917 research outputs found

    How Soft Drink Supply Chains drive sustainability: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) identification

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    Even if sustainability is a relatively new research area, it has already shown an interesting number of measures and metrics mainly de-structured and at very different levels. Furthermore, a specific framework of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) has not yet been developed for soft drink supply chains (SDSC). This variety is creating confusion among industries when they attempt to select a set of indicators for assessing sustainability in manufacturing in practical terms. A company should be able to analyze each element of its strategy and business model in order to understand which factors influence sustainability. Therefore, to address this challenge, Authors have collected sustainability KPIs SDSCs. KPIs helps soft drinks companies to have a more complete vision concerning their sustainability impact and to point out potential best practices. Finally, in order to provide a practical view of the methodology, a sample is presented and discussed

    Serological survey of leptospirosis, brucellosis, and lentivirus in herds of small ruminants in RecĂŽncavo Baiano, Bahia, Brazil

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    Foi realizado um inquĂ©rito sorolĂłgico para avaliar a frequĂȘncia de ocorrĂȘncia de leptospirose, lentiviroses de pequenos ruminantes (LVPR) e brucelose em rebanhos de pequenos ruminantes no RecĂŽncavo Baiano, estado da Bahia, Brasil, no perĂ­odo de fevereiro a dezembro de 2017. Em quatro rebanhos de caprinos, foram testados 125 animais para LVPR e leptospirose, enquanto em cinco rebanhos de ovinos, foram testados 378 animais para leptospirose, brucelose e LVPR. Em relação Ă  leptospirose, 80% das cabras e 15,34% das ovelhas foram sororreativas. Os sorogrupos de Leptospira spp. predominantes foram Autumnalis e Grippotyphosa para caprinos e ovinos, respectivamente. Em relação as LVPR, 8,8% dos caprinos e 0,79% dos ovinos foram reativos. Adicionalmente, a pesquisa de anticorpos Anti-B. ovis revelou 0,52% de ovinos reativos. Em ovinos, trĂȘs animais apresentaram sororreatividade simultĂąnea para LVPR e leptospirose, enquanto um animal teve resposta sorolĂłgica para brucelose e leptospirose. Em caprinos, sororreatividade simultĂąnea para LVPR e leptospirose foi observada em apenas um animal. A leptospirose foi a doença infecciosa mais frequente nos rebanhos investigados.A serological survey was carried out to assess the frequency of leptospirosis, small ruminants lentivirus (SRLV), and brucellosis in small ruminant herds in the RecĂŽncavo Baiano, State of Bahia, Brazil, from February to December 2017. In four goat herds, 125 animals were tested for SRLV and leptospirosis, while in five sheep herds, 378 animals were tested for leptospirosis, brucellosis, and SRLV. Regarding leptospirosis, MAT detected 80% of goats and 15.34% of sheep seroreactive. Reactivity was most frequent to serogroups Autumnalis and Grippotyphosa in goats and sheep, respectively. Regarding SRLV, 8.8% of goats and 0.79% of sheep were reactive. Search for anti-B. ovis antibodies revealed 0.52% reactivity. In sheep, three animals showed simultaneous seroreactivity for SRLV and leptospirosis, while one animal had a serological response for brucellosis and leptospirosis. In goats, simultaneous seroreactivity for SRLV and leptospirosis was observed in only one animal. Leptospirosis was the most frequent of the three infectious diseases in investigated herds


