73 research outputs found

    On the Proton Conductivity of Nafion-Faujasite Composite Membranes for Low Temperature Direct Methanol Fuel Cells.

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    Although zeolites are introduced to decrease methanol crossover of Nafion membranes for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs), little is known about the effect of their intrinsic properties and the interaction with the ionomer. In this work, Nafion-Faujasite composite membranes prepared by solution casting were characterized by extensive physicochemical and electrochemical techniques. Faujasite was found to undergo severe dealumination during the membrane activation, but its structure remained intact. The zeolite interacts with Nafion probably through hydrogen bonding between Si-OH and SO3H groups, which combined with the increase of the water uptake and the water mobility, and the addition of a less conductive phase (the zeolite) leads to an optimum proton conductivity between 0.98 and 2 wt% of zeolite. Hot pressing the membranes before their assembling with the electrodes enhanced the DMFC performance by reducing the methanol crossover and the serial resistance

    Using olive mill wastewate to improve performance in producing electricity from domestic wastewater by using single-chamber microbial fuel cell

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    Improving electricity generation from wastewater (DW) by using olive mill wastewater (OMW) was evaluated using single-chamber microbial fuel cells (MFC). Doing so single-chambers air cathode MFCs with platinum anode were fed with domestic wastewater (DW) alone and mixed with OMW at the ratio of 14:1 (w/w). MFCs fed with DW + OMW gave 0.38 V at 1 kO, while power density from polarization curve was of 124.6mW m 2. The process allowed a total reduction of TCOD and BOD5 of 60% and 69%, respectively, recovering the 29% of the coulombic efficiency. The maximum voltage obtained from MFC fed with DW + OMW was 2.9 times higher than that of cell fed with DW. DNA-fingerprinting showed high bacterial diversity for both experiments and the presence on anodes of exoelectrogenic bacteria, such as Geobacter spp. Electrodes selected peculiar consortia and, in particular, anodes of both experiments showed a similar specialization of microbial communities independently by feeding used

    Effects of Bariatric Surgery on COVID-19: a Multicentric Study from a High Incidence Area

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    Introduction: The favorable effects of bariatric surgery (BS) on overall pulmonary function and obesity-related comorbidities could influence SARS-CoV-2 clinical expression. This has been investigated comparing COVID-19 incidence and clinical course between a cohort of patients submitted to BS and a cohort of candidates for BS during the spring outbreak in Italy. Materials and Methods: From April to August 2020, 594 patients from 6 major bariatric centers in Emilia-Romagna were administered an 87-item telephonic questionnaire. Demographics, COVID-19 incidence, suggestive symptoms, and clinical outcome parameters of operated patients and candidates to BS were compared. The incidence of symptomatic COVID-19 was assessed including the clinical definition of probable case, according to World Health Organization criteria. Results: Three hundred fifty-three operated patients (Op) and 169 candidates for BS (C) were finally included in the statistical analysis. While COVID-19 incidence confirmed by laboratory tests was similar in the two groups (5.7% vs 5.9%), lower incidence of most of COVID-19-related symptoms, such as anosmia (p: 0.046), dysgeusia (p: 0.049), fever with rapid onset (p: 0.046) were recorded among Op patients, resulting in a lower rate of probable cases (14.4% vs 23.7%; p: 0.009). Hospitalization was more frequent in C patients (2.4% vs 0.3%, p: 0.02). One death in each group was reported (0.3% vs 0.6%). Previous pneumonia and malignancies resulted to be associated with symptomatic COVID-19 at univariate and multivariate analysis. Conclusion: Patients submitted to BS seem to develop less severe SARS-CoV-2 infection than subjects suffering from obesity

    Synthesis optimization of carbon-supported ZrO2 nanoparticles from different organometallic precursors

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    We report here the synthesis of carbon-supported ZrO2 nanoparticles from zirconium oxyphthalocyanine (ZrOPc) and acetylacetonate [Zr(acac)4]. Using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS), we could investigate the thermal decomposition behavior of the chosen precursors. According to those results, we chose the heat treatment temperatures (THT) using partial oxidizing (PO) and reducing (RED) atmosphere. By X-ray diffraction we detected structure and size of the nanoparticles; the size was further confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. ZrO2 formation happens at lower temperature with Zr(acac)4 than with ZrOPc, due to the lower thermal stability and a higher oxygen amount in Zr(acac)4. Using ZrOPc at THT C900 °C, PO conditions facilitate the crystallite growth and formation of distinct tetragonal ZrO2, while with Zr(acac)4 a distinct tetragonal ZrO2 phase is observed already at THT C750 °C in both RED and PO conditions. Tuning of ZrO2 nanocrystallite size from 5 to 9 nm by varying the precursor loading is also demonstrated. The chemical state of zirconium was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, which confirms ZrO2 formation from different synthesis routes

