68 research outputs found

    Implementación de herramientas financieras para fomentar el crecimiento y desarrollo de las microempresas de la Provincia El Oro

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    Microenterprises are the smallest organizations in the business world, generally run under the responsibility of a single person and require a low investment to start their operations, however today they have a high percentage of presence in the economies of the countries. In addition, they are considered a fundamental pillar for the economy of a country, since they generate jobs, contribute to its growth and development, meet the needs of a particular area, allow the prices of goods and services to be more flexible, among others. benefits, however, a large percentage of these operate under levels of informality and improvisation, which prevents them from taking effective control of their processes. The use of financial tools such as the balance sheet, the income statement and the financial indicators, as well as the accounting processes and systems would allow you to generate timely and accurate information necessary to verify if you are achieving your objectives and to be able to make decisions on time. Objective: Demonstrate that the implementation of financial tools contributes to promote the growth and development of microenterprises in the El Oro Province. Methodology: The type of research is descriptive because a reality is analyzed and quantitative design since data is analyzed. Results: According to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, they show that in the Province of El Oro for the year 2022 the number of companies was 41.5 in relation to 2021, which was 40.8, increasing by 1.6%, which shows that it is a good business alternative. Conclusions: It was evidenced that microenterprises in El Oro Province continue to increase and use financial tools to achieve their objectives and profitability, such as accounting, however, it is necessary to raise awareness among those that do not comply with legal aspects, to comply with the records and obligations to the state. Keywords: microenterprises, financial tools, balance sheet, income statement, financial indicators.Las microempresas son las organizaciones más pequeñas dentro del mundo empresarial, generalmente dirigidas bajo la responsabilidad de una sola persona y requieren de una baja inversión para iniciar sus operaciones, sin embargo, hoy en día tienen un alto porcentaje de presencia en las economías de los países. Además, son consideradas un pilar fundamental para la economía de un país, puesto que estas son generadoras de puestos de trabajo, contribuyen a su crecimiento y desarrollo, suplen necesidades de una zona en particular, permiten flexibilizar los precios de bienes y servicios, entre otros beneficios, sin embargo, un gran porcentaje de estas operan bajo niveles de informalidad e improvisación, lo cual les impide llevar un eficaz control de sus procesos. La utilización de herramientas financieras como el balance general, es estado de resultados y los indicadores financieros, así como los procesos y sistemas contables le permitirían generar información oportuna y veraz necesaria para comprobar si están logrando sus objetivos y poder tomar decisiones a tiempo. Objetivo: Demostrar que la Implementación de herramientas financieras contribuyen a fomentar el crecimiento y desarrollo de las microempresas en la Provincia El Oro. Metodología: El tipo de investigación es descriptivo por que se analizara una realidad y de diseño cuantitativo ya que se analizaran datos. Resultados: Según el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos, muestran que en la Provincia el Oro para el año 2022 el número de empresas fue de 41.5 en relación con el 2021 que era de 40.8, incrementándose en 1.6%, lo cual muestra que es una buena alternativa de negocios. Conclusiones: Se evidencio que las microempresas de la Provincia el Oro siguen incrementándose y usando herramientas financieras para lograr sus objetivos y rentabilidad, como la contabilidad, sin embargo, necesario concientizar a aquellas que no cumplen con los aspectos legales, a cumplir con los registros y obligaciones ante el Estado. Palabras claves: microempresas, herramientas financieras, balance general, estado de resultados, indicadores financieros. ABSTRACT Microenterprises are the smallest organizations in the business world, generally run under the responsibility of a single person and require a low investment to start their operations, however today they have a high percentage of presence in the economies of the countries. In addition, they are considered a fundamental pillar for the economy of a country, since they generate jobs, contribute to its growth and development, meet the needs of a particular area, allow the prices of goods and services to be more flexible, among others. benefits, however, a large percentage of these operate under levels of informality and improvisation, which prevents them from taking effective control of their processes. The use of financial tools such as the balance sheet, the income statement and the financial indicators, as well as the accounting processes and systems would allow you to generate timely and accurate information necessary to verify if you are achieving your objectives and to be able to make decisions on time. Objective: Demonstrate that the implementation of financial tools contributes to promote the growth and development of microenterprises in the El Oro Province. Methodology: The type of research is descriptive because a reality is analyzed and quantitative design since data is analyzed. Results: According to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, they show that in the Province of El Oro for the year 2022 the number of companies was 41.5 in relation to 2021, which was 40.8, increasing by 1.6%, which shows that it is a good business alternative. Conclusions: It was evidenced that microenterprises in El Oro Province continue to increase and use financial tools to achieve their objectives and profitability, such as accounting, however, it is necessary to raise awareness among those that do not comply with legal aspects, to comply with the records and obligations to the state. Keywords: microenterprises, financial tools, balance sheet, income statement, financial indicators. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 05 de julio de 2023.Fecha de aceptación: 20 de septiembre de 2023.Fecha de publicación: 16 de octubre de 2023

