3,262 research outputs found

    DETECT-AGING blind prediction contest: a benchmark for structural health monitoring of masonry buildings

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    The installation of monitoring systems on buildings allows analyzing variations in structural parameters over time, creating room for detection of damage. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems have the potential to support pro-active risk management, where structural interventions are planned if specific thresholds related to target performance losses are achieved. DETECT-AGING is a research project of relevant national interest that was funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) through the PRIN 2017 programme. The project started in September 2019 and involves the universities of Bologna, Genova, Napoli Federico II, and Perugia. The main goal of the project is to develop a new analytical-instrumental approach aimed at the quantitative assessment of the effects of aging and material degradation on structural safety of cultural heritage, with special focus on masonry structures. Based on a combined use of structural models and health monitoring systems, indications and operational tools will be provided for the identification and quantification of structural damage, supporting the management of built cultural heritage. To this purpose, a two-storey masonry building, having a single room with a vault at the first floor and a timber roof, was built with the aim of being monitored and progressively and will be damaged during the project. It is equipped with a hybrid SHM system managed by the University of Perugia, which is based on both vibration and strain measurements. The present paper illustrates the main features of the case-study building and presents the results of the experimental program aimed at characterizing the mechanical properties of masonry the materials used. The final part of the paper presents a blind prediction contest based on prediction of modal features of the building in different damaged configurations

    Dual-readout Calorimetry

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    The RD52 Project at CERN is a pure instrumentation experiment whose goal is to understand the fundamental limitations to hadronic energy resolution, and other aspects of energy measurement, in high energy calorimeters. We have found that dual-readout calorimetry provides heretofore unprecedented information event-by-event for energy resolution, linearity of response, ease and robustness of calibration, fidelity of data, and particle identification, including energy lost to binding energy in nuclear break-up. We believe that hadronic energy resolutions of {\sigma}/E \approx 1 - 2% are within reach for dual-readout calorimeters, enabling for the first time comparable measurement preci- sions on electrons, photons, muons, and quarks (jets). We briefly describe our current progress and near-term future plans. Complete information on all aspects of our work is available at the RD52 website http://highenergy.phys.ttu.edu/dream/.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Snowmass White pape

    Hadron detection with a dual-readout fiber calorimeter

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    In this paper, we describe measurements of the response functions of a fiber-based dual- readout calorimeter for pions, protons and multiparticle "jets" with energies in the range from 10 to 180 GeV. The calorimeter uses lead as absorber material and has a total mass of 1350 kg. It is complemented by leakage counters made of scintillating plastic, with a total mass of 500 kg. The effects of these leakage counters on the calorimeter performance are studied as well. In a separate section, we investigate and compare different methods to measure the energy resolution of a calorimeter. Using only the signals provided by the calorimeter, we demonstrate that our dual-readout calorimeter, calibrated with electrons, is able to reconstruct the energy of proton and pion beam particles to within a few percent at all energies. The fractional widths of the signal distributions for these particles (sigma/E) scale with the beam energy as 30%/sqrt(E), without any additional contributing terms

    Caracterización física y química de ríos de montaña (Tafí del Valle-Tucumán-Argentina)

