142 research outputs found

    Raman transitions driven by phase-modulated light in a cavity atom interferometer

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    Atom interferometers in optical cavities benefit from strong laser intensities and high-quality wavefronts. The laser frequency pairs that are needed for driving Raman transitions (often generated by phase modulating a monochromatic beam) form multiple standing waves in the cavity, resulting in a periodic spatial variation of the properties of the atom-light interaction along the cavity axis. Here, we model this spatial dependence and calculate two-photon Rabi frequencies and ac Stark shifts. We compare the model to measurements performed with varying cavity and pulse parameters such as cavity offset from the carrier frequency and the longitudinal position of the atom cloud. We show how setting cavity parameters to optimal values can increase the Raman transition efficiency at all positions in the cavity and nearly double the contrast in a Mach-Zehnder cavity atom interferometer in comparison to the unoptimized case.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, plus two appendice

    Constraining Torus Models for AGNs Using X-Ray Observations

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    In Unification Models, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are believed to be surrounded by an axisymmetric structure of dust and gas, which greatly influences their observed properties according to the direction from which they are observed. The main aim of this work is to constrain the properties of this obscuring material using X-Ray observations. The distribution of column densities observed by Chandra in the Chandra Deep Field South is used to determine geometrical constraints for already proposed torus models. It is found that the best torus model is given by a classical `donut shape' with an exponential angular dependency of the density profile. The opening angle is strongly constrained by the observed column densities. Other proposed torus models are clearly rejected by the X-Ray observations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A&

    Attractive force on atoms due to blackbody radiation

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    Objects at finite temperature emit thermal radiation with an outward energy-momentum flow, which exerts an outward radiation pressure. At room temperature, a cesium atom scatters on average less than one of these blackbody radiation photons every 10^8 years. Thus, it is generally assumed that any scattering force exerted on atoms by such radiation is negligible. However, atoms also interact coherently with the thermal electromagnetic field. In this work, we measure an attractive force induced by blackbody radiation between a cesium atom and a heated, centimeter-sized cylinder which is orders of magnitude stronger than the outward directed radiation pressure. Using atom interferometry, we find that this force scales with the fourth power of the cylinder`s temperature. The force is in good agreement with that predicted from an ac Stark shift gradient of the atomic ground state in the thermal radiation field. This observed force dominates over both gravity and radiation pressure, and does so for a large temperature range

    Resolving the complex structure of the dust torus in the active nucleus of the Circinus galaxy

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    To test the dust torus model for active galactic nuclei directly, we study the extent and morphology of the nuclear dust distribution in the Circinus galaxy using high resolution interferometric observations in the mid-infrared with the MIDI instrument at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. We find that the dust distribution in the nucleus of Circinus can be explained by two components, a dense and warm disk-like component of 0.4 pc size and a slightly cooler, geometrically thick torus component with a size of 2.0 pc. The disk component is oriented perpendicular to the ionisation cone and outflow and seems to show the silicate feature at 10 micron in emission. It coincides with a nuclear maser disk in orientation and size. From the energy needed to heat the dust, we infer a luminosity of the accretion disk corresponding to 20% of the Eddington luminosity of the nuclear black hole. We find that the interferometric data are inconsistent with a simple, smooth and axisymmetric dust emission. The irregular behaviour of the visibilities and the shallow decrease of the dust temperature with radius provide strong evidence for a clumpy or filamentary dust structure. We see no evidence for dust reprocessing, as the silicate absorption profile is consistent with that of standard galactic dust. We argue that the collimation of the ionising radiation must originate in the geometrically thick torus component. Our findings confirm the presence of a geometrically thick, torus-like dust distribution in the nucleus of Circinus, as required in unified schemes of Seyfert galaxies. Several aspects of our data require that this torus is irregular, or "clumpy".Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    [S IV] in the NGC 5253 Supernebula: Ionized Gas Kinematics at High Resolution

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    The nearby dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 5253 hosts a deeply embedded radio-infrared supernebula excited by thousands of O stars. We have observed this source in the 10.5{\mu}m line of S+3 at 3.8 kms-1 spectral and 1.4" spatial resolution, using the high resolution spectrometer TEXES on the IRTF. The line profile cannot be fit well by a single Gaussian. The best simple fit describes the gas with two Gaussians, one near the galactic velocity with FWHM 33.6 km s-1 and another of similiar strength and FWHM 94 km s-1 centered \sim20 km s-1 to the blue. This suggests a model for the supernebula in which gas flows towards us out of the molecular cloud, as in a "blister" or "champagne flow" or in the HII regions modelled by Zhu (2006).Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal 4 June 201

    XMM-Newton broad-band observations of NGC 7582: Nh variations and fading out of the active nucleus

