6 research outputs found

    The Elaboration of human anatomy terminology for the Basque language : the contribution of translators, linguists and experts

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    En aquest article comparem la traducció d'un atles d'anatomia amb la revisió que es va encarregar a experts i lingüistes. L'objectiu és avaluar la mena de contribució que poden fer traductors, lingüistes i experts en l'elaboració de la terminologia de l'anatomia humana en basc. Analitzem les oracions que mostren discordances entre la traducció i la revisió respecte de les unitats lèxiques i les regles de formació usades. Hem observat que les correccions fetes pels experts i lingüistes tendeixen a substituir préstecs i calcs de regles de formació per unitats i estructures genuïnes. Arribem a la conclusió que les polítiques de planificació lingüística que pretenen proporcionar recursos terminològics propis en detriment de solucions dependents d'altres llengües no han estat assumides pels traductors per l'opacitat semàntica de la terminologia de l'anatomia i per la morfologia transparent del basc en comparació amb la del castellà.In this paper we compare the translation of an atlas of anatomy with the review that was carried out by experts in human anatomy and linguists. The goal is to evaluate the type of contribution that translators, linguists and experts can make in the elaboration of the terminology of human anatomy in Basque. We analyzed the sequences that showed discordances between translation and review with respect to the lexical units and the term formation patterns used. We found that the corrections made by experts and linguists show a clear tendency to replace lexical loanwords and calqued term formation rules by genuine elements and structures. We conclude that the aims of language planning policies of gradually providing the language with terminological resources that are less dependent on other languages have not been met by translators due to the semantic opacity of anatomical terminology and the transparent morphology of Basque compared with Spanish

    Environmental Enrichment Rescues Endocannabinoid-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity Lost in Young Adult Male Mice after Ethanol Exposure during Adolescence

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    Binge drinking (BD) is a serious health concern in adolescents as high ethanol (EtOH) consumption can have cognitive sequelae later in life. Remarkably, an enriched environment (EE) in adulthood significantly recovers memory in mice after adolescent BD, and the endocannabinoid, 2-arachydonoyl-glycerol (2-AG), rescues synaptic plasticity and memory impaired in adult rodents upon adolescent EtOH intake. However, the mechanisms by which EE improves memory are unknown. We investigated this in adolescent male C57BL/6J mice exposed to a drinking in the dark (DID) procedure four days per week for a duration of 4 weeks. After DID, the mice were nurtured under an EE for 2 weeks and were subjected to the Barnes Maze Test performed the last 5 days of withdrawal. The EE rescued memory and restored the EtOH-disrupted endocannabinoid (eCB)-dependent excitatory long-term depression at the dentate medial perforant path synapses (MPP-LTD). This recovery was dependent on both the cannabinoid CB1 receptor and group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) and required 2-AG. Also, the EE had a positive effect on mice exposed to water through the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and anandamide (AEA)-dependent MPP long-term potentiation (MPP-LTP). Taken together, EE positively impacts different forms of excitatory synaptic plasticity in water- and EtOH-exposed brains.This research was funded by ISCIII (“RD16/0017/0012” to P.G.), co-funded by ERDF/ESF, “Investing in your future”; The Basque Government (IT1230-19 to P.G.); Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-107548RB-I00 to P.G.); Ph.D. contract from MINECO (BES-2013-065057 to S.P.); Ph.D. contract from UPV/EHU (PIF 18/315 to L.L.), and Ph.D. contract from UPV/EHU (PIF 19/164 to M.S.)

    Neurons of the Dentate Molecular Layer in the Rabbit Hippocampus

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    The molecular layer of the dentate gyrus appears as the main entrance gate for information into the hippocampus, i.e., where the perforant path axons from the entorhinal cortex synapse onto the spines and dendrites of granule cells. A few dispersed neuronal somata appear intermingled in between and probably control the flow of information in this area. In rabbits, the number of neurons in the molecular layer increases in the first week of postnatal life and then stabilizes to appear permanent and heterogeneous over the individuals’ life span, including old animals. By means of Golgi impregnations, NADPH histochemistry, immunocytochemical stainings and intracellular labelings (lucifer yellow and biocytin injections), eight neuronal morphological types have been detected in the molecular layer of developing adult and old rabbits. Six of them appear as interneurons displaying smooth dendrites and GABA immunoreactivity: those here called as globoid, vertical, small horizontal, large horizontal, inverted pyramidal and polymorphic. Additionally there are two GABA negative types: the sarmentous and ectopic granular neurons. The distribution of the somata and dendritic trees of these neurons shows preferences for a definite sublayer of the molecular layer: small horizontal, sarmentous and inverted pyramidal neurons are preferably found in the outer third of the molecular layer; vertical, globoid and polymorph neurons locate the intermediate third, while large horizontal and ectopic granular neurons occupy the inner third or the juxtagranular molecular layer. Our results reveal substantial differences in the morphology and electrophysiological behaviour between each neuronal archetype in the dentate molecular layer, allowing us to propose a new classification for this neural population

    Endokannabinoide sistemaren parte-hartzea arratoien garuntxoaren jaio osteko garapenean

