662 research outputs found

    Response to Wang and Luo

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    This article is a response to Wang and Luo

    Hospitalized poisonings after renal transplantation in the United States

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    BACKGROUND: The national incidence of and risk factors for hospitalized poisonings in renal transplant recipients has not been reported. METHODS: Historical cohort study of 39,628 renal transplant recipients in the United States Renal Data System between 1 July 1994 and 30 June 1998. Associations with time to hospitalizations for a primary diagnosis of poisonings (ICD-9 codes 960.x-989.x) within three years after renal transplant were assessed by Cox Regression. RESULTS: The incidence of hospitalized poisonings was 2.3 patients per 1000 person years. The most frequent causes of poisonings were immunosuppressive agents (25.3%), analgesics/antipyretics (14.1%), psychotropic agents (10.0%), and insulin/antidiabetic agents (7.1%). In Cox Regression analysis, low body mass index (BMI, <21.6 vs. >28.3 kg/m(2), adjusted hazard ratio (AHR), 3.02, 95% CI, 1.45–6.28, and allograft rejection, AHR 1.83, 95% CI, 1.15–2.89, were the only factors independently associated with hospitalized poisonings. Hospitalized poisonings were independently associated with increased mortality (AHR, 1.54, 95% CI 1.22–1.92, p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Hospitalized poisonings were associated with increased mortality after renal transplantation. However, almost all reported poisonings in renal transplant recipients were due to the use of prescribed medications. Allograft rejection and low BMI were the only independent risk factors for poisonings identified in this population

    Mechanistic and evolutionary questions about epigenetic conflicts between transposable elements and their plant hosts

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    Transposable elements (TEs) constitute the majority of plant genomes, but most are epigenetically inactivated by their host. Research over the last decade has elucidated many of the molecular components that are required for TE silencing. In contrast, the evolutionary dynamics between TEs and silencing pathways are less clear. Here, we discuss current information about these dynamics from both mechanistic and evolutionary perspectives. We highlight new evidence that palindromic sequences within TEs may act as signals for host recognition and that cis-regulatory regions of TEs may be sites of ongoing arms races with host defenses. We also discuss patterns of TE aging after they are silenced; while there is not yet a consensus, it appears that TEs are removed more rapidly near genes, such that older TE insertions tend to be farther from genes. We conclude by discussing the energetic costs for maintaining silencing pathways, which appear to be substantive. The maintenance of silencing pathways across many species suggests that epigenetic emergencies are frequent

    Modeling interactions between transposable elements and the plant epigenetic response: a surprising reliance on element retention

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    Transposable elements (TEs) compose the majority of angiosperm DNA. Plants counteract TE activity by silencing them epigenetically. One form of epigenetic silencing requires 21-22 nt small interfering RNAs that act to degrade TE mRNA and may also trigger DNA methylation. DNA methylation is reinforced by a second mechanism, the RNA-dependent DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway. RdDM relies on 24 nt small interfering RNAs and ultimately establishes TEs in a quiescent state. These host factors interact at a systems level, but there have been no system level analyses of their interactions. Here, we define a deterministic model that represents the propagation of active TEs, aspects of the host response and the accumulation of silenced TEs. We describe general properties of the model and also fit it to biological data in order to explore two questions. The first is why two overlapping pathways are maintained, given that both are likely energetically expensive. Under our model, RdDM silenced TEs effectively even when the initiation of silencing was weak. This relationship implies that only a small amount of RNAi is needed to initiate TE silencing, but reinforcement by RdDM is necessary to efficiently counter TE propagation. Second, we investigated the reliance of the host response on rates of TE deletion. The model predicted that low levels of deletion lead to few active TEs, suggesting that silencing is most efficient when methylated TEs are retained in the genome, thereby providing one explanation for the large size of plant genomes

    Homoeologous gene silencing in tissue cultured wheat callus

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    Abstract Background In contrast to diploids, most polyploid plant species, which include the hexaploid bread wheat, possess an additional layer of epigenetic complexity. Several studies have demonstrated that polyploids are affected by homoeologous gene silencing, a process in which sub-genomic genomic copies are selectively transcriptionally inactivated. This form of silencing can be tissue specific and may be linked to developmental or stress responses. Results Evidence was sought as to whether the frequency of homoeologous silencing in in vitro cultured wheat callus differ from that in differentiated organs, given that disorganized cells are associated with a globally lower level of DNA methylation. Using a reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) platform to detect the pattern of expression of 20 homoeologous sets of single-copy genes known to be affected by this form of silencing in the root and/or leaf, we observed no silencing in any of the wheat callus tissue tested. Conclusion Our results suggest that much of the homoeologous silencing observed in differentiated tissues is probably under epigenetic control, rather than being linked to genomic instability arising from allopolyploidization. This study reinforces the notion of plasticity in the wheat epi-genome.</p

