190 research outputs found

    Papel de la caveolina en proliferación y en regeneración hepática

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 23-10-200

    Role of caveolin 1 on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Mechanisms of signalling and effect on the regulation of hepatocyte proliferation

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    [ES]: Las caveolas participan en múltiples procesos celulares tales como el transporte vesicular, homeostasis del colesterol, regulación de la señalización intracelular, por integrinas y proliferación celular. Sin embargo, su función en el hígado no está bien establecida. La expresión de caveolina 1 (Cav), la proteína más abundante en las caveolas, está bien descrita en el hígado y en varias líneas de hepatocitos y en hígado cirrótico humano y en carcinoma hepatocelular. Sin embargo, el papel de Cav-1 en la fisiopatología hepática es controvertido, ya que se ha propuesto un papel crítico en el proceso de regeneración tras hepatectomía parcial (HP). Contrariamente a esta observación, nuestros datos sugieren que Cav-1 aumenta en el hígado regenerante, con una re-distribución de la proteína desde las caveolas hacia dominios no caveolares. Además, la Cav-1 localizada en estas fracciones está fosforilada en la tirosina 14. A pesar de ello, el gen de la Cav-1 es dispensable para la regeneración hepática tras HP, tal como se deduce de animales que carecen de este gen. En conjunto, estos datos muestran un papel dinámico de la Cav-1 en la proliferación hepática tras HP y en líneas hepáticas en cultivo, pero con mínimas implicaciones en el proceso regenerativo.[EN]: Although caveolae participate in many cellular processes such as vesicular transport, cholesterol homeostasis, regulation of signal transduction, integrin signaling and cell growth, their role in liver remains elusive. Expression of caveolin 1 (Cav), the most abundant protein of caveolae, has been reported in liver and in different hepatocyte cell lines, in human cirrhotic liver and in hepatocellular carcinomas. However, the role of Cav-1 in liver pathophysiology remains controversial and a critical role in regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH) has been reported. Opposite to this observation, our data support the view that Cav-1 increases in liver after PH with a redistribution of the protein from the caveolae enriched domain to the noncaveolar fraction. Moreover, the Cav-1 located in the noncaveolar fraction is phosphorylated in tyrosine 14 (Tyr14). Even though, the Cav-1 gene is dispensable for liver regeneration after PH as deduced from data obtained with commercially available animals lacking this gene. Taken together these results support a dynamic role for Cav-1 in liver proliferation both in vivo after PH, and in vitro in cultured hepatic cell lines, but with minimal implications in the liver regeneration process.Peer Reviewe

    Gold clusters immobilized by post-synthesis methods on thiol-containing SBA-15 mesoporous materials for the aerobic oxidation of cyclohexene: influence of light and hydroperoxide

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    Gold nanospecies produced by a historically inspired two-liquid phase system were immobilized on plate-like mesoporous silica, SBA-15, functionalized with mercaptopropyl groups by a post-synthesis method, and the resulting materials were tested in the oxidation of cyclohexene with molecular oxygen at atmospheric pressure. The main purpose of this approach was to compare the physicochemical properties and catalytic performance of these materials with those of previously reported related materials functionalized by in situ methods during synthesis. In addition, catalytic tests under ambient lighting and darkness and also in the presence and absence of the initiator tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) were carried out. The samples were characterized by chemical analysis, N2 adsorption/desorption, TGA, SEM, HRTEM, UV-vis spectroscopy and XPS. Gold nanoclusters and isolated gold atoms but no AuNPs were found in the catalysts (0.31–2.69 wt.% of gold). The XPS shows that nearly 60% of the -SH groups (1.33 wt.% of S) were oxidized to sulphonic groups upon gold immobilization. The AuNCs and isolated gold atoms evolved in the the reaction medium to form AuNPs. The activity of the samples was lower than that of the catalysts supported on related S-bearing SBA-15 functionalized in situ, which was attributed to their different Au/S ratios, which in turn regulated the evolutionary process of the gold species during the reaction. The catalysts turned out to be inactive in darkness, which evidences that the cyclohexene oxidation carried out at ambient illumination is actually photocatalyzed by the AuNPs formed in situ during the reaction. The TBHP initiator is required to obtain the activity in order to counteract the inhibitors of cyclohexene auto-oxidation present in the commercial reagent. On the other hand, no major differences in the selectivity among the different catalysts and reactions were observed, with 2-cyclohexen-1-one and 2-cyclohexen-1-ol resulting from the allylic oxidation as main products (selectivity of (one + ol) ~80% at a conversion ≥ 35%; one/ol~2)

    Fisioterapia del dolor miofascial y de la fibromialgia

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    114 páginasExiste una gran variedad de problemas de los tejidos blandos que son claramente reconocibles: efectos de traumatismos, procesos inflamatorios, debilidad, etc. El síndrome de dolor miofascial es una entidad extraordinariamente frecuente, diferente de las anteriores, pero, hasta la fecha, mal comprendida y escasamente difundida. En este libro tratamos de recoger tanto los síntomas como la importancia en el diagnóstico y su posible tratamiento

