436 research outputs found

    Ghana's evolving protein economy

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    This paper provides an initial analysis of Ghana's protein economy in the light on current debates about nutritional transition and livestock revolution. Ghana's strong economic growth and reducing levels of poverty make it a particularly interesting case. Protein-rich foods, including fish and livestock products, supply 20-40 percent of protein consumed. Overall fish is becoming less important and poultry more important; but there also are large difference in household expenditure on protein-rich foods across wealth categories, regions and areas. Specifically, the protein element of the nutritional transition and the consumption side of the livestock revolution would appear to be unfolding at different speeds and in different ways, along an axis that is urban-south-non-poor at one end, and rural-north-poor at the other. We explore the policy and political economy dimensions of these change

    Techniques for Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Inoculum Reduction

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    It is well established that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi can play a significant role in sustainable crop production and environmental conservation. With the increasing awareness of the ecological significance of mycorrhizas and their diversity, research needs to be directed away from simple records of their occurrence or casual speculation of their function (Smith and Read 1997). Rather, the need is for empirical studies and investigations of the quantitative aspects of the distribution of different types and their contribution to the function of ecosystems. There is no such thing as a fungal effect or a plant effect, but there is an interaction between both symbionts. This results from the AM fungi and plant community size and structure, soil and climatic conditions, and the interplay between all these factors (Kahiluoto et al. 2000). Consequently, it is readily understood that it is the problems associated with methodology that limit our understanding of the functioning and effects of AM fungi within field communities. Given the ubiquous presence of AM fungi, a major constraint to the evaluation of the activity of AM colonisation has been the need to account for the indigenous soil native inoculum. This has to be controlled (i.e. reduced or eliminated) if we are to obtain a true control treatment for analysis of arbuscular mycorrhizas in natural substrates. There are various procedures possible for achieving such an objective, and the purpose of this chapter is to provide details of a number of techniques and present some evaluation of their advantages and disadvantages. Although there have been a large number of experiments to investigated the effectiveness of different sterilization procedures for reducing pathogenic soil fungi, little information is available on their impact on beneficial organisms such as AM fungi. Furthermore, some of the techniques have been shown to affect physical and chemical soil characteristics as well as eliminate soil microorganisms that can interfere with the development of mycorrhizas, and this creates difficulties in the interpretation of results simply in terms of possible mycorrhizal activity. An important subject is the differentiation of methods that involve sterilization from those focussed on indigenous inoculum reduction. Soil sterilization aims to destroy or eliminate microbial cells while maintaining the existing chemical and physical characteristics of the soil (Wolf and Skipper 1994). Consequently, it is often used for experiments focussed on specific AM fungi, or to establish a negative control in some other types of study. In contrast, the purpose of inoculum reduction techniques is to create a perturbation that will interfere with mycorrhizal formation, although not necessarily eliminating any component group within the inoculum. Such an approach allows the establishment of different degrees of mycorrhizal formation between treatments and the study of relative effects. Frequently the basic techniques used to achieve complete sterilization or just an inoculum reduction may be similar but the desired outcome is accomplished by adjustments of the dosage or intensity of the treatment. The ultimate choice of methodology for establishing an adequate non-mycorrhizal control depends on the design of the particular experiments, the facilities available and the amount of soil requiring treatment

    Confirmation of beach accretion by grain-size trend analysis: Camposoto beach, Cádiz, SW Spain

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    An application of the grain size trend analysis (GSTA) is used in an exploratory approach to characterize sediment transport on Camposoto beach (Cádiz, SW Spain). In May 2009 the mesotidal beach showed a well-developed swash bar on the upper foreshore, which was associated with fair-weather conditions prevailing just before and during the field survey. The results were tested by means of an autocorrelation statistical test (index I of Moran). Two sedimentological trends were recognized, i.e. development towards finer, better sorted and more negatively skewed sediment (FB–), and towards finer, better sorted and less negatively or more positively skewed sediment (FB+). Both vector fields were compared with results obtained from more classical approaches (sand tracers, microtopography and current measurements). This revealed that both trends can be considered as realistic, the FB+ trend being identified for the first time in a beach environment. The data demonstrate that, on the well-developed swash bar, sediment transported onshore becomes both finer and better sorted towards the coast. On the lower foreshore, which exhibits a steeper slope produced by breaking waves, the higherenergy processes winnow out finer particles and thereby produce negatively skewed grain-size distributions. The upper foreshore, which has a flatter and smoother slope, is controlled by lower-energy swash-backwash and overwash processes. As a result, the skewness of the grain-size distributions evolves towards less negative or more positive values. The skewness parameter appears to be distributed as a function of the beach slope and, thus, reflects variations in hydrodynamic energy. This has novel implications for coastal management

    Micronutrient status and intervention programs in Malaysia

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    Approximately 70% of the world's malnourished children live in Asia, giving that region the highest concentration of childhood malnutrition worldwide. Prevalence of stunting and underweight are high especially in south Asia where one in every two preschool children is stunted. Iron-deficiency anemia affects 40%-50% of preschool and primary schoolchildren. Nearly half of all vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia in the world occurs in south and southeast Asia. Iodine deficiency disorders have resulted in high goiter rates in India, Pakistan, and parts of Indonesia. Compared with other developing countries in Asia, the nutrition situation in Malaysia is considerably better, owing to rapid economic and socioeconomic development that has occurred since Malaysia gained its independence in 1957. Prevalence of undernutrition and micronutrient deficiency is markedly lower in Malaysian children. Nonetheless, undernutrition in the form of underweight, stunting, and anemia can be found in poor communities throughout the country. A prevalence of 25% underweight and 35% stunting is reported among young children from poor rural households. Anemia and subclinical forms of vitamin A deficiency were reported in children under 5 years old. Typical of a country in nutrition transition, Malaysia faces the dual burden of malnutrition in children, with the persistence of undernutrition problems especially among the poor and the emerging overweight problem especially in urban areas. Since 1996, nutrition programs of the government sector are coordinated under the National Plan of Action for Nutrition. These activities and other nutrition intervention efforts by other agencies are discussed in this paper

    Deployment of mating disruption dispensers before and after first seasonal male flights for the control of Aonidiella aurantii in citrus

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    The rejection of citrus fruit caused by infestations of the California red scale (CRS), Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), raises concerns about its management. This fact has led to the introduction of new integrated control methods in citrus orchards, including the implementation of techniques based on pheromones. Previous works described efficient mating disruption pheromone dispensers to control A. aurantii in the Mediterranean region. The main aims of the present study were to adjust the timing of dispenser applications and study the importance of controlling the early first generation of A. aurantii by testing two different application dates: before and after the first CRS male flight. The efficacy of the different mating disruption strategies was tested during 2010 in an experimental orchard and these results were confirmed during 2011 in a commercial citrus farm. Results showed that every mating disruption strategy achieved significantly lower male captures in monitoring pheromone traps compared with untreated plots, as well as mean fruit infestation reductions of about 80 %. The control of the first CRS generation is not essential for achieving a good efficacy as demonstrated in two locations with different pest pressure. The late application of MD dispensers before the second CRS male flight has proven to be effective, suggesting a new advantageous way to apply mating disruption.The authors want to thank Fernando Alfaro from Denia, Antonio Caballero, and Javier Macias from Rio Tinto Fruit S.A. (Huelva, Spain) for field support. We also thank Ecologia y Proteccion Agricola SL for the pheromone supply. This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project AGL2009-10725) and Agroalimed Foundation. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain).Vacas González, S.; Alfaro Cañamás, C.; Primo Millo, J.; Navarro-Llopis, V. (2015). Deployment of mating disruption dispensers before and after first seasonal male flights for the control of Aonidiella aurantii in citrus. Journal of Pest Science. 88(2):321-329. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10340-014-0623-1S321329882Avidov Z, Balshin M, Gerson U (1970) Studies on Aphytis coheni, a parasite of the California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii in Israel. Biocontrol 15:191–207Barzakay I, Hefetz A, Sternlicht M, Peleg BA, Gokkes M, Singer G, Geffen D, Kronenberg S (1986) Further field trials on management of the California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii, by mating disruption with its sex-pheromone. Phytoparasitica 14:160–161Bedford ECG (1996) Problems which we face in bringing red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell), under biological control in citrus in South Africa. Proc Int Soc Citriculture 1:485–492Campos-Rivela JM, Martínez-Ferrer MT, Fibla-Queralt JM (2012) Population dynamics and seasonal trend of California red scale (Aonidiella aurantii Maskell) in citrus in Northern Spain. Span J Agric Res 10:198–208Collins PJ, Lambkin TM, Bodnaruk P (1994) Suspected resistance to methidation in Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Homoptera: diaspididae) from Queensland. J Aust Entomol Soc 33:325–326Corma A, Muñoz-Pallares J, Primo-Yufera E (1999) Production of semiochemical emitters having a controlled emission speed which are based on inorganic molecular sieves. World Patent WO9944420Corma A, Muñoz-Pallares J, Primo-Yufera E (2000) Emitter of semiochemical substances supported on a sepiolite, preparation process and applications. World Patent WO0002448DeBach P (1959) New species and strains of Aphytis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) parasitic on the California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.), in the Orient. 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    Vitamin A deficiency and inflammatory markers among preschool children in the Republic of the Marshall Islands

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    BACKGROUND: The exclusion of individuals with elevated acute phase proteins has been advocated in order to improve prevalence estimates of vitamin A deficiency in surveys, but it is unclear whether this will lead to sampling bias. The purpose of the study was to determine whether the exclusion of individuals with elevated acute phase proteins is associated with sampling bias and to characterize inflammation in children with night blindness. METHODS: In a survey in the Republic of the Marshall Islands involving 281 children, aged 1–5 years, serum retinol, C-reactive protein (CRP), and α(1)-acid glycoprotein (AGP) were measured. RESULTS: Of 281 children, 24 (8.5%) had night blindness and 165 (58.7%) had serum retinol <0.70 μmol/L. Of 248 children with AGP and CRP measurements, 123 (49.6%) had elevated acute phase proteins (CRP >5 mg/L and/or AGP >1000 mg/L). Among children with and without night blindness, the proportion with serum retinol <0.70 μmol/L was 79.2% and 56.8% (P = 0.03) and with anemia was 58.3% and 35.7% (P = 0.029), respectively. The proportion of children with serum retinol <0.70 μmol/L was 52.0% after excluding children with elevated acute phase proteins. Among children with and without elevated acute phase proteins, mean age was 2.8 vs 3.2 years (P = 0.016), the proportion of boys was 43.1% vs. 54.3% (P = 0.075), with no hospitalizations in the last year was 11.0% vs 23.6% (P = 0.024), and with anemia was 43.8% vs 31.7% (P = 0.05), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Exclusion of children with inflammation in this survey of vitamin A deficiency does not improve prevalence estimates for vitamin A deficiency and instead leads to sampling bias for variables such as age, gender, anemia, and hospitalization history

    Sex Differences in Obesity Associated with Total Fertility Rate

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    The identification of biological and ecological factors that contribute to obesity may help in combating the spreading obesity crisis. Sex differences in obesity rates are particularly poorly understood. Here we show that the strong female bias in obesity in many countries is associated with high total fertility rate, which is well known to be correlated with factors such as low average income, infant mortality and female education. We also document effects of reduced access to contraception and increased inequality of income among households on obesity rates. These results are consistent with studies that implicate reproduction as a risk factor for obesity in women and that suggest the effects of reproduction interact with socioeconomic and educational factors. We discuss our results in the light of recent research in dietary ecology and the suggestion that insulin resistance during pregnancy is due to historic adaptation to protect the developing foetus during famine. Increased access to contraception and education in countries with high total fertility rate might have the additional benefit of reducing the rates of obesity in women

    A descriptive model of patient readiness, motivators, and hepatitis C treatment uptake among Australian prisoners

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    Background: Hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) has a significant global health burden with an estimated 2%–3% of the world's population infected, and more than 350,000 dying annually from HCV-related conditions including liver failure and liver cancer. Prisons potentially offer a relatively stable environment in which to commence treatment as they usually provide good access to health care providers, and are organised around routine and structure. Uptake of treatment of HCV, however, remains low in the community and in prisons. In this study, we explored factors affecting treatment uptake inside prisons and hypothesised that prisoners have unique issues influencing HCV treatment uptake as a consequence of their incarceration which are not experienced in other populations. Method and Findings: We undertook a qualitative study exploring prisoners' accounts of why they refused, deferred, delayed or discontinued HCV treatment in prison. Between 2010 and 2013, 116 Australian inmates were interviewed from prisons in New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia. Prisoners experienced many factors similar to those which influence treatment uptake of those living with HCV infection in the community. Incarceration, however, provides different circumstances of how these factors are experienced which need to be better understood if the number of prisoners receiving treatment is to be increased. We developed a descriptive model of patient readiness and motivators for HCV treatment inside prisons and discussed how we can improve treatment uptake among prisoners.Conclusion: This study identified a broad and unique range of challenges to treatment of HCV in prison. Some of these are likely to be diminished by improving treatment options and improved models of health care delivery. Other barriers relate to inmate understanding of their illness and stigmatisation by other inmates and custodial staff and generally appear less amenable to change although there is potential for peer-based education to address lack of knowledge and stigma

    Health-seeking behaviours of older black women living with non-communicable diseases in an urban township in South Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Various studies have shown that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) especially diabetes and hypertension are prevalent among older women living in South African urban areas, placing a heavy burden on the healthcare system. This study aimed to understand the health-seeking behaviour, healthcare practices and prevalence of traditional herbal medicine (THM) use among older women self-reporting NCDs from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology study (PURE). METHOD: A homogenous purposive sampling of PURE participants was used to recruit women who were 50 years or older (n = 250). Descriptive statistics were used to examine the number of NCDs reported by the study sample, health seeking behaviour and practices as well as THM use. Logistic regression was also employed to investigate possible associations between reported conditions and THM use or medical pluralism. RESULTS: Within the study sample, 72 % self-reported an NCD. Of those with self-reported NCDs, 46 % had one, and 54 % had two or more NCDs. Those with NCDs usually visited public clinics (80 %), relied on doctors (90 %) and nurses (85 %) for health information, and mostly used conventional medicine (CM) to manage high blood pressure (81 %). About 30 % of those with NCDs indicated using THM, of whom 29 (53 %) reported practicing medical pluralism. Participants with dental problems (OR: 3.24, 95 % CI: 1.30–8.20), headaches (OR: 2.42, 95 % CI: 1.24–4.94), heart burn (OR: 2.30, 95 % CI: 1.18–4.48) and severe tiredness (OR: 2.05, 95 % CI: 1.08–3.99) were more likely to use THM. Anxiety and allergies increased the likelihood to practise medical pluralism by five and 20 times, respectively. CONCLUSION: Self-reported NCD with co-morbidities was prevalent among the participants in the study. Most of the study participants utilized state-owned clinics and hospitals for the management of their chronic conditions. THM use was not very common. However, among those who used THM, medical pluralism was prevalent. Family history was the most common reason for THM use, with many THM patrons utilizing these for treatment of a health condition. Older black women with anxiety and allergies were more likely to practise medical pluralism