459 research outputs found

    Integration of ROS navigation stack with dynamic environment information in gazebo simulation

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    Sensing the environment is a crucial task that robots have to perform to navigate autonomously. Furthermore, it must be well executed to make navigation safer and collision- free. As autonomous mobile robots are being deployed in several applications, they often encounter dynamic habitats, where sensing and perceiving the environment becomes harder. This work proposes integrating a wireless sensor network with the Robotic Operating System to incorporate data into layered costmaps used by the robot to navigate, feeding the algorithms with advanced information about the territory. The architecture was tested in simulation, where we could validate the structure and collect data showing improved paths calculated and reduced computational load through better parametrization. Thus, this strategy ensures that the advanced information about the environment has improved the navigation process.The authors are grateful to the Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI) for sharing its facilities and material, and also to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support as mentioned earlier.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Educação em empreendedorismo: o que podemos aprender dos exemplos brasileiros e finlandeses?

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    Education plays a key role in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, especially in new global markets and in the whirlpool of the rapid technological changes in the world. This paper shortly discusses the concept of entrepreneurship education, focusing on the factors that increase entrepreneurship intentions, e.g. cognitive, conative and affective dimensions of personality. It also introduces alignments and the current situation in the promotion of entrepreneurial education in Brazil and in Finland giving case examples of practices to develop students’ entrepreneurial competences in different education levels in both countries. The conclusions highlight some similarities and differences in the approaches of the two countries as well as draw recommendations on how entrepreneurial competences could be fostered in all levels of education.La educación desempeña un papel clave en la promoción del espíritu empresarial y la innovación, especialmente en los nuevos mercados mundiales y en los rápidos cambios tecnológicos en el mundo. En este artículo se analiza brevemente el concepto de educación empresarial, centrándose en los factores que aumentan las intenciones del emprendimiento, por ejemplo, cognitivas, conativas y afectivas de la personalidad. También introduce las alineaciones y la situación actual en la promoción de la educación empresarial en Brasil y en Finlandia basado en ejemplos de casos de prácticas para desarrollar las competencias empresariales de los estudiantes en diferentes niveles de educación en ambos países. Las conclusiones destacan algunas similitudes y diferencias en los enfoques de los dos países, así como las recomendaciones acerca de cómo fomentar las competencias empresariales en todos los niveles de la educación.A educação desempenha um papel fundamental na promoção do empreendedorismo e da inovação, especialmente nos novos mercados globais e nas mudanças tecnológicas rápidas no mundo. Este artigo discute brevemente o conceito de educação para o empreendedorismo, com foco nos fatores que aumentam as intenções do empreendedorismo, por exemplo, dimensões cognitiva, conativa e afetiva da personalidade. Também introduz alinhamentos e discute a situação atual na promoção da educação para o empreendedorismo no Brasil e na Finlândia, dando exemplos de práticas para o desenvolvimento de competências empresariais dos alunos em diferentes níveis educacionais em ambos os países. As conclusões destacam algumas semelhanças e diferenças nas abordagens dos dois países, além de elaborar recomendações sobre como as competências empresariais podem ser promovidas em todos os níveis de educação


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    Inbreeding depression is caused by breeding between closely relatedindividuals and can have a significant negative impact on cattle production. It can be estimated at the population level using pedigree analysis or molecular markers. Such estimations can then be used to better manage the genetic resources of herds. The objective of this study was to evaluate genetic variability and the influence of inbreeding depression on productive traits in 45 785 animals Nellore cattle (polled variety) from Brazil. Inbreeding depression was determined by fitting four regression models (linear, quadratic, exponential and Michaelis-Menten) to the errors generated by the animal model. The traits studied were weight at 205 (W205), 365 (W365) and 550 (W550) days of age. The effective number of founders (fe) and ancestors (fa) was 288 and 283, respectively, with 173 ancestors explaining 50% of the genetic variability in the population. Inbreeding depression effects were identified on all growth traits (W205, W365, and W550), demonstrating significant losses in evaluated weight means. For each 1% increase in inbreeding there was a depression of about 0.14% or 0.24 kg (W205), 0.12% or 0.29 kg (W365) and 0.09%or 0.29 kg (W550). Exponential and Michaelis-Menten models were similarly efficient predictors for all the traits (P<0.01). We conclude that Nellore cattle in Northeastern Brazil presents low genetic variation and the relationship between inbreeding and depressed productivity in this breed is not linear, with the greatest effects occurring when endogamy is above 20%. To change this scenario, it is important to use a high number of male breeders, mainly young individuals of high breeding value, and improvement of reproductive indexes of females. To achieve this goal, a traditional mating system focused on the utilization of a few (and famous) male breeders should be avoided by both farmers and technicians

    Avaliação de desempenho de peças de concreto para pavimentação com agregado reciclado de concreto

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de peças de concreto para pavimentação produzidas com a utilização de agregado reciclado de concreto. A avaliação foi realizada por meio da resistência à compressão e da determinação de absorção de água, e a posterior análise junto à NBR 9781 (ABNT, 2013), a fim de verificar o atendimento aos requisitos. Através dos resultados obtidos é possível concluir que as peças de concreto para pavimentação com o uso de agregado reciclado de concreto atendem aos requisitos da NBR 9781 (ABNT, 2013) para as propriedades avaliadas

    Vivência de estudantes de graduação na Atenção Primária à Saúde: PET-Saúde/GraduaSUS

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar as experiências vivenciadas por um grupo tutorial do curso de graduação em Fisioterapia no primeiro ano do projeto. Foi realizado um Diagnóstico Situacional em uma Estratégia Saúde da Família do município de Governador Valadares/MG e por meio do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional, foi selecionado um problema para ser trabalhado. As experiências vividas colaboraram para a formação profissional adequada às necessidades do sistema de saúde vigente no país.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35700/ca.2020.ano7n12.p90-94.268

