136 research outputs found

    Verbatim and Gist Extraction Among University Colleges

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    Fuzzy Trace Theory (FTT) posits that individuals use two different cognitive processes in encoding, storing, and retrieving information. One process (verbatim) encodes the details of the information, applying cost/benefit analysis when used for a decision. The other process (gist) encodes relational information extracted from the information and uses more intuition when applied to decisions. Often, use of one process over another can lead to different decisions. Further, there exists individual differences in the skill and preference for using these processes. The current study examined whether differences in verbatim, and gist skill or preference would vary by university college (STEM, or Liberal and Applied Arts). FTT states differences in verbatim or gist affect performance on learning tasks. Given the preponderance of verbatim type requirements in the STEM fields versus other majors, it was hypothesized that STEM majors would have higher preference and performance in verbatim processing

    Race, Theological Education and Churches of Christ

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    Cultivating Parental Involvement Through the Lens of Perceived Success and Engagement

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    This narrative study used theoretical frameworks of Epstein’s overlapping sphere of influence and parental framework to evaluate parental perceptions of success held by parents and guardians of African American males in a southern California public school and to determine whether those perceptions influenced school- and district-based involvement and engagement. The research investigated how parents defined academic success by their children, which instructional measures used by the site and district were most appreciated, and which forms of engagement they were most likely to utilize throughout the school year. The research secured thoughts and desires of parents who are often overlooked as community members and provided an opportunity to give feedback on the instructional integrity and academic attainment of their children. The research was designed to increase parental involvement by identifying the needs and desires of the participants. In California, district-based funding is predicated on integration of parental involvement, so most schools offer parental engagement activities. However, it is not clear whether parents and guardians of African American males consider those activities as relevant and participate in them. This research addresses achievement disparities between African American males and their grade-level peers in one urban southern California school district and parents’ concepts of student success measures. Therefore, this research has the capacity to build a strategic collaboration among all members of the learning community through their overlapping spheres of influence

    The Black Church and Community: A Model for Church Community Engagement and Development

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    This project examines the role of the Black Church in the development of the African American Community and seeks to encourage churches to embrace this role. Support for communities by churches in rural North Alabama is key to improving living conditions and achieving biblically based outreach. This project investigates the church’s theological duties for community outreach and provides a biblical mandate as a part of a larger community development model, while preparing ministry teams for outreach. This paper will consider the equipping methodology that leads to a trained ministry team able to reach, identify, and fulfill the needs of the individuals within the community. The writer will use currently available research to develop the equipping methodology. A ministry team in the writer’s church will be interviewed prior to and following training to employ the model. Ministries currently engaged in community development will also be interviewed


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    Absorbing sets are combinatorial structures in the Tanner graphs of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes that have been shown to inhibit the high signal-to-noise ratio performance of iterative decoders over many communication channels. Absorbing sets of minimum size are the most likely to cause errors, and thus have been the focus of much research. In this paper, we determine the sizes of absorbing sets that can occur in general and left-regular LDPC code graphs, with emphasis on the range of b for a given a for which an (a, b)-absorbing set may exist. We identify certain cases of extremal absorbing sets that are elementary, a particularly harmful class of absorbing sets, and also introduce the notion of minimal absorbing sets which will help in designing absorbing set removal algorithms

    Recent advances in metallic glass nanostructures: synthesis strategies and electrocatalytic applications

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    Recent advances in metallic glass nanostructures (MGNs) are reported, covering a wide array of synthesis strategies, computational discovery, and design solutions that provide insight into distinct electrocatalytic applications. A brief introduction to the development and unique features of MGNs with an overview of top-down and bottom-up synthesis strategies is presented. Specifically, the morphology and structural analysis of several examples applying MGNs as electrodes are highlighted. Subsequently, a comprehensive discussion of commonly employed kinetic parameters and their connection with the unique material structures of MGNs on individual electrocatalytic reactions is made, including the hydrogen evolution reaction, oxygen reduction reaction, and alcohol (methanol or ethanol) oxidation reaction. Finally, a summary of the challenges and perspective on the future research and development relevant to MGNs as electrocatalysts is provided.317FAPESP – FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2017/11958‐
