73 research outputs found

    Estrogenic chemicals often leach from BPA-free plastic products that are replacements for BPA-containing polycarbonate products

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    Background: Xenobiotic chemicals with estrogenic activity (EA), such as bisphenol A (BPA), have been reported to have potential adverse health effects in mammals, including humans, especially in fetal and infant stages. Concerns about safety have caused many manufacturers to use alternatives to polycarbonate (PC) resins to make hard and clear, reusable, plastic products that do not leach BPA. However, no study has focused on whether such BPA-free PC-replacement products, chosen for their perceived higher safety, especially for babies, also release other chemicals that have EA. Methods: We used two, well-established, mammalian cell-based, assays (MCF-7 and BG1Luc) to assess the EA of chemicals that leached into over 1000 saline or ethanol extracts of 50 unstressed or stressed (autoclaving, microwaving, and UV radiation) BPA-free PC-replacement products. An EA antagonist, ICI 182,780, was used to confirm that agonist activity in leachates was due to chemicals that activated the mammalian estrogen receptor. Results: Many unstressed and stressed, PC-replacement-products made from acrylic, polystyrene, polyethersulfone, and Tritanā„¢ resins leached chemicals with EA, including products made for use by babies. Exposure to various forms of UV radiation often increased the leaching of chemicals with EA. In contrast, some BPA-free PC-replacement products made from glycol-modified polyethylene terephthalate or cyclic olefin polymer or co-polymer resins did not release chemicals with detectable EA under any conditions tested. Conclusions: This hazard assessment survey showed that many BPA-free PC- replacement products still leached chemicals having significant levels of EA, as did BPA-containing PC counterparts they were meant to replace. That is, BPA-free did not mean EA-free. However, this study also showed that some PC-replacement products did not leach chemicals having significant levels of EA. That is, EA-free PC-replacement products could be made in commercial quantities at prices that compete with PC-replacement products that were not BPA-free. Since plastic products often have advantages (price, weight, shatter-resistance, etc.) compared to other materials such as steel or glass, it is not necessary to forgo those advantages to avoid release into foodstuffs or the environment of chemicals having EA that may have potential adverse effects on our health or the health of future generations.This work was supported by the following NIH/NIEHS grants: R44 ES011469, 01ā€“03 (CZY); 1R43/44 ES014806, 01ā€“03 (CZY); subcontract (CZY, PI) on an NIH Grant 01ā€“03 43/44ES018083-01 to PlastiPure (DK, SY PIs).Neuroscienc

    Chemicals having estrogenic activity can be released from some bisphenol a-free, hard and clear, thermoplastic resins

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    Background: Chemicals that have estrogenic activity (EA) can potentially cause adverse health effects in mammals including humans, sometimes at low doses in fetal through juvenile stages with effects detected in adults. Polycarbonate (PC) thermoplastic resins made from bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical that has EA, are now often avoided in products used by babies. Other BPA-free thermoplastic resins, some hypothesized or advertised to be EA-free, are replacing PC resins used to make reusable hard and clear thermoplastic products such as baby bottles. Methods: We used two very sensitive and accurate in vitro assays (MCF-7 and BG1Luc human cell lines) to quantify the EA of chemicals leached into ethanol or water/saline extracts of fourteen unstressed or stressed (autoclaving, microwaving, UV radiation) thermoplastic resins. Estrogen receptor (ER)-dependent agonist responses were confirmed by their inhibition with the ER antagonist ICI 182,780. Results: Our data showed that some (4/14) unstressed and stressed BPA-free thermoplastic resins leached chemicals having significant levels of EA, including one polystyrene (PS), and three Tritanā„¢ resins, the latter reportedly EA-free. Exposure to UV radiation in natural sunlight resulted in an increased release of EA from Tritanā„¢ resins. Triphenyl-phosphate (TPP), an additive used to manufacture some thermoplastic resins such as Tritanā„¢, exhibited EA in both MCF-7 and BG1Luc assays. Ten unstressed or stressed glycol-modified polyethylene terephthalate (PETG), cyclic olefin polymer (COP) or copolymer (COC) thermoplastic resins did not release chemicals with detectable EA under any test condition. Conclusions: This hazard survey study assessed the release of chemicals exhibiting EA as detected by two sensitive, widely used and accepted, human cell line in vitro assays. Four PC replacement resins (Tritanā„¢ and PS) released chemicals having EA. However, ten other PC-replacement resins did not leach chemicals having EA (EA-free-resins). These results indicate that PC-replacement plastic products could be made from EA-free resins (if appropriate EA-free additives are chosen) that maintain advantages of re-usable plastic items (price, weight, shatter resistance) without releasing chemicals having EA that potentially produce adverse health effects on current or future generations.This work was supported by the following NIH/NIEHS grants: R44 ES011469, 01ā€“03 (CZY); 1R43/44 ES014806, 01ā€“03 (CZY); subcontract (CZY, PI) on an NIH Grant 01ā€“03 43/44ES018083-01. This work was also supported by NIH grants to MSD (P42 ES004699), and DJK and SIY (1R43ES018083-01-03, NIEHS 1R44ES019442-01-03 and NIEHS 2R44ES016964-01-03).Neuroscienc

    Rational quantitative structureā€“activity relationship (RQSAR) screen for PXR and CAR isoform-specific nuclear receptor ligands

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    Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) and pregnane X receptor (PXR) are closely related orphan nuclear receptor proteins that share several ligands and target overlapping sets of genes involved in homeostasis and all phases of drug metabolism. CAR and PXR are involved in the development of certain diseases, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity. Ligand screens for these receptors so far have typically focused on steroid hormone analogs with pharmacophore-based approaches, only to find relatively few new hits. Multiple CAR isoforms have been detected in human liver, with the most abundant being the constitutively active reference, CAR1, and the ligand-dependent isoform CAR3. It has been assumed that any compound that binds CAR1 should also activate CAR3, and so CAR3 can be used as a ligand-activated surrogate for CAR1 studies. The possibility of CAR3-specific ligands has not, so far, been addressed. To investigate the differences between CAR1, CAR3 and PXR, and to look for more CAR ligands that may be of use in quantitative structureā€“activity relationship (QSAR) studies, we performed a luciferase transactivation assay screen of 60 mostly non-steroid compounds. Known active compounds with different core chemistries were chosen as starting points and structural variants were rationally selected for screening. Distinct differences in agonist versus inverse agonist/antagonist effects were seen in 49 compounds that had some ligand effect on at least one receptor and 18 that had effects on all three receptors; eight were CAR1 ligands only, three were CAR3 only ligands and four affected PXR only. This work provides evidence for new CAR ligands, some of which have CAR3-specific effects, and provides observational data on CAR and PXR ligands with which to inform in silico strategies. Compounds that demonstrated unique activity on any one receptor are potentially valuable diagnostic tools for the investigation of in vivo molecular targets

    Modulation of constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) and pregnane X receptor (PXR) by 6-arylpyrrolo[2,1-d][1,5]benzothiazepine derivatives, ligands of peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR)

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    Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) and pregnane X receptor (PXR) regulate xenobiotic sensing and metabolism through interactions with multiple exogenous and endogenous chemicals. Compounds that activate CAR are often ligands of PXR; attention is therefore given to discovery of new, receptor-specific chemical entities that may be exploited for therapeutic and basic research purposes. Recently, ligands of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR), PK11195 and FGIN-1-27, were shown to modulate both CAR and PXR. PBR is a mitochondrial transport protein responsible for multiple regulatory functions, including heme biosynthesis, a major component in cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes. To investigate possible new roles for PBR involvement in metabolic regulation, expression of the CAR and PXR target genes, CYP2B6 and CYP3A4, was measured in human hepatocytes following treatment with a targeted PBR ligand set. Luciferase reporter assays with transiently expressed wild-type CAR (CAR1), splice variant CAR3, or PXR in HuH-7 cells were used to further study activation of these receptors. Four structurally related PBR ligands (benzothiazepines) differentially modulate CAR1, CAR3 and PXR activity. Benzothiazepine NF49 is an agonist ligand of CAR3, a partial agonist of PXR, exhibits greater inverse agonist activity on CAR1 than does PK11195, and is a new tool for studying these closely related nuclear receptors

    Multicomponent folate-targeted magnetoliposomes: design, characterization, and cellular uptake

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    Folate-targeted cationic magnetoliposomes (FTMLs) have been prepared with coencapsulated doxorubicin (DOX) and anionic superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles (NPs) with 5 nm Ī³-Fe2O3 cores and 16 nm hydrodynamic diameters. NP encapsulation (89%) was confirmed by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the presence of the oppositely charged NPs did not cause liposome aggregation. The FTMLs had an average diameter of 174 Ā± 53 nm and existed as unilamellar and cup-shaped liposomes, which was attributed to dissimilar lipid packing parameters and the presence of PEG-lipids. A 3-fold increase in DOX release was achieved over 2 hours when the encapsulated SPIO NPs were heated by an alternating current electromagnetic field operating at radio frequencies (RF). Results with human cervical cancer cells (HeLa), which have been shown to exhibit high folate receptor (FR) expression, confirmed FTML surface binding and cellular uptake. In contrast, no uptake was observed for lower FR-expressing human breast carcinoma cells (ZR-75-1). [Refer to PDF for graphical abstract

    Suburban watershed nitrogen retention : estimating the effectiveness of stormwater management structures

