93 research outputs found

    Integration of stakeholder choices and multi-criteria analysis to support land use planning in semiarid areas

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    The ecosystem services concept is increasingly considered as a policy tool to achieve the sustainable use of natural resources. However, it is still not sufficiently integrated into land use planning. We assessed five land use types (Tetraclinis articulata woodlands, Pinus halepensis plantations, Shrublands, Cereal-almond crops and Cactus groves) in a semiarid area of northern Morocco using empirical data on 17 ecosystem services whose weights were established by 67 stakeholders. The analysis included MCA and direct ranking of the five land uses. Three groups of stakeholders (scientists and managers, collaborators, and direct users of natural resources) were particularly concerned by water supply, protection against erosion and floods, soil fertility and food provision. Multi-criteria analysis showed that the three groups concurred in that Tetraclinis woodlands, crops and cactus fields were the most suitable land uses for the area, regarding ecosystem service provision. Direct ranking confirmed this tendency but showed some divergence between the three groups, as collaborators and users were more inclined towards crops and cactus. The integration of the ecosystem services concept in land use planning is needed to be more practical and easily perceived as a logical response to environmental exigencies and social aspirations.The work was carried out in the University of Abdelmalek Essaadi (Tétouan, Morocco) and the University of Alicante (Spain), and was funded by the projects SEMER (AECID: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, Programa de Cooperación Interuniversitaria AECI-PCI AP/040315/11), RESEP2B (University of Alicante), UNCROACH and TERECOVA (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; CGL2011-30581-C02-01 and CGL2014-52714-C2-1-R)

    Сучасні підходи до формування системи регулювання інноваційного розвитку регіонів

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    Статья посвящена проблеме формирования концептуальных и методологических аспектов усовершенствования организационно-экономического механизма системы регулирования инновационного развития регионов. В статье предложены принципы формирования такой системы, выделены блоки стратегии, которые требуют особого внимания и предложены направления их реализации.Стаття присвячена проблемі формування концептуальних та методологічних аспектів удосконалення організаційно-економічного механізму системи регулювання інноваційного розвитку регіонів. У статті запропоновано принципи формування такої системи, виділено блоки стратегії, що вимагають особливої уваги і запропоновано напрямки їхньої реалізації.The article is devoted to the problem the formation of conceptual and methodological aspects of improvement on organized-economical mechanism of the regulation system in innovative development of the regions. The principles of formation in such system, the strategies which need special attention and the directions in their realization are proposed in this article

    Similarities in stakeholder identification of restoration targets in a semiarid area

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    Ecological restoration is a suitable tool to revert the decline in the provision of ecosystem services in semiarid areas. Stakeholder opinion has been increasingly incorporated in ecological restoration strategies. However, the debate still exists whether the opinion of scientists and managers should be integrated together with that of local stakeholders in the decision making process. We assessed the restoration priorities in a semiarid area in North Morocco according to the opinion of 67 stakeholders, including scientists and managers, direct users and collaborators. The questions consisted in (i) ranking five categories of services in addition to economic benefits, and in (ii) comparing pairs of services within each category. We checked for both cardinal and ordinal inconsistency. The results showed an overall consensus about regulating and supporting services as the most valuable categories. More specifically, the most important services were erosion and flood control, soil fertility, water supply and species richness. The accuracy of the responses of the three groups was similar as the consistency for their judgments was not significantly different. Our results bring additional proof that the opinion of scientists, managers and local stakeholders should be considered of similar interest and accuracy when defining the most suitable restoration objectives.The research was carried out in the University of Abdelmalek Essaadi (Tétouan, Morocco) and the University of Alicante (Spain) and was funded by the projects SEMER (AECID: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, Programa de Cooperación Interuniversitaria AECI-PCI AP/040315/11), RESEP2B (University of Alicante) and UNCROACH (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; CGL2011-30581-C02-01), in collaboration with the Forest Administration of Al Hoceima in N Morocco

    Коротко про авторів

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    International audienceWe study the effects of a disease affecting a predator on the dynamics of a predator-prey system. We couple an SIRS model applied to the predator population, to a Lotka-Volterra model. The SIRS model describes the spread of the disease in a predator population subdivided into susceptible, infected and removed individuals. The Lotka-Volterra model describes the predator-prey interactions. We consider two time scales, a fast one for the disease and a comparatively slow one for predator-prey interactions and for predator mortality. We use the classical "aggregation method" in order to obtain a reduced equivalent model. We show that there are two possible asymptotic behaviors: either the predator population dies out and the prey tends to its carrying capacity, or the predator and prey coexist. In this latter case, the predator population tends either to a "disease-free" or to a "disease-endemic" state. Moreover, the total predator density in the disease-endemic state is greater than the predator density in the "disease-free" equilibrium (DFE)

    Les effets des fondements de la Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise sur les sociétés et la perception des parties prenantes