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    A piometra Ă© uma enfermidade endotelial que acomete com mais frequĂȘncia as fĂȘmeas adultas         e ativas reprodutivamente. Caracteriza-se por inflamação e acĂșmulo de exsudato na  cavidade uterina que geralmente estĂĄ associada a infecçÔes bacterianas. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar   o perfil de resistĂȘncia de isolados de Escherichia coli a partir do conteĂșdo uterino de 42 fĂȘmeas caninas, atendidas no Setor de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais do Hospital de Medicina VeterinĂĄria da Universidade Federal da Bahia, com diagnĂłstico de piometra. Para a realização da anĂĄlise bacteriolĂłgica, uma amostra do conteĂșdo uterino foi obtida imediatamente apĂłs o ato cirĂșrgico       de ovariosalpingohisterectomia terapĂȘutica (OSH) e encaminhada  para  o  laboratĂłrio.  ApĂłs  anĂĄlise microbiolĂłgica observou-se uma predominĂąncia da bactĂ©ria Escherichia coli em 40,5% (15/37). As cepas de Escherichia coli isoladas apresentaram os maiores Ă­ndices de resistĂȘncia aos antimicrobianos eritromicina (93,3%), azitromicina (80%), ampicilina, amoxacilina e cefalotina (40% cada). Tal estudo reforça a necessidade da realização do exame microbiolĂłgico com finalidade epidemiolĂłgica e correta aplicação terapĂȘutica, evitando, com isso, a utilização indiscriminada de antimicrobianos e potencial surgimento de estirpes   multirresistentes. Palavras-chave: bactĂ©ria; multirresistĂȘncia;  Ăștero

    FreqĂŒĂȘncia de diarrĂ©ia em bezerros mestiços sob diferentes condiçÔes de manejo na regiĂŁo do mĂ©dio ParaĂ­ba Rio de Janeiro e Minas Gerais

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    As principais doenças que acometem bezerros e acarretam maiores gastos com medicação e perdas por mortalidade, sĂŁo diarrĂ©ia, tristeza parasitĂĄria e pneumonia. Em geral, estas enfermidades estĂŁo relacionadas ao manejo inadequado e precĂĄrias condiçÔes de higiene alimentar e ambiental. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido visando verificar a freqĂŒĂȘncia de diarrĂ©ia em bezerros mestiços submetidos a diferentes condiçÔes de manejo. O levantamento foi efetuado de agosto de 1998 a julho de 1999, envolvendo 1974 bezerros em 20 Unidades de Produção de Leite C, localizadas no Vale do Rio Preto, entre Valença (RJ), Rio das Flores (RJ) e Rio Preto (MG). A freqĂŒĂȘncia de casos de diarrĂ©ia em relação a diferentes aspectos de manejo evidenciou menor ocorrĂȘncia de diarrĂ©ia entre os bezerros que permaneceram com a mĂŁe apĂłs o parto por pelo menos 24 horas, nas unidades de produção que utilizaram o sistema de aleitamento natural e naquelas propriedades em que os bezerros receberam alimentação suplementar na forma de volumoso picado e concentrado fornecidos no cocho. Em geral, estas propriedades apresentaram em relação Ă s demais, menos vacas em lactação, menor produção de leite e mĂŁo de obra do tipo familiar, que podem ter resultado em maior controle das medidas de higiene alĂ©m de mais atenção e cuidados por parte dos criadores.The main diseases affecting calves, and consequently, representing economic losses with treatment and mortality losses are diarrhea, tick borne diseases and pneumonia. In general, these diseases are related to poor environmental conditions and food hygiene, plus inadequate management. The present work aimed at estimate the frequency of diarrhea in dairy milk calves submitted to different breeding conditions. Twenty dairy milk type C farms, located at the cities of Valença, Rio das Flores (RJ) and Rio Preto (MG), were visited from August of 1998 to July of 1999 and 1974 calves were examined. Statistical analysis of diarrhea frequency showed that the lowest occurrence of diarrhea was achieved in the following situations: to let the calves stayed with their mothers after born for at least 24 hours after delivery, use of natural milk feeding and also, to allow the calves to receive supplemental feeding. In general, these farms presented lower cows in lactation, lower milk production and familiar management, which contribute to higher levels of care

    Serendipitous Nebular-phase JWST Imaging of SN Ia 2021aefx: Testing the Confinement of 56-Co Decay Energy