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    We present results from two XMM-Newton observations of the bright classical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7582 taken four years apart (2001 May and 2005 April). We present the analysis of the high-resolution (0.3-1 keV) RGS and low-resolution (0.3-10 keV) EPIC spectroscopic data. A comparison with a 1998 BeppoSAX observation suggests that XMM-Newton caught the source in a `reflection-dominated' phase, measuring the lowest continuum flux level ever (F(2-10 keV) = 2.3 x 10^(-12) erg cm^-2 s^-1) in 2005. NGC 7582 therefore experienced a dramatic spectral transition most likely due to the partial switching-off of the nuclear activity. The XMM-Newton spectrum of the continuum emission is very complex. It can be well described by a model consisting of a combination of a heavily absorbed (Nh ~ 10^(24) cm^-2) power law and a pure reflection component both obscured by a column density of ~ 4 x 10^(22) cm^-2. Notably, we detect a significant increase by a factor of ~2 in the column density of the inner, thicker absorber covering the primary X-ray source between 2001 and 2005. The 2005 XMM-Newton spectra show the strongest Fe Kalpha emission line ever measured in this source. This is consistent with the line delayed time response to the decrease of the nuclear activity. Our analysis also reveals that the soft X-ray spectrum is dominated by emission lines from highly ionized metals. The detection of a narrow OVIII radiative recombination continuum suggests an origin in a photoionized plasma.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Software systems for operation, control, and monitoring of the EBEX instrument

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    We present the hardware and software systems implementing autonomous operation, distributed real-time monitoring, and control for the EBEX instrument. EBEX is a NASA-funded balloon-borne microwave polarimeter designed for a 14 day Antarctic flight that circumnavigates the pole. To meet its science goals the EBEX instrument autonomously executes several tasks in parallel: it collects attitude data and maintains pointing control in order to adhere to an observing schedule; tunes and operates up to 1920 TES bolometers and 120 SQUID amplifiers controlled by as many as 30 embedded computers; coordinates and dispatches jobs across an onboard computer network to manage this detector readout system; logs over 3~GiB/hour of science and housekeeping data to an onboard disk storage array; responds to a variety of commands and exogenous events; and downlinks multiple heterogeneous data streams representing a selected subset of the total logged data. Most of the systems implementing these functions have been tested during a recent engineering flight of the payload, and have proven to meet the target requirements. The EBEX ground segment couples uplink and downlink hardware to a client-server software stack, enabling real-time monitoring and command responsibility to be distributed across the public internet or other standard computer networks. Using the emerging dirfile standard as a uniform intermediate data format, a variety of front end programs provide access to different components and views of the downlinked data products. This distributed architecture was demonstrated operating across multiple widely dispersed sites prior to and during the EBEX engineering flight.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Proceedings of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010; adjusted metadata for arXiv submissio

    EBEX: A balloon-borne CMB polarization experiment

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    EBEX is a NASA-funded balloon-borne experiment designed to measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Observations will be made using 1432 transition edge sensor (TES) bolometric detectors read out with frequency multiplexed SQuIDs. EBEX will observe in three frequency bands centered at 150, 250, and 410 GHz, with 768, 384, and 280 detectors in each band, respectively. This broad frequency coverage is designed to provide valuable information about polarized foreground signals from dust. The polarized sky signals will be modulated with an achromatic half wave plate (AHWP) rotating on a superconducting magnetic bearing (SMB) and analyzed with a fixed wire grid polarizer. EBEX will observe a patch covering ~1% of the sky with 8' resolution, allowing for observation of the angular power spectrum from \ell = 20 to 1000. This will allow EBEX to search for both the primordial B-mode signal predicted by inflation and the anticipated lensing B-mode signal. Calculations to predict EBEX constraints on r using expected noise levels show that, for a likelihood centered around zero and with negligible foregrounds, 99% of the area falls below r = 0.035. This value increases by a factor of 1.6 after a process of foreground subtraction. This estimate does not include systematic uncertainties. An engineering flight was launched in June, 2009, from Ft. Sumner, NM, and the long duration science flight in Antarctica is planned for 2011. These proceedings describe the EBEX instrument and the North American engineering flight.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Conference proceedings for SPIE Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V (2010

    Connecting the cosmic infrared background to the X-ray background

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    We estimate the contribution of AGNs and of their host galaxies to the infrared background. We use the luminosity function and evolution of AGNs recently determined by the hard X-ray surveys, and new Spectral Energy Distributions connecting the X-ray and the infrared emission, divided in intervals of absorption. These two ingredients allow us to determine the contribution of AGNs to the infrared background by using mostly observed quantities, with only minor assumptions. We obtain that AGN emission contributes little to the infrared background (<<5% over most of the infrared bands), implying that the latter is dominated by star formation. However, AGN host galaxies may contribute significantly to the infrared background, and more specifically 10--20% in the 1--20μ\mum range and \sim5% at λ<60μm\lambda<60\mu m. We also give the contribution of AGNs and of their host galaxies to the source number counts in various infrared bands, focusing on those which will be observed with Spitzer. We also report a significant discrepancy between the expected contribution of AGN hosts to the submm background and bright submm number counts with the observational constraints. We discuss the causes and implications of this discrepancy and the possible effects on the Spitzer far-IR bands.Comment: to appear in MNRAS, replaced with accepted version, paper shortened, results unchange