2,274 research outputs found

    Mesoscopic modelling of the interaction of infrared lasers with composite materials: an application to dental enamel

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    The mesostructure and composition of composite materials determine their mechanical, optical and thermal properties and, consequently, their response to incident radiation. We have developed general finite element models of porous composite materials under infrared radiation to examine the influence of pore size on one of the determining parameters of the stress distribution in the material: the temperature distribution. We apply them to the specific case of human dental enamel, a material which has nanometer scale pores containing water/organic, and predict the maximum temperature reached after a single 0.35 μs laser pulse of sub-ablative fluence by two lasers: Er:YAG (2.9 μm) and CO2 (10.6 μm). For the Er:YAG laser, the results imply a strong dependence of the maximum temperature reached at the pore on the area-to-volume ratio of the pore, whereas there is little such dependence for CO2 lasers. Thus, CO2 lasers may produce more reproducible results than Er:YAG lasers when it comes to enamel ablation, which may be of significant interest during clinical practice. More generally, when ablating composite materials by infrared lasers researchers should account for the material’s microstructure and composition when designing experiments or interpreting results, since a more simplistic continuum approach may not be sufficient to explain differences observed during ablation of materials with similar optical properties or of the same material but using different wavelengths

    Mesoscopic modelling of enamel interaction with mid-infrared sub-ablative laser pulses

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    Using a finite element approach the authors model the influence of enamel's microstructure and water distribution on the temperature and stress at the centre of the laser spot, for a CO2 laser working at 10.6 μm, with 0.35 μs pulse duration and sub-ablative intensity. The authors found that the distribution of water in enamel significantly influences the stress generated at the end of one laser pulse: much lower (two orders of magnitude) stress values occur in models with homogeneously distributed water than in models with 0.27 vol.% water located in pores or 4 vol.% in layers. The amount of water in enamel has a strong influence on the stress distribution, but not on the maximum stress values reached. However, different water contents do not influence the temperature distribution in enamel. These results suggest that adequate modelling of the ablation mechanisms in enamel, as in other highly inhomogeneous materials, must include their structure at the mesoscopic scale

    A procedure for Dex-induced gene transactivation in Arabidopsis ovules

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    Background Elucidating the genetic and molecular control of plant reproduction often requires the deployment of functional approaches based on reverse or forward genetic screens. The loss-of-function of essential genes, however, may lead to plant lethality prior to reproductive development or to the formation of sterile structures before the organ-of-interest can be analyzed. In these cases, inducible approaches that enable a spatial and temporal control of the genetic perturbation are extremely valuable. Genetic induction in reproductive organs, such as the ovule, deeply embedded in the flower, is a delicate procedure that requires both optimization and validation. Results Here we report on a streamlined procedure enabling reliable induction of gene expression in Arabidopsis ovule and anther tissues using the popular pOP/LhGR Dex-inducible system. We demonstrate its efficiency and reliability using fluorescent reporter proteins and histochemical detection of the GUS reporter gene. Conclusion The pOP/LhGR system allows for a rapid, efficient, and reliable induction of transgenes in developing ovules without compromising developmental progression. This approach opens new possibilities for the functional analysis of candidate regulators in sporogenesis and gametogenesis, which is otherwise affected by early lethality in conventional, stable mutants

    População residente de um hospital psiquiátrico: que saúde visual?