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    Although social responsibility management (CSR) practices are widespread and common, the current consumer is the target of many corporate responsibility measures. The purpose of our article is to understand the perception that consumers have of corporate social responsibility in the world and in times of crisis. Thus, in order to better understand the relationship between CSR and the consumer, we conducted a qualitative study via interviews with ten interviewees belonging to three sectors of activity and occupying a hierarchical responsibility allowing them to answer our research questions with relevance. The results of this study offer the opportunity to reflect on new challenges related to marketing functions and to get involved in the current state of “stakeholder marketing theory”. Nevertheless, this result does not indicate that the customer is not important, but he is always at the center of marketing decisions.     JEL Classification : M14 Paper type : Empirical Research Bien que les pratiques de gestion de la responsabilité sociale (RSE) soient répandues et courantes, le consommateur actuel (client) est la cible de nombreuses mesures de responsabilité sociale d'entreprise. Le but de notre article est de comprendre la perception des consommateurs et d’analyser les fondements de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises dans le monde et en temps de crise. Ainsi, afin de mieux comprendre la relation entre la RSE et le consommateur, nous avons mené une étude qualitative via les entretiens auprès de dix interviewés appartenant à trois secteurs d’activité et occupant une responsabilité hiérarchique leur permettant de répondre avec pertinence à nos questions de recherche. Les résultats de cet article offrent l'opportunité de réfléchir à de nouveaux enjeux liés aux fonctions marketing et de nous impliquer dans l'état actuel de la « théorie du marketing des parties prenantes ». Néanmoins, ce résultat n'indique pas que le client n'est pas important, mais il est toujours au centre des décisions marketing.   Classification JEL : M14 Type du papier : Recherche empiriqu

    Environmental awareness of human resources in Moroccan PEEs, a good CSR practice

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    Social responsibility is now a concern shared by all economic agents. This article focuses on the environmental aspect, and more specifically on the awareness of employees of public establishments and companies in Morocco, in order to assess the situation of this “black box” in this context. We thus present the results of a small survey conducted among managers and employees of these organizations, with the aim of observing their level of awareness of environmental protection, the relationship of their Public Establishments and Enterprises (PEE) with this awareness-raising process, as well as their future prospects. Above all, this work aims to pave the way for research into Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in this sector, and to highlight the importance of these strategies for the sector itself and for its stakeholders. Employee awareness is a key element in effectively integrating responsible practices into the day-to-day operations of public organizations. By understanding the current level of awareness, managers can develop action plans to strengthen this environmental consciousness

    Les concepts durables et technologiques menant à l’attractivité des investissements étrangers au Maroc : cas du secteur touristiques

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    The topic of attractiveness of foreign investments in the tourism sector in Morocco and its sustainable development is of great importance for several reasons. Firstly, the Moroccan tourism sector represents a significant source of revenue for the country, thus making a substantial contribution to its economy. It is therefore important to identify sustainable concepts that can contribute to the attractiveness of foreign investments in the Moroccan tourism sector, while ensuring that the industry's development is carried out responsibly.To address this issue, we have developed a questionnaire dedicated to the managers of various tourism businesses in the Agadir region. This questionnaire has yielded 267 responses. Indeed, according to the results of the principal component analysis (PCA), all the explanatory variables are significantly correlated. This indicates that sector policies, tourist perceptions, advanced technological infrastructure, and technological tools are all important factors contributing to the attractiveness of foreign investments in the Moroccan tourism sector, and therefore, to the overall performance of the sector.r. The article presents a literature review on Morocco's attractiveness as an investment destination. A research methodology is then described, with a focus on the Agadir region. The results of the principal component analysis highlight the sustainable and technological concepts that foster the attractiveness of foreign investments. In conclusion, explanatory variables such as sector policies, tourist perceptions, infrastructure, and technological tools have an impact on the performance of the Moroccan tourism sector, but more advanced statistical analyses are needed.   Keywords: Foreign investment, Sustainable attractiveness, Tourism sector, Strategy, Sustainable development JEL Classification : Z3, Z32, L83 Paper type : Empirical researchLe sujet de l'attractivité des investissements étrangers dans le secteur touristique au Maroc et de son développement durable est d'une grande importance pour plusieurs raisons. Tout d'abord, le secteur touristique marocain représente une source importante de revenus pour le pays, contribuant ainsi de manière significative à son économie. Il est donc important d'identifier les concepts durables qui peuvent contribuer à l'attractivité des investissements étrangers dans le secteur touristique marocain, tout en veillant à ce que le développement de l'industrie soit réalisé de manière responsable. Afin de répondre à ce constat, nous avons élaboré un questionnaire dédié aux patrons des différentes entreprises touristiques de la région d’Agadir. Ce questionnaire a permis de dégager 267 réponses. En effet, d'après les résultats de l'analyse des composantes principales (ACP), toutes les variables explicatives sont significativement corrélées. Cela signifie que les politiques sectorielles, la perception des touristes, les infrastructures technologiques de pointe et les outils technologiques sont tous des facteurs importants qui contribuent à l'attractivité des investissements étrangers dans le secteur touristique marocain et, par conséquent, à la performance globale du secteur.. L'article présente une revue de littérature sur l'attractivité du Maroc en tant que destination d'investissement. Une méthodologie de recherche est ensuite décrite, avec un focus sur la région d'Agadir. Les résultats de l'analyse des composantes principales mettent en évidence les concepts durables et technologiques qui favorisent l'attractivité des investissements étrangers. En conclusion, les variables explicatives telles que les politiques sectorielles, la perception des touristes, les infrastructures et les outils technologiques ont un impact sur la performance du secteur touristique marocain, mais des analyses statistiques plus avancées sont nécessaires.   Mots-clés : Investissements étrangers, attractivité durable, secteur touristique, stratégie, développement durable Classification JEL : Z3, Z32, L83 Type de l'article : Recherche appliqué