2,610 research outputs found

    Phosphorylation of nephrin induces phase separated domains that move through actomyosin contraction

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Kim, S., Kalappurakkal, J. M., Mayor, S., & Rosen, M. K. Phosphorylation of nephrin induces phase separated domains that move through actomyosin contraction. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 30(24), (2019): 2996–3012, doi:10.1091/mbc.E18-12-0823.The plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells is organized into lipid and protein microdomains, whose assembly mechanisms and functions are incompletely understood. We demonstrate that proteins in the nephrin/Nck/N-WASP actin-regulatory pathway cluster into micron-scale domains at the basal plasma membrane upon triggered phosphorylation of transmembrane protein nephrin. The domains are persistent but readily exchange components with their surroundings, and their formation is dependent on the number of Nck SH3 domains, suggesting they are phase separated polymers assembled through multivalent interactions among the three proteins. The domains form independent of the actin cytoskeleton, but acto-myosin contractility induces their rapid lateral movement. Nephrin phosphorylation induces larger clusters at the cell periphery, which are associated with extensive actin assembly and dense filopodia. Our studies illustrate how multivalent interactions between proteins at the plasma membrane can produce micron-scale organization of signaling molecules, and how the resulting clusters can both respond to and control the actin cytoskeleton.We thank Hongtao Yu (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center [UTSW]) for providing the HeLa cell line used in this work; Dan Billadeau and Timothy Gomez (Mayo Clinic) for providing antibodies; Nico Stuurman (University of California, San Francisco) for assistance with STORM imaging; Kate Luby-Phelps and Abhijit Bugde (UTSW Live Cell Imaging Core Facility) for their assistance in epifluorescence and spinning disk confocal experiments; Sudeep Banjade for advice on designing the S3, S2, S1 constructs; Khuloud Jaqaman (UTSW) for advice on cluster motility analysis; Salman Banani and Jonathan Ditlev (UTSW) for critical reading of the manuscript; and members of the Rosen lab and participants in the MBL/HHMI Summer Institutes for advice and helpful discussions. This work was supported by a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Collaborative Innovation Award; the Welch Foundation (I-1544 to M.K.R.); a J.C. Bose Fellowship from the Department of Science and Technology, government of India (to S.M.); a Margadarshi Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust—Department of Biotechnology, India Alliance (IA/M/15/1/502018 to S.M.). Research in the Rosen lab is supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

    Electronic Properties of Topological Materials: Optical Excitations in Moebius Conjugated Polymers

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    Electronic structures and optical excitations in Moebius conjugated polymers are studied theoretically. Periodic and Moebius boundary conditions are applied to the tight binding model of poly(para-phenylene), taking exciton effects into account. We discuss that oligomers with a few structural units are more effective than polymers for observations of effects of discrete wave numbers that are shifted by the change in boundary condition. Next, calculations of optical absorption spectra are reported. Certain components of optical absorption for an electric field perpendicular to the polymer axis mix with absorption spectra for an electric field parallel to the polymer axis. Therefore, the polarization dependences of an electric field of light enable us to detect whether conjugated polymers have the Moebius boundary.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 74 No. 2 (February, 2005), Letter sectio

    Laboratory Experiment of Checkerboard Pupil Mask Coronagraph

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    We present the results of the first laboratory experiment of checkerboard shaped pupil binary mask coronagraphs using visible light, in the context of the R&D activities for future mid-infrared space missions such as the 3.5 m SPICA telescope. The primary aim of this work is to demonstrate the coronagraphic performance of checkerboard masks down to a 10−610^{-6} peak-to-peak contrast, which is required to detect self-luminous extra-solar planets in the mid-infrared region. Two masks, consisting of aluminum films on a glass substrates, were manufactured using nano-fabrication techniques with electron beam lithography: one mask was optimized for a pupil with a 30% central obstruction and the other was for a pupil without obstruction. The theoretical contrast for both masks was 10−710^{-7} and no adaptive optics system was employed. For both masks, the observed point spread functions were quite consistent with the theoretical ones. The average contrast measured within the dark regions was 2.7×10−72.7 {\times} 10^{-7} and 1.1×10−71.1 {\times} 10^{-7}. The coronagraphic performance significantly outperformed the 10−610^{-6} requirement and almost reached the theoretical limit determined by the mask designs. We discuss the potential application of checkerboard masks for mid-infrared coronagraphy, and conclude that binary masks are promising for future high-contrast space telescopes.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Galactose-containing glycosylphosphatidylinositols in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Many eukaryotic surface glycoproteins, including the variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs) of Trypanosoma brucei, are synthesized with a carboxyl-terminal hydrophobic peptide extension that is cleaved and replaced by a complex glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchor within 1-5 min of the completion of polypeptide synthesis. We have reported the purification and partial characterization of candidate precursor glycolipids (P2 and P3) from T. brucei. P2 and P3 contain ethanolamine-phosphate-Man alpha 1-2Man alpha 1-6Man alpha 1-GlcN linked glycosidically to an inositol residue, as do all the GPI anchors that have been structurally characterized. The anchors on mature VSGs contain a heterogenously branched galactose structure attached alpha 1-3 to the mannose residue adjacent to the glucosamine. We report the identification of free GPIs that appear to be similarly galactosylated. These glycolipids contain diacylglycerol and alpha-galactosidase-sensitive glycan structures which are indistinguishable from the glycans derived from galactosylated VSG GPI anchors. We discuss the relevance of these galactosylated GPIs to the biosynthesis of VSG GPI anchors