    Cuarentena por COVID-19, factor asociado al consumo de drogas legales en estudiantes de enfermería

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    Introducción: en la pandemia por COVID-19 se han implementado políticas de salud poco usuales como la cuarentena en la población, modificando entornos sociales, laborales y escolares siendo los jóvenes los más afectados ya que no todos estaban preparados para acatar esas indicaciones, generando estrés o ansiedad, afecciones que generalmente son remediadas por el consumo de drogas psicoactivas como alcohol y tabaco. Objetivo: determinar si la cuarentena por COVID-19, es un factor de consumo de drogas legales en estudiantes de Enfermería. Método: investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, correlacional, prospectiva y trasversal, en una muestra de 266 estudiantes de la Licenciatura de Enfermería de la Región Orizaba de la Universidad Veracruzana, con muestreo no probabilístico por cuota. Se aplicó el AUDIT y ASSIST de la OMS. Resultados: 86.1% posee conocimiento alto sobre COVID-19, 63.5% ingirió alcohol en la vida, 30.8% toma de 1 a 2 copas y 93.3% nunca perdió la noción de lo que sucedía. Por otro lado, 59.0% probó tabaco, 16.2% consumieron 1 o 2 veces en tres meses y 100% negó padecer problemas por este hábito. Conclusión: 20.4% son hombres y 79.6% mujeres de distintas edades y semestres, 92.5% no tuvo COVID-19, 53.0% son consumidores ocasionales de alcohol y 29.5% fuman con riesgo bajo, en aquellas personas que tuvieron resultados bajos de conocimiento de COVID-19, aumentó el uso de alcohol (rs= -.121, p <0.05), para el uso de tabaco no hubo cambios; los resultados se contraponen con otros autores.   Introduction: during the COVID-19 pandemic, unusual health policies such as quarantine have been implemented in the population, modifying social, work and school environments, with young people being the most affected since not all of them were prepared to comply with these indications, generating stress or anxiety, conditions that are generally remedied by the consumption of psychoactive drugs such as alcohol and tobacco. Objective: to determine whether COVID-19 quarantine is a factor in the consumption of legal drugs in nursing students. Method: quantitative, descriptive, correlational, prospective and transversal research, in a sample of 266 students of the Nursing Degree of the Orizaba Region of the Universidad Veracruzana, with non-probabilistic sampling by quota. The AUDIT and ASSIST of the WHO were applied. Results: 86.1% had a high knowledge of COVID-19, 63.5% had ingested alcohol in their lifetime, 30.8% had 1 to 2 drinks and 93.3% had never lost track of what was happening. On the other hand, 59.0% tried tobacco, 16.2% consumed 1 or 2 times in three months and 100% denied suffering problems due to this habit. Conclusion: 20.4% are men and 79.6% women of different ages and semesters, 92.5% did not have COVID-19, 53.0% are occasional alcohol consumers and 29.5% smoke with low risk, in those people who had low COVID-19 knowledge results, alcohol use increased (rs= -.121, p <0.05), for tobacco use there were no changes; the results are in contrast with other authors

    Estudio de reacciones adversas de antibióticos al personal que labora en el centro de salud del municipio de tibaná y en el hospital regional de chiquinquirá

