269 research outputs found

    Debye mass and heavy quark potential in a PNJL quark plasma

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    We calculate the Debye mass for the screening of the heavy quark potential in a plasma of massless quarks coupled to the temporal gluon background governed by the Polyakov loop potential within the PNJL model in RPA approximation. We give a physical motivation for a recent phenomenological fit of lattice data by applying the calculated Debye mass with its suppression in the confined phase due to the Polyakov-loop to a description of the temperature dependence of the singlet free energy for QCD with a heavy quark pair at infinite separation. We compare the result to lattice data.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, contribution to Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on "Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement", to appear in Phys. At. Nucl., vol. 7

    QCD equation of state in a virial expansion

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    We describe recent three-flavor QCD lattice data for the pressure, speed of soun d and interaction measure at nonzero temperature and vanishing chemical potentia l within a virial expansion. For the deconfined phase we use a phenomenological model which includes non-pert urbative effects from dimension two gluon condensates that reproduce the free en ergy of quenched QCD very well. The hadronic phase is parameterized by a generalized resonance-gas model. Furthermore, we extend this approach to finite quark densities introducing an ex plicit μ\mu-dependence of the interaction. We calculate pressure, quark-number density, entropy and energy density and compare to results of lattice calculatio ns. We, additionally, investigate the structure of the phase diagram by calculating the isobaric and isentropic lines as well as the critical endpoint in the (T,μqT, \mu_q )-plane.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    QGP Susceptibilities from PNJL Model

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    An improved version of the PNJL model is used to calculate various thermodynamical quantities, {\it viz.}, quark number susceptibility, isospin susceptibility, specific heat, speed of sound and conformal measure. Comparison with Lattice data is found to be encouraging.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, poster presented at Quark Matter'0

    Cosmological phase transitions in warped space: gravitational waves and collider signatures

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    We study the electroweak phase transition within a 5D warped model including a scalar potential with an exponential behavior, and strong back-reaction over the metric, in the infrared. By means of a novel treatment of the superpotential formalism, we explore parameter regions that were previously inaccessible. We nd that for large enough values of the t'Hooft parameter (e.g. N = 25) the holographic phase transition occurs, and it can force the Higgs to undergo a rst order electroweak phase transition, suitable for electroweak baryogenesis. The model exhibits gravitational waves and colliders signatures. It typically predicts a stochastic gravitational wave background observable both at the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna and at the Einstein Telescope. Moreover the radion tends to be heavy enough such that it evades current constraints, but may show up in future LHC runs.The work of EM is supported by the Spanish MINEICO under Grant FPA2015-64041-C2-1-P and FIS2017-85053-C2-1-P, by the Junta de Andaluc a under Grant FQM-225, by the Basque Government under Grant IT979-16, and by the Spanish Consolider Ingenio 2010 Programme CPAN (CSD2007-00042). The research of EM is also supported by the Ram on y Cajal Program of the Spanish MINEICO, and by the Universidad del Pa s Vasco UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain, as a Visiting Professor. GN is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) under grant 200020-168988. The work of MQ is partly supported by Spanish MINEICO under Grant CICYT-FEDER-FPA2014- 55613-P and FPA2017-88915-P, by the Severo Ochoa Excellence Program of MINEICO under Grant SEV-2016-0588, and by CNPq PVE fellowship project 405559/2013-5

    Hadron Production in Ultra-relativistic Nuclear Collisions: Quarkyonic Matter and a Triple Point in the Phase Diagram of QCD

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    We argue that features of hadron production in relativistic nuclear collisions, mainly at CERN-SPS energies, may be explained by the existence of three forms of matter: Hadronic Matter, Quarkyonic Matter, and a Quark-Gluon Plasma. We suggest that these meet at a triple point in the QCD phase diagram. Some of the features explained, both qualitatively and semi-quantitatively, include the curve for the decoupling of chemical equilibrium, along with the non-monotonic behavior of strange particle multiplicity ratios at center of mass energies near 10 GeV. If the transition(s) between the three phases are merely crossover(s), the triple point is only approximate.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures; submitted to Nucl. Phys. A; v2 to eliminate obsolete figs. inadvertently attached at the end of the paper; v3: final version accepted for publicatio

