1,278 research outputs found

    Auto-avaliação de uma escola de ensino particular: aplicação do modelo de excelência da EFQM

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Operações e LogísticaVivemos no “Século da Qualidade”! Actualmente as organizações vivem em constantes adaptações à realidade em que estão inseridas, pois nada é estável, nada está conquistado, pelo que o desempenho com Qualidade e Excelência fazem a distinção entre a organização sustentada e aquela que desaparecerá a curto prazo. Os clientes são exigentes e atentos ao mercado, pelo que as organizações não podem satisfazer apenas as suas necessidades, têm de superar as suas expectativas, cativando e envolvendo-os para obter a sua confiança e consequente fidelização sustentada. Face a esta realidade, também as organizações escolares entendem que essa é a estratégia a seguir, pelo que promovem actividades de (Auto) Avaliação em busca de um desempenho organizacional competente, da melhoria do ensino/ formação e da qualificação das pessoas, ou seja, constatam a necessidade imperativa de percorrer o caminho da melhoria contínua que culminará na Excelência. Para tal, recorrem a modelos de Gestão e Avaliação da Qualidade que apoiam e orientam as organizações no diagnóstico e análise do seu desempenho e posterior definição das áreas onde é necessário intervir. Com a presente investigação, no âmbito do Mestrado em Gestão de Operações e Logística, e recorrendo à metodologia de estudo de caso, pretendeu-se analisar a aplicabilidade do Projecto “Qualis – Qualidade e sucesso educativo”, delineado com base no modelo de Excelência da European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), numa escola privada. Após a interpretação e adaptação do mesmo, procuram-se identificar os pontos fortes e as áreas de melhoria da escola em estudo. Além disso, procedeu-se à análise crítica do modelo, apresentando-se as dificuldades sentidas antes, durante e após a sua aplicação, bem como as vantagens advindas do processo de auto-avaliação. Em suma, decorrente do presente estudo constatou-se a viabilidade da aplicação do modelo em organizações escolares, como sistema de gestão para a melhoria contínua da Qualidade do seu desempenho, baseado num processo de (Auto) Avaliação, em busca da Excelência, quer ao nível organizacional, quer ao nível educativo, cujos resultados alcançados terão um papel preponderante no desenvolvimento da Sociedade. ABSTRACT: We live in the “Quality Century”! Currently organizations live in constant adaptation to the reality they live in. As nothing is permanent and nothing is conquered, a performance with Quality and Excellence will distinguish a solid organization from one that will disappear in a short term. Customers are demanding and conscious of the market so organizations must not only meet their needs, but also exceed their expectations, captivating and involving them in order to obtain their trust and sustained loyalty. According to this reality, school organizations also understand that this is the strategy to follow. They promote activities of (Self) Evaluation so they can achieve a competent organizational performance, improved education / training and qualification. They understand the imperative need of following the path of continuous improvement that will culminate in Excellence. To do this, models of Management and Quality Assessment are used to support and guide organizations in the diagnosis and analysis of its performance and further definition of areas where intervention is needed. With this research work, within the Masters in Operations Management and Logistics, using the methodology of case study, we sought to examine the applicability of the “Qualis - Quality and educational success”, designed along the lines of Excellence European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), in a private school. After its interpretation and adaptation, we tried to identify the strengths and areas of improvement of the school in study. Moreover, we proceeded to a critical review of the model, presenting the difficulties founded before, during and after its implementation, as well as the advantages resulting from the process of self-evaluation. In short, with this study we found that it is viable to apply the model in school organizations as a management system in order to achieve continuous improvement of the Quality of its performance based on a process of (self) evaluation, with the pursuit of Excellence in both organizational and educational levels. Its results will have an important role in the development of Society

    Avaliação de desempenho docente : necessidade ou imperativo legal?