    A Functional Proteomic Method for Biomarker Discovery

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    The sequencing of the human genome holds out the hope for personalized medicine, but it is clear that analysis of DNA or RNA content alone is not sufficient to understand most disease processes. Proteomic strategies that allow unbiased identification of proteins and their post-transcriptional and -translation modifications are an essential complement to genomic strategies. However, the enormity of the proteome and limitations in proteomic methods make it difficult to determine the targets that are particularly relevant to human disease. Methods are therefore needed that allow rational identification of targets based on function and relevance to disease. Screening methodologies such as phage display, SELEX, and small-molecule combinatorial chemistry have been widely used to discover specific ligands for cells or tissues of interest, such as tumors. Those ligands can be used in turn as affinity probes to identify their cognate molecular targets when they are not known in advance. Here we report an easy, robust and generally applicable approach in which phage particles bearing cell- or tissue-specific peptides serve directly as the affinity probes for their molecular targets. For proof of principle, the method successfully identified molecular binding partners, three of them novel, for 15 peptides specific for pancreatic cancer

    Insights into Hox Protein Function from a Large Scale Combinatorial Analysis of Protein Domains

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    Protein function is encoded within protein sequence and protein domains. However, how protein domains cooperate within a protein to modulate overall activity and how this impacts functional diversification at the molecular and organism levels remains largely unaddressed. Focusing on three domains of the central class Drosophila Hox transcription factor AbdominalA (AbdA), we used combinatorial domain mutations and most known AbdA developmental functions as biological readouts to investigate how protein domains collectively shape protein activity. The results uncover redundancy, interactivity, and multifunctionality of protein domains as salient features underlying overall AbdA protein activity, providing means to apprehend functional diversity and accounting for the robustness of Hox-controlled developmental programs. Importantly, the results highlight context-dependency in protein domain usage and interaction, allowing major modifications in domains to be tolerated without general functional loss. The non-pleoitropic effect of domain mutation suggests that protein modification may contribute more broadly to molecular changes underlying morphological diversification during evolution, so far thought to rely largely on modification in gene cis-regulatory sequences

    Ceramic Microbial Fuel Cells Stack: Power generation in standard and supercapacitive mode

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    © 2018 The Author(s). In this work, a microbial fuel cell (MFC) stack containing 28 ceramic MFCs was tested in both standard and supercapacitive modes. The MFCs consisted of carbon veil anodes wrapped around the ceramic separator and air-breathing cathodes based on activated carbon catalyst pressed on a stainless steel mesh. The anodes and cathodes were connected in parallel. The electrolytes utilized had different solution conductivities ranging from 2.0 mScm-1 to 40.1 mScm-1, simulating diverse wastewaters. Polarization curves of MFCs showed a general enhancement in performance with the increase of the electrolyte solution conductivity. The maximum stationary power density was 3.2 mW (3.2 Wm-3) at 2.0 mScm-1 that increased to 10.6 mW (10.6 Wm-3) at the highest solution conductivity (40.1 mScm-1). For the first time, MFCs stack with 1 L operating volume was also tested in supercapacitive mode, where full galvanostatic discharges are presented. Also in the latter case, performance once again improved with the increase in solution conductivity. Particularly, the increase in solution conductivity decreased dramatically the ohmic resistance and therefore the time for complete discharge was elongated, with a resultant increase in power. Maximum power achieved varied between 7.6 mW (7.6 Wm-3) at 2.0 mScm-1 and 27.4 mW (27.4 Wm-3) at 40.1 mScm-1

    The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment

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    Medical waste to energy: experimental study

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    Although waste is traditionally assessed as a pollutant which needs to be reduced or lessened, its management is certainly necessary. Nowadays, biological fuel cells, through the direct conversion of organic matter to electricity using biocatalysts, represent a technology able to produce sustainable energy by means of waste treatment. This study aims to propose a mean to generate energy from blood and saliva, that are common risk-infectious medical waste. Material employed (purchased by Sigma-Aldrich) were: Glucose oxidase (GOx), Nafion perfluorinated resin solution at 5% in a mixture of lower aliphatic alcohols and water, Polyethylene oxide. Stock solutions of D (+) glucose were prepared in a 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution and stored at 4 °C for at least 24 h before use. Carbon cloth electrode ELAT HT 140 E-W with a platinum loading of 5 gm-2 was purchased by E-Tek. Electrospun Nafion fibers were obtained as follows. Scanning electron microscopy was used to characterize the electrode morphologies. In order to develop an effective immobilization strategy of GOx on the electrode surface, Nafion fibers (a fully fluorinated ion conducting polymer used as a membrane material in enzymatic fuel cells - EFC) were selected as immobilizing polymer matrix. In this work, exploiting the nafion fibers capability of being able to cathalize Gox activity, we have tried to produce an enzymatic fuel cell which could produce energy from the blood and the saliva within medical-dental waste. Medical waste refers to all those materials produced by the interaction among doctor and patient, such as blood and saliva. During our research we will try to complete an EFC prototype able to produce energy from blood and saliva inside the risk-infectious medical waste in order to contribute to the energy requirements of a consulting room
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