    Effect of calcium carbonate addition to helix aspersa müller diet

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    In this paper is studied the effect of calcium carbonate addition to diet on growth, mortality rate and feed intake of snails Helix aspersa Müller during the juvenile stage under laboratory conditions. Two treatments have been tested; first one with 12.5 percent and second one with 22.5 percent of calcium carbonate. Five groups of 40 snails have been randomly assigned to each treatment. Results show significant (p<0.05) differences between both treatments; in the second one is obtained a higher growth and lower mortality rate; however there is no significant difference for dry matter intake.En el presente trabajo se estudia el efecto de la adición de carbonato de calcio a la dieta sobre el crecimiento, mortalidad y consumo del caracol Helix aspersa Müller durante la fase de alevinaje y en condiciones de laboratorio. Se plantean dos tratamientos; el I con 12,5 p.100 y el II con 22,5 p.100 de carbonato cálcico. A cada tratamiento se le asignan aleatoriamente cinco lotes de 40 animales. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas (p<0,05) entre ambos tratamientos; obteniéndose con el tratamiento II mayor crecimiento y menor mortalidad; que no se aprecian diferencias significativas respecto al consumo de materia seca

    Characterization of distinct subpopulations of hepatic macrophages in HFD/obese mice.

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    The current dogma is that obesity-associated hepatic inflammation is due to increased Kupffer cell (KC) activation. However, recruited hepatic macrophages (RHMs) were recently shown to represent a sizable liver macrophage population in the context of obesity. Therefore, we assessed whether KCs and RHMs, or both, represent the major liver inflammatory cell type in obesity. We used a combination of in vivo macrophage tracking methodologies and adoptive transfer techniques in which KCs and RHMs are differentially labeled with fluorescent markers. With these approaches, the inflammatory phenotype of these distinct macrophage populations was determined under lean and obese conditions. In vivo macrophage tracking revealed an approximately sixfold higher number of RHMs in obese mice than in lean mice, whereas the number of KCs was comparable. In addition, RHMs comprised smaller size and immature, monocyte-derived cells compared with KCs. Furthermore, RHMs from obese mice were more inflamed and expressed higher levels of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6 than RHMs from lean mice. A comparison of the MCP-1/C-C chemokine receptor type 2 (CCR2) chemokine system between the two cell types showed that the ligand (MCP-1) is more highly expressed in KCs than in RHMs, whereas CCR2 expression is approximately fivefold greater in RHMs. We conclude that KCs can participate in obesity-induced inflammation by causing the recruitment of RHMs, which are distinct from KCs and are not precursors to KCs. These RHMs then enhance the severity of obesity-induced inflammation and hepatic insulin resistance

    Andalusian program for early detection of diabetic retinopathy: implementation and 15-year follow-up of a population-based screening program in Andalusia, Southern Spain

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    Introduction Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a preventable cause of vision loss and blindness worldwide. We aim at analyzing the impact of a population-based screening program of DR using retinal photography with remote reading in terms of population coverage, diagnosis of asymptomatic DR and impact on visual disability, in the region of Andalusia, Spain, in the period 2005-2019. Research design and methods Descriptive study. Sociodemographic and clinical features included in the Andalusian program for early detection of diabetic retinopathy (APDR) were analyzed. Population coverage, annual incidence of DR, and DR severity gradation were analyzed. Estimated data on prevalence and incidence of legal blindness due to DR were included. Results 407 762 patients with at least one successful DR examination during the study period were included. Most of the performed retinographies (784 584, 84.3%) were 'non-pathological.' Asymptomatic DR was detected in 52 748 (5.9%) retinographies, most of them (94.2%) being classified as 'mild to moderate non-proliferative DR.' DR was detected in 44 815 patients, while sight-threatening DR (STDR) in 6256 patients; cumulative incidence of DR was 11.0% and STDR was 1.5%, as DR and STDR was detected in 44 815 and 6256 patients, respectively. Annual incidence risk per patient recruitment year progressively decreased from 22.0% by January 2005 to 3.2% by June 2019. Conclusions Implementation of a long-term population-based screening program for early detection of DR is technically feasible and clinically viable. Thus, after 15 years of existence, the program has enabled the screening of the vast majority of the target population allowing the optimization of healthcare resources and the identification of asymptomatic DR

    Effect of population density on size of edible snail helix aspersa müller

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    An assessment was made of the effects of population density on Helix aspersa Müller snails at their nursery stage. A sample of 3420 animals was used, grouped at eighteen density levels: from 600 to 11100 snails/m2. The results demonstrate that higher population density decreased growth (p<0.001). Furthermore the optimum snail population density at the nursery stage ranged from 600 to 4300 snails/m2.Se estudia el efecto de la densidad sobre el tamaño del Helix aspersa Müller durante la primera fase de crecimiento. Se utilizan 18 niveles de densidad entre 600 a 11100 animales/m2. Los resultados indican la existencia de diferencias significativas en el crecimiento según el nivel de densidad (p<0,001), de modo que a medida que se incrementa la densidad disminuye el tamaño. La densidad óptima, en primera edad, oscila entre 600 y 4300 animales/m2