1,563 research outputs found

    The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Test Beam Monitoring Program

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    During 2003 test beam session for ATLAS Tile Calorimeter a monitoring program has been developed to ease the setup of correct running condition and the assessment of data quality. The program has been built using the Online Software services provided by the ATLAS Online Software group. The first part of this note contains a brief overview of these services followed by the full description of Tile Calorimeter monitoring program architecture and features. Performances and future upgrades are discussed in the final part of this note.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, ATLAS TILECAL Not

    A proposition of 3D inertial tolerancing to consider the statistical combination of the location and orientation deviations

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    Tolerancing of assembly mechanisms is a major interest in the product life cycle. One can distinguish several models with growing complexity, from 1-dimensional (1D) to 3-dimensional (3D) (including form deviations), and two main tolerancing assumptions, the worst case and the statistical hypothesis. This paper presents an approach to 3D statistical tolerancing using a new acceptance criterion. Our approach is based on the 1D inertial acceptance criterion that is extended to 3D and form acceptance. The modal characterisation is used to describe the form deviation of a geometry as the combination of elementary deviations (location, orientation and form). The proposed 3D statistical tolerancing is applied on a simple mechanism with lever arm. It is also compared to the traditional worst-case tolerancing using a tolerance zone

    Software debugging techniques

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    This lecture provides an introduction to debugging, a crucial activity in every developer's life. After an elementary discussion of some useful debugging concepts, the lecture goes on with a detailed review of general debugging techniques, independent of any speci c software. The nal part of the lecture is dedicated to analysing problems related to the use of C++ , the main programming language commonly employed in particle physics nowadays

    "Pride and Prejudice" di Jane Austen: trasformazioni dal romanzo al film

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    Questa tesi ha l'obiettivo di mettere in risalto le principali differenze tra il romanzo di Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice" e l'omonimo adattamento cinematografico del 2005 diretto da Joe Wright. Vengono messi a confronto i personaggi del romanzo con i loro corrispondenti nel film e vengono analizzate le differenze che li distinguono. Si parla anche della grande popolarità del romanzo nell'era attuale e del fatto che autori come Helen Fielding si siano ispirati ad esso. Pride and Prejudice è un romanzo intramontabile e dà alla Fielding un input nello scrivere Bridget Jones's Diary, tanto che per certi versi si parla di "stolen plot and characters" in quanto sia la trama che i personaggi ricordano quelli di Pride and Prejudice, ma, allo stesso tempo,l'autrice si distacca dal romanzo della Austen per creare un'eroina del tutto diversa da Elizabeth Bennet e soprattutto una donna indipendente che cerca il vero amore, ma che ha dei problemi che le impediscono di essere felice: uno tra questi è il suo peso corporeo, quindi vuole dimagrire proprio perché nella società moderna l'essere magro è indice di bellezza. Alla fine, però sarà l'amore a prendere il sopravvento nella sua vita e lei sarà finalmente felice proprio come Elizabeth

    Using the Tenth Amendment to Prevent Forest Fires: An Analysis of the PropertyClause and Tenth Amendment in United States v. Board of County Commissionersof County of Otero

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    In July 2016, residents of Timberon, a small town located on the edge of Lincoln National Forest in Otero County, New Mexico, returned home to find their houses reduced to ashes. They were victims of a forest fire that had quickly spread due to the dry, arid conditions in Otero County. Unfortunately, such scenes are all too common. Wildfires burning throughout the country have become a growing national concern. Time and time again people are forced to evacuate their homes because forest fires, fueled by dry undergrowth, have burned their communities. When a community is faced with such dangers it must protect itself. This same rationale motivated the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Otero to take preemptive measures to thin and clear dangerous dry undergrowth that posed a serious conflagratory threat of causing the same destruction residents of Timberon experienced. Otero County’s protective measures, however, were halted by the Federal Government, who used authority granted to it by the Property Clause of the Federal Constitution to assert complete authority over National Forest land in Otero County

    Development of the DORI-TBI: An Investigation to Develop a New Screening Measure to Determine Consultation with a School-Based Brain Injury Resource Team

