1,402 research outputs found
Reseña: Ex(tra)territorial. Reassessing Territory in Literature, Culture and Languages / Les Territoires littéraires, culturels et linguistiques en question
Ressenya de Didier Lassalle i Dirk Weissmann (eds.): Ex(tra)territorial. Reassessing Territory in Literature, Culture and Languages. Les Territoires littéraires, culturels et linguistiques en questionReview of Didier Lassalle and Dirk Weissmann (eds.): Ex(tra)territorial. Reassessing Territory in Literature, Culture and Languages. Les Territoires littéraires, culturels et linguistiques en questionReseña de Didier Lassalle y Dirk Weissmann (eds.): Ex(tra)territorial. Reassessing Territory in Literature, Culture and Languages. Les Territoires littéraires, culturels et linguistiques en question
Obra ressenyada: Didier LASSALLE y Dirk WEISSMANN (eds.), Ex(tra)territorial. Reassessing Territory in Literature, Culture and Languages Les Territoires littéraires, culturels et linguistiques en question. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2014
Conscious Conversations: An Experiential Study of Improvisation in Sound and Movement
Art is a conscious practice. It is a method of live manifestation and a process of creative and individual expression. We perceive art and its meaning both physically and metaphysically through the vessels of body and mind, bridging connections between the abstract and the explicit. Creative process offers a method through which we may open our minds and channel inspirations so that we can explore and manifest greater meaning than ourselves. Art is the connective tissue of consciousness. Art offers truth beyond what we seem to know, and it intrigues us in ways that pull us deeper into the void of being. As it manifests, art is all one mechanism of life. Knowing that art operates from a place void of distinction, we can recognize opportunities to close the circle on differentiations we have defined—even within art itself. Artistic expression has been categorized into separate entities, defining lines between music, dance, poetry and theatre, among many other self-proclaimed forms. Different channels of creativity are segregated by form, restricted to their world of creative expression. But bringing forms together in free-flowing play illuminates the universal language of creativity and inspires personal creative exploration. This project operates on two levels of creative conversation: it seeks to diminish those lines through collaborative improvisational explorations between music and dance, and, through a synthesis of research and practice, establishes awareness of the bodymind- spirit relationship in improvisation. By bringing music and dance into one creative space while investigating the conversation between body, mind and spirit, the creative process is altered, freeing expression from form and offering new palettes for play
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Imagining the “Day of Reckoning”: American Jewish Performance Activism during the Holocaust
Scholars of American Jewish history have long debated the complicity of the American Jewish community in the loss of six million Jewish lives in Europe during the Holocaust. After Hitler took power in 1933, American Jewish leaders took to the streets to protest the Nazi Party’s abuse of German Jews. Two central figures in this history are Reform Rabbi Stephen Wise and Revisionist Zionist Ben Hecht because of their wide-reaching protest movements that operated in competition with each other. Although the historiography presents Wise and Hecht\u27s inability to unite as the product of difference, my examination of their protest performances presents a novel picture of similarity. Despite their ideological antagonism, Wise and Hecht\u27s shared cultural identities, as both Americans and Jews, produced pageants with decidedly similar elements. The three productions studied here – The Case of Civilization Against Hitler (1934), Stop Hitler Now (1943), and We Will Never Die (1943) – were reflective of these identities. Appealing to their Americanness, they performed rituals of democratic justice. Appealing to their Jewishness, they presented Jewish prayer, iconography, and ritual related to divine justice. In highlighting the parallels in the performances, I read their actions as successful insofar as they appealed to a diverse American Jewish audience
Juegos y ejercicios prácticos para las materias del área de gestión de la producción y logística en ingeniería de producción.