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    We present new 0.3-21 micron photometry of SN 2021aefx in the spiral galaxy NGC 1566 at +357 days after B-band maximum, including the first detection of any SN Ia at >15 micron. These observations follow earlier JWST observations of SN 2021aefx at +255 days after the time of maximum brightness, allowing us to probe the temporal evolution of the emission properties. We measure the fraction of flux emerging at different wavelengths and its temporal evolution. Additionally, the integrated 0.3-14 micron decay rate of Δm0.3−14=1.35±0.05\Delta m_{0.3-14} = 1.35 \pm 0.05 mag/100 days is higher than the decline rate from the radioactive decay of 56^{56}Co of ∌1.2\sim 1.2mag/100 days. The most plausible explanation for this discrepancy is that flux is shifting to >14 micron, and future JWST observations of SNe Ia will be able to directly test this hypothesis. However, models predicting non-radiative energy loss cannot be excluded with the present data.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL; 11 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables in two-column AASTEX63 forma

    The Brescia Internationally Validated European Guidelines on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (EGUMIPS)

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    Objective: To develop and update evidence-based and consensus-based guidelines on laparoscopic and robotic pancreatic surgery. Summary Background Data: Minimally invasive pancreatic surgery (MIPS), including laparoscopic and robotic surgery, is complex and technically demanding. Minimizing the risk for patients requires stringent, evidence-based guidelines. Since the International Miami Guidelines on MIPS in 2019, new developments and key publications have been reported, necessitating an update. Methods: Evidence-based guidelines on 22 topics in 8 domains were proposed: terminology, indications, patients, procedures, surgical techniques and instrumentation, assessment tools, implementation and training, and artificial intelligence. The Brescia Internationally Validated European Guidelines on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (EGUMIPS, September 2022) used the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) methodology to assess the evidence and develop guideline recommendations, the Delphi method to establish consensus on the recommendations among the Expert Committee, and the AGREE II-GRS tool for guideline quality assessment and external validation by a Validation Committee. Results: Overall, 27 European experts, 6 international experts, 22 international Validation Committee members, 11 Jury Committee members, 18 Research Committee members, and 121 registered attendees of the 2-day meeting were involved in the development and validation of the guidelines. In total, 98 recommendations were developed, including 33 on laparoscopic, 34 on robotic, and 31 on general MIPS, covering 22 topics in 8 domains. Out of 98 recommendations, 97 reached at least 80% consensus among the experts and congress attendees, and all recommendations were externally validated by the Validation Committee. Conclusions: The EGUMIPS evidence-based guidelines on laparoscopic and robotic MIPS can be applied in current clinical practice to provide guidance to patients, surgeons, policy-makers, and medical societies.</p

    MUSiC : a model-unspecific search for new physics in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV

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    Results of the Model Unspecific Search in CMS (MUSiC), using proton-proton collision data recorded at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb(-1), are presented. The MUSiC analysis searches for anomalies that could be signatures of physics beyond the standard model. The analysis is based on the comparison of observed data with the standard model prediction, as determined from simulation, in several hundred final states and multiple kinematic distributions. Events containing at least one electron or muon are classified based on their final state topology, and an automated search algorithm surveys the observed data for deviations from the prediction. The sensitivity of the search is validated using multiple methods. No significant deviations from the predictions have been observed. For a wide range of final state topologies, agreement is found between the data and the standard model simulation. This analysis complements dedicated search analyses by significantly expanding the range of final states covered using a model independent approach with the largest data set to date to probe phase space regions beyond the reach of previous general searches.Peer reviewe

    Search for new particles in events with energetic jets and large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    A search is presented for new particles produced at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at root s = 13 TeV, using events with energetic jets and large missing transverse momentum. The analysis is based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 101 fb(-1), collected in 2017-2018 with the CMS detector. Machine learning techniques are used to define separate categories for events with narrow jets from initial-state radiation and events with large-radius jets consistent with a hadronic decay of a W or Z boson. A statistical combination is made with an earlier search based on a data sample of 36 fb(-1), collected in 2016. No significant excess of events is observed with respect to the standard model background expectation determined from control samples in data. The results are interpreted in terms of limits on the branching fraction of an invisible decay of the Higgs boson, as well as constraints on simplified models of dark matter, on first-generation scalar leptoquarks decaying to quarks and neutrinos, and on models with large extra dimensions. Several of the new limits, specifically for spin-1 dark matter mediators, pseudoscalar mediators, colored mediators, and leptoquarks, are the most restrictive to date.Peer reviewe
