87 research outputs found

    Two Axis Pointing System (TAPS) attitude acquisition, determination, and control

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    The Two Axis Pointing System (TAPS) is a 2 axis gimbal system designed to provide fine pointing of Space Transportation System (STS) borne instruments. It features center-of-mass instrument mounting and will accommodate instruments of up to 1134 kg (2500 pounds) which fit within a 1.0 by 1.0 by 4.2 meter (40 by 40 by 166 inch) envelope. The TAPS system is controlled by a microcomputer based Control Electronics Assembly (CEA), a Power Distribution Unit (PDU), and a Servo Control Unit (SCU). A DRIRU-II inertial reference unit is used to provide incremental angles for attitude propagation. A Ball Brothers STRAP star tracker is used for attitude acquisition and update. The theory of the TAPS attitude determination and error computation for the Broad Band X-ray Telescope (BBXRT) are described. The attitude acquisition is based upon a 2 star geometric solution. The acquisition theory and quaternion algebra are presented. The attitude control combines classical position, integral and derivative (PID) control with techniques to compensate for coulomb friction (bias torque) and the cable harness crossing the gimbals (spring torque). Also presented is a technique for an adaptive bias torque compensation which adjusts to an ever changing frictional torque environment. The control stability margins are detailed, with the predicted pointing performance, based upon simulation studies. The TAPS user interface, which provides high level operations commands to facilitate science observations, is outlined

    Using Expressive Arts Therapy to Test Construct Limitations in Temperament

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    This literature review puts forth the idea that temperament is a limited construct. The history of temperament, the current uses of temperament in clinical practice, and the limitations of temperament are all reviewed. It then seeks to explain that temperament as a concept could be more effectively explored through the expressive arts therapies. The use of the expressive arts therapies in this context are defended. This review attempts to explain the gaps in temperament as a construct and suggest the expressive arts therapies as a way of bridging some of those gaps. It is found that the expressive arts therapies offer a different perspective and range of skills that are necessary to fill the gaps of our current application of temperament

    Animation Education With 2-D Modeling and 3-D Texturing

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    The process of educating the public about science is a difficult task when the numerous variables are taken into account. The task becomes even more difficult if the science in question is based around computers. The world of animation has become a science of its own that is now based solely around computers. This project focuses on the creation of two separate interpretations that will educate the public in the science of animation. These interpretations will use physical models to educate the public in two dimensional modeling as well as three dimensional texturing without the use of computers. The projects secondary focus is to create an evaluation plan for the interpretations so that they may be evaluated by interested organizations and adjusted to better suit their needs

    The Tyrannicide Citizen in Fifth-Century BCE Athens

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    Long after tyrants no longer presented a real and present danger for Athens, tyranny and tyrannicide continued to occupy the imagination and public discourse of the Athenian democracy. The Athenians’ response (real or fabricated) to tyranny gave them a powerful (if imaginary) model to identify and manage the elites and leaders whose ambitions worried them. This conceptual flexibility was clearly an asset of the Athenian democracy. But just as importantly, tyrannicide occupied a place in the Athenians’ understanding of democratic citizenship. Tyrannicide framed the potential of every citizen to protect the democracy when threatened, a potential that underlay his civic responsibilities and powers. In addition, this paper argues, the memory and celebration of the tyrannicides, Harmodius and Aristogiton, their achievement and, most of all, their relationship, gave the Athenians a public narrative that illustrated the concepts of friendship and equality framing their everyday political lives.Longtemps après que les tyrans avaient cessé de présenter pour Athènes un danger réel et actuel, la tyrannie et le tyrannicide continuaient d’occuper l’imagination et le discours public de la démocratie athénienne. La réaction (réelle ou revue et corrigée) des Athéniens à la tyrannie leur offrait un modèle puissant (bien qu’imaginaire) leur permettant d’identifier et de contrôler les élites et dirigeants aux ambitions inquiétantes. Cette souplesse conceptuelle était évidemment un avantage de la démocratie athénienne. Mais, de façon tout aussi importante, le tyrannicide jouait un rôle dans la manière dont les Athéniens comprenaient la citoyenneté démocratique. Le tyrannicide marquait le potentiel de tout citoyen amené à protéger la démocratie en cas de menace, potentiel qui sous-tendait ses responsabilités et pouvoirs civiques. En outre, comme le soutient la présente communication, le souvenir et la célébration des tyrannicides Harmodius et Aristogiton, de leur accomplissement et, surtout, de leur relation offraient aux Athéniens un récit public illustrant les concepts d’ amitié et d’égalité qui donnaient un cadre à leur vie politique de tous les jours.Mcglew James F. The Tyrannicide Citizen in Fifth-Century BCE Athens. In: Dialogues d'histoire ancienne. Supplément, vol. 21, n°1, 2021. Tyranny: new context. pp. 37-56


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