809 research outputs found

    “We Live on an Island:” Perspectives on Rural Family Caregiving for Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias in the United States

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    As the United States’ aging population grows, there will be increased prevalence of individuals living with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias (ADRD), who largely rely on the support of their family caregivers. Family caregivers residing in rural areas face additional challenges with managing caregiving responsibilities and navigating support services. The purpose of this multilevel phenomenological qualitative study was to explore the assets, unique needs, and resources of rural-residing ADRD caregivers from the caregiver, provider, and policy influencers’ perspectives. The study took place between 2019 through 2021 in northern Arizona, a largely rural and geographically vast area home to caregivers from diverse backgrounds. Twenty-seven caregivers to a loved one with ADRD participated in focus groups. Twelve health and social services providers and twelve policy influencers, those involved in leadership positions for aging programs or advocacy groups, completed individual interviews. Caregivers demonstrate many assets which contribute to their ability to manage and cope with their caregiving role. However, caregivers face a series of issues related to their caregiving role and need early and ongoing education regarding ADRD. There is a lack of resources available in rural areas, in particular providers, making it challenging to obtain needed resources necessary to support their loved one with ADRD. Furthermore, there is a need for more providers trained in working with aging adults and those experiencing ADRD, and a need for more culturally relevant resources

    Secrets of Successful Short Grant Applications

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    Nursing doctoral programs prepare students for research-focused careers within academic settings. The purpose of this Editorial Board Special Article is to provide PhD students and advisors with suggestions for making the most of their doctoral experience. Editorial Board members provide their individual insights on the skills and attributes students must acquire during the course of their doctoral education in order to succeed. The authors provide practical tips and advice on how to excel in a PhD program, including how to select an advisor and a dissertation committee, the importance of attending conferences to increase visibility and develop a network of colleagues, presenting and publishing research while still a student, and balancing work and personal life. Students who take full advantage of the opportunities available to them during the course of their doctoral programs will graduate well prepared to take on the multiple responsibilities of research, teaching, and leadership

    Urothelial Senescence in the Pathophysiology of Diabetic Bladder Dysfunction—A Novel Hypothesis

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    Diabetic bladder dysfunction (DBD) is a well-recognized and common symptom affecting up to 50% of all diabetic patients. DBD has a broad range of clinical presentations ranging from overactive to underactive bladder symptoms that develops in middle-aged to elderly patients with long standing and poorly controlled diabetes. Low efficacy of current therapeutics and lifestyle interventions combined with high national healthcare costs highlight the need for more research into bladder dysfunction pathophysiology and novel treatment options. Cellular senescence is an age-related physiologic process in which cells undergo irreversible growth arrest induced by replicative exhaustion and damaging insults. While controlled senescence negatively regulates cell proliferation and promotes tissue regeneration, uncontrolled senescence is known to result in tissue dysfunction through enhanced secretion of inflammatory factors. This review presents previous scientific findings and current hypotheses that characterize diabetic bladder dysfunction. Further, we propose the novel hypothesis that cellular senescence within the urothelial layer of the bladder contributes to the pro-inflammatory/pro-oxidant environment and symptoms of diabetic bladder dysfunction. Our results show increased cellular senescence in the urothelial layer of the bladder; however, whether this phenomenon is the cause or effect of DBD is unknown. The urothelial layer of the bladder is made up of transitional epithelia specialized to contract and expand with demand and plays an active role in transmission by modulating afferent activity. Transition from normal functioning urothelial cells to secretory senescence cells would not only disrupt the barrier function of this layer but may result in altered signaling and sensation of bladder fullness; dysfunction of this layer is known to result in symptoms of frequency and urgency. Future DBD therapeutics may benefit from targeting and preventing early transition of urothelial cells to senescent cells

    A Clinical Support App for routine wound management: reducing practice variation, improving clinician confidence and increasing formulary compliance

