512 research outputs found


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    O presente artigo fora realizado com a pesquisa bibliografia narrativa com os métodos dedutivo e dialético, e visa abordar sobre a conceituação da violência obstétrica, as suas formas e estabelecer se há ou não enquadramento desta sob o âmbito penal. Este tipo de violência se caracteriza pelo excesso de intervenções ocorridas antes, durante ou depois do parto, fazendo com que a mulher gestante ou parturiente, venha a sofrer violências físicas, verbais, psicológicas e ou materiais, por parte do médico ou por outro presente profissional da saúde. Por isso, tem-se como objetivo a informação desta prática abusiva, a fim de que a mulher e a própria sociedade como um todo, tendo como objetivo reconhecer e tipificar tais práticas obsoletas na assistência ao parto no Código Penal brasileiro.This article was carried out with the narrative bibliography research with the deductive and dialectical methods, and aims to address the conceptualization of obstetric violence, its forms and establish whether or not it is framed under the criminal scope. This type of violence is characterized by excessive interventions that occur before, during or after childbirth, causing the pregnant or parturient woman to suffer physical, verbal, psychological and/or material violence, by the doctor or by another professional present. of health. Therefore, the objective is to inform about this abusive practice, so that women and society as a whole, with the objective of recognizing and typifying such obsolete practices in childbirth care in the Brazilian Penal Code.Este artículo se realizó con la investigación de bibliografía narrativa con el deductivo y dialéctica, y pretende abordar la conceptualización de la violencia obstétrica, sus formas y establecer si se encuadre o no en el ámbito penal. Este tipo de violencia se caracteriza por un exceso de intervenciones ocurridas antes, durante o después del parto, haciendo que la mujer embarazada o parturienta, sufrirá violencia física, verbal, psicológica y/o material por parte del médico o por otro regalo profesional de la salud. Por lo tanto, el objetivo es informar esta práctica abusivo, para que la mujer y la sociedad misma en su conjunto, con el fin de reconocer y tipificar tales prácticas obsoletas en la atención del parto en el Código Penal brasileño.O presente artigo fora realizado com a pesquisa bibliografia narrativa com os métodos dedutivo e dialético, e visa abordar sobre a conceituação da violência obstétrica, as suas formas e estabelecer se há ou não enquadramento desta sob o âmbito penal. Este tipo de violência se caracteriza pelo excesso de intervenções ocorridas antes, durante ou depois do parto, fazendo com que a mulher gestante ou parturiente, venha a sofrer violências físicas, verbais, psicológicas e ou materiais, por parte do médico ou por outro presente profissional da saúde. Por isso, tem-se como objetivo a informação desta prática abusiva, a fim de que a mulher e a própria sociedade como um todo, tendo como objetivo reconhecer e tipificar tais práticas obsoletas na assistência ao parto no Código Penal brasileiro

    Tumor do estroma gastrointestinal (GIST) com apresentação atípica mimetizando pancreatite aguda - relato de caso: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) with atypical presentation mimicking acute pancreatitis - case report

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    O tumor tipo GIST, ou tumor estromal gastrointestinal, é uma neoplasia originada em camadas subepitelias, sendo o estômago o sítio anatômico mais frequente de acometimento. Este estudo se baseia na descrição de um caso de paciente jovem com quadro clínico compatível com pancreatite aguda, que após investigação, evidenciou tumor em antro gástrico compatível com tumor estromal. Uma dificuldade neste diagnóstico é sua localização na camada muscular ou muscular da mucosa, que diferentemente do adenocarcinoma gástrico, não tem alteração de mucosa, não podendo ser realizado biopsia normalmente. O tratamento deste tumor é cirúrgico sem linfadenectomia e pode ser associado a quimioterapia com Imatinib. O prognóstico da neoplasia estromal tende a ser mais positivo que do adenocarcinoma

    A Patient Perception as a Nursing Care in Emergency Sector

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    The work process by nurses in the emergency sector is comprised of two complementary dimensions, managing and caring. Therefore,the aim of this study was Know the perception of patients to the support of the nursing assistance in Emergency sector. This is a field research, exploratory, descriptive qualitative approach. The survey was conducted in Dr. Luiz Milton Arêa Leão Hospital - Satélite, located in the city of Teresina - PI, Brazil, which caters exclusively by the Unified Health System, and reference in its coverage area.We interviewed thirteen (13) patients who remained in observation in the emergency sector in that hospital. For this study was used as a criterion for inclusion of service users who entered the emergency sector in the periodMarch-April 2014 and who remained in the sector at the time of the interview.  A pilot test was conducted with the instrument to validate and suitability for the target audience, which is excluded from the sample. Ethical aspects were respected, as provided for in Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council, Brazil (2013). In this sense, we observed through the reports of the participants carrying out a qualified nursing care, where it identified a good conduct of professionals to provide the necessary assistance. A nursing care and systematic termination  during the stay of patients in hospital was evidenced. It is perceived  that there is a satisfaction from patients and the care of thenursing team, which is performed through actions inherent to these professionals, such as goodwill, the act of providing a welcoming atmosphere, with technical scientific background, and ability in dealing with conflict situations and ethical

    Formação docente no contexto da inclusão educacional / Teaching training in the context of educational inclusion

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    A inclusão educacional é assegurada no Brasil por leis e documentos oficiais a fim de reduzir a exclusão dos sujeitos com necessidades educacionais específicas e considerar as diretrizes vigentes que preconizam o ensino a todos. Destarte, a formação docente se caracteriza como fator preponderante na concretização da inclusão, sendo o professor agente indispensável no processo inclusivo e educativo. Assim, objetiva-se apresentar uma revisão sistemática da literatura científica nacional sobre as metodologias implementadas na formação docente para a promoção do trabalho de inclusão educacional. Para isso, realizou-se busca nas bases SciELO, BVS e BDTD que culminou na seleção de 26 produções. Constatou-se que o emprego de estratégias, na formação docente, voltadas para a inclusão educacional ocorrem durante e após a graduação: diários de bordo, oficinas temáticas, cursos presenciais e semipresenciais, rodas de diálogo entre os atores da escola, uso da Língua Brasileira de Sinais, investimento em formação inicial e continuada, uso de recursos tecnológicos e operação de trabalho colaborativo. Por fim, observou-se que há o desenvolvimento de iniciativas para a formação docente na direção de assegurar a inclusão educacional, mas ainda é necessário consolidar estratégias desde a graduação e, dessa forma, prosseguir com formação continuada e constante atualização profissional

    Association between Elevated Iodine Intake and IQ among School Children in Portugal

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    Funding Information: This project was funded through grants by the Public Health Initiatives Programme (PT06), financed by EEA Grants Financial Mechanism 2009–2014, and supported by FEDER through the operation POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007746 funded by the Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização—COMPETE2020 and by National Funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within CINTESIS, R&D Unit (reference UIDP/4255/2020) and within the scope of the project RISE, Associated Laboratory (reference LA/P/0053/2020). DP and VCF also received individual funding from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BPD/109158/2015 in the first case; SFRH/BPD/109153/2015, UIDB/50006/2020, UIDP/50006/2020, and LA/P/0008/2020 in the second case).The goal of this work was to examine whether elevated iodine intake was associated with adverse effects on IQ among school-age children in Portugal. In a representative sample of children from the north of the country, IQ percentiles by age (assessed with Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices) were dichotomized to <50 (“below-average” IQs) and ≥50. Morning urine iodine concentrations, corrected for creatinine, were dichotomized to <250 µg/g and ≥250 µg/g, according to the European Commission/Scientific Committee on Food’s tolerable upper level of daily iodine intake for young children. Data were examined with Chi-square tests, logistic regression, and GLM univariate analysis. The sample (N = 1965) was classified as generally iodine-adequate (median urinary iodine concentration = 129 µg/L; median iodine-to-creatinine ratio = 126 µg/g) according to the WHO’s criteria. A greater proportion of children in the ≥250 µg/g group had below-average IQs, compared to children with less than 250 µg/g (p = 0.037), despite a sizable (though non-significant) proportion of children in the less-than-250 µg/g group also presenting below-average IQs, at the bottom of the iodine distribution (<50 µg/g). The proportion of below-average IQs increased with increasingly elevated iodine concentrations (p = 0.047). The association remained significant after the adjustment for confounders, with the elevated iodine group showing increased odds of having below-average IQs when compared with the non-elevated iodine group (OR 1.55; 95% CI 1.11–2.17; p = 0.011). Consistently, the former group presented a lower mean IQ than the latter (p = 0.006). High iodine intake was associated with lower IQs even in a population classified as iodine-adequate. These results bear on child cognition and on initiatives involving iodine supplementation.publishersversionpublishe

    Accuracy of faecal calprotectin and neutrophil Gelatinase B-associated Lipocalin in evaluating subclinical inflammation in UlceRaTIVE colitis-the ACERTIVE study

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    Background and Aims: Mucosal healing and histological remission are different targets for patients with ulcerative colitis, but both rely on an invasive endoscopic procedure. This study aimed to assess faecal calprotectin and neutrophil gelatinase B-associated lipocalin as biomarkers for disease activity in asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients. Methods: This was a multicentric cross-sectional study including 371 patients, who were classified according to their endoscopic and histological scores. These results were evaluated alongside the faecal levels of both biomarkers. Results: Macroscopic lesions [i.e. endoscopic Mayo score >= 1] were present in 28% of the patients, and 9% had active disease according to fht Ulcerative Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity. Moreover, 21% presented with histological inflammation according to the Geboes index, whereas 15% and 5% presented with focal and diffuse basal plasmacytosis, respectively. The faecal levels of calprotectin and neutrophil gelatinase B-associated lipocalin were statistically higher for patients with endoscopic lesions and histological activity. A receiver operating characteristic-based analysis revealed that both biomarkers were able to indicate mucosal healing and histological remission with an acceptable probability, and cut-off levels of 150-250 mu g/g for faecal calprotectin and 12 mu g/g for neutrophil gelatinase B-associated lipocalin were proposed. Conclusions: Faecal calprotectin and neutrophil gelatinase B-associated lipocalin levels are a valuable addition for assessment of disease activity in asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients. Biological levels of the analysed biomarkers below the proposed thresholds can rule out the presence of macroscopic and microscopic lesions with a probability of 75-93%. However, caution should be applied whenever interpreting positive results, as these biomarkers present consistently low positive predictive values.Portuguese IBD Group [GEDII - Grupo de Estudo da Doenca Inflamatcria Intestinal]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Histological inflammation in the endoscopically uninflamed mucosa is associated with worse outcomes in limited ulcerative colitis

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    Background: The Montreal classification categorizes patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) based on their macroscopic disease extent. Independent of endoscopic extent, biopsies through all colonic segments should be retrieved during index colonoscopy. However, the prognostic value of histological inflammation at diagnosis in the inflamed and uninflamed regions of the colon has never been assessed.Methods: This was a multicenter retrospective cohort study of newly diagnosed patients with treatment-naïve proctitis and left-sided UC. Biopsies from at least 2 colonic segments (endoscopically inflamed and uninflamed mucosa) were retrieved and reviewed by 2 pathologists. Histological features in the endoscopically inflamed and uninflamed mucosa were scored using the Nancy score. The primary outcomes were disease complications (proximal disease extension, need for hospitalization or colectomy) and higher therapeutic requirements (need for steroids or for therapy escalation).Results: Overall, 93 treatment-naïve patients were included, with a median follow-up of 44 months (range, 2-329). The prevalence of any histological inflammation above the endoscopic margin was 71%. Proximal disease extension was more frequent in patients with histological inflammation in the endoscopically uninflamed mucosa at diagnosis (21.5% vs 3.4%, P = 0.04). Histological involvement above the endoscopic margin was the only predictor associated with an earlier need for therapy escalation (adjusted hazard ratio, 3.69; 95% confidence interval, 1.05- 13.0); P = 0.04) and disease complications (adjusted hazard ratio, 4.79; 95% confidence interval, 1.10-20.9; P = 0.04).Conclusions: The presence of histological inflammation in the endoscopically uninflamed mucosa at the time of diagnosis was associated with worse outcomes in limited UC.peer-reviewe