343 research outputs found

    Leukocyte function and health status of calves supplemented with vitamins A and E

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    Forty-four Holstein calves were fed milk replacers with varied concentrations of vitamins A and E from 3 to 45 d of age to determine their effects on concentrations of plasma vitamin A (retinol and retinyl palmitate) and vitamin E (a- tocopherol), lymphocyte and neutrophil functions, and health of calves. Plasma a-tocopherol was unaffected by increased vitamin A supplementation. Fecal scores, and eye and nose membrane responses were improved with increased vitamin A and lower vitamin E concentration, whereas the same treatment tended to reduce neutrophil cytotoxic and bactericidal activity by 6 wk of age. Increased supplemental vitamin E tended to enhance neutrophil functions. However, age appeared to have an effect on response to both vitamins

    Successional dynamics of a 35 year old freshwater mitigation wetland in southeastern New Hampshire

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    The long-term ecological success of compensatory freshwater wetland projects has come into question based on follow-up monitoring studies over the past few decades. Given that wetland restoration may require many years to decades to converge to desired outcomes, long-term monitoring of successional patterns may increase our ability to fully evaluate success of wetland mitigation projects or guide adaptive management when needed. In Portsmouth, New Hampshire a 4 ha wetland was constructed in an abandoned gravel quarry as off-site compensatory mitigation for impacts to a scrub-shrub swamp associated with property expansion. Building upon prior evaluations from 1992 and 2002, we conducted a floral survey in 2020 to compare results with prior surveys to document vegetation successional trends over time. In addition, we monitored the avian community throughout the growing season as a measure of habitat quality. The plant community mirrored documented successional trends of freshwater wetland restoration projects as native hydrophytes dominated species composition. Plant species composition stabilized as the rate of turnover, the measurement of succession, declined by nearly half after 17 years. Researchers should consider long-term monitoring of specific sites to better understand successional patterns of created wetlands as we documented long time frames required for the development of scrub-shrub swamps, red maple swamps, and sedge meadows. High species richness was attributed to beaver activity, topographic heterogeneity from Carex stricta tussocks, and the seed bank from the application of peat from the original wetland. Habitat heterogeneity of open water, herbaceous cover, and woody vegetation supports a diverse avian community including 11 wetland dependent species. Although the mitigation project has not created the full area of lost scrub-shrub swamp after 35 years, it has developed a structurally complex habitat and diverse avian community that effectively provides the functions and values of the impacted system

    Evidence of avian-mediated long distance dispersal in American tardigrades

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    Terrestrial tardigrades, commonly known as “water bears”, are part of a phylum of microscopic, aquatic invertebrates famous for cryptobiosis and space travel, but little is known about their modes of dispersal on Earth. Wind is assumed, but not truly demonstrated, to be the major method of global dispersal. Yet, some water bear distribution patterns cannot be explained by patterns of prevailing winds. Mammals and birds have been proposed as potential animal vectors. Importantly, most nearctic-neotropical migrant birds move north and south, with many crossing the equator, whereas prevailing winds move west to east or east to west but do not cross the equator. When multiplied by billions of birds over tens of millions of years, if the ectozoochory of tardigrades by birds is true then both regional and intercontinental patterns can be better explained. To test for the potential role of birds in tardigrade dispersal, the nests of 10 species for birds were examined. Seventy percent of nests were positive for tardigrades, demonstrating that some birds are in a position for transference. The carcasses of eight birds (six species) found dead from window strikes and a Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) found dead during routine surveys were also examined. Of the birds examined, 66% yielded tardigrades from two classes, three orders, and five species, including juveniles, adults, and eggs, suggesting that many bird species are potential vectors for many species of tardigrades. Our data support the hypothesis of avian-mediated long distance dispersal of tardigrades and provide evidence that further investigation is warranted

    Heparanase deglycanation of syndecan-1 is required for binding of the epithelial-restricted prosecretory mitogen lacritin

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    Cell surface heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycans are carbohydrate-rich regulators of cell migratory, mitogenic, secretory, and inflammatory activity that bind and present soluble heparin-binding growth factors (e.g., fibroblast growth factor, Wnt, Hh, transforming growth factor β, amphiregulin, and hepatocyte growth factor) to their respective signaling receptors. We demonstrate that the deglycanated core protein of syndecan-1 (SDC1) and not HS chains nor SDC2 or -4, appears to target the epithelial selective prosecretory mitogen lacritin. An important and novel step in this mechanism is that binding necessitates prior partial or complete removal of HS chains by endogenous heparanase. This limits lacritin activity to sites where heparanase appears to predominate, such as sites of exocrine cell migration, secretion, renewal, and inflammation. Binding is mutually specified by lacritin's C-terminal mitogenic domain and SDC1's N terminus. Heparanase modification of the latter transforms a widely expressed HS proteoglycan into a highly selective surface-binding protein. This novel example of cell specification through extracellular modification of an HS proteoglycan has broad implications in development, homeostasis, and disease

    Large genomic differences between Moraxella bovoculi isolates acquired from the eyes of cattle with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis versus the deep nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle

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    Citation: Dickey, A. M., Loy, J. D., Bono, J. L., Smith, T. P. L., Apley, M. D., Lubbers, B. V., . . . Clawson, M. L. (2016). Large genomic differences between Moraxella bovoculi isolates acquired from the eyes of cattle with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis versus the deep nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle. Veterinary Research, 47, 11. doi:10.1186/s13567-016-0316-2Moraxella bovoculi is a recently described bacterium that is associated with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) or "pinkeye" in cattle. In this study, closed circularized genomes were generated for seven M. bovoculi isolates: three that originated from the eyes of clinical IBK bovine cases and four from the deep nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle. Isolates that originated from the eyes of IBK cases profoundly differed from those that originated from the nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle in genome structure, gene content and polymorphism diversity and consequently placed into two distinct phylogenetic groups. These results suggest that there are genetically distinct strains of M. bovoculi that may not associate with IBK

    Detection of bovine inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α with a multiplex electrochemiluminescent assay platform

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    Commercially available bovine-specific assays are limited in number, and multiplex assays for this species are rare. Our objective was to develop a multiplex assay for the bovine inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNFα using the Meso Scale Discovery U-PLEX platform. Do-It-Yourself ELISA kits that contained polyclonal antibodies, both unlabeled and biotinylated, and the specific recombinant bovine cytokine standard, were purchased for each of these three cytokines. The biotinylated antibodies were coupled to linkers that bind to specific locations within each well of the U-PLEX plate. Unique linkers were used for each of the cytokines. The unlabeled antibodies were conjugated with electrochemiluminescent labels to serve as detection antibodies. Each cytokine assay was optimized individually prior to performing an optimization on the multiplex assay containing reagents for all three cytokines. To calculate cytokine concentrations, standard curves were developed using the recombinant cytokines and were run concurrently on each plate. Standard curves for IL-1β and TNF-α were run at concentrations ranging from 0 to 50,000 pg/mL, and for IL-6 from 0 to 10,000 pg/mL. The average lowest level of detection concentration measured by the standard curves were 5.3 pg/mL, 0.92 pg/mL, and 22.34 pg/mL for IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α respectively, as determined by data from seven plates containing bovine plasma samples from a combination of healthy and diseased cattle. The U-PLEX platform was a viable means to develop custom analyte- and species-specific multiplex assays using privately developed or purchased sets of commercially available reagents

    Item level characterization of mm-wave indoor propagation

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    According to the current prospect of allocating next generation wireless systems in the underutilized millimeter frequency bands, a thorough characterization of mm-wave propagation represents a pressing necessity. In this work, an “item level” characterization of radiowave propagation at 70 GHz is carried out. The scattering properties of several, different objects commonly present in indoor environment are investigated by means of measurements carried out in an anechoic chamber. The measured data have been also exploited to tune some parameters of a 3D ray tracing model