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    Perante a acelerada transformação da sociedade, as organizações escolares encontram-se num processo de adaptação permanente, no qual lhes é requerida maior eficácia e eficiência da ação, no sentido de responderem às necessidades e expetativas dos seus stakeholders, cada vez mais exigentes. Por conseguinte, recorrem à avaliação, nomeadamente dos professores, como ferramenta indispensável para a concretização da qualidade dos seus processos e procedimentos, com vista à melhoria contínua, que culminará na excelência. Neste seguimento, a avaliação ao desencadear um processo de reflexão crítica/ reflexiva, surge como estratégia imperativa de ação para a melhoria do desempenho e eficácia do professor e, consequentemente da organização escola. Todavia, a sua implementação tem gerado grande tensão entre determinados intervenientes, que colocam em causa a essência, a credibilidade, bem como a eficácia do processo. Com a presente investigação, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica e Avaliação de Docentes, e recorrendo à metodologia de estudo de caso, pretendeu-se analisar e comparar as diferentes perceções sobre os processos de avaliação de desempenho docente, em organizações escolares públicas e privadas, situadas na região de Entre Douro e Vouga. Após a análise dos dados, procurou-se identificar as eventuais causas explicativas da divergência de posição de cada interveniente face ao processo de avaliação de desempenho, bem como enumerar possíveis áreas de intervenção passíveis de alterar essa realidade. Em suma, decorrente da investigação realizada, constatou-se que os intervenientes reconhecem a importância e a necessidade, que transcende a exigência legal, da avaliação de desempenho docente. Contudo, a cultura organizacional inerente à organização pública, desencadeia um processo de rejeição da avaliação sumativa por parte dos professores, por esta vincular uma imagem distorcida destes e da própria organização escola. Assim, pelo papel preponderante que estes desempenham na sociedade, é urgente desencadear a mudança!Given the rapid transformation of society, school organizations are in a continuous adaptation process, which requires them more effectiveness and efficiency of action in order to meet the needs and expectations of its stakeholders, who are increasingly demanding. Therefore, they turn to evaluation, namely of teachers, as a necessary tool to achieve the quality of its processes and procedures, as a way to continuously improve and achieve excellency. As evaluation triggers a process of critical and reflective thinking, it emerges as an imperative strategy to improve the performance and effectiveness of teachers and consequently of school organization. However, its implementation has generated great tension between certain interveners, which puts into question the essence, the credibility as well as the effectiveness of the process. With this research, under the Masters of Educational Sciences - Major in Educational Supervision and Teacher's Assessment, using the methodology of case study, we sought to analyse and compare the different perceptions on the process of evaluating teacher's performance, in public and private schools, located in the region of Entre Douro e Vouga. After data analise, we tried to identify possible explanatory causes of the divergence of each participant position over the performance appraisal process as well as enumerate possible areas of intervention likely to change this reality. In short, as a result of this investigation, it was found that the participants recognize the importance and necessity, beyond the legal requirement, of teacher's performance assessment. However, the organizational culture inherent to the public organization, triggers a process of rejection of summative assessment, by the teachers, as it leads to a distorted picture of them and of school organization. Thus, as they play such an important role in our society, it is urgent to unleash change

    Estudo sobre o mercado de trabalho para pessoas com deficiência no município de Miracema do Tocantins

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    he present Course Conclusion Work seeks to give visibility to the results seized on the employment of people with disabilities by the labor market in Miracema do Tocantins. The main objective of the research was to identify the vacancies that are available to people with disabilities in the municipality of Miracema do Tocantins, through data collection through documentary, bibliographic, field and interview research. In view of this, discover the position of employers on the vacancies made available to people with disabilities. Another objective of the research was the analysis of people with disabilities, through an explanatory study in the desire to seek the causes or consequences on the availability of job vacancies offered by the private companies of the referenced city in the sense of contributing to clarification and the development of the phenomenon studied. We search here for the sources, the reasons for the things that are intrinsic to the job vacancies offered by the private companies of Miracema do Tocantins.It is worth mentioning that the procedures used to carry out this work for a closer approximation to the object of study was the semistructured interview as an instrument for data collection, being performed with the employers of private companies and people with disabilities of Miracema do Tocantins. The research was carried out in Miracema do Tocantins with the employers, being an employer of the food sector and another in the area of furniture department. As for people with disabilities, who were inserted in the labor market, both in private company of the municipality. As for the person with the disability followed the same way of the interview of the employers, but with a positive side, since it was easier to interview them, in which they showed more interest in responding to the interview and expressed their anxieties suffered in the society for insertion and access to favorable working conditions. Also highlighting throughout this work the approach of Social Work and the issue of social inclusion of people with disabilities in the current situation. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this debate does not end in this research that employers can hire people with disabilities and adapt companies to receive this public, and that these hirings are voluntary, not only by means of the law that regulate access the disabled person, and / or quotas.O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso busca dar visibilidade aos resultados apreendidos sobre as contratações de pessoas com deficiência pelo mercado de trabalho em Miracema do Tocantins. A pesquisa teve como objetivo principal identificar as vagas que são disponibilizadas para pessoa com deficiência no município de Miracema do Tocantins, através da coleta de dados por meio de pesquisa documental, bibliográfica, de campo e entrevista. Diante disto, descobrir o posicionamento dos empregadores sobre as vagas disponibilizadas para as pessoas com deficiência. Outro objetivo da pesquisa foi a análise das pessoas com deficiência, por meio de estudo explicativo no anseio de buscar as causas ou consequências sobre as disponibilidades de vagas de trabalho oferecidas pelas empresas privadas da cidade referenciada no sentido de contribuir para esclarecimento e o desenvolvimento do fenômeno estudado. Buscam-se aqui as fontes, as razões das coisas que estão intrínsecas às vagas de trabalho oferecidas pelas empresas privadas de Miracema do Tocantins. Vale ressaltar que os procedimentos utilizados para realizar esse trabalho para uma maior aproximação ao objeto de estudo, foi a entrevista semiestruturada como instrumento para coleta de dados, sendo realizada com os empregadores de empresas privadas e com as pessoas com deficiência de Miracema do Tocantins. O trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado em Miracema do Tocantins com os empregadores, sendo um empregador do ramo alimentício e outro na área de departamento de móveis. Quanto as pessoas com deficiência, que estavam inseridas no mercado de trabalho, ambas em empresa privada do município. Quanto a pessoa com deficiência seguiu ao mesmo modo da entrevista dos empregadores, mas com um lado positivo, uma vez que houve mais facilidade para entrevista-los, na qual demonstraram mais interesse de responder a entrevista e expressaram suas inquietações sofridas na sociedade para inserção e acesso as condições favoráveis de trabalho. Destacando também ao longo desse trabalho a aproximação do Serviço Social e a questão da inclusão social das pessoas com deficiência na atual conjuntura. Por fim, vale ressaltar que este debate não finda nesta pesquisa que os empregadores possam realizar contratações de pessoa com deficiência e adequar as empresas para receber esse público, e que estas contratações sejam de forma voluntária, não somente por meio da lei que regulamentam o acesso da pessoa com deficiência, e/ou de cotas