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    Excess nitrogen (N) is a primary driver of freshwater and coastal eutrophication globally, and urban stormwater is a rapidly growing source of N pollution. Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) are used widely to remove excess N from runoff in urban and suburban areas, and are expected to perform under a wide variety of environmental conditions. Yet the capacity of BMPs to retain excess N varies; and both the variation and the drivers thereof are largely unknown, hindering the ability of water resource managers to meet water quality targets in a cost-effective way. Here, we use structured expert judgment (SEJ), a performance-weighted method of expert elicitation, to quantify the uncertainty in BMP performance under a range of site-specific environmental conditions and to estimate the extent to which key environmental factors influence variation in BMP performance. We hypothesized that rain event frequency and magnitude, BMP type and size, and physiographic province would significantly influence the expertsā€™ estimates of N retention by BMPs common to suburban Piedmont and Coastal Plain watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay region. Expert knowledge indicated wide uncertainty in BMP performance, with N removal efficiencies ranging from 40%. Experts believed that the amount of rain was the primary identifiable source of variability in BMP efficiency, which is relevant given climate projections of more frequent heavy rain events in the mid-Atlantic. To assess the extent to which those projected changes might alter N export from suburban BMPs and watersheds, we combined downscaled estimates of rainfall with distributions of N loads for different-sized rain events derived from our elicitation. The model predicted higher and more variable N loads under a projected future climate regime, suggesting that current BMP regulations for reducing nutrients may be inadequate in the future

    Hysteresis and Avalanches in the Random Anisotropy Ising Model

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    The behaviour of the Random Anisotropy Ising model at T=0 under local relaxation dynamics is studied. The model includes a dominant ferromagnetic interaction and assumes an infinite anisotropy at each site along local anisotropy axes which are randomly aligned. Two different random distributions of anisotropy axes have been studied. Both are characterized by a parameter that allows control of the degree of disorder in the system. By using numerical simulations we analyze the hysteresis loop properties and characterize the statistical distribution of avalanches occuring during the metastable evolution of the system driven by an external field. A disorder-induced critical point is found in which the hysteresis loop changes from displaying a typical ferromagnetic magnetization jump to a rather smooth loop exhibiting only tiny avalanches. The critical point is characterized by a set of critical exponents, which are consistent with the universal values proposed from the study of other simpler models.Comment: 40 pages, 21 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Transactivation of a DR-1 PPRE by a human constitutive androstane receptor variant expressed from internal protein translation start sites

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    Downstream in-frame start codons produce amino-terminal-truncated human constitutive androstane receptor protein isoforms (Ī”NCARs). The Ī”NCARs are expressed in liver and in vitro cell systems following translation from in-frame methionine AUG start codons at positions 76, 80, 125, 128, 168 and 265 within the full-length CAR mRNA. The resulting CAR proteins lack the N-terminal DNA-binding domain (DBD) of the receptor, yielding Ī”NCAR variants with unique biological function. Although the Ī”NCARs maintain full retinoid X receptor alpha (RXRĪ±) heterodimerization capacity, the Ī”NCARs are inactive on classical CAR-inducible direct repeat (DR)-4 elements, yet efficiently transactivate a DR-1 element derived from the endogenous PPAR-inducible acyl-CoA oxidase gene promoter. RXRĪ± heterodimerization with CAR1, CAR76 and CAR80 isoforms is necessary for the DR-1 PPRE activation, a function that exhibits absolute dependence on both the respective RXRĪ± DBD and CAR activation (AF)-2 domains, but not the AF-1 or AF-2 domain of RXRĪ±, nor CAR's DBD. A new model of CAR DBD-independent transactivation is proposed, such that in the context of a DR-1 peroxisome proliferator-activated response element, only the RXRĪ± portion of the CAR-RXRĪ± heterodimer binds directly to DNA, with the AF-2 domain of tethered CAR mediating transcriptional activation of the receptor complex

    Serum Apolipoproteins and Apolipopprotein-Defined Lipoprotein Subclasses: A Hypothesis-Generation Prospective Study of Cardiovascular Events in Type 1 Diabetes

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    Apolipoproteins and apolipoprotein-defined lipoprotein subclasses have been associated with dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Our main objective was to define associations of serum apolipoproteins and ADLS with any CVD and major atherosclerotic cardiovascular events (MACE) in a prospective study of T1D. Serum apolipoproteins and ADLS (14 biomarkers in total) were measured in sera (obtained 1997-2000) from a subset (n=465) of the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) cohort. Prospective associations of any CVD (myocardial infarction, stroke, confirmed angina, silent MI, revascularization, or congestive heart failure) and MACE (fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction or stroke), over 5942 and 6180 patient-years follow-up respectively, were investigated using Cox proportional hazards models, unadjusted and adjusted for risk factors. During 15 years follow-up, 50 any CVD and 24 MACE events occurred. Nominally significant positive univariate associations with any CVD were APOB, APOC3 and its sub-fractions [heparin precipitate (HP), heparin soluble (HS)], and ADLS-defined Lp-B. Nominally significant positive univariate associations with MACE were APOC3 and sub-fractions, and Lp-B:C; those with total APOC3 and APOC3-HS persisted in adjusted analyses. However, these associations did not reach significance after adjustment for multiple testing. There were no significant associations of APOA1, APOA2, APOE, or other ADLS with either any CVD or MACE. These hypothesis-generating data suggest that total serum APOC3 and APOC3 in HDL are potentially important predictive biomarkers for any CVD and MACE in T1D adults

    Extremism and Social Learning

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