3,778 research outputs found

    Dissection of defense responses of skl, an ethylene insensitive mutant of Medicago truncatula

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    The interactions between Medicago truncatula and Phytophthora medicaginis were examined using skl, a mutant blocked in ethylene perception, and a range of wild accessions of this plant species. P. medicaginis infection of M. truncatula plants resulted in compatible responses, whereas the mutant genotype was found to be hyper-susceptible to the pathogen. Phytophthora reproduction and colonization rates of Medicago tissues supported this conclusion. Infection of skl with different pathogens reinforced this observation. Ethylene production in infected A17 and skl roots showed reduced ethylene evolution in the mutant and suggested that a positive feedback loop, known as autocatalytic ethylene production, amplified the ethylene signal. To complement the study, expression analyses of defense response genes in this interaction were studied by real time RTPCR of Phytophthora-infected and mock-infected roots. The genes analyzed were PAL, CHS, IFR, ACC oxidase, GST, and PR10. The sequences needed for the analysis were found through the scrutiny of the M. truncatula EST database employing phylogenetics and bio-informatics tools. In A17 all the genes studied were up-regulated, although the specific gene expression patterns differed. The comparison of gene expression between A17 and skl genotypes allowed the differentiation between ethylene-dependent and ethylene-independent responses. Discrete results showed that ACC oxidase homologues were downregulated in the ethylene perception mutant, corroborating the ethylene observations. However, the expression of genes involved in the phenylpropanoid metabolism was increased in skl relative to A17, suggestive of an antagonism between the ethylene perception pathway and the regulation of the phenylpropanoid pathway. This result implied that Medicago phytoalexins accumulate in the disease interaction, but raised questions about their role in resistance to Phytophthora infection. This study establishes a link between mechanisms that regulate symbiotic infection and the regulation of disease resistance to Oomycete pathogens, especially P. medicaginis. The results served to identify a series of Phytophthora-induced genes, which remain pathogen-responsive even in the absence of a functional ethylene perception pathway. While it is possible that the products of these genes are involved in resistance to P. medicaginis, the present results demonstrate that ethylene perception is required for resistance

    Educación para la sostenibilidad "Medio ambiente"

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    The current structure of the Peruvian educational system refers to a series of shortcomings from a poor articulation between levels of education, generating artificial divisions that break the continuity in the education of the student. To this problem we add the incapacity of the mentioned system to respond to a quality education, and the lack of knowledge of how an educational system is conceived and organized truly, to improve and to guarantee the transit of the students. The previously said conlléva to Take conscience and seek to reform that system by concretizing in one way or another important and diverse activities such as: The measurement of quality. Assessment of learning outcomes. The revision of curricular contents and the efforts to improve the management capacity of teachers. The application of strategies such as institutional integratiLa actual estructura del sistema educativo peruano, refiere desde años atrás a una L serie de carencias provenientes de una deficiente articulación entre los niveles de enseñanza, generando aquellas divisiones artificiales que resquebrajan la continuidad en la formación del educando. A este problema le sumamos la incapacidad del mencionado sistema en responder a una educación de calidad, y la falta de conocimientos de cómo se concibe y se organiza verdaderamente un sistema educativo, para mejorar y garantizar el tránsito de los estudiantes.Lo dicho anteriormente conlléva a tomar conciencia y buscar reformar aquel sistema concretando de una u otra manera actividades importantes y diversas como:La medición de la calidad. La evaluación de los resultados del aprendizaje. La revisión de contenidos curriculares y los esfuerzos por mejorar la capacidad de gestión de los maestros.La aplicación de estrategias como la integración institucional para mejorar la equidad y el rendimiento intern