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    En este trabajo se estudió durante el ciclo anual 2000-2001, a los ríos Blanquito, Churqui, de La Ovejería, de Las Carreras, Tafí, El Mollar y Los Sosa, ubicados a 2000 msnm en el valle de Tafí (Tucumán-Argentina). El objetivo de esta contribución fue caracterizar e interpretar las variaciones espacio-temporales de los parámetros físicos y químicos en relación con la dinámica hidrológica a la que se encuentran sujetos estos ecosistemas acuáticos y además, comparar la calidad de sus aguas. Las variables físicas y químicas analizadas fueron: oxígeno disuelto (OD), demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO5), iones mayoritarios, compuestos nitrogenados, ortofosfatos y metales pesados. Los resultados muestran que la temperatura varió entre 4.2 y 28 ◦C, el pH fluctuó de neutro a alcalino (6.7-8.7) y la conductividad eléctrica entre 64 y 296 μS/cm. El OD y la DBO5 se mostraron estables, alcanzando máximos valores de 10.1 y 2 mg/l, respectivamente. El agua pudo caracterizarse como bicarbonatada-cálcica dominante. Las concentraciones de N-NO−3 oscilaron entre 0.1 y 0.6 mg/l, el N-NO−2 sólo llegó en el río Churqui a 0.01 mg/l y el N-NH+4 alcanzó valores de 0.8 mg/l. En general los registros de los ortofosfatos fueron inferiores a 0.2 mg/l. Los metales pesados Cu2+ y Fe3+ llegaron a un máximo de 3 mg/l y 1.8 mg/l, respectivamente. Las mayores concentraciones del hierro se presentaron en el río de La Ovejería y de cobre en el río El Mollar, probablemente por contaminación antropogénica. La interpretación de los análisis de componentes principales realizados sobre la matriz de parámetros físicos y químicos, permitió diferenciar a los sistemas lóticos temporal y espacialmente. El componente 1 ordenó a los ríos de acuerdo a los iones mayoritarios predominantes y a la conductividad, lo que podría interpretarse como un eje de mineralización. Los componentes 2 y 3, ordenaron las muestras de invierno y primavera y las de verano y otoño, de acuerdo a la variación cíclica estacional coincidiendo con las condiciones climáticas del área de estudio.In this work, throughout the 2000-2001 annual period, the Blanquito, Churqui, de La Ovejería, de Las Carreras, Tafí, El Mollar and Los Sosa rivers, located at 2000 m above sea level in the Taf'ı Valley (Tucumán-Argentina) were studied. The aim of this paper was not only to characterize and understand the spatial and temporal variations of physical and chemical parameters related to the hydrological dynamics these aquatic ecosystems are subject to, but also to compare the quality of their waters. Physical and chemical variables analysed were: dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), preponderant ions, nitrogenous compounds, orthophosphates, and heavy metals. Results show that the temperature ranged between 4.2 and 28 ◦C, pH fluctuated from neutral to alkaline (6.7-8.7) and electrical conductivity varied between 64 and 296 μS/cm. DO and BOD5 were stable and reached maximum values of 10.1 and 2 mg/l, respectively. The water could be characterized as mainly bicarbonated-calcic. N-NO−3 concentrations ranged between 0.1 and 0.6 mg/l, N-NO−2 reaching only 0.01 mg/l in the Churqui river, and N-NH+4 reached values of 0.8 mg/l. In general, orthophosphate records were lower than 0.2 mg/l. Maximum values for heavy metals, Cu2 + and Fe3 + were 3 mg/l y 1.8 mg/l, respectively. Iron highest concentrations were found in de La Ovejería river, whereas those for copper were found in El Mollar river, probably due to anthropogenic pollution. The interpretation of the main component analyses carried out on the physical and chemical parameters matrix, allowed to differentiate lotic systems both temporally and spatially. Component 1 ordered the rivers according to both the prevailing ions and conductivity, which could be interpreted as a mineralization axis. Components 2 and 3 ordered the winter and spring, and the summer and autumn samples according to the seasonal cyclic variation, coinciding with the climatic conditions of the area under study

    Three Rice cDNA Clones Encoding Different [beta]-Tubulin Isotypes

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    Neutron irradiation test on ATLAS MDT chambers

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    Abstract The Monitored Drift Tubes (MDT) chambers of the ATLAS muon spectrometer are crucial for the identification of high-momentum final-state muons, which represent very promising and robust signatures of physics at the LHC. They will operate in a high rate and high background environment and therefore their performances should not significantly degrade for the whole ATLAS data taking. The maximum expected total flux, mainly consisting of neutrons and photons in the MeV range, is of the order of 5 kHz/cm 2 for the barrel MDTs, while at SLHC, with machine working at higher luminosity, fluxes can be 10 times higher. To test detector robustness, a MDT test chamber was exposed to intensive neutron irradiation at the TAPIRO ENEA-Casaccia Research Center facility

    Robot-mediated overground gait training for transfemoral amputees with a powered bilateral hip orthosis: a pilot study