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    Brain injury is the leading cause of disability and death in children in the United States. Student re-entry into the school setting following a traumatic brain injury is crucial to student success. Multidisciplinary teams within the school district comprised of individuals with expertise in brain injury are ideal in implementing student specific treatment plans given their specialized training and wide range of expertise addressing student needs. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop and initially validate a quantitative instrument that school personnel can use to determine if a student, identified as having a traumatic brain injury, will benefit from district-level consultation from a brain injury team. Three studies were designed to investigate the research questions. In study one, the planning and construction of the DORI-TBI was completed. Study two addressed the content validity of the DORI-TBI through a comparison analysis with other referral forms, content review with experts in the field of TBI, and cognitive interviews with professionals to test the usability of the new screening tool. In study three, a field administration was conducted using vignettes to measure construct validity. Results produced a valid and reliable new screening instrument that can aid school-based teams to more efficiently utilize district level consultation with a brain injury support team

    Reingeniería del circuito administrativo. El caso de la reestructuración organizacional en una unidad académica de una universidad pública.

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    El análisis de una organización así como la planificación y ejecución de sus proyectos se basa en decisiones tomadas sobre datos e información, indispensables para el control y mejora de la gestión desde una visión integral. Las observaciones realizadas durante el proceso de Autoevaluación 2004 de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora condujeron a la necesidad de contar con un sistema informático que simplificara e hiciera más eficiente la tarea del área administrativa a la vez que congruente con el sistema solicitado por la Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias, de manera de poder funcionar de forma funcional comunicacionalmente articulada. El presente trabajo describe la reestructuración llevada a cabo en el área administrativa en forma de reconcepción y rediseño de los procesos (Hammer y Champy, 1994), para poder comenzar con la implementación de un nuevo sistema de información que integre la organización toda. El desafío constituía en lograr una solución integral que contemplara la heterogeneidad de situaciones y de necesidades existentes (Gurmendi y Williams, 2006)

    La ricerca e il gruppo esperienziale nell’ambito del progetto “www…parliamonepure.it” realizzato nel carcere di Castelvetrano (TP)

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    Nel panorama nazionale si discute poco degli autori dei reati sessuali, infatti l’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica e dei diversi attori sociali è più rivolta alle vittime dei reati sessuali. Ancora poco si affronta il problema legato al trattamento dei pedofili e dei violentatori di donne, nonostante l’argomento meriti approfondimenti anche in ambito penitenziario. Appare necessario ed opportuno individuare, nell’ambito del lavoro trattamentale, un modello operativo finalizzato alla ricerca di strategie che orientino il condannato per reati sessuali verso un percorso di analisi degli agiti. Ciò assume una rilevanza particolare nel trattamento dei detenuti sex offenders, pur riconoscendo la valenza del percorso trattamentale rivolto a qualsiasi tipologia di detenuti. L’esperienza realizzata presso la Casa Circondariale di Castelvetrano, descritta nel presente articolo, ha consentito, attraverso l’uso di una metodologia di lavoro di gruppo, di rilevare a carico dei soggetti partecipanti un quadro di consistente difficoltà nei percorsi di approfondimento e di analisi personale. In Italy, there has been little discussion about sex offenders. In fact, public and social actors’ attention has focused more on the victims of sex crimes rather than on criminals, so little importance is given to resocialization programs for paedophiles and rapists, even if this topic is worth exploring particularly in prisons. In the treatment phase, it is necessary and considered appropriate to identify an operational model aimed to orientate the sex offenders towards a process of analysis of their deviant behaviours. Through the methodology of the experiential group, the project carried out at Castelvetrano prison has highlighted the severe difficulties in personal analysis encountered by the sex offenders involved

    Is there a Connection between Learning Style Preferences and Video Game Genres?

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    The purpose of this research was to determine if a correlation exists between video game genres and learning style preferences The framework used was the cognitive behavioral theoretical framework The quantitative research that guided the study was the relationship between learning style preference and an individual s preferred genre of video game A VARK Survey was implemented to collect data the second data collection process was the different video game genres people play The data was analyzed using the Chi-square test of independence For most video game genres and learning style preferences there was no correlation Teachers administration and workshop educators might benefit by learning how to integrate video game genres to differentiate the lessons for their student