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    imagen de encuesta realizadaLo que se busca con este proyecto es evaluar el conocimiento que posee el personal de ambos centros de salud sobre las reacciones adversas por antibióticos como tratarlas, prevenirlas y controlarlas, se tiene como referencia la E.S.E Gustavo Romero Hernández y el E.S.E Hospital Regional de Chiquinquirá donde tiene una población aproximada de 74.464 habitantes, donde las dos cuentas con un programa de farmacovigilancia pero no lo saben utilizar debido a la falta de conocimiento por algunos de los trabajadores en la nueva información de medicamentos. En el desarrollo de este estudio se plantean diferentes actividades como revisiones bibliográficas en diferentes sitios web de los últimos diez años identificando documentos que más se asemejen a temas como: tipos de reacciones adversas, su clasificación e historia, analizando al personal a través de encuestas y realizando una campaña educativa. Además, por medio de una encuesta se observará el conocimiento sobre las RAM, esto ya que el objetivo de la farmacovigilancia es observar profundamente las reacciones adversas de los nuevos fármacos que van saliendo al mercado. Con este trabajo se analizará la importancia de conocer sobre reacciones adversas y los daños que pueden generar en la salud, donde se comprenderán y prevendrán los errores que se pueden generar por no estar bien informados, con el único fin de como regentes brindar información y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes.What is sought with this project is to evaluate the knowledge that the staff of both health centers have about adverse reactions by antibiotics such as treating, preventing and controlling them, the E.S.E Gustavo Romero Hernández and the E.S.E Regional Hospital of Chiquinquirá where it has an approximate population of 74,464 inhabitants, where the two have a pharmacovigilance program but do not know how to use it due to the lack of knowledge by some of the workers in the new drug information. In the development of this study, different activities are proposed such as bibliographic reviews on different websites of the last ten years, identifying documents that most closely resemble topics such as: types of adverse reactions, their classification and history, analyzing the staff through surveys and carrying out an educational campaign. In addition, through a survey the knowledge about ADRs will be observed, this since the objective of pharmacovigilance is to deeply observe the adverse reactions of new drugs that are coming to the market. This work will analyze the importance of knowing about adverse reactions and the damages they can generate in health, where the errors that can be generated by not being well informed will be understood and prevented, with the sole purpose of providing information and improving the quality of life of patients as regents

    Application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the Course "Industrial Chemical Technology" of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering

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    [EN] This paper describes the application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the subject "Industrial Chemical Technology" of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the Universitat Politécnica de València (UPV). This course includes contents related to the Basic Operations of Chemical Engineering, not previously studied by most students. This fact, together with the difficulties associated with the management of 300 students have conditioned the type of methodologies that can be applied and, therefore, the level of depth at which the contents can be developed. Therefore, the main methodology applied so far has been the participative masterclass, with problem solving in the classroom. Although the results in terms of percentage of students who pass the course are very satisfactory, the approach to learning is superficial in some aspects and teachers believe that it should be adapted to master's level. To achieve deeper learning of students in the contents of the course, it has been decided to partially modify the methodology, integrating Problem-Based Learning (ABP). This new methodology will consist of grouped resolution of problems integrated into the same real industrial process, which will allow students to also acquire a more global view of the contents covered in the course. The level of the problems will be increased compared to those solved in the classroom and students will be required to search, select and justify additional data and information to solve the problems that will also be multidisciplinary. All this innovation is part of an Innovation and Educational Improvement Project granted and funded by the ¿Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación (VECA)¿ of the UPV. This work describes how the PBL has been defined for implementation in the course and analyses the results achieved to date, identifying the aspects to be improved for the continuation of the methodology in the following academic years.This work has been funded by the Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación (VECA of the Universitat Politécnica València (A + D Call for Innovation and Educational Improvement Projects)Sancho, M.; García-Fayos, B.; Garcia-Castello, EM.; Martí Calatayud, MC.; Rodríguez López, AD.; Bes-Piá, M.; Mendoza Roca, JA.... (2021). Application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the Course "Industrial Chemical Technology" of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering. IATED. 3740-3747. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.0775S3740374

    Perception and experiences of the elderly in the Mier y Pesado Foundation

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    La Organización Mundial de la Salud (2014) define el envejecimiento como un proceso fisiológico que se inicia en la concepción y provoca cambios en las características de una especie a lo largo del ciclo de vida. Objetivo: determinar la percepción del adulto mayor frente a su vida antes y después de ingresar a un centro gerontológico, de los residentes de la fundación Mier y Pesado de Orizaba, Ver., en el periodo agosto 2022- enero 2023. Metodología: Enfoque cualitativa, fenomenológico y enfoque hermenéutico, corte trasversal, con una muestra de 14 residentes de la Fundación Mier y Pesado. Resultados: Datos sociodemográficos: 10 mujeres y 4 hombres. Perspectiva sobre la vida: “La vida es un regalo de dios que nos dio la oportunidad de tener.” La vida antes de ingresar al asilo: “Normal, una vida de casado, ya no vivían los hijos con nosotros, solo con mi esposa.” Experiencia en el asilo: “Una vida muy bonita, jamás vivida por mí, jamás pensé que yo iba a vivir así.” Conclusión: se determina que la percepción que tuvieron los adultos mayores si cambia en su vida antes y después de ser ingresados a un asilo.The World Health Organization (2014) defines aging as a physiological process that begins at conception and causes changes in the characteristics of a species throughout the life cycle. Objective: to determine the perception of the elderly regarding their life before and after entering a gerontological center, of the residents of the Mier y Pesado Foundation of Orizaba, Ver., in the period August 2022- January 2023. Methodology: Qualitative approach, phenomenological and hermeneutic approach, cross section, with a sample of 14 residents of the Mier y Pesado Foundation. Results: Sociodemographic data: 10 women and 4 men. Perspective on life: "Life is a gift from God who gave us the opportunity to have." Life before entering the asylum: "Normal, married life, the children no longer lived with us, only with my wife." Experience in the asylum: "A very beautiful life, never lived by me, I never thought that I would live like this." Conclusion: it is determined that the perception that older adults had does change in their lives before and after being admitted to a nursing home

