400 research outputs found

    Conservação pós-colheita em condição ambiente de híbridos de tomate tipo salada.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as modificações fisico-quimicas e a qualidade pós-colheita de dois hibridos de tomate tipo salada, colhidos no estádio de maturação verde e mantidos numa temperatura simulando condição ambiente de transporte e comercialização dos frutos.Suplemento. Trabalho apresentado no 52. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Salvador, 2012

    Rehabilitación oral compleja en un paciente comprometido periodontalmente. Reporte de caso clínico y seguimiento por 6 años

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    The oral rehabilitation of periodontally compromised patients present a clinical challenges because takes many sensible steps, especially the patient's commitment to perform a maintenance plan. Therefore, in order to achieve the expected results, a multidisciplinary treatment involving specialties that work under a coordinated treatment plan is essential. The introduction of dental implants has provided benefits to leading to improving the quality of life and the satisfaction of the patient. In the present article a clinical case of a periodontal compromised patient is related, treatment and follow-up for six years to the success of such treatment an implant supported rehabilitation type hybrid prosthesis in the maxilla and crowns cemented on implants in the lower jaw is reported following a protocol that provides us with adequate treatment predictability and high patient satisfaction.La rehabilitación oral de pacientes comprometidos periodontalmente nos plantea un desafío clínico ya que conlleva muchos pasos sensibles y sobre todo el compromiso del paciente para cumplir un plan de mantenimiento adecuado.  Por lo tanto, para alcanzar los resultados esperados es necesario e imprescindible un tratamiento multidisciplinario que involucre especialidades que trabajen bajo un plan de tratamiento coordinado. Con la introducción de los implantes dentales se ha proporcionado beneficios a los pacientes llevando a mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente así como su grado de satisfacción. En el presente artículo se relata el caso clínico de un paciente periodontalmente comprometido, su tratamiento y seguimiento por seis años hasta alcanzar el éxito del mismo con una rehabilitación implanto soportada tipo prótesis híbrida en el maxilar superior y coronas cementadas sobre implantes en el maxilar inferior siguiendo un protocolo que nos brinda predictibilidad y una alta satisfacción del paciente

    SEQUENCE SLIDER: expanding polyalanine fragments for phasing with multiple side-chain hypotheses.

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    Fragment-based molecular-replacement methods can solve a macromolecular structure quasi-ab initio. ARCIMBOLDO, using a common secondary-structure or tertiary-structure template or a library of folds, locates these with Phaser and reveals the rest of the structure by density modification and autotracing in SHELXE. The latter stage is challenging when dealing with diffraction data at lower resolution, low solvent content, high β-sheet composition or situations in which the initial fragments represent a low fraction of the total scattering or where their accuracy is low. SEQUENCE SLIDER aims to overcome these complications by extending the initial polyalanine fragment with side chains in a multisolution framework. Its use is illustrated on test cases and previously unknown structures. The selection and order of fragments to be extended follows the decrease in log-likelihood gain (LLG) calculated with Phaser upon the omission of each single fragment. When the starting substructure is derived from a remote homolog, sequence assignment to fragments is restricted by the original alignment. Otherwise, the secondary-structure prediction is matched to that found in fragments and traces. Sequence hypotheses are trialled in a brute-force approach through side-chain building and refinement. Scoring the refined models through their LLG in Phaser may allow discrimination of the correct sequence or filter the best partial structures for further density modification and autotracing. The default limits for the number of models to pursue are hardware dependent. In its most economic implementation, suitable for a single laptop, the main-chain trace is extended as polyserine rather than trialling models with different sequence assignments, which requires a grid or multicore machine. SEQUENCE SLIDER has been instrumental in solving two novel structures: that of MltC from 2.7 Å resolution data and that of a pneumococcal lipoprotein with 638 residues and 35% solvent content

    Implementação da metodologia TPM no processo de produção de placas de ar condicionado numa empresa do Polo Industrial de Manaus / Implementation of the TPM methodology in the production process of air conditioning circuit boards in a company in the Industrial Pole of Manaus

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    Esta pesquisa descreve a implementação da metodologia Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) numa linha de produção de placas de ar condicionado, numa empresa situada no Polo Industrial de Manaus (PIM). O principal objetivo do projeto é o de desenvolver de forma eficaz a realização da manutenção autônoma e da manutenção planejada, que são dois dos oito pilares que sustentam a metodologia TPM, de forma a evitar paragens de produção não planejadas. Optou-se por implementar a metodologia TPM nessa linha, pelo fato de não haver uma pessoa dedicada ao controle e gestão da manutenção, sendo que todas as vezes que se faz necessário, geralmente para realizar intervenções de manutenção corretiva, recorre-se a uma pessoa de outro setor. Além disso, antes da implementação da manutenção autônoma e da manutenção planejada não havia qualquer registro de atividades de manutenção realizadas impossibilitando assim uma análise estatística ou por meio de indicadores de manutenção. Para o cumprimento dos objetivos propostos realizou-se formações aos operadores acerca do TPM e manutenção autônoma onde foram criadas as tarefas diárias de limpeza, inspeção e manutenção. Reestruturou-se as atividades de manutenção preventivas em conjunto com o departamento responsável e foram criadas fichas de registro de anormalidades para cada equipamento de forma a possibilitar análises por meio de indicadores de manutenção. Por último, descreve-se os resultados alcançados com a implementação da metodologia TPM na empresa, ressaltando os fatores positivos e as dificuldades encontradas.

    Avaliação espectroscópica de ácidos húmicos extraídos de solos sob adição de diferentes compostos orgânicos.

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    A crescente produção de resíduos agrícolas vem provocando significativos impactos ambientais, pois sua taxa de geração é muito maior do que a sua taxa de degradação. Neste contexto a compostagem mostra-se como uma alternativa de reaproveitamento, reciclagem e redução destes resíduos gerados pelo homem. No processo de compostagem ocorrem reações bioquímicas para a estabilização do material, estando diretamente associadas à humificação da matéria orgânica, sendo as substancias húmicas seu principal componente. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os ácidos húmicos extraídos de solos sob disposição de distintos compostos orgânicos por Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR). Os resultados sugerem possíveis reações químicas decorrentes da aplicação de diferentes compostos no solo.Disponível também em: Cadernos de Agroecologia, V. 5, n.1, 2010

    Systematic review with meta-analysis: vasoactive drugs for the treatment of hepatorenal syndrome type 1

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    Background Hepatorenal syndrome type 1 (HRS1) is a functional, rapidly progressive, potentially reversible form of acute kidney injury occurring in patients with cirrhosis. Characterised by intense renal arterial vasoconstriction, it carries a very poor prognosis. There is a significant unmet need for a widely approved, safe and effective pharmacological treatment. Aim To re-evaluate efficacy and safety of pharmacological treatments for HRS1, in the light of recently published randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Methods MEDLINE (OvidSP), EMBASE, PubMed and Cochrane registers were searched for RCTs reporting efficacy and adverse events related to pharmacological treatment of HRS1. Search terms included: ‘hepatorenal syndrome’, ‘terlipressin’, ‘noradrenaline’, ‘octreotide’, ‘midodrine’, ‘vasopressin’, ‘dopamine’, ‘albumin’ and synonyms. Comparison of vasoactive drugs vs. placebo/no treatment, and two active drugs were included. Meta-analysis was performed for HRS1 reversal, creatinine improvement, mortality and adverse events. Results Twelve RCTs enrolling 700 HRS1 patients were included. Treatment with terlipressin and albumin led to HRS1 reversal more frequently than albumin alone or placebo (RR: 2.54, 95% CI: 1.51–4.26). Noradrenaline was effective in reversing HRS1, but trials were small and nonblinded. Overall, there was mortality benefit with terlipressin (RR: 0.79, 95% CI: 0.63–1.01), but sensitivity analysis including only trials with low risk of selection bias weakened this relationship (RR: 0.87, 95% CI: 0.71–1.06). Notably, there was a significant risk of adverse events with terlipressin therapy (RR: 4.32, 95% CI: 0.75–24.86). Conclusions Terlipressin treatment is superior to placebo for achieving HRS1 reversal, but mortality benefit is less clear. Terlipressin is associated with significant adverse events, but infusion regimens may be better tolerated. There is continued need for safe and effective treatment options for hepatorenal syndrome

    Concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol e progesterona em vacas Nelore (Bos taurus indicus) submetidas a manejo diário ou manejo semanal.

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    Edição dos resumos do XXI Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE), Salvador, BA, ago. 2007

    Maximizing efficiency of rumen microbial protein production.

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    Rumen microbes produce cellular protein inefficiently partly because they do not direct all ATP toward growth. They direct some ATP toward maintenance functions, as long-recognized, but they also direct ATP toward reserve carbohydrate synthesis and energy spilling (futile cycles that dissipate heat). Rumen microbes expend ATP by vacillating between (1) accumulation of reserve carbohydrate after feeding (during carbohydrate excess) and (2) mobilization of that carbohydrate thereafter (during carbohydrate limitation). Protozoa account for most accumulation of reserve carbohydrate, and in competition experiments, protozoa accumulated nearly 35-fold more reserve carbohydrate than bacteria. Some pure cultures of bacteria spill energy, but only recently have mixed rumen communities been recognized as capable of the same. When these communities were dosed glucose in vitro, energy spilling could account for nearly 40% of heat production. We suspect that cycling of glycogen (a major reserve carbohydrate) is a major mechanism of spilling; such cycling has already been observed in single-species cultures of protozoa and bacteria. Interconversions of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) may also expend ATP and depress efficiency of microbial protein production. These interconversions may involve extensive cycling of intermediates, such as cycling of acetate during butyrate production in certain butyrivibrios. We speculate this cycling may expend ATP directly or indirectly. By further quantifying the impact of reserve carbohydrate accumulation, energy spilling, and SCFA interconversions on growth efficiency, we can improve prediction of microbial protein production and guide efforts to improve efficiency of microbial protein production in the rumen

    Aplicacion de Robots Humanoides como Guias Interactivos en Museos: Una Simulacion con el Robot NAO

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    This article presents an application that evaluates the feasibility of humanoid robots as interactive guides in art museums. The application entailes programming a NAO robot and a chatbot to provide information about art pieces in a simulated museum environment. In this controlled scenario, the learning employees interact with the robot and the chatbot. The result is a skilled participation in the interactions, along with the effectiveness of the robot and chatbot that communicates the basic details of the art objects. You see natural and fluid interactions between the students and the robot. This suggests that the addition of humanoid robots to museums may provide a better experience for visitors, but also the need to continue to do more to optimize the quality of interaction. This study contributes to understanding the possibilities and requirements of applying humanoid technologies in a cultural context.Comment: Febitec 2023, in Spanish languag