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    Endokannabinoide-sistema (EKS) zelulen arteko komunikazio-sistema fisiologiko neuromodulatzaile garrantzitsuenetako bat da, eta helduaroan beraren funtzio ezagunena neurotransmisoreen doikuntza da. Azken urteotako ikerketek, aldiz, funtzio garrantzitsu horrez gain, garapen-prozesuetan ere parte-hartze handia duela erakutsi dute. Izan ere, zenbait artikuluk burmuinaren arauzko enbrioi-garapenerako EKSren beharra agerian utzi dute. Enbrioi-aroko ikerketek muga metodologiko handiak dituzte, eta orain arteko ikerketa gehienak hazkuntza zelularretan egin dira. Halere, burmuineko garuntxoaren kortexean, EKSren adierazpena handia da, eta jaio osteko garapen-prozesu guztiak biltzen ditu: pikor-zelulen morfogenesia, hain zuzen ere. Lan honetan, ultraegitura mailan, EKSren zenbait osagairen kokapena aztertu da; pikor-neuronen garapenaren faseetan baita helduaroan ere. CB1 kannabinoideen hartzailea, eta 2-arakidonil-glizerol (2-AG) endokannabinoidea sintetizatzen eta degradatzen dituzten entzimak —diazilglizerol lipasa (DAGL-α) eta monoazilglizerol lipasa (MAGL), hurrenez hurren— batera ageri dira hazkuntza- eta migrazio-prozesuetan dauden zuntz paraleloen axoietan jaio osteko garapen goiztiarrean. Konkretuki, CB1 eta DAGL-α zuntz paraleloen mintzean kokatzen dira, eta MAGL, mintzean ez ezik, zitoplasman ere adierazten da. Jaio osteko 12. egunean, zuntz paraleloek Purkinje neuronen arantza dendritikoekin kontaktu sinaptikoak ezartzen dituztenean, CB1 eta MAGL zuntz horien bukaera sinaptikoan mantenduko dira. CB1 bukaera sinaptiko horien mintzean kokatzen da, eta MAGL, aldiz, mintzaren hurrentasunean ez ezik, zitoplasman ere adierazten da. DAGL-α, zuntz paraleloen bukaera sinaptikotik desagertuko da, eta alde postsinaptikoan adieraziko da —hots, Purkinje neuronen arantza den- dritikoetan—. EKSn aztertutako 3 osagai horiek batera ageri dira zuntz paraleloetan garapenean zehar, kontaktu sinaptikoak ezarri arte. Horrela, zuntz horiek helduaren ezaugarriak lortzen dituztenean, hartzailea eta degradazio-entzima zuntz paraleloen bukaera sinaptikoan mantenduko dira. Sintesi-entzima, aldiz, axoi-profil horietatik desagertuko da, eta elementu postsinaptikoan adierazten hasiko da —hots, Purkinje neuronen arantza dendritikoetan—. Modu horretan, aztertutako aldi bakoitzean, EKSko osagaien kokapen espezifikoa bistaratu zen. Lortutako emaitzek EKS moldakorra dela eta funtzio desberdinetara egoki daitekeela iradokitzen dute, bere jarduna modu desberdinetan betez. Testuinguru horretan, garuntxoaren garapenean EKSren osagaien kokapen zehatza eta izaera identifikatzea alderdi kritikoa da, haurdun dauden emakumeen eta baita nerabeen kalamu-kontsumoak garunean egitura, funtzio eta portaera mailan eragiten dituen aldaketak ulertzeko. Horrez gain, jakintza hori terapeutikoki erabil daiteke, endokannabinoideen manipulazioak aplikazio klinikoak izan baititzake jaio osteko garapenean eta haurtzaroan gertatzen diren nerbio-sistemako gaixotasunen tratamenduan.; The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is widely distributed throughout the or-ganism. This system influences brain development and suppresses neurotransmitter re-lease in the mature brain, thus contributing to brain circuit formation and neural com-munication. Because of methodological limitations, most investigations focused on the study of the embryo development have been carried out in cell culture. In the central nervous system, the ECS is highly expressed in the cerebellar cortex where it plays a crucial role in the postnatal development of the granule cells. However, little is known about how the precise localization of the components of the ECS takes place during the early postnatal development, which is needed for the correct wiring of the cerebellar circuits. In this study, we used high resolution immunoelectron microscopy to investi-gate the subcellular localization of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor and the main enzymes for the synthesis and degradation of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol (2-AG), diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL-α) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), re-spectively, in the granule cells during the early postnatal development of the cerebel-lum. The CB1 receptor, DAGL-α and MAGL were localized at the granule cell axons, the parallel fibers, during granule cell migration and axon elongation occurring at early postnatal age. Moreover, CB1 receptor and DAGL-α immunoparticles were placed in the parallel fiber membranes, while MAGL labeling was at the parallel fiber mem-branes and cytoplasm. At postnatal day 12, when parallel fibers make already synapses with the Purkinje cell dendritic spines, the CB1 receptor exhibited the typical presynap-tic localization in parallel fiber terminal membranes, and MAGL was close to the membrane and in the cytoplasm of the parallel fiber terminals. However, DAGL-α was excluded from the parallel fiber terminals but it was expressed at postsynaptic sites. Al-together, the expression of CB1 receptors, DAGL-α, and MAGL in the granule cell parallel fibers starts at early stages of the postnatal development. Later on, the CB receptors and MAGL remain in the mature parallel fiber synapses, while DAGL-α disap-pears from them and switches to the postsynaptic dendritic spines of the Purkinje cells. These structural changes correlate with the functions in which the ECS is involved dur-ing postnatal development. Hence, the identification of the specific localization of the components of the ECS in the developing cerebellum is crucial for understanding the structural, functional and behavioral changes taking place in the brain by cannabis con-sume. Furthermore, this knowledge could be exploited therapeutically as the ECS ma-nipulation might have potential clinical applications in the treatment of brain diseases caused by abnormal development of the brain