    State space exploration in Markov Models

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    Performance and dependability analysis is usually based on Markov models. One of the main problems faced by the analyst is the large state space cardinality of the Markov chain associated with the model, which precludes not only the model solution, but also the generation of the transition rate matrix. However, in many real system models, most of the probability mass is concentred in a small number of states in comparison with the whole state space. Therefore, performability measures may be accurately evaluated from these "high probable" states. In this paper, we present as algorithm to generate the most probable state the is more efficient than previous algorithms in the literature. We also address the problem of calculating measures of interest and show how bounds on some measures can b efficiently calculated.Análise de desempenho e dependabilidade baseia-se usualmente em modelos Markovianos. Um dos principais problemas que o analista encontra é a grande cardinalidade do espaço de estados da cadeias de Markov associada ao modelo, o que impede não somente a solução do modelo, mas também a geração da matriz de transição de estados. Entretanto, em muitos modelos de sistemas reais, a maioria da massa de probabilidade está concentrada em um pequeno número de estados em comparação com a totalidade do espaço dos estados. Por conseguinte, medidas de desempenhabilidade ('performability') podem ser avaliadas com precisão a partir desses estados mais prováveis. Neste artigo, apresentamos um algoritmo de geração dos estados mais prováveis que é mais eficiente que algoritmos anteriormente propostos na literatura. Abordaremos também o problema de cálculo das medidas de interesse e mostraremos como limites para algumas medidas podem ser eficientemente calculados

    Medios de almacenamiento para dientes avulsionados. Una revisión.

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    La avulsión dental es el desplazamiento completo del diente de su alvéolo que puede ser causado por un traumatismo, donde se produce la ruptura de las fibras del ligamento periodontal, además puede estar acompañado de lesiones que comprometan el cemento, el hueso alveolar y los tejidos periodontales. Las células del ligamento periodontal luego de la avulsión crecen óptimamente en un pH neutro, los medios de almacenamiento deben tener características ideales para que haya crecimiento celular; como ser líquidos estériles, poseer componentes que nutran las células del ligamento periodontal, estar disponibles en el lugar del accidente, ser de larga duración y vida útil. El propósito de esta revisión es describir los diferentes medios de almacenamiento para dientes avulsionados con el fin de determinar cuál es el medio de elección para la conservación de las células del ligamento periodontal en los dientes que serán reimplantados. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura de estudios publicados en el idioma inglés y español en la bibliografía médica, utilizando el buscador Pubmed/Medline. Conclusión. La leche fresca pasteurizada, sigue siendo el medio de elección, teniendo en cuenta que el tiempo extraoral es importante, se debe tener en cuenta los nuevos medios como la clara de huevo, propóleo, Aloe Vera, agua de coco, como alternativa en casos de ser las disponibles en el lugar del accidente. Las cajas de rescate deben estar disponibles en todos los países

    Determinación de capacidad de reposición natural de material pétreo en el tramo del rio Upano denominado la barranca para un manejo de explotación

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    La presente investigación consistió  establecer la capacidad de reposición natural de material pétreo  del rio Upano en  el tramo denominado la Barranca, que abarca una longitud de 6 Km, se inició con el levantamiento batimétrico, determinación de franjas de control;  monitoreo mensual durante un año a los puntos de control; estudio físico granulométrico del material depositado , para luego establecer un modelo de explotación  de los materiales pétreo, de tal manera no altere ambientalmente de manera significativa un posible aprovechamient

    Generation and characterization of the human iPSC line PBMC1-iPS4F1 from adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells

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    AbstractHere we describe the generation and characterization of the human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line PBMC1-iPS4F1 from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a healthy female with Spanish background. We used heat sensitive, non-integrative Sendai viruses containing the reprogramming factors Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc, whose expression was silenced in the established iPSC line. Characterization of the PBMC1-iPS4F1 cell line included analysis of typical pluripotency-associated factors at mRNA and protein level, alkaline phosphatase enzymatic activity, and in vivo and in vitro differentiation studies

    Dietary fatty acids affect mitochondrial phospholipid compositions and mitochondrial gene expression of rainbow trout liver at different ages

