872 research outputs found

    Between presidential and parliamentary elections – which way in the EU-Belarus relations?

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    Given the numerous acute problems that the EU must face at the moment – the refugee crisis, the security situation after the recent terrorist attacks, a war in Ukraine, and the threat of Brexit – Belarus is not the highest priority on the EU agenda. However, the country’s current economic situation and the fact that it stands after the presidential elections (11th October 2015) and before the parliamentary ones (September 2016) opens a “window of opportunity” in EU relations with Belarus

    Sex(d)uality : a note on Carson McCullers' literary preoccupations

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    Carson McCullers, zarówno w swej twórczości prozatorskiej, jak i w utworach poetyckich, podejmuje problem kształtowania się osobowości postaci, szczególnie eksponując sferę orientacji seksualnej. Tradycyjny podział płci na żeńską i męską ulega w utworach pisarki swoistej inwersji. Zniewieściali bohaterowie i zmaskulinizowane bohaterki poszukują swego miejsca w świecie, jed­nakże zakłócenie proporcji pomiędzy męskim a żeńskim pierwiastkiem ich osobowości staje się przyczyną wielu problemów, prowadząc często do ostatecznego osamotnienia

    Current problems of evaluation concerning the impact of energy investments upon the environment

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    Current problems of evaluation concerning the impact of energy investments upon the environmen

    Stefan Żeromski. Identity, poetics and reception styles

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    This article is a review of the collective monograph Stefan Żeromski. Kim był? Kim jest? edited by Zdzisław Jerzy Adamczyk. The book contains thirty essays written by experts in their respective fields. Both Stefan Żeromski’s views and many aspects of his writings were here thoroughly examined. It is said that Żeromski, one of the most influential Polish writers at the end of the nineteenth and at the beginning of the twentieth century, strongly affected Polish culture. The contributors of the book undoubtedly proved the thesis.This article is a review of the collective monograph Stefan Żeromski. Kim był? Kim jest? edited by Zdzisław Jerzy Adamczyk. The book contains thirty essays written by experts in their respective fields. Both Stefan Żeromski’s views and many aspects of his writings were here thoroughly examined. It is said that Żeromski, one of the most influential Polish writers at the end of the nineteenth and at the beginning of the twentieth century, strongly affected Polish culture. The contributors of the book undoubtedly proved the thesis

    Organization of Environmental Services in Poland

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    Organization of Environmental Services in Polan

    The impact of the Paris Agreement on the change in the framework for climate and energy policy of the European Union and its legal regulations

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    Porozumienie paryskie do Ramowej Konwencji Narodów Zjednoczonych w sprawie zmian klimatu stało się bezpośrednim bodźcem do przyjęcia Ramowej polityki klimatyczno-energetycznej do roku 2030, w której sformułowano wkład UE i państw członkowskich w realizację zobowiązań wynikających z Porozumienia paryskiego. Porozumienie paryskie „zainicjowało” też proces przeglądu prawodawstwa unijnego i przedstawiania (dyskutowania) propozycji jego zmian mających doprowadzić do wykonania postanowień Porozumienia. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wpływu Porozumienia paryskiego na zmianę polityki klimatyczno-energetycznej UE po 2020 r., a także analiza głównych kierunków projektowanych zmian unijnych regulacji prawnych zmierzających do wdrożenia globalnego zobowiązania UE podjętego w Paryżu w grudniu 2015 r. oraz próba oceny tych propozycji zmian. Wdrożenie tego globalnego zobowiązania UE nastąpić ma przede wszystkim przez zmianę aktów prawa unijnego tworzących tzw. pakiet klimatyczno-energetyczny do 2020. Nowo przyjęte akty prawa unijnego zaś w dalszej perspektywie staną się wyznacznikiem kierunku regulacji krajowych.The Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change became a direct incentive to The EU 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policy adoption. The contributions of the EU and Member States to the fulfilment of commitments stemming from the Paris Agreement were defined the EU 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policy. The Paris agreement has also initiated the review process of European Union legislation and submission of proposals for a discussion aimed at amending EU law in order to fulfil the Paris Agreement commitments. Thus, the aim of the study is to present the impact of the Paris Agreement on EU climate an energy policy and to analyse the main directions of proposed amendments of EU law regulations aimed at implementing the global commitments that the EU made in Paris in December2015. It is also an attempt to assess these proposals. The new EU provisions will in the long term become a directional determinant for national regulations

    A credible and independent media is the best way to counter Russia’s information strategy in the EU

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    The concept of ‘hybrid warfare’, which incorporates traditional military strategies alongside media and information campaigns, has been a feature of discussions surrounding Russia’s response to the Ukraine crisis. But if this form of aggressive information warfare is being pursued by the Kremlin then how should the EU and the West respond in defending its interests? Katarzyna Sobieraj writes that the key to countering Russia’s information strategy is to strengthen credible and independent media sources in the EU while resisting the temptation to ‘fight fire with fire’ by producing pro-EU propaganda in response

    Towards unity : Melville's pictures of Civil War

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    In 1866, after several years of silence, Herman Melville published a volume of poetry devoted to the events of the Civil War. Though the poems are related to the successive incidents of the war, the author wrote almost all of them after the fall of Richmond which, as he himself admitted, gave him a strong impulse to create the poetic pictures of the “terrible tragedy of our time”