1,209 research outputs found

    Effect of nearest neighbor repulsion on the low frequency phase diagram of a quarter-filled Hubbard-Holstein chain

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    We have studied the influence of nearest-neighbor (NN) repulsion on the low frequency phase diagram of a quarter-filled Hubbard-Holstein chain. The NN repulsion term induces the apparition of two new long range ordered phases (one 4kF4k_F CDW for positive Ueff=U2g2/ωU_{eff} = U-2g^2/\omega and one 2kF2k_F CDW for negative UeffU_{eff}) that did not exist in the V=0 phase diagram. These results are put into perspective with the newly observed charge ordered phases in organic conductors and an interpretation of their origin in terms of electron-molecular vibration coupling is suggested.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Skew-Unfolding the Skorokhod Reflection of a Continuous Semimartingale

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    The Skorokhod reflection of a continuous semimartingale is unfolded, in a possibly skewed manner, into another continuous semimartingale on an enlarged probability space according to the excursion-theoretic methodology of Prokaj (2009). This is done in terms of a skew version of the Tanaka equation, whose properties are studied in some detail. The result is used to construct a system of two diffusive particles with rank-based characteristics and skew-elastic collisions. Unfoldings of conventional reflections are also discussed, as are examples involving skew Brownian Motions and skew Bessel processes.Comment: 20 pages. typos corrected, added a remark after Proposition 2.3, simplified the last part of Example 2.

    Asymptotics of unitary and othogonal matrix integrals

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    In this paper, we prove that in small parameter regions, arbitrary unitary matrix integrals converge in the large NN limit and match their formal expansion. Secondly we give a combinatorial model for our matrix integral asymptotics and investigate examples related to free probability and the HCIZ integral. Our convergence result also leads us to new results of smoothness of microstates. We finally generalize our approach to integrals over the othogonal group.Comment: 41 pages, important modifications, new section about orthogonal integral

    ExTrA: Exoplanets in Transit and their Atmospheres

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    The ExTrA facility, located at La Silla observatory, will consist of a near-infrared multi-object spectrograph fed by three 60-cm telescopes. ExTrA will add the spectroscopic resolution to the traditional differential photometry method. This shall enable the fine correction of color-dependent systematics that would otherwise hinder ground-based observations. With both this novel method and an infrared-enabled efficiency, ExTrA aims to find transiting telluric planets orbiting in the habitable zone of bright nearby M dwarfs. It shall have the versatility to do so by running its own independent survey and also by concurrently following-up on the space candidates unveiled by K2 and TESS. The exoplanets detected by ExTrA will be amenable to atmospheric characterisation with VLTs, JWST, and ELTs and could give our first peek into an exo-life laboratory.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, SPIE 201

    Spin-phonon coupling in epitaxial Sr0.6Ba0.4MnO3 thin films

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    Spin-phonon coupling is investigated in epitaxially strained Sr1-xBaxMnO3 thin films with perovskite structure by means of microwave (MW) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. In this work we focus on the Sr0.6Ba0.4MnO3 composition grown on (LaAlO3)0.3(Sr2AlTaO6)0.7 substrate. The MW complex electromagnetic response shows a decrease in the real part and a clear anomaly in the imaginary part around 150 K. Moreover, it coincides with a 17% hardening of the lowest-frequency polar phonon seen in IR reflectance spectra. In order to further elucidate this phenomenon, low-energy muon-spin spectroscopy was carried out, signaling the emergence of antiferromagnetic order with Néel temperature (TN) around 150 K. Thus, our results confirm that epitaxial Sr0.6Ba0.4MnO3 thin films display strong spin-phonon coupling below TN, which may stimulate further research on tuning the magnetoelectric coupling by controlling the epitaxial strain and chemical pressure in the Sr1-xBaxMnO3 system

    Nature of antiferromagnetic order in epitaxially strained multiferroic SrMnO3 thin films

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    Epitaxial films of SrMnO3 and bilayers of SrMnO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 have been deposited by pulsed laser deposition on different substrates, namely, LaAlO3 (001), (LaAlO3)0.3(Sr2AlTaO6)0.7 (001), and SrTiO3 (001), allowing us to perform an exhaustive study of the dependence of antiferromagnetic order and exchange bias field on epitaxial strain. The Néel temperatures (TN) of the SrMnO3 films have been determined by low-energy muon spin spectroscopy. In agreement with theoretical predictions, TN is reduced as the epitaxial strain increases. From the comparison with first-principles calculations, a crossover from G-type to C-type antiferromagnetic orders is proposed at a critical tensile strain of around 1.6±0.1%. The exchange bias (coercive) field, obtained for the bilayers, increases (decreases) by increasing the epitaxial strain in the SrMnO3 layer, following an exponential dependence with temperature. Our experimental results can be explained by the existence of a spin-glass (SG) state at the interface between the SrMnO3 and La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 films. This SG state is due to the competition between the different exchange interactions present in the bilayer and favored by increasing the strain in the SrMnO3 layer

    Rapid and Specific Action of Methylene Blue against Plasmodium Transmission Stages

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    Methylene blue (MB) is the oldest synthetic anti-infective. Its high potency against asexual and sexual stages of malaria parasites is well documented. This study aimed to investigate possible additional activities of MB in interfering with parasite transmission and determine target stages in Anopheles vectors and humans. MB’s transmission-blocking activity was first evaluated by an ex vivo direct membrane feeding assay (DMFA) using Plasmodium falciparum field isolates. To investigate anti-mosquito stage activity, Plasmodium berghei-infected Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes were fed a second blood meal on mice that had been treated with methylene blue, 3, 6- and 15-days after the initial infectious blood meal. Anti-sporozoite and liver stage activities were evaluated in vitro and in vivo via sporozoite invasion and liver stage development assays, respectively. MB exhibited a robust inhibition of P. falciparum transmission in An. gambiae, even when added shortly before the DMFA but only a moderate effect against P. berghei oocyst development. Exposure of mature P. berghei and P. falciparum sporozoites to MB blocked hepatocyte invasion, yet P. berghei liver stage development was unaffected by MB. Our results indicate previously underappreciated rapid specific activities of methylene blue against Plasmodium transmission stages, preventing the establishment of both mosquito midgut and liver infections as the first essential steps in both hosts

    SEOM clinical guidelines for pancreatic and biliary tract cancer (2020)

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) and biliary tract cancer (BTC) are both aggressive and highly fatal malignancies. Nowadays we have a profound knowledge about the molecular landscape of these neoplasms and this has allowed new therapeutic options. Surgery is the only potentially curative therapy in both cancers, but disease recurrence is frequent. In PC, adjuvant treatment with mFOLFIRINOX has improved overall survival (OS) and in BTC adjuvant treatment with capecitabine seems to improve OS and relapse-free survival. Concomitant radio-chemotherapy could also be considered following R1 surgery in both neoplasms. Neoadjuvant treatment represents the best option for achieving an R0 resection in borderline PC. Upfront systemic chemotherapy is the treatment of choice in unresectable locally advanced PC and BTC; then locoregional therapy could be considered after an initial period of at least 3-4 months of systemic chemotherapy. In metastatic PC, FOLFIRINOX or Gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel have improved OS compared with gemcitabine alone. In metastatic BTC, cisplatin plus gemcitabine constitute the standard treatment. Progress in the knowledge of molecular biology has enabled the identification of new targets for therapy with encouraging results that could in the future improve the survival and quality of life of patients with PC and BTC

    Silver ions disrupt K+ homeostasis and cellular integrity in intact barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots

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    The heavy metals silver, gold, and mercury can strongly inhibit aquaporin-mediated water flow across plant cell membranes, but critical examinations of their side effects are rare. Here, the short-lived radiotracer 42K is used to demonstrate that these metals, especially silver, profoundly change potassium homeostasis in roots of intact barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants, by altering unidirectional K+ fluxes. Doses as low as 5 μM AgNO3 rapidly reduced K+ influx to 5% that of controls, and brought about pronounced and immediate increases in K+ efflux, while higher doses of Au3+ and Hg2+ were required to produce similar responses. Reduced influx and enhanced efflux of K+ resulted in a net loss of >40% of root tissue K+ during a 15 min application of 500 μM AgNO3, comprising the entire cytosolic potassium pool and about a third of the vacuolar pool. Silver also brought about major losses of UV-absorbing compounds, total electrolytes, and NH4+. Co-application, with silver, of the channel blockers Cs+, TEA+, or Ca2+, did not affect the enhanced efflux, ruling out the involvement of outwardly rectifying ion channels. Taken together with an examination of propidium iodide staining under confocal microscopy, the results indicate that silver ions affect K+ homeostasis by directly inhibiting K+ influx at lower concentrations, and indirectly inhibiting K+ influx and enhancing K+ efflux, via membrane destruction, at higher concentrations. Ni2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+, three heavy metals not generally known to affect aquaporins, did not enhance K+ efflux or cause propidium iodide incorporation. The study reveals strong and previously unknown effects of major aquaporin inhibitors and recommends caution in their application

    Maternally supplied S-acyl-transferase is required for crystalloid organelle formation and transmission of the malaria parasite.

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    Transmission of the malaria parasite from the mammalian host to the mosquito vector requires the formation of adequately adapted parasite forms and stage-specific organelles. Here we show that formation of the crystalloid-a unique and short-lived organelle of the Plasmodium ookinete and oocyst stage required for sporogony-is dependent on the precisely timed expression of the S-acyl-transferase DHHC10. DHHC10, translationally repressed in female Plasmodium berghei gametocytes, is activated translationally during ookinete formation, where the protein is essential for the formation of the crystalloid, the correct targeting of crystalloid-resident protein LAP2, and malaria parasite transmission