    Transfer of glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol membrane anchors to polypeptide acceptors in a cell-free system

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    Glycosylinositol phospholipid (GPI) membrane anchors are the sole means of membrane attachment of a large number of cell surface proteins, including the variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs) of the parasitic protozoan, Trypanosoma brucei. Biosynthetic data suggest that GPI-anchored proteins are synthesized with carboxy-terminal extensions that are immediately replaced by GPI, suggesting the existence of preformed GPI species available for transfer to the nascent protein in the ER. Candidate precursor glycolipids having a linear sequence indistinguishable from the conserved core structure found on all GPI anchors, have been characterized in T. brucei. In this paper we describe the transfer of three GPI variants to endogenous VSG in vitro. GPI addition is not reduced by inhibitors of protein synthesis and does not require ATP or GTP, consistent with a transpeptidation mechanism

    Ab-initio study of the thermopower of biphenyl-based single-molecule junctions

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    Employing ab-initio electronic structure calculations combined with the non-equilibrium Green's function technique, we study the dependence of the thermopower Q on the conformation in biphenyl-based single-molecule junctions. For the series of experimentally available biphenyl molecules, alkyl side chains allow us to gradually adjust the torsion angle \phi\ between the two phenyl rings from 0 to 90{\deg} and to control in this way the degree of \pi-electron conjugation. Studying different anchoring groups and binding positions, our theory predicts that the absolute values of the thermopower decrease slightly towards larger torsion angles, following an a+b*cos^{2}\phi\ dependence. The anchoring group determines the sign of Q and a,b, simultaneously. Sulfur and amine groups give rise to Q,a,b>0, while for cyano Q,a,b<0. The different binding positions can lead to substantial variations of the thermopower mostly due to changes in the alignment of the frontier molecular orbital levels and the Fermi energy. We explain our ab-initio results in terms of a \pi-orbital tight-binding model and a minimal two-level model, which describes the pair of hybridizing frontier orbital states on the two phenyl rings. The variations of the thermopower with \phi\ seem to be within experimental resolution.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figues, 3 table

    Polymorphism in TGFB1 is associated with worse non-relapse mortality and overall survival after stem cell transplantation with unrelated donors.

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    Transforming growth factor beta-1, encoded by the TGFB1 gene, is a cytokine that plays a central role in many physiological and pathogenic processes. We have sequenced TGFB1 regulatory region and assigned allelic genotypes in a large cohort of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients and donors. In this study, we analyzed 522 unrelated donor-patient pairs and examined the combined effect of all the common polymorphisms in this genomic region. In univariate analysis, we found that patients carrying a specific allele, 'p001', showed significantly reduced overall survival (5-year overall survival 30.7% for p001/ p001 patients vs. 41.6% others; P=0.032) and increased non-relapse mortality (1-year nonrelapse mortality: 39.0% vs. 25.4%; P=0.039) after transplantation. In multivariate analysis, the presence of a p001/ p001 genotype in patients was confirmed as an independent factor for reduced overall survival [hazard ratio=1.53 (1.04-2.24); P=0.031], and increased non-relapse mortality [hazard ratio=1.73 (1.06-2.83); P=0.030]. In functional experiments we found a trend towards a higher percentage of surface transforming growth factor beta-1-positive regulatory T cells after activation when the cells had a p001 allele (P=0.07). Higher or lower production of transforming growth factor beta-1 in the inflammatory context of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation may influence the development of complications in these patients. Findings indicate that TGFB1 genotype could potentially be of use as a prognostic factor in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation risk assessment algorithms

    A DNA-Based T Cell Receptor Reveals a Role for Receptor Clustering in Ligand Discrimination

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    A T cell mounts an immune response by measuring the binding strength of its T cell receptor (TCR) for peptide-loaded MHCs (pMHC) on an antigen-presenting cell. How T cells convert the lifetime of the extracellular TCR-pMHC interaction into an intracellular signal remains unknown. Here, we developed a synthetic signaling system in which the extracellular domains of the TCR and pMHC were replaced with short hybridizing strands of DNA. Remarkably, T cells can discriminate between DNA ligands differing by a single base pair. Single-molecule imaging reveals that signaling is initiated when single ligand-bound receptors are converted into clusters, a time-dependent process requiring ligands with longer bound times. A computation model reveals that receptor clustering serves a kinetic proofreading function, enabling ligands with longer bound times to have disproportionally greater signaling outputs. These results suggest that spatial reorganization of receptors plays an important role in ligand discrimination in T cell signaling

    Coronal properties of planet-bearing stars

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    Do extrasolar planets affect the activity of their host stars? Indications for chromospheric activity enhancement have been found for a handful of targets, but in the X-ray regime, conclusive observational evidence is still missing. We want to establish a sound observational basis to confirm or reject major effects of Star-Planet Interactions (SPI) in stellar X-ray emissions. We therefore conduct a statistical analysis of stellar X-ray activity of all known planet-bearing stars within 30pc distance for dependencies on planetary parameters such as mass and semimajor axis. We find that in our sample, there are no significant correlations of X-ray luminosity or the activity indicator L_X/L_bol with planetary parameters which cannot be explained by selection effects. Coronal SPI seems to be a phenomenon which might only manifest itself as a strong effect for a few individual targets, but not to have a major effect on planet-bearing stars in general.Comment: accepted by A&
