15 research outputs found

    Myofascial urinary frequency syndrome is a novel syndrome of bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms associated with myofascial pelvic floor dysfunction

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    This study describes a novel, distinct phenotype of urinary symptoms named myofascial urinary frequency syndrome (MUFS) present in one-third of individuals presenting with urinary frequency. In addition to a characteristic symptom constellation suggestive of myofascial dysfunction, MUFS subjects exhibit persistency : a persistent feeling of needing to urinate regardless of urine volume. On examination, 97% of MUFS patients demonstrated pelvic floor hypertonicity with either global tenderness or myofascial trigger points, and 92% displayed evidence of impaired muscular relaxation, hallmarks of myofascial dysfunction. To confirm this symptom pattern was attributable to the pelvic floor musculature, we confirmed the presence of persistency in 68 patients with pelvic floor myofascial dysfunction established through comprehensive examination and electromyography and corroborated by improvement with pelvic floor myofascial release. These symptoms distinguish subjects with myofascial dysfunction from subjects with OAB, IC/BPS, and asymptomatic controls, confirming MUFS is a distinct LUTS symptom complex

    A Single Acidic Residue Can Guide Binding Site Selection but Does Not Govern QacR Cationic-Drug Affinity

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    Structures of the multidrug-binding repressor protein QacR with monovalent and bivalent cationic drugs revealed that the carboxylate side-chains of E90 and E120 were proximal to the positively charged nitrogens of the ligands ethidium, malachite green and rhodamine 6G, and therefore may contribute to drug neutralization and binding affinity. Here, we report structural, biochemical and in vivo effects of substituting these glutamate residues. Unexpectedly, substitutions had little impact on ligand affinity or in vivo induction capabilities. Structures of QacR(E90Q) and QacR(E120Q) with ethidium or malachite green took similar global conformations that differed significantly from all previously described QacR-drug complexes but still prohibited binding to cognate DNA. Strikingly, the QacR(E90Q)-rhodamine 6G complex revealed two mutually exclusive rhodamine 6G binding sites. Despite multiple structural changes, all drug binding was essentially isoenergetic. Thus, these data strongly suggest that rather than contributing significantly to ligand binding affinity, the role of acidic residues lining the QacR multidrug-binding pocket is primarily to attract and guide cationic drugs to the “best available” positions within the pocket that elicit QacR induction

    Nucleosome Interactions and Stability in an Ordered Nucleosome Array Model System*

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    Although it is well established that the majority of eukaryotic DNA is sequestered as nucleosomes, the higher-order structure resulting from nucleosome interactions as well as the dynamics of nucleosome stability are not as well understood. To characterize the structural and functional contribution of individual nucleosomal sites, we have developed a chromatin model system containing up to four nucleosomes, where the array composition, saturation, and length can be varied via the ordered ligation of distinct mononucleosomes. Using this system we find that the ligated tetranucleosomal arrays undergo intra-array compaction. However, this compaction is less extensive than for longer arrays and is histone H4 tail-independent, suggesting that well ordered stretches of four or fewer nucleosomes do not fully compact to the 30-nm fiber. Like longer arrays, the tetranucleosomal arrays exhibit cooperative self-association to form species composed of many copies of the array. This propensity for self-association decreases when the fraction of nucleosomes lacking H4 tails is systematically increased. However, even tetranucleosomal arrays with only two octamers possessing H4 tails recapitulate most of the inter-array self-association. Varying array length shows that systems as short as dinucleosomes demonstrate significant self-association, confirming that relatively few determinants are required for inter-array interactions and suggesting that in vivo multiple interactions of short runs of nucleosomes might contribute to complex fiber-fiber interactions. Additionally, we find that the stability of nucleosomes toward octamer loss increases with array length and saturation, suggesting that in vivo stretches of ordered, saturated nucleosomes could serve to protect these regions from histone ejection