonancia cultural entre escuela y hogar. Cualquier contexto de educación multicultural ha de tomar en consideración el ajuste psicosocial, dada su influencia en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes.http://www.redalyc.org/jatsRepo/647/64753989003/index.htm

    A study on the optimization of jet engines for combat aircraft

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    In the paper the optimization of jet engines for combat aircrafts is discussed. This optimization is referred to the selection of the valúes of the fan pressure ratio or by—pass ratio; máximum turbine inlet temperature; overall pressure ratio and máximum reheat temperature which optimize the specific fuel consumption and the ratio of the thrust to the nozzle throat área, assuming this last parameter to be an indicative of the thrust/weight ratio. The selection is carried out taking into account the aircraft missions for which the engine design is optimized

    A Novel Function of the Bacterial Replication Initiator Protein DnaA

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    Feasibility evaluation and critical factor analysis for subway scheduling

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    In strategic subway scheduling stage, the conflict sometimes comes from different requirements of the subway operator. This study aims to investigate the significant factors concerning strategic subway scheduling problem and to develop an automatic procedure of feasibility analysis in subway scheduling. To this end, accurate simulation of train movement (via a simulator, named HAMLET) is applied first by considering the line geography, train performances, actual speed restrictions, etc. The critical elements of subway scheduling and their correlations are then studied and a bound structure of the critical factors is established. The feasibility of primary plan requirements is analysed with the restrictions of the bound structure. Infeasible aspects and possible adjustments are shortly discussed. Finally, the subsequent applications including schedule generation and optimization according to various objectives are indicated as well

    Allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of the legumes crotalaria [Crotalaria juncea (L.) 'Tropic Sun'], jack bean [Canavalia ensiformis (L.)] and pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) 'Lazaro'] on crop development

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    En el laboratorio se evaluaron los efectos alelopáticos de extractos acuosos 3.3% m/v de crotalaria [Crotalaria júncea(L.) 'Tropic Sun'], canavalia [Canavalia ensiformis (L.)] y gandul [Cajanus cajan (L.) 'Lázaro'] en siete cultivos agronómicos: maíz (Zea mays 'Mayorbela 2011'), sorgo (Sorghum bicolor), habichuela (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Verano'), soya [Glycine max (L.)], caupí [Vigna unguiculata (L.)], lechuga [Lactuca sativa (L.) 'Nevada'] y gandul. Se encontró una Interacción entre cultivos x extracto acuoso en el séptimo día de germinación. Se determinó el efecto alelopátlco contrastando con el tratamiento control el largo del coleóptllo y la radícula en maíz y sorgo y el largo hlpocótllo y radícula en habichuela, soya, caupí, lechuga y gandul. El sorgo y la lechuga presentaron Inhibición de crecimiento del coleóptllo e hlpocótllo (respectlvamete) y radícula al tratarse con los tres extractos acuosos, donde el extracto acuoso de canavalia mostró mayores porcentajes de Inhibición (66% en lechuga y 49% en sorgo). Por el contrario, en los cultivos de maíz, habichuela y caupí, el extracto acuoso de crotalaria estimuló el crecimiento. De acuerdo a estos resultados se debe experimentar en el campo las asociaciones de leguminosas con cultivos agronómicos para determinar si las Interacciones estimulan o Inhiben el desarrollo de los cultivos ya que la Influencia de los factores ambientales son determinantes en el efecto alelopátlco.Allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts 3.3% w/v of crotalaria [Crotalaria júncea (L.)' Tropic Sun'], jack bean [Canavalia ensiformis(L.)] and pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) 'Lázaro'] were determined on seven agronomic crops: corn (Zea mays 'Mayorbela 2011'), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Verano'), soybean (Glycine max), cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)], lettuce [Lactuca sativa (L.) 'Nevada'] and pigeon pea in the laboratory. There was interaction between aqueous extracts x agronomic crops on the seventh day of germination. Allelopathic effect was determined by contrasting with the control coleoptile and radicle length in corn and sorghum, and the hypocotyl and radicle length in bean, soybean, cowpea, lettuce and pigeon pea. Sorghum and lettuce showed growth inhibition of the coleoptile and hypocotyl (respectively) and radicle when treated with the three aqueous extracts, where jack bean aqueous extracts showed higher inhibitions percentages (66% in lettuce and 49% in sorghum). By contrast, corn, bean and cowpea treated with crotalaria aqueous extracts exhibited growth stimulation. According to these results, field experiments must be conducted using legume associations with agronomic crops to confirm if the interactions stimulate or inhibit crop development because environmental factors are a major determinant of allelopathic effects

    Resource bounds analysis.

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    We present a generic analysis that infers both upper and lower bounds on the usage that a program makes of a set of user-definable resources. The inferred bounds will in general be functions of input data sizes. A resource in our approach is a quite general, user-defined notion which associates a basic cost function with elementary operations. The analysis then derives the related (upper- and lower- bound) cost functions for all procedures in the program. We also present an assertion language which is used to define both such resources and resource-related properties that the system can then check based on the results of the analysis. We have performed some experiments with some concrete resource-related properties such as execution steps, bits sent or received by an application, number of arithmetic operations performed, number of calls to a procedure, number of transactions, etc. presenting the resource usage functions inferred and the times taken to perform the analysis. Applications of our analysis include resource consumption verification and debugging (including for mobile code), resource control in parallel/distributed computing, and resource-oriented specialization

    La vegetación del peñón de Gibraltar

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    La vegetación del Peñón de Gibraltar. En el presente trabajo, presentamos un estudio de la vegetación de Gibraltar según la metodología de Braun-Blanquet. Como resultado, proponemos los nuevos sintáxones que aparecen en el resumen en inglés. La principal característica del paisaje vegetal de Gibraltar es que la vegetación natural está muy alterada con la presencia de comunidades fragmentarias. Estas son comentadas aplicando los conceptos de 'comunidad basal' (BC), 'comunidad derivada' (DC) y 'comunidad marginal' (MC)

    Towards data-aware cost-driven adaptation for service orchestrations.

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    Several activities in service oriented computing, such as automatic composition, monitoring, and adaptation, can benefit from knowing properties of a given service composition before executing them. Among these properties we will focus on those related to execution cost and resource usage, in a wide sense, as they can be linked to QoS characteristics. In order to attain more accuracy, we formulate execution costs / resource usage as functions on input data (or appropriate abstractions thereof) and show how these functions can be used to make better, more informed decisions when performing composition, adaptation, and proactive monitoring. We present an approach to, on one hand, synthesizing these functions in an automatic fashion from the definition of the different orchestrations taking part in a system and, on the other hand, to effectively using them to reduce the overall costs of non-trivial service-based systems featuring sensitivity to data and possibility of failure. We validate our approach by means of simulations of scenarios needing runtime selection of services and adaptation due to service failure. A number of rebinding strategies, including the use of cost functions, are compared