15 research outputs found

    Fatigue performance of thermally cut bolt holes in structural steel S460M

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    Current fatigue codes only consider the fatigue performance of drilled and punched holes, limiting the use of thermal cutting processes to produce bolt holes. This paper studies the fatigue performance of structural steel S460M plates containing thermally cut bolt holes. The research covers three thermal cutting methods: the traditional one (oxy-fuel cutting) and two more modern processes (plasma and laser cutting). Specimen geometry is defined by a rectangular cross section with a cut hole in the middle. All the specimens were conducted to failure by applying fatigue cycles, the stress ratio (R) being 0.1. The corresponding S-N curve and fatigue limit were obtained for each cutting method. Fatigue results have been compared with previous researches on fatigue performance of drilled and punched holes, and with the predictions provided by current fatigue standards, analyzing the possibility to extrapolate their S-N curves, focused on drilled and punched holes, to thermally cut holes

    Plan gallego de hospitalización a domicilio. Estrategia HADO 2019-2023

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    Documento estratéxico que pretende potenciar e consolidar a hospitalización a domicilio como un modelo asistencial do Servizo Galego de Saúde e garantir o seu desenvolvemento nos próximos seis anos, establecendo criterios homoxéneos de atención coa finalidade de normalizar os modelos asistenciais, carteira de servizos e fluxos de traballo para asegurar una asistencia sanitaria de calidadeDocumento estratégico que pretende potenciar y consolidar la hospitalización a domicilio como un modelo asistencial del Servicio Gallego de Salud y garantizar su desarrollo en los próximos seis años, estableciendo criterios homogéneos de atención con la finalidad de normalizar los modelos asistenciales, cartera de servicios y flujos de trabajo para asegurar una asistencia sanitaria de calida

    Metabolomics of transgenic maize combining Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance-mass spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry and pressurized liquid extraction.

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    In this work, the potential of combining capillary electrophoresis-time-of-flight-mass spectrometry (CE-TOF-MS) and Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance-mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) for metabolomics of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is demonstrated. Thus, six different varieties of maize, three of them transgenic(PR33P66 Bt, Tietar Bt and Aristis Bt) and their corresponding isogenic lines (PR331366, Tietar and Aristis) grown under the same field conditions, were analyzed. Based on the ultrahigh resolution and remarkable mass accuracy provided by the 12-T FT-ICR-MS it was possible to directly analyze a good number of metabolites whose identity could be proposed based on their specific isotopic pattern. For identification of metabolite isomers, CE-TOF-MS was also used combining the information on nominal mass with electrophoretic mobility corroborating in that way the identity of several new biomarkers. Furthermore, PLE extractions were evaluated in order to establish selective extraction as an additional criterion to obtain useful information in maize metabolomics. Differences in the metabolite levels were found between the three transgenic maize varieties compared with their wild isogenic lines in some specific metabolic pathways. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an approach as the one presented in this work (pressurized liquid extraction + FT-ICR-MS + CE-TOF-MS) is shown for a metabolomic study