    Goldstones in Diphotons

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    We study the conditions for a new scalar resonance to be observed first in diphotons at the LHC Run-2. We focus on scenarios where the scalar arises either from an internal or spacetime symmetry broken spontaneously, for which the mass is naturally below the cutoff and the low-energy interactions are fixed by the couplings to the broken currents, UV anomalies, and selection rules. We discuss the recent excess in diphoton resonance searches observed by ATLAS and CMS at 750 GeV, and explore its compatibility with other searches at Run-1 and its interpretation as Goldstone bosons in supersymmetry and composite Higgs models. We show that two candidates naturally emerge: a Goldstone boson from an internal symmetry with electromagnetic anomalies, and the scalar partner of the Goldstone of supersymmetry breaking: the sgoldstino. The dilaton from conformal symmetry breaking is instead disfavoured by present data, in its minimal natural realization.Comment: 18 pages + refs, 2 figures. v2: typos corrected, references added, discussions extended and three new plots. Conclusion unchanged. v3: published versio

    Two-color QCD via dimensional reduction

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    We study the thermodynamics of two-color QCD at high temperature and/or density using a dimensionally reduced superrenormalizable effective theory, formulated in terms of a coarse grained Wilson line. In the absence of quarks, the theory is required to respect the Z(2) center symmetry, while the effects of quarks of arbitrary masses and chemical potentials are introduced via soft Z(2) breaking operators. Perturbative matching of the effective theory parameters to the full theory is carried out explicitly, and it is argued how the new theory can be used to explore the phase diagram of two-color QCD.Comment: 17 pages, 1 eps figure, jheppub style; v2: minor update, references added, published versio

    Trace Anomaly and Quasi-Particles in Finite Temperature SU(N) Gauge Theory

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    We consider deconfined matter in SU(N) gauge theory as an ideal gas of transversely polarized quasi-particle modes having a temperature-dependent mass m(T). Just above the transition temperature, the mass is assumed to be determined by the critical behavior of the energy density and the screening length in the medium. At high temperature, it becomes proportional to T as the only remaining scale. The resulting (trace anomaly based) interaction measure Delta=(e - 3P)/T^4 and energy density are found to agree well with finite temperature SU(3) lattice calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures; references added for version

    Hydrodynamics of a 5D Einstein-dilaton black hole solution and the corresponding BPS state

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    We apply the potential reconstruction approach to generate a series of asymptotically AdS (aAdS) black hole solutions, with a self-interacting bulk scalar field. Based on the method, we reproduce the pure AdS solution as a consistency check and we also generate a simple analytic 5D black hole solution. We then study various aspects of this solution, such as temperature, entropy density and conserved charges. Furthermore, we study the hydrodynamics of this black hole solution in the framework of fluid/gravity duality, e.g. the ratio of the shear viscosity to the entropy density. In a degenerate case of the 5D black hole solution, we find that the c function decreases monotonically from UV to IR as expected. Finally, we investigate the stability of the degenerate solution by studying the bosonic functional energy of the gravity and the Witten-Nester energy EWNE_{WN}. We confirm that the degenerate solution is a BPS domain wall solution. The corresponding superpotential and the solution of the killing spinor equation are found explicitly.Comment: V2: 23 pages, no figure, minor changes, typos corrected, new references and comments added, version accepted by JHE

    Thermodynamics of the PNJL model

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    QCD thermodynamics is investigated by means of the Polyakov-loop-extended Nambu Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model, in which quarks couple simultaneously to the chiral condensate and to a background temporal gauge field representing Polyakov loop dynamics. The behaviour of the Polyakov loop as a function of temperature is obtained by minimizing the thermodynamic potential of the system. A Taylor series expansion of the pressure is performed. Pressure difference and quark number density are then evaluated up to sixth order in quark chemical potential, and compared to the corresponding lattice data. The validity of the Taylor expansion is discussed within our model, through a comparison between the full results and the truncated ones.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Talk given at the Workshop for Young Scientists on the Physics of Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Hot Quarks 2006), Villasimius, Italy, 15-20 May 200