    Associations between quality of life and central auditory processing in seniors: preliminary results

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    Introduction: Several health-related conditions have been reported to be important for quality of life (QoL) (Raggi et al., 2016). Central auditory processing (CAP) corresponds to the perceptual processing of the auditory information in the central nervous system (Musiek & Baran, 2007). With aging, alterations at the level of perception and detection of the sound in the central and peripheral system occur and have effects on the senior’s QoL. Objectives: To analyze associations between CAP and QoL, considering sociodemographic variables. Methods: This study was conducted in a cross-sectional and descriptive design. Ethical requirements are respected. Participants: 19 seniors with average age of 81.6 (SD=9.5), 68.4% are females and 68.4% live alone. Measures: Socio-demographic data survey, Portuguese version of World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-Older Adults and an audiological evaluation constituted by an otoscopy, a tympanogram, a pure tone audiogram and the speech in noise test. Statistical analysis was performed using software IBM SPSS version 24. Nonparametric test were used. Results: When the elderly live alone, results showed significant positive associations between CAP and QoL (total score). There was positive correlations between QoL and the speech in noise test in the relation signal/noise10dB (r=0.573; p=0.041), and total (r=0.573; p=0.040) for right ear. The same result was observed in the left ear when the relation signal/noise10dB (r=0.572; p=0.041), and total (r=0.583; p=0.037). No significant results were obtained when the seniors don’t live alone. Conclusion: The results evidenced the importance of sociodemographic factors, such as “live alone” in the relation between CAP and QoL in older adults. Probably when we live alone the discrimination of speaking in noisy ambiance is a predictor factor of quality of life in seniors. Future studies are needed in order to clarify this relation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este estudo procurou analisar os aspectos do trabalho das mulheres nas casas de farinha do Agreste Alagoano que ainda reproduzem o padrão de dominação do patriarcado tradicional brasileiro. O patriarcado caracteriza-se pela extraordinária influência que exerce na organização social do Brasil desde a época da colonização até os dias atuais. O quadro teórico foi construído sobre divisão do trabalho sexual e divisão sexual do trabalho, patriarcado, mandioca e casas de farinha. A abordagem metodológica foi a pesquisa qualitativa e realizou-se um estudo de caso, delimitado pelo conjunto de casas de farinha localizadas no agreste alagoano. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação direta e analisados a partir da técnica da análise de conteúdo. A dupla jornada de trabalho (casa de farinha e trabalhos domésticos), a baixa remuneração, as condições precarizadas de trabalho, o respeito e a lealdade à autoridade do dono da casa de farinha – como provedor de salário, comida, trabalho -, são algumas das condições que alimentam a exploração sob as quais as trabalhadoras estão submetidas. Nas casas de farinha estudadas, a divisão sexual do trabalho é aceita e naturalizada como resultado de diferenças físicas entre homens e mulheres. Os resultados mostraram que vários aspectos do trabalho das mulheres nas casas de farinha do Agreste Alagoano ainda reproduzem o padrão de dominação do patriarcado tradicional brasileiro

    Novel scFv against Notch Ligand JAG1 Suitable for Development of Cell Therapies toward JAG1-Positive Tumors

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT/MCTES, Portugal) grant PTDC/BBB-BMD/4497/2014 (to A.B.), through national funds to iNOVA4Health (UIDB/04462/2020 and UIDP/04462/2020), and the Associate Laboratory LS4FUTURE (LA/P/0087/2020). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.The Notch signaling ligand JAG1 is overexpressed in various aggressive tumors and is associated with poor clinical prognosis. Hence, therapies targeting oncogenic JAG1 hold great potential for the treatment of certain tumors. Here, we report the identification of specific anti-JAG1 single-chain variable fragments (scFvs), one of them endowing chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells with cytotoxicity against JAG1-positive cells. Anti-JAG1 scFvs were identified from human phage display libraries, reformatted into full-length monoclonal antibodies (Abs), and produced in mammalian cells. The characterization of these Abs identified two specific anti-JAG1 Abs (J1.B5 and J1.F1) with nanomolar affinities. Cloning the respective scFv sequences in our second- and third-generation CAR backbones resulted in six anti-JAG1 CAR constructs, which were screened for JAG1-mediated T-cell activation in Jurkat T cells in coculture assays with JAG1-positive cell lines. Studies in primary T cells demonstrated that one CAR harboring the J1.B5 scFv significantly induced effective T-cell activation in the presence of JAG1-positive, but not in JAG1-knockout, cancer cells, and enabled specific killing of JAG1-positive cells. Thus, this new anti-JAG1 scFv represents a promising candidate for the development of cell therapies against JAG1-positive tumors.publishersversionpublishe

    Oral granular cell tumor: a study of twelve cases in a Brazilian population

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    Objectives: Analyze clinic and epidemiological aspects of all Oral Granular cell tumor (GCT) during a 5-year period in a Brazilian population. Study design: clinical and treatment outcome data of patients with oral GCT seen at the Division of Stomatology, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Ceara, Brazil, between January 2001 and December 2005 were reviewed. Results: during the analyzed period, 6231 oral lesions were collected from files of different anatomo-pathology laboratories situated in the state of Ceara, Brazil. Of all cases, only 12 of GCT were diagnosed. The lesion was more common in female patients, with a mean age of 40.8 years, occurring mainly in tongue. Conclusion: Oral GCT is a rare and infrequent lesion in this population, and affects more female in the third, fourth a fifth decade of life. Clinical significance: Although it is a rare occurrence in the oral cavity, the clinician must know about its occurrence and should include GCT in the differential diagnose of certain lesions especially when situated in tongu

    Skills in Reading and Mathematics: Perceptions of Teachers about the Possible Impacts of Remote Teaching on Students of the Elementary School, from a Neuropsychopedagogical Perspective

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    This study analyzed impacts caused by the emergency implementation of distance education, during the COVID 19 Pandemic, through the perceptions of 6th grade teachers in public schools located in Baixada Fluminense, State of Rio de Janeiro. Teachers participated, among the subjects of Portuguese Language and Mathematics, through Google Forms, which made it possible to collect data from those who are on the front line, working directly with our students. Our data proved that the pedagogical losses that occurred during the implementation period of remote teaching are significant. Therefore, we point out paths that are already yielding excellent results through evidence shown in schools, in loco, with the inclusion of Neuropsychopedagogy protocols, the science of learning. The notes and study shown here about the impacts of remote teaching on the learning of our students in basic skills in the curricular components of reading and Mathematics, suggest a great need to intensify studies on the subject and propose a dialogue with the theoretical and methodological contributions of Neuropsychopedagogy

    Oral Granulocytic Sarcoma: a case report

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    Granulocytic sarcoma (GS) is a localized infiltrate of immature granulocytes in an extramedullary site. This lesion is most frequently associated with leukemia, but can occur associated with others myeloproliferative disorders.GS can affect virtually any part of the body, but lesions in the oral cavity are rare, with only 37 cases described.Case Description: We present a rare case of GS in a 23-year-old female, with a prior history of acute myeloid leukemia, presenting with a solitary mandibular swelling in the region of the erupting 3rd lower left molar. After biopsy, conventional immunohistochemical stