687 research outputs found

    Perspectives from community-based doulas and mothers: Neighborhood context and pregnancy

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    Objectives: Limited research explores the potential pathways by which neighborhoods influence pregnancy or how community members conceptualize and interpret how neighborhood contexts and living environments influence pregnancy and birth. Study Design: We applied participatory Concept Mapping and a series of focused discussions with community-based doulas and mothers. Methods: We collaborated with a community-based doula program to investigate how mothers and community doulas perceived the neighborhood to influence reproductive health. We conducted a series of focused discussions including ‘Brainstorming’ to uncover key themes related to how neighborhood context influenced pregnancy, ‘Sorting and Rating’ of key themes in association with pregnancy and birth outcomes, and further discussion to uncover potential relationships. Data from the ‘Sorting and Rating’ activities were entered into Concept Systems software to generate concept maps of the themes and ideas discussed. Results: The women identified 79 key themes/items related to the neighborhood context that they thought were important for pregnancy and birth. Participants ranked most of the neighborhood factors as moderate or high in importance in influencing pregnancy health and birth. These 79 items were further aggregated to develop 9 clusters related to various themes such as ‘Access/Potential Barriers to Adequate Care,’ ‘The Environment and Infrastructure,’ ‘Neighborhood History, Demographics and Dynamics,’ ‘Community, Relationships, and Autonomy.’ The group further discussed how neighborhood contexts have a particularly influence on individual behaviors such as physical activity; and how key infrastructure issues such as transportation may impede or facilitate access to resources important for health. Conclusion: This study provides additional insight into how neighborhoods may influence pregnancy and birth and how multiple neighborhood factors may act synergistically to influence health. Concept mapping and community perspectives reinforce the importance of participant and community input in developing future research and interventions

    Diplomado de profundización Cisco, prueba de habilidades prácticas CCNP.

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    No aplicaCon el desarrollo de esta actividad se pone en práctica los conocimientos que se han ido adquiriendo a lo largo de este diplomado de profundización. Se tiene un escenario a desarrollar que consta de la configuración de diferentes dispositivos propios de una red de telecomunicaciones, para lograr tener una red segura e intercomunicada de acuerdo con las condiciones de la actividad. La emulación de la actividad se realiza por medio del software GNS3, que permite tener de maneta simulada un escenario real, dado que los comandos y equipos que se emulan son representación de equipos existentes. En este escenario se segmenta la red por medio de creación de VLANs, ser realiza enrutamiento por medio de VRF, se configuran las direcciones estáticas de cada interfaz, se configura la seguridad de los dispositivos de la topología y se verifica que todas las configuraciones y la comunicación funcionen correctamente.With the development of this activity, the knowledge that has been acquired throughout this in-depth diploma course is put into practice. There is a scenario to develop that consists of the configuration of different devices typical of a telecommunications network, in order to have a secure and intercommunicated network according to the conditions of the activity. The emulation of the activity is carried out by means of the GNS3 software, which allows to simulate a real scenario, since the commands and equipment that are emulated are representations of existing equipment. In this scenario, the network is segmented through the creation of VLANs, routing is performed through VRF, the static addresses of each interface are configured, the security of the topology devices is configured, and it is verified that all the configurations and the communication work properly

    Two Approaches to Concept Maps in Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics

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    In constructivist pedagogy, students create their own meaning of the course material. One way for students to represent connections between ideas is by creating a concept map. This paper describes different approaches to using concept maps as a study tool in undergraduate fluid mechanics courses at two different institutions. The two instructors worked together to create a concept map of the topics covered in the courses, which had similar learning outcomes and covered most of the same topics. The goal of creating this concept map was to provide the students with a visual representation of how the different topics were related. At the first institution, the instructor-created concept map was used primarily as a visual aid (“passive approach”). The instructor showed the map at regular intervals in class, where the map grew as students learned new material. At the second institution during the following semester, students were encouraged to create individual maps, which could be used as an aid during assessments (“active approach”). The instructor-created map was presented in class after allowing the students to develop their own maps. No significant differences in course performance were found compared with courses taught by the same instructors when concept maps were not used. Concept maps were found to be a useful tool for connecting and organizing course topics for both students and instructors

    Habilidades directivas y comunicación organizacional interna en el trabajo colaborativo de las instituciones educativas públicas de Barranca, 2023

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    El estudio realizado tuvo como finalidad determinar si las habilidades directivas y la comunicación organizacional interna influyen en el trabajo colaborativo de las instituciones educativas públicas de Barranca, 2023; para lograrlo se planteó una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, con un diseño de investigación no experimental, de tipo correlacional causal y trasversal. Para el recojo de información se determinó una población de 686 docentes del distrito de Barranca, que laboran en el año 2023; de los cuales se seleccionó a 50 como muestra. El recojo de información se realizó mediante la técnica de la encuesta, a través de tres cuestionarios, cuestionario sobre habilidades directivas, cuestionario de comunicación organizacional interna y cuestionario de trabajo colaborativo. Los resultados obtenidos mediante regresión logística ordinal, muestran el valor R de Nagelkerke (0.472), lo que indica que el nivel de trabajo en equipo que poseen los docentes de las instituciones educativa es explicado en un 47.2% por el nivel de habilidades directivas y la comunicación organizacional interna. Lo anterior permite concluir que las habilidades directivas y la comunicación organizacional interna influyen en el trabajo colaborativo de los docentes de las instituciones educativas públicas de Barranca, 2023

    Las escrituras del spanglish en el siglo XXI

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    Confirmed feasibility of a satellite tracker attachment method on small juvenile hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata

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    Satellite trackers can be used for studying sea turtle movement, illuminating their migrations and behaviours. However, many studies have focused on adult turtles, with uneven species representation, despite the importance of understanding movement and habitat use of turtles at all life-stages. Furthermore, few publications detail successful satellite tracker attachment methods, particularly for juveniles. Smaller-sized juvenile sea turtles often have an irregularly shaped carapace and are fast growing, rendering the attachment of rigid trackers in a safe and durable manner challenging. Juvenile hawksbill turtles’ specific carapace shape and imbricated scute arrangement further complicate satellite tracker attachment compared to juveniles of other turtle species. This study’s objective was to confirm the feasibility of an attachment method that would allow small-sized juvenile hawksbill turtles (~267-345 mm curved carapace length) to continue growing, without tracker loss or damage to underlying scutes. Replica trackers were made of resin (simulating Wildlife Computer Spot-387 trackers), and attached with epoxy, silicone and neoprene, using a technique modified from those used on neonate loggerheads and Kemp’s ridleys. Throughout the study (3.5 mo), replica trackers remained attached, the turtles grew up to 114% heavier and 25% longer, and all turtles appeared clinically healthy and active. Furthermore, all scutes were undamaged after tracker removal. As a critically endangered species, the paucity of data on hawksbill turtles, and specifically juveniles, can hinder evidence-based management decision-making. The improved ability to satellite track juvenile hawksbills can, therefore, help better our understanding of their ecology and inform management and conservation practices for this species

    Propuesta de un modelo de gestión turística, para la parroquia Molleturo, cantón Cuenca, 2022

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    El presente proyecto de titulación tiene como base objetiva elaborar una propuesta de modelo de gestión turística para la parroquia Molleturo, cantón Cuenca. El tema plantea un análisis situacional en el ámbito territorial y turístico de la parroquia, cuya finalidad fue establecer parámetros para la planificación turística de desarrollo del territorio, guián dose en la gestión y de esta forma se promueva la economía del sector. El elemento característico de esta propuesta es la aplicación del modelo de gestión basado en los criterios de Ritchie y Crouch ( los cuales fundamentan la competitividad turístic a y económica del destino, basados en brindar experiencias de calidad tanto para el visitante como para la población local. Principalmente se ejecutó un diagnóstico turístico situacional del territorio en la parroquia donde se estudió los ámbitos ambiental, social, cultural, económico y político de la parroquia, siguiente se elaboró un análisis de gestión del sistema turístico actual y potencial de Molleturo, finalizando con el modelo de gestión turística entre la comunidad y el gobierno autónomo d escentralizado parroquial basado en los autores mencionados, fundamentada en la competitividad para el destino a largo plazo. Palabras clave: modelo de gestión, parroquia Molleturo, competitividad, destino, recursoThe objective of this degree project is to develop a proposal for a tourism management model for the Molleturo parish, Cuenca canton. The theme raises a situational analysis in the territorial and tourist area of the parish, whose purpose was to establish parameters for tourism planning for the development of the territory, guided by the management and thus promoting the economy of the sector. The characteristic element of this proposal is the application of the management model based on the criteria of Ritchie and Crouch ( which support the tourist and economic competitiveness of the destination, based on providing quality experiences for both the visitor and the local population. Mainly a situational tourist diagnosis of the territory in the parish was executed where the environmental, social, cultural, economic and political areas of the parish were studied, following was an analysis of management of the current and potential tourism system of Molleturo, ending with the model of tourism management between the community an d the autonomous decentralized parish government based on the aforementioned authors, based on competitiveness for the long term destination. Keywords: management model, Molleturo parish, competitiveness, resource, destination0000-0002-3431-2809Ingeniero en TurismoCuenc

    Adapting Clinical Services To Accommodate Needs of Refugee Populations

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    The diversity of the refugee population in the United States requires practicing psychologists to respond by adapting clinical services to meet their mental health needs. However, the available literature on culturally adapted treatments is only a first step in guiding the process for adapting clinical services. This paper describes our experiences with designing and adapting a variety of clinical services for youth and families with refugee status. Guided by Sue\u27s (2006) tenets for culturally competent service delivery, we discuss a therapeutic model of tiered service delivery used to deliver preventative services and treatment to refugee youth and adults. We discuss how we adapted treatments to help overcome access barriers to mental health treatment, and we provide specific examples of how existing treatments were used with refugee populations. In addition, we discuss information and approaches for how practicing psychologists can develop additional skills for working with refugee populations. We conclude by focusing on the need for our field to work toward improving access to mental health treatment for refugee youth and families and developing evidence-based treatments for this population

    Mammographic Findings after Intraoperative Radiotherapy of the Breast

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    Intraoperative Radiotherapy (IORT) is a form of accelerated partial breast radiation that has been shown to be equivalent to conventional whole breast external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) in terms of local cancer control. However, questions have been raised about the potential of f IORT to produce breast parenchymal changes that could interfere with mammographic surveillance of cancer recurrence. The purpose of this study was to identify, quantify, and compare the mammographic findings of patients who received IORT and EBRT in a prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial of women with early stage invasive breast cancer undergoing breast conserving therapy between July 2005 and December 2009. Treatment groups were compared with regard to the 1, 2 and 4-year incidence of 6 post-operative mammographic findings: architectural distortion, skin thickening, skin retraction, calcifications, fat necrosis, and mass density. Blinded review of 90 sets of mammograms of 15 IORT and 16 EBRT patients demonstrated a higher incidence of fat necrosis among IORT recipients at years 1, 2, and 4. However, none of the subjects were judged to have suspicious mammogram findings and fat necrosis did not interfere with mammographic interpretation