    Correlations between biomechanical variables and sprint time of 30m

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    Introduction: Sprinting contributes to successful performance in the wide range of sporting activities. It’s known that sprinting speed is defined with the frequency and the length of strides (Čoh, Tomažin & Rausavljević, 2007). According Bezodias et al. (2008) the frequency of stride (FS) was a more important contributor to the velocity increase in sprint performance, however for Mackala (2007) the length of stride (LS) was a more significant variable. The aim of this study is to determine if different types of heating can interfere with the frequency and length variability of the stride. Methods: 22 young men participated in this study (age: 19.32±1.43 years; height: 176±67cm; weight: 68.48±9.91kg). The study followed a randomized protocol and the subjects were submitted to three warm-up protocols: without warm-up, typical warm-up and warm-up with post-activation potentiation (PAP). Results: The results reveal a strong correlations between the sprint time of 30m and the frequency of stride and length of stride. Discussion: Regardless of the type of warm-up, we can observe that the frequency and length stride are relevant factors that contribute to sprint time performance. The results corroborated with other studies indicating that maximum speed results from an optimal ratio between stride frequency and stride length. Conclusion: The frequency and length of stride were shown to be two influential factors in the sprint time of 30m. We suggest that future studies include exercises on warm-up that stimulate the frequency and amplitude of stride, in order to verify which of the variables has the greatest impact on sprint performance.N/

    Microcalorimetric and SAXS determination of PEO−SDS interactions: The effect of cosolutes formed by ions

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    The effect of different ionic cosolutes (NaCl, Na2SO4, Li2SO4, NaSCN, Na2[Fe(CN)5NO], and Na3[Co(NO)6]) on the interaction between sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) was examined by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and isothermal titration calorimetric techniques. The critical aggregation concentration values (cac), the saturation concentration (C2), the integral enthalpy change for aggregate formation (ΔHagg(int)) and the standard free energy change of micelle adsorption on the macromolecule chain (ΔΔGagg) were derived from the calorimetric titration curves. In the presence of 1.00 mmol L−1 cosolute, no changes in the parameters were observed when compared with those obtained for SDS−PEO interactions in pure water. For NaCl, Na2SO4, Li2SO4, and NaSCN at 10.0 and 100 mmol L−1, the cosolute presence lowered cac, increased C2, and the PEO−SDS aggregate became more stable. In the presence of Na2[Fe(CN)5NO], the calorimetric titration curves changed drastically, showing a possible reduction in the PEO−SDS degree of interaction, possibility disrupting the formed nanostructure; however, the SAXS data confirmed, independent of the small energy observed, the presence of aggregates adsorbed on the polymer chain

    Decreasing CO2 emissions by biofuels production from palm oil in the Brazilian Amazon

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    O estudo pretende estimar a redução de CO2 proporcionada pela produção de biocombustíveis a partir do óleo de dendê nas áreas aptas ao cultivo, segundo o ZAE-Dendê da Amazônia Brasileira. Essas estimativas, ainda escassas na literatura, são parte das diretrizes governamentais frente às mudanças climáticas. Tais diretrizes envolvem a mensuração de dois reservatórios de carbono potenciais: i) a fixação de CO2 atmosférico proveniente do acúmulo na biomassa nos plantios; e ii) a redução de emissões de CO2 oriundas da substituição de combustíveis fósseis por biocombustíveis (menos poluentes), gerados a partir de óleo de dendê. Os resultados demonstram que, ao longo do período de cultivo, 151,85 Mg.CO2eq.ha-1 podem ser estocados na biomassa acima do solo. Em um cenário de aproveitamento potencial para a produção de óleo de palma de 35 milhões de hectares de áreas desmatadas da Amazônia brasileira, 5,3 bilhões Mg.CO2eq poderiam ser absorvidas com o plantio. Entretanto, aproximadamente 90% do CO2 absorvido retorna à atmosfera durante o processo de produção, devido à baixa tecnologia aplicada, tornando imprescindível o reaproveitamento dos resíduos da produção para aumentar a eficiência da redução de CO2.The study aims to estimate the reduction of CO2 provided by the production of biofuels from palm oil in suitable areas, according to the “land use plan-Palm Oil” of the Brazilian Amazon. These estimates, still lacking in the literature, are part of the government guidelines to climate change. Such guidelines involve the measurement of two potential carbon pools: i) the fixation of atmospheric CO2 from the accumulation of biomass through croplands and; ii) the reduction of CO2 emissions arising from the replacement of fossil fuels by biofuels (less polluting), generated from palm oil. The results show that over the cultivation period, 151.85 Mg.CO2eq.ha-1 can be stocked in above-ground biomass. In 35 million hectares scenario of potential use for the production of palm oil in deforested areas of Brazilian Amazon 5.3 billion Mg.CO2eq could be absorbed with the plantation. However, approximately 90% of the CO2 absorbed returns to the atmosphere during the production process due to low technology applied, making essential the reuse of waste production to increase the efficiency of CO2 reduction

    First record of Eumops glaucinus (Wager, 1843) (Chiroptera, Molossidae) to the Brazilian state of Maranhão

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    The study provides the first record of Eumops glaucinus in the Maranhão state, located in the northern region of Brazil. The collected specimen was a non-lactating adult female, with grayish pelage, broad ears, smooth face, a well-developed and squarish tragus, and elongated snout. The combined analysis of the morphological and molecular data (COI, Cyt b, and rRNA 16S genes) confirmed the occurrence of E. glaucinus in the state of Maranhão. This record extends the known species range area by 660 km easternward from the closest locality, Belém, Pará