    Impacto del abandono en la salud física y mental del adulto mayor

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    The World Health Organization (2017) defines the panorama of aging as the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to improve the quality of life of people as they age. Objective: To determine if family abandonment intervenes in the physical and mental health of the older adults of the Mier y Pesado de Orizaba Foundation, Ver. In the period August 2022-January 2023. Methodology: It was a study with a quantitative approach, not Experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional, with a non-probabilistic convenience sample, made up of 26 participants, who met the criteria of being residents of the Mier y Pesado Foundation, aged over 62 years. Three instruments were used; elderly abandonment questionnaire, Yesavage scale and Katz index, following ethical considerations in research. Results: According to the Shapiro Wilk test, it is concluded that the variables that were used do not have homoscedasticity, therefore, it is decided to use a test of non-parametric connections, in this case Spearman's Rho. (Ortega, Ochoa and Molina, 2021), where it is observed that there is no correlation between the variables raised. Conclusion: 46.2% present abandonment due to lack of care. 42.3% moderate depression. 61.5% are independent. It is concluded that the abandonment in the residents of the Mier y Pesado Foundation does not cause mental or physical alterations.La Organización Mundial de la Salud (2017) define el panorama del envejecimiento como es el proceso de optimizar las oportunidades de salud, participación y seguridad a fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas a medida que envejecen. Objetivo: Determinar si el abandono familiar interviene en la salud física y mental de los adultos mayores de la fundación Mier y Pesado de Orizaba, Ver. En el periodo agosto 2022-enero 2023. Metodología: Se trató de un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, no experimental, de tipo descriptivo y transversal, con una muestra no probabilística a conveniencia, integrada por 26 participantes, que cumplieron con los criterios ser residentes de la Fundación Mier y Pesado, con edad mayor a 62 años. Se utilizaron tres instrumentos; cuestionario del abandono del adulto mayor, escala de Yesavage y el índice de Katz, siguiendo las consideraciones éticas en materia de investigación. Resultados: Según la prueba de Shapiro Wilk, se concluye que las variables que se utilizaron no tienen homocedasticidad, por consiguiente, se opta por utilizar una prueba de correlación no paramétrica, en este caso Rho de Spearman. (Ortega, Ochoa y Molina, 2021), en donde se observa que no existe correlación entre las variables planteadas. Conclusión: El 46.2% presenta abandono por la falta de atención. El 42.3% depresión moderada. El 61.5% son independientes. Se concluye que el abandono en los residentes de la fundación Mier y Pesado, no causa alteraciones mentales ni físicas. &nbsp

    A Murine Model of falciparum-Malaria by In Vivo Selection of Competent Strains in Non-Myelodepleted Mice Engrafted with Human Erythrocytes

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    To counter the global threat caused by Plasmodium falciparum malaria, new drugs and vaccines are urgently needed. However, there are no practical animal models because P. falciparum infects human erythrocytes almost exclusively. Here we describe a reliable falciparum murine model of malaria by generating strains of P. falciparum in vivo that can infect immunodeficient mice engrafted with human erythrocytes. We infected NODscid/β2m−/− mice engrafted with human erythrocytes with P. falciparum obtained from in vitro cultures. After apparent clearance, we obtained isolates of P. falciparum able to grow in peripheral blood of engrafted NODscid/β2m−/− mice. Of the isolates obtained, we expanded in vivo and established the isolate Pf3D70087/N9 as a reference strain for model development. Pf3D70087/N9 caused productive persistent infections in 100% of engrafted mice infected intravenously. The infection caused a relative anemia due to selective elimination of human erythrocytes by a mechanism dependent on parasite density in peripheral blood. Using this model, we implemented and validated a reproducible assay of antimalarial activity useful for drug discovery. Thus, our results demonstrate that P. falciparum contains clones able to grow reproducibly in mice engrafted with human erythrocytes without the use of myeloablative methods