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    Introdução - Numa tentativa pioneira em Portugal de avaliar o estado da visão dos pacientes residentes de um Hospital Psiquiátrico, foi nosso objectivo identificar alterações visuais existentes nesta população, passíveis de comprometer o funcionamento do sistema visual e com repercussões negativas nas actividades da vida diária; caracterizar e corrigir ametropias; relacionar as patologias encontradas com a medicação e seleccionar! encaminhar os utentes para consulta de oftalmologia. Métodos - Foram examinados 254 pacientes residentes num Hospital Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, com idade compreendida entre os 25 e os 92 anos de idade, com diagnóstico no âmbito da saúde mental, capacidade de deslocação e alguma autonomia. Na recolha de dados foi utilizado o protocolo de observação do rastreio visual, tendo sido avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: Acuidade visual, Estudo refractivo; Função sensório-motora; Visão cromática; Segmento anterior; Tensão ocular. O rastreio foi composto por duas fases: uma primeira fase para identificação das alterações visuais, com 254 residentes e uma segunda fase, com 100 residentes, para correcção das ametropias diagnosticadas e prescrição óptica. Os resultados foram sujeitos a uma análise estatística descritiva e inferencial através do programa SPSS. Resultados - A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino (64,2%), internados principalmente por esquizofrenia (47,24%) e medicados com antipsicóticos (82,8%) mas tomando também anti-parkinsónicos (62,3%) e ansiolíticos (52,4%). Apenas 20,87% da amostra tinha feito anteriormente um exame visual. Além de 33,86% de cataratas, em que 27,4% representam residentes entre os 20 e os 50 anos, encontraram-se acuidades visuais baixas. Para longe, 51% dos indivíduos apresentavam acuidade visual no intervalo entre contar dedos e os 6/10. No que concerne à acuidade visual para perto, os resultados obtidos demonstram que a maioria da população apresenta também baixa acuidade visual, entre os 1/10 e os 3/10, tanto para olho direito (25,59%), como para o olho esquerdo (26,38%). É de referir que esta baixa acuidade visual atinge um total de 27 indivíduos no intervalo dos 40 aos 59 anos. Foi ainda identificado um número expressivo de exoforias para perto (38,58%) e 7,15% de neuropatias glaucomatosas. Do estudo refractivo (2. Fase do rastreio visual), resultou a prescrição de 75 óculos, o que levou a uma melhoria significativa da acuidade visual, principalmente para perto: 50% da amostra que apresentava acuidade visual, no intervalo de percepção luminosa aos 6/10, passou a 3%, após correcção refractiva. No decurso do rastreio 5 residentes foram encaminhadas para o serviço de urgência por neuropatia glaucomatosa e melanoma da coróide. Apenas 5,5% teve alta e os restantes foram encaminhados para consulta de oftalmologia (34% com prioridade). Conclusões - Este rastreio permitiu além da correcção das ametropias diagnosticadas, encaminhar, os residentes com alterações visuais, para tratamento, possibilitando assim, que esta população use a sua visão da melhor maneira e potencializando um aumento da qualidade de vida destes pacientes

    Optimizing the Parameters Governing the Fragmentation of Cross-Linked Peptides in a Tribrid Mass Spectrometer

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    We compared the five different ways of fragmentation available on a tribrid mass spectrometer and optimized their collision energies with regard to optimal sequence coverage of cross-linked peptides. We created a library of bis­(sulfosuccinimidyl)­suberate (BS3/DSS) cross-linked precursors, derived from the tryptic digests of three model proteins (Human Serum Albumin, creatine kinase, and myoglobin). This enabled in-depth targeted analysis of the fragmentation behavior of 1065 cross-linked precursors using the five fragmentation techniques: collision-induced dissociation (CID), beam-type CID (HCD), electron-transfer dissociation (ETD), and the combinations ETciD and EThcD. EThcD gave the best sequence coverage for cross-linked <i>m</i>/<i>z</i> species with high charge density, while HCD was optimal for all others. We tested the resulting data-dependent decision tree against collision energy-optimized single methods on two samples of differing complexity (a mix of eight proteins and a highly complex ribosomal cellular fraction). For the high complexity sample the decision tree gave the highest number of identified cross-linked peptide pairs passing a 5% false discovery rate (on average ∼21% more than the second best, HCD). For the medium complexity sample, the higher speed of HCD proved decisive. Currently, acquisition speed plays an important role in allowing the detection of cross-linked peptides against the background of linear peptides. Enrichment of cross-linked peptides will reduce this role and favor methods that provide spectra of higher quality. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD006131

    Probable Person-to-Person Transmission of Legionnaires’ Disease

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    Correspondence to the Editor.Legionnaires’ disease is an often severe form of pneumonia that is typically acquired by susceptible persons (e.g., elderly persons and smokers) through inhalation of aerosols that contain legionella species.1-4 A cluster of cases of this disease occurred in Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal, in 2014

    Kinship Analysis and Pedigree Reconstruction of a Natural Regenerated Cork Oak (Quercus suber) Population

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    Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) is a valuable forest species in the western Mediterranean Basin due to its ecological value and the production of cork (a renewable natural material). Cork quality depends on the genetic background and cork oak environment, which has long been recognized. As no cork oak genetic trials with pedigree information were available, the inference of the genetic relatedness between individuals from molecular markers can potentially be applied to natural populations. This work aimed to investigate the potential of performing kinship prediction and pedigree reconstruction by SNP genotyping a natural cork oak population. A total of 494 trees located in Portugal were genotyped with 8K SNPs. The raw SNP set was filtered differently, producing four SNP sets that were further filtered by missing data, genotype frequency, and minor allele frequency. For each set, an identity by descent (IBD) matrix was generated to perform the relationship prediction, revealing from 22,114 to 23,859 relationships. Familial categories from the first to the third degree were able to be assigned. The feasibility of SNP genotyping for future studies on the kinship analysis and pedigree reconstruction of cork oak populations was demonstrated. The information produced may be used in further breeding and conservation programs for cork oakinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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