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    Background: Transfemoral amputation is a serious intervention that alters the locomotion pattern, leading to secondary disorders and reduced quality of life. The outcomes of current gait rehabilitation for TFAs seem to be highly dependent on factors such as the duration and intensity of the treatment and the age or etiology of the patient. Although the use of robotic assistance for prosthetic gait rehabilitation has been limited, robotic technologies have demonstrated positive rehabilitative effects for other mobility disorders and may thus offer a promising solution for the restoration of healthy gait in TFAs. This study therefore explored the feasibility of using a bilateral powered hip orthosis (APO) to train the gait of community-ambulating TFAs and the effects on their walking abilities. Methods: Seven participants (46–71 years old with different mobility levels) were included in the study and assigned to one of two groups (namely Symmetry and Speed groups) according to their prosthesis type, mobility level, and prior experience with the exoskeleton. Each participant engaged in a maximum of 12 sessions, divided into one Enrollment session, one Tuning session, two Assessment sessions (conducted before and after the training program), and eight Training sessions, each consisting of 20 minutes of robotically assisted overground walking combined with additional tasks. The two groups were assisted by different torque-phase profiles, aiming at improving symmetry for the Symmetry group and at maximizing the net power transferred by the APO for the Speed group. During the Assessment sessions, participants performed two 6-min walking tests (6mWTs), one with (Exo) and one without (NoExo) the exoskeleton, at either maximal (Symmetry group) or self-selected (Speed group) speed. Spatio-temporal gait parameters were recorded by commercial measurement equipment as well as by the APO sensors, and metabolic efficiency was estimated via the Cost of Transport (CoT). Additionally, kinetic and kinematic data were recorded before and after treatment in the NoExo condition. Results: The one-month training protocol was found to be a feasible strategy to train TFAs, as all participants smoothly completed the clinical protocol with no relevant mechanical failures of the APO. The walking performance of participants improved after the training. During the 6mWT in NoExo, participants in the Symmetry and Speed groups respectively walked 17.4% and 11.7% farther and increased walking speed by 13.7% and 17.9%, with improved temporal and spatial symmetry for the former group and decreased energetic expenditure for the latter. Gait analysis showed that ankle power, step width, and hip kinematics were modified towards healthy reference levels in both groups. In the Exo condition metabolic efficiency was reduced by 3% for the Symmetry group and more than 20% for the Speed group. Conclusions: This study presents the first pilot study to apply a wearable robotic orthosis (APO) to assist TFAs in an overground gait rehabilitation program. The proposed APO-assisted training program was demonstrated as a feasible strategy to train TFAs in a rehabilitation setting. Subjects improved their walking abilities, although further studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness of the APO compared to other gait interventions. Future protocols will include a lighter version of the APO along with optimized assistive strategies

    System Test of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer in the H8 Beam at the CERN SPS

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    An extensive system test of the ATLAS muon spectrometer has been performed in the H8 beam line at the CERN SPS during the last four years. This spectrometer will use pressurized Monitored Drift Tube (MDT) chambers and Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) for precision tracking, Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) for triggering in the barrel and Thin Gap Chambers (TGCs) for triggering in the end-cap region. The test set-up emulates one projective tower of the barrel (six MDT chambers and six RPCs) and one end-cap octant (six MDT chambers, A CSC and three TGCs). The barrel and end-cap stands have also been equipped with optical alignment systems, aiming at a relative positioning of the precision chambers in each tower to 30-40 micrometers. In addition to the performance of the detectors and the alignment scheme, many other systems aspects of the ATLAS muon spectrometer have been tested and validated with this setup, such as the mechanical detector integration and installation, the detector control system, the data acquisition, high level trigger software and off-line event reconstruction. Measurements with muon energies ranging from 20 to 300 GeV have allowed measuring the trigger and tracking performance of this set-up, in a configuration very similar to the final spectrometer. A special bunched muon beam with 25 ns bunch spacing, emulating the LHC bunch structure, has been used to study the timing resolution and bunch identification performance of the trigger chambers. The ATLAS first-level trigger chain has been operated with muon trigger signals for the first time

    Upgraded Pulsating Heat Pipe Only For Space (U-Phos): Results of the 22nd Rexus Sounding Rocket Campaign

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    A large tube may still behave, to a certain extent, as a capillary in a micro-gravity environment. This very basic concept is here applied to a two-phase passive heat transfer devices in order to obtain a new family of hybrid wickless heat pipes. Indeed, a Loop Thermosyphon, which usually consists of a large tube, closed end to end in a loop, evacuated and partially filled with a working fluid and intrinsically gravity assisted, may become a capillary tube in space condition and turn its thermo-fluidic behavior into a so called Pulsating Heat Pipe (PHP), or better, a Space Pulsating Heat Pipe (SPHP). Since the objective of the present work is to experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of such a hybrid device, a SPHP has been designed, built, instrumented and tested both on ground and microgravity conditions on the 22nd ESA REXUS Sounding Rocket Campaign. Ground tests demonstrate that the device effectively work as a gravity assisted loop thermosyphon, whether the sounding rocket data clearly reveal a change in the thermal hydraulic behavior very similar to the PHP. Since a microgravity period of approximately 120s is not sufficient to reach a pseudo steady state regime, further investigation on a longer term weightless condition is mandatory