    Calidad de vida en personas con obesidad, diabetes e hipertensión

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    Introduction: obesity is understood as the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can be harmful to health and is measured according to the body mass index (BMI); on the other hand, diabetes is defined as a chronic disease that appears when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body does not effectively use the insulin it produces; finally, hypertension is the main risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Objective: to determine the quality of life in people with obesity, diabetes and hypertension in an urban population of the city of Orizaba, Veracruz. Material and methods: quantitative, descriptive, correlational, prospective and cross-sectional research, with simple random probability sampling. Results and discussion: the quality of life in people with obesity (28 people) was 7.16% high, 21.42% medium and 71.42% low. In diabetes (44 persons), 67.7% scored high and 6.5% regular. In hypertension (42 persons), 56.6% mentioned having a very good quality of life, 9.7% good and 1.6% fair. The results are in contrast to research studies where the quality of life in people with obesity, diabetes and hypertension was different since they identified important affectations limiting the development of daily activities. Conclusions: it is recommended that health professionals and nursing students continue to carry out research work with quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches to obtain real information that can be used to create designs for future interventions.Introducción: la obesidad se entiende como la acumulación anormal o excesiva de grasa que puede ser perjudicial para la salud, y se mide de acuerdo con el índice de masa corporal (IMC), por otro lado, la diabetes, se define como una enfermedad crónica que aparece cuando el páncreas no produce insulina suficiente o cuando el organismo no utiliza eficazmente la insulina que fabrica, por último, la hipertensión es el principal factor de riesgo para sufrir una enfermedad cardiovascular. Objetivo: determinar la calidad de vida en personas con obesidad, diabetes e hipertensión, de una población urbana de la ciudad de Orizaba, Veracruz. Material y métodos: investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, correlacional, prospectiva y transversal, con muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. Resultados y discusión: la de calidad de vida en personas con obesidad (28 personas), el 7.16% alta, 21.42% media y 71.42%, es baja. En diabetes (44 personas), el 67.7%, puntuó como alta y el 6.5% regular. En hipertensión (42 personas), el 56.6% mencionó tener una muy buena calidad de vida, 9.7% buena y 1.6% regular. Los resultados se contraponen investigaciones donde la calidad de vida en personas con obesidad, diabetes e hipertensión fue diferente ya que identificaron afectaciones importantes limitando desarrollar actividades cotidianas. Conclusiones: se recomienda que los profesionales de salud y los estudiantes de Enfermería sigan realizando trabajos de investigación con enfoques cuantitativos, cualitativos y mixtos, para obtener información real que sirva para la creación de diseños para intervenciones futuras

    In vitro effect of the hydroalcoholic and ethanolic extracts of papaya seeds (Carica papaya) against Haemonchus contortus