En el trabajo de grado “Juegos y ejercicios para la administración de operaciones” presentado en el año 2004 por los estudiantes Tomas Arango y José Ignacio Garcés se recopilaron algunas actividades lúdicas que facilitan el aprendizaje de diferentes temas vistos en el programa de Ingeniería de Producción. La nueva metodología del aprendizaje requiere que los estudiantes cuenten con
las herramientas adecuadas para realizar por sí solos las actividades o laboratorios con un acompañamiento mínimo de los docentes; por tal motivo los juegos existentes deben ser revisados y mejorados. Además es necesaria la creación de nuevos juegos que complementen el aprendizaje y comprendan los temas más relevantes de cada materia. Los juegos son experiencias que los estudiantes viven, que les permiten evaluar diferentes escenarios, situaciones y experimentar realmente las consecuencias para adquirir el criterio suficiente para la posterior toma de decisiones y la interiorización de conceptos. (Paul Gee, 2008
Bidisperse beds sheared by viscous fluids: Grain segregation and bed hardening
When a granular bed is sheared by a fluid that flows above a critical limit,
it undergoes a complex motion that varies along time: it can contain fluid-
(bedload) and solid-like (creep) regions, being prone to strain hardening and,
in case of polydispersity, segregation. In this paper, we investigate
experimentally the short- and long-time evolution of a bidisperse bed sheared
by a viscous liquid. Different from previous experiments, the density ratio
between grains and fluid is 2.7, close to values found in rivers and oceans. We
show the existence of diffusive, advective and constrained regions, that most
of segregation occurs during the very first stages of the flow, and that bed
hardening becomes stronger while bedload and creep weaken along time. We obtain
the segregation rates, their evolution along time, their variation with the
applied shearing, and the time evolution of creeping and bedload. Finally, we
propose characteristic times for the segregation of large particles and bed
hardening. Our results shed light on the complex motion of sheared beds
existing in nature, such as river beds and creeping lands.Comment: This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use
requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article
appeared in Phys. Fluids 35, 103326 (2023) and may be found at
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Group A Streptococcal S Protein Utilizes Red Blood Cells as Immune Camouflage and Is a Critical Determinant for Immune Evasion.
Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is a human-specific pathogen that evades the host immune response through the elaboration of multiple virulence factors. Although many of these factors have been studied, numerous proteins encoded by the GAS genome are of unknown function. Herein, we characterize a biomimetic red blood cell (RBC)-captured protein of unknown function-annotated subsequently as S protein-in GAS pathophysiology. S protein maintains the hydrophobic properties of GAS, and its absence reduces survival in human blood. S protein facilitates GAS coating with lysed RBCs to promote molecular mimicry, which increases virulence in vitro and in vivo. Proteomic profiling reveals that the removal of S protein from GAS alters cellular and extracellular protein landscapes and is accompanied by a decrease in the abundance of several key GAS virulence determinants. In vivo, the absence of S protein results in a striking attenuation of virulence and promotes a robust immune response and immunological memory
"Diseño, construcción y evaluación del sistema de enfriamiento final en el proceso de elaboración de conservas"
El objetivo general de la investigación es Diseñar, construir y evaluar, técnica y económicamente. el sistema de enfriamiento final para las latas en la línea de conservas del Centro Planta Piloto Pesquera de Taganga, Universidad del Magdalena. El Centro Planta Piloto Pesquera de Taganga, dependencia de la Universidad del Magdalena, a través de los docentes vinculados al Programa Académico de Ingeniería Pesquera, y con la estrecha colaboración de estudiantes de grado del mismo programa, vienen desarrollando desde el año 1980 una serie de trabajos de tesis y de extensión relacionados con la elaboración de CONSERVAS ENLATADAS DE PESCADO. Los resultados obtenidos durante el desarrollo de tales trabajos han sido halagadores y han permitido crear una base de conocimientos fundamento de lo que hoy es la Línea de Enlatados en el Centro Planta Piloto Pesquera de Taganga. Sin embargo, con el transcurrir del tiempo y realizados nuevos ensayos investigativos, se detectó la necesidad de implementar en dicha línea un sistema de enfriamiento final para las latas una vez concluida la operación de esterilización, el cual permitiera optimizar el tiempo empleado en retirar el calor en un periodo lo más corto posible a fin de obtener las grandes ventajas que ofrece el proceso de enfriamiento rápido. Múltiples factores, entre ellos la velocidad del enfriamiento deseado, influyen en el diseño del sistema para retirar el calor residual a las latas al concluir la operación de esterilización. Las grandes posibilidades de comercialización para dichos productos y la necesidad de acelerar el proceso a fin de volverlo competitivo, hacen necesario la implantación de un sistema de enfriamiento rápido y eficaz de las latas. La alta competitividad del produt o, desde el punto de vista comercial, exige que el proceso tecnológico sea el mejor y, por tanto, el enfriamiento final de las latas juega un papel fundamental en la minimización de las pérdidas por abombamiento y sobrecocción de las latas. Sin embargo, las dificultades para elaborar un producto comercialmente competitivo, aparecen al involucrar al análisis del problema las variables del tamaño de los equipos y los recursos físicos y económicos disponibles por parte de la Universidad del Magdalena. Debido al bajo volumen de producción de la línea de CONSERVAS DE PESCADO elaboradas en el Centro Planta Piloto Pesquera de Taganga. éstas se vislumbran como un producto de delicatessen, dirigido a un mercado con alto poder adquisitivo, pero igualmente con alto nivel de exigencias en lo que a calidad se refier
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