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    Mitochondria are among the first responders to various stressors that challenge the homeostasis of cells and organisms. Mitochondrial decay is generally associated with impairment in the organelle bioenergetics function and increased oxidative stress, and it appears that deterioration of mitochondrial inner membrane phospholipids (PL), particularly cardiolipin (CL), and accumulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations are among the main mechanisms involved in this process. In the present study, liver mitochondrial membrane PL compositions, lipid peroxidation and mtDNA gene expression were analyzed in rainbow trout fed three diets with the same base formulation but with lipid supplied either by fish oil (FO), rapeseed oil (RO) or a high DHA oil (DHA) during six weeks. Specifically, two feeding trials were performed using fish from the same population of two ages (1 and 3 years), and PL class compositions of liver mitochondria, fatty acid composition of individual PL classes, TBARS content and mtDNA expression were determined. Dietary fatty acid composition strongly affected mitochondrial membrane composition from trout liver but observed changes did not fully reflect the diet, particularly when it contained high DHA. The changes were PL specific, CL being particularly resistant to changes in DHA. Some significant differences observed in expression of mtDNA with diet may suggest long-term dietary effects in mitochondrial gene expression which could affect electron transport chain function. All the changes were influenced by fish age, which could be related to the different growth rates observed between 1- and 3-year-old trout but that could also indicate age-related changes in the ability to maintain structural homeostasis of mitochondrial membranes

    Effect of the Target Size in the Calculation of the Energy Deposited Using PENELOPE Code

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    The specific and linear energy was calculated in target sizes of 10 µm, 5 µm, 1 µm, 60 nm, 40nm and 20 nm by taking into account the contribution of the primary photon beams and the electrons generated by them in LiF: Mg, Ti (TLD-100). The simulations were carried out by the code PENELOPE 2011. Using different histories of primary particles, for each energy beams the mean deposited energy is the same, but to achieve a statistical deviation lower than 1% the value of 10 was fixed. We find that setting the values C1 = 0.1 C2 = 0.1 and W The Author(s) 2018. This article is published with open access at www.chitkara.edu.in/publications. ISSN No.: 2321-8649(Print) ISSN No.: 2321-9289(Online); Registration No. : CHAENG/2018/51628 cc = W = 50 eV the time of simulation decreases around the 25%. The uncertainties (1 SD) in the specific energy increases with energy for all target sizes and decreases with target size, with values from 1.7 to 94% for 20 nm and between 0.1 and 0.8% for 10 µm. As expected, the specific and linear energies decrease with target size but not in a geometrical behavior

    Identification of a Conserved Region of Plasmodium falciparum MSP3 Targeted by Biologically Active Antibodies to Improve Vaccine Design

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    Merozoite surface protein 3 (MSP3) is a target of antibody-dependent cellular inhibition (ADCI), a protective mechanism against Plasmodium falciparum malaria. From the C-terminal half of the molecule, 6 overlapping peptides were chosen to characterize human immune responses. Each peptide defined at least 1 non-crossreactive B cell epitope. Distinct patterns of antibody responses, by level and IgG subclass distribution, were observed in inhabitants of a malaria-endemic area. Antibodies affinity purified toward each peptide differed in their functional capacity to mediate parasite killing in ADCI assays: 3 of 6 overlapping peptides had a major inhibitory effect on parasite growth. This result was confirmed by the passive transfer of anti-MSP3 antibodies in vivo in a P. falciparum mouse model. T helper cell epitopes were identified in each peptide. Antigenicity and functional assays identified a 70-amino acid conserved domain of MSP3 as a target of biologically active antibodies to be included in future vaccine constructs based on MSP

    With the rainforest in one's head, and the hand in one's heart (Con la selva en la cabeza y la mano en el corazón)

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    In this essay, Josefina Klinger Zúñiga, Afro Colombian socio-environmental leader, shares the story of the Migration Festival in Nuquí, Colombian Pacific. It is a proposal on how to interrogate violence through the eyes of a non-violence project