    Instability of Plastid DNA in the Nuclear Genome

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    Functional gene transfer from the plastid (chloroplast) and mitochondrial genomes to the nucleus has been an important driving force in eukaryotic evolution. Non-functional DNA transfer is far more frequent, and the frequency of such transfers from the plastid to the nucleus has been determined experimentally in tobacco using transplastomic lines containing, in their plastid genome, a kanamycin resistance gene (neo) readymade for nuclear expression. Contrary to expectations, non-Mendelian segregation of the kanamycin resistance phenotype is seen in progeny of some lines in which neo has been transferred to the nuclear genome. Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the instability of kanamycin resistance in nine of these lines, and we show that it is due to deletion of neo. Four lines showed instability with variation between progeny derived from different areas of the same plant, suggesting a loss of neo during somatic cell division. One line showed a consistent reduction in the proportion of kanamycin-resistant progeny, suggesting a loss of neo during meiosis, and the remaining four lines were relatively stable. To avoid genomic enlargement, the high frequency of plastid DNA integration into the nuclear genome necessitates a counterbalancing removal process. This is the first demonstration of such loss involving a high proportion of recent nuclear integrants. We propose that insertion, deletion, and rearrangement of plastid sequences in the nuclear genome are important evolutionary processes in the generation of novel nuclear genes. This work is also relevant in the context of transgenic plant research and crop production, because similar processes to those described here may be involved in the loss of plant transgenes

    Diversity of a cytokinin dehydrogenase gene in wild and cultivated barley

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    The cytokinin dehydrogenase gene HvCKX2.1 is the regulatory target for the most abundant heterochromatic small RNAs in drought-stressed barley caryopses. We investigated the diversity of HvCKX2.1 in 228 barley landraces and 216 wild accessions and identified 14 haplotypes, five of these with ten or more members, coding for four different protein variants. The third largest haplotype was abundant in wild accessions (51 members), but absent from the landrace collection. Protein structure predictions indicated that the amino acid substitution specific to haplotype 3 could result in a change in the functional properties of the HvCKX2.1 protein. Haplotypes 1–3 have overlapping geographical distributions in the wild population, but the average rainfall amounts at the collection sites for haplotype 3 plants are significantly higher during November to February compared to the equivalent data for plants of haplotypes 1 and 2. We argue that the likelihood that haplotype 3 plants were excluded from landraces by sampling bias that occurred when the first wild barley plants were taken into cultivation is low, and that it is reasonable to suggest that plants with haplotype 3 are absent from the crop because these plants were less suited to the artificial conditions associated with cultivation. Although the cytokinin signalling pathway influences many aspects of plant development, the identified role of HvCKX2.1 in the drought response raises the possibility that the particular aspect of cultivation that mitigated against haplotype 3 relates in some way to water utilization. Our results therefore highlight the possibility that water utilization properties should be looked on as a possible component of the suite of physiological adaptations accompanying the domestication and subsequent evolution of cultivated barley

    The Tnt1 Retrotransposon Escapes Silencing in Tobacco, Its Natural Host

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    Retrotransposons' high capacity for mutagenesis is a threat that genomes need to control tightly. Transcriptional gene silencing is a general and highly effective control of retrotransposon expression. Yet, some retrotransposons manage to transpose and proliferate in plant genomes, suggesting that, as shown for plant viruses, retrotransposons can escape silencing. However no evidence of retrotransposon silencing escape has been reported. Here we analyze the silencing control of the tobacco Tnt1 retrotransposon and report that even though constructs driven by the Tnt1 promoter become silenced when stably integrated in tobacco, the endogenous Tnt1 elements remain active. Silencing of Tnt1-containing transgenes correlates with high DNA methylation and the inability to incorporate H2A.Z into their promoters, whereas the endogenous Tnt1 elements remain partially methylated at asymmetrical positions and incorporate H2A.Z upon induction. Our results show that the promoter of Tnt1 is a target of silencing in tobacco, but also that endogenous Tnt1 elements can escape this control and be expressed in their natural host