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 53-59).Among the main health problems for sheep production are gastrointestinal parasites, of which the most important nematode is Haemonchus contortus. Current control strategies focus on the effectiveness, along with the low impact on the ecosystem. The study of the integral control of parasites allows the investigation of alternatives with probable anthelmintic effect, such as the use of papaya (Carica papaya) seeds. This study aimed at evaluating the in vitro effect of hydroalcoholic and ethanolic extracts of papaya seeds on eggs and larvae of H. contortus. The study was carried out with the equipment and facilities of Laboratory 3 of the Multidisciplinary Research Unit at the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, UNAM. The extracts were prepared through maceration in solvent. A sheep was inoculated with 5000 L3 of H. contortus, a strain isolated and maintained in the facilities. Fecal samples were collected, and eggs were recovered for the hatch inhibition assay. The eggs and L3 were pretreated with hydroalcoholic and ethanolic extract of papaya seed (2.5 mg/ml), distilled water, ethanol 90 %, and levamisole (7.5 mg/ml). The abomasal explants technique was used to evaluate the effect of the extracts on L3 and its association to the abomasal mucosa. An ANOVA was performed for repeated samples using the Statgraphics program. The ethanolic extract of the papaya seed inhibited 92 % of hatching, and the hydroalcoholic extract 50 % (p<0.05). In the case of the explants, the ethanolic extract showed 10 % of the larvae not associated with the abomasal tissue, followed by the hydroalcoholic extract with 60 % of non-associated larvae (p<0.05). In conclusion, the ethanolic extract has an effect on eggs, while the hydroalcoholic extract inhibits the association to the abomasal tissue.Entre los principales problemas sanitarios para la producción ovina están los parásitos gastroentéricos; de ellos, el más importante es Haemonchus contortus. Las estrategias actuales de control enfocan la eficacia, junto con el bajo o nulo impacto al ecosistema; el estudio del control integral de parásitos permite la investigación de alternativas con probable efecto antihelmíntico, entre ellas el uso de semilla de papaya (Carica papaya). El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto in vitro de los extractos hidroalcohólico y etanólico de la semilla de papaya (C. papaya) sobre huevos y larvas de H. contortus. El trabajo se llevó a cabo con el equipo e instalaciones del Laboratorio 3 de la Unidad de Investigación Multidisciplinaria en la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán, UNAM. Se elaboraron los extractos por medio de maceración en solvente. Se inoculó un ovino con 5000 larvas de tercer estadio (L3) de H. contortus, cepa aislada y mantenida en dichas instalaciones. Se tomaron muestras de materia fecal y se recuperaron huevos para el ensayo de inhibición de la eclosión. Los huevos y las L3 fueron pretratados con extracto hidroalcohólico y etanólico de semilla de papaya (2.5 mg/ml), agua destilada, etanol 90 % y levamisol (7.5 mg/ml). Se efectuó la técnica de explantes abomasales, evaluando el efecto de los extractos sobre las L3 y su asociación a la mucosa abomasal. Se realizó un ANOVA para muestras repetidas por medio del programa Statgraphics. El extracto etanólico de semilla de papaya mostró el 92 % de inhibición de la eclosión; el extracto hidroalcohólico mostró 50 % (p<0.05). En el caso de los explantes, el extracto etanólico mostró el 10 % de larvas no asociadas al tejido abomasal, seguido por el extracto hidroalcohólico, con el 60 % de larvas no asociadas (p<0.05). Se concluye que el extracto etanólico tiene efecto sobre huevos, mientras que el extracto hidroalcohólico inhibe la asociación al tejido abomasal.Bibliografía: páginas 58-59

    Self-perception of self-care capabilities for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases in university students

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    Introducción: actualmente las enfermedades no transmisibles son una de las principales problemáticas de salud de América Latina debido a su alta tasa de mortalidad, en México, la morbilidad de éstas va en aumento en la población más joven, por esta razón la autopercepción de autocuidado juega un papel importante en la prevención puesto que, los universitarios tienden a cambiar sus hábitos diarios al ingresar a la universidad. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de autopercepción de la capacidad de autocuidado para la prevención de las enfermedades no transmisibles en estudiantes de la facultad de enfermería de la Universidad Veracruzana. Estrategias metodológicas: investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, prospectiva, transversal y no experimental en una muestra de 195 estudiantes, con muestreo no probabilístico por cuota, utilizando el cuestionario conductas de autocuidado, el análisis de datos se realizó a través del paquete estadístico SPSS. Resultados: la autopercepción de autocuidado en el 95.9% fue muy buena y buena, el 85.6% tuvo un nivel de conocimiento bueno de exámenes de salud preventivos. Conclusión: el 56.9% posee un peso normal, respecto a la actividad física el 43.6% no la realiza por falta de tiempo, un 93.8% no consume drogas, en cuanto a exámenes preventivos el 62.6% los lleva a cabo.Introduction: currently, non-communicable diseases are one of the main health problems in Latin America due to their high mortality rate; in Mexico, morbidity of these diseases is increasing in the younger population. For this reason, self-care self-perception plays an important role in prevention since university students tend to change their daily habits when they enter university. Objective: To determine the level of self-perception of self-care capacity for the prevention of non-communicable diseases in students of the nursing faculty of the Universidad Veracruzana. Methodological strategies: quantitative, descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional, and non-experimental research in a sample of 195 students, with non-probabilistic sampling by quota, using the self-care behaviors questionnaire; data analysis was performed through the SPSS statistical package. Results: the self-perception of self-care in 95.9% was very good and good, 85.6% had a good level of knowledge of preventive health examinations. Conclusion: 56.9% had a normal weight, 43.6% did not engage in physical activity due to lack of time, 93.8% did not use drugs, and 62.6% underwent preventive examinations