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    Abstract: Wounds continue to be of a global concern. Therefore, a more focussed, evidence‐based approach to wound assessment and management is required. The WOUND COMPASS™ Clinical Support App (CSA) is designed to support the health care professional with wound assessment and management at the point of care. This real‐world pilot study aimed to determine the utility of the CSA during routine wound management, in multiple care settings. A non‐interventional, real‐world pilot programme of the CSA was conducted at four sites. Patients received routine wound management. The CSA was programmed to replicate the site's formulary for evidence‐based wound management. Anonymised pre‐ and post‐pilot clinician opinion surveys on useability and impact of the CSA were collected and reported. Wound Specialists (n = 7 [100%]) and Non‐Wound Specialists (NWS) (n = 58 [82%]) indicated that competence and confidence in wound assessment were enhanced with use of the CSA (100%; 82%). Furthermore, practice variation was reduced because of a greater compliance to their local formulary (n = 7 [100%]; 79% [54%]). This real‐world pilot shows the positive impact of the CSA, and the improvements that can be potentially realised via reduction in practice variation, improvement in NWSs confidence when managing wounds and increased formulary compliance. Key Messages: Evidence based wound care is required to reduce practice variation. The WOUND COMPASS Clinical Support App (CSA) supports wound assessment and guides appropriate selection of wound products from the facilities product formulary, at the point of care. Wound Specialist and Non‐Wound Specialists indicated both competence and confidence in wound assessments were enhanced with the use of CSA. CSA enabled reduction in practice variation due to greater compliance to the facilities product formulary

    Bringing 'place' back in: regional clusters, project governance, and new product outcomes

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    We examine new product outcomes in the context of regional clusters. Based on past research on marketing relationships, clusters, and social networks, we propose that the overall configuration of a cluster helps promote particular governance practices among its members. These practices have distinct value-creating properties, and when they are brought to bear on a specific new product development project within a cluster, they promote performance outcomes like product novelty and speed to market. Ultimately, these performance effects are reinforced by the configuration of the cluster itself. In general, we propose that new product outcomes follow from complex interactions between a cluster's macro-level configuration and its micro-level governance processes. More broadly, our framework points to the importance of geographical variables and to the role of “place” in marketing decision-making

    Mate-Finding as an Overlooked Critical Determinant of Dispersal Variation in Sexually-Reproducing Animals

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    Dispersal is a critically important process in ecology, but robust predictive models of animal dispersal remain elusive. We identify a potentially ubiquitous component of variation in animal dispersal that has been largely overlooked until now: the influence of mate encounters on settlement probability. We use an individual-based model to simulate dispersal in sexually-reproducing organisms that follow a simple set of movement rules based on conspecific encounters, within an environment lacking spatial habitat heterogeneity. We show that dispersal distances vary dramatically with fluctuations in population density in such a model, even in the absence of variation in dispersive traits between individuals. In a simple random-walk model with promiscuous mating, dispersal distributions become increasingly ‘fat-tailed’ at low population densities due to the increasing scarcity of mates. Similar variation arises in models incorporating territoriality. In a model with polygynous mating, we show that patterns of sex-biased dispersal can even be reversed across a gradient of population density, despite underlying dispersal mechanisms remaining unchanged. We show that some widespread dispersal patterns found in nature (e.g. fat tailed distributions) can arise as a result of demographic variability in the absence of heterogeneity in dispersive traits across the population. This implies that models in which individual dispersal distances are considered to be fixed traits might be unrealistic, as dispersal distances vary widely under a single dispersal mechanism when settlement is influenced by mate encounters. Mechanistic models offer a promising means of advancing our understanding of dispersal in sexually-reproducing organisms

    A Selective Antibiotic for Lyme Disease

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    Lyme disease is on the rise. Caused by a spirochete Borreliella burgdorferi, it affects an estimated 500,000 people in the United States alone. The antibiotics currently used to treat Lyme disease are broad spectrum, damage the microbiome, and select for resistance in non-target bacteria. We therefore sought to identify a compound acting selectively against B. burgdorferi. A screen of soil micro-organisms revealed a compound highly selective against spirochetes, including B. burgdorferi. Unexpectedly, this compound was determined to be hygromycin A, a known antimicrobial produced by Streptomyces hygroscopicus. Hygromycin A targets the ribosomes and is taken up by B. burgdorferi, explaining its selectivity. Hygromycin A cleared the B. burgdorferi infection in mice, including animals that ingested the compound in a bait, and was less disruptive to the fecal microbiome than clinically relevant antibiotics. This selective antibiotic holds the promise of providing a better therapeutic for Lyme disease and eradicating it in the environment

    Parent-of-origin-specific allelic associations among 106 genomic loci for age at menarche.

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    Age at menarche is a marker of timing of puberty in females. It varies widely between individuals, is a heritable trait and is associated with risks for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and all-cause mortality. Studies of rare human disorders of puberty and animal models point to a complex hypothalamic-pituitary-hormonal regulation, but the mechanisms that determine pubertal timing and underlie its links to disease risk remain unclear. Here, using genome-wide and custom-genotyping arrays in up to 182,416 women of European descent from 57 studies, we found robust evidence (P < 5 × 10(-8)) for 123 signals at 106 genomic loci associated with age at menarche. Many loci were associated with other pubertal traits in both sexes, and there was substantial overlap with genes implicated in body mass index and various diseases, including rare disorders of puberty. Menarche signals were enriched in imprinted regions, with three loci (DLK1-WDR25, MKRN3-MAGEL2 and KCNK9) demonstrating parent-of-origin-specific associations concordant with known parental expression patterns. Pathway analyses implicated nuclear hormone receptors, particularly retinoic acid and γ-aminobutyric acid-B2 receptor signalling, among novel mechanisms that regulate pubertal timing in humans. Our findings suggest a genetic architecture involving at least hundreds of common variants in the coordinated timing of the pubertal transition

    Needleless connector decontamination for prevention of central venous access device infection: A pilot randomized controlled trial

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    Pilot randomized controlled trial (180 patients) of needleless connector decontamination. Central line-associated bloodstream infection occurred in 2% (1/61) of 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) wipe, 2% (1/59) of 70% IPA cap, and zero (0/58) infections in 2% chlorhexidine gluconate in 70% IPA wipe patients. Larger definitive trials are feasible and needed

    Regional and scale-specific effects of land use on amphibian diversity [poster]

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    Background/Question/Methods Habitat loss and degradation influence amphibian distributions and are important drivers of population declines. Our previous research demonstrated that road disturbance, development and wetland area consistently influence amphibian richness across regions of the U.S. Here, we examined the relative importance of these factors in different regions and at multiple spatial scales. Understanding the scales at which habitat disturbance may be affecting amphibian distributions is important for conservation planning. Specifically, we asked: 1) Over what spatial scales do distinct landscape features affect amphibian richness? and 2) Do road types (non-rural and rural) have similar effects on amphibian richness? This is the second year of a collaborative, nationwide project involving 11 U.S. colleges integrated within undergraduate biology curricula. We summarized North American Amphibian Monitoring Program data in 13 Eastern and Central U.S states and used geographic information systems to extract landscape data for 471 survey locations. We developed models to quantify the influence of landscape variables on amphibian species richness and site occupancy across five concentric buffers ranging from 300m to 10,000m. Results/Conclusions Across spatial scales, development, road density and agriculture were the best predictors of amphibian richness and site occupancy by individual species. Across regions, we found that scale did not exert a large influence on how landscape features influenced amphibian richness as effects were largely comparable across buffers. However, development and percent impervious surface had stronger influence on richness at smaller spatial scales. Richness was lower at survey locations with higher densities of non-rural and rural roads, and non-rural road density had a larger negative effect at smaller scales. Within regions, landscape features driving patterns of species richness varied. The scales at which these factors were associated with richness were highly variable within regions, suggesting the scale effects may be region specific. Our project demonstrates that networks of undergraduate students can collaborate to compile and analyze large ecological data sets, while engaging students in authentic and inquiry-based learning in landscape-scale ecology