10 research outputs found

    Escritores combativos. Reflexiones sobre el papel del intelectual en la construcción democrática

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    En los años 30 y 40 del siglo XX, es posible identificar una fuerte y expresiva preocupación entre los intelectuales brasileños respecto a su actuación en la vida política del país. Los escritores toman como tema central el drama social y político, así coIn the 30 and 40 of the twentieth century, it is possible to identify a strong and expressive concern among Brazilian intellectuals about their performance in the country's political life. The writers take as their central theme the social and political

    J. Patrice McSherry, La Nueva Canción chilena. El poder político de la música 1960-1973, LOM Ediciones, Santiago, 2017, 265 p.

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    A publicação em espanhol deste livro da pesquisadora norte-americana J. Patrice McSherry, representa um importante ganho não só para historiadores e cientistas sociais que estudam esse rico e ainda doloroso período da história recente do Chile. É uma importante contribuição para um público maior de leitores chilenos e latino-americanos não acadêmicos e intensamente interessados em compreender um dos aspectos mais bonitos e impactantes da Unidade Popular que foi o Movimento da Nova Canção Popu..

    Los intelectuales en los intersticios de la política (Brasil, 1940-45)

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    Since the 1920 literature in Brazil was designed by a group of intellectuals as acommitment to cultural life of the country. Mario de Andrade and São Paulo's modernistinfluence the formation of the writers on that commitment in the years 30 and 40 aregeneralized. The literature that is written in this period central theme is the social andpolitical drama, very similar to the sociological and historical essays. This article seeksto reflect on such Brazilian intellectuals organize and act through the BrazilianAssociation of Writers. Try to understand how they perceive the national reality, whichare developed and analyzes how they think their role in societ

    Associação Brasileira de Escritores: dinâmica de uma disputa Brazilian Association of Writers: dynamics of a dispute

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    Em 1942 foi fundada a Associação Brasileira de Escritores com a proposta de regulamentar questões específicas do ofício de escritor, porém o momento político de sua criação e o caráter das preocupações destes escritores sublinhavam a questão política refletindo, especialmente, sobre o papel do escritor no mundo contemporâneo. Um momento central de atuação da ABDE será o I Congresso Brasileiro de Escritores realizado em São Paulo em 1945. O objetivo deste artigo é o de analisar este encontro abordando-o como lócus privilegiado para a compreensão da importância do escritor neste contexto de final de guerra. Seu estudo nos possibilita refletir sobre as dimensões políticas e culturais dos manifestos desta geração de intelectuais e a complexa dinâmica política e social entre os anos 1942-1949.<br>In 1942 was founded on the Brazilian Association of Writers with the proposed regulatory issues specific to the letter writer, but the political moment of its creation and the nature of the concerns of these writers emphasized reflecting the political issue, especially on the role of the writer in contemporary world. A focal point of action of ABDE is the Brazilian Congress of Writers held in São Paulo in 1945. The aim of this paper is to analyze this meeting addressing him as the privileged locus for understanding the importance of the writer in this context of end of war. Their study enables us to reflect on the political and cultural dimensions of the manifestos of this generation of intellectuals and the complex political and social dynamics between years 1942-1949

    Escritores combativos. Reflexiones sobre el papel del intelectual en la construcción democrática

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    In the 30 and 40 of the twentieth century, it is possible to identify a strong and expressive concern among Brazilian intellectuals about their performance in the country�s political life. The writers take as their central theme the social and political drama, as well as sociological and historical essays. This article seeks to refl ect on and intellectuals gathered in the Brazilian national writers perceive reality, what are the analyses made and how they think their role in society.En los años 30 y 40 del siglo XX, es posible identifi car una fuerte y expresiva preocupación entre los intelectuales brasileños respecto a su actuación en la vida política del país. Los escritores toman como tema central el drama social y político, así como los ensayos histórico-sociológicos. Este artículo busca refl exionar sobre como los intelectuales reunidos en la Asociación Brasileña de Escritores perciben la realidad nacional, cuales son los análisis que elaboran y de qué manera piensan su papel en la sociedad

    Advances in Antitumor Effects Using Liposomal Citrinin in Induced Breast Cancer Model

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    The study aimed to evaluate the antitumor and toxicogenetic effects of liposomal nanoformulations containing citrinin in animal breast carcinoma induced by 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA). Mus musculus virgin females were divided into six groups treated with (1) olive oil (10 mL/kg); (2) 7,12-DMBA (6 mg/kg); (3) citrinin, CIT (2 mg/kg), (4) cyclophosphamide, CPA (25 mg/kg), (5) liposomal citrinin, LP-CIT (2 μg/kg), and (6) LP-CIT (6 µg/kg). Metabolic, behavioral, hematological, biochemical, histopathological, and toxicogenetic tests were performed. DMBA and cyclophosphamide induced behavioral changes, not observed for free and liposomal citrinin. No hematological or biochemical changes were observed for LP-CIT. However, free citrinin reduced monocytes and caused hepatotoxicity. During treatment, significant differences were observed regarding the weight of the right and left breasts treated with DMBA compared to negative controls. Treatment with CPA, CIT, and LP-CIT reduced the weight of both breasts, with better results for liposomal citrinin. Furthermore, CPA, CIT, and LP-CIT presented genotoxic effects for tumor, blood, bone marrow, and liver cells, although less DNA damage was observed for LP-CIT compared to CIT and CPA. Healthy cell damage induced by LP-CIT was repaired during treatment, unlike CPA, which caused clastogenic effects. Thus, LP-CIT showed advantages for its use as a model of nanosystems for antitumor studies

    Reformas agrarias en América Latina y Chile: lecciones aprendidas sobre la controversia de la propiedad de la tierra

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    En este marco, el número 47 de la revista POLIS, Revista Latinoamericana, convocó a investigadores(as) a escribir sobre las lecciones derivadas de los procesos de reforma agraria llevados a cabo en América Latina y especialmente en Chile a sus 50 años. Fundamentalmente pensando en las transformaciones que los territorios y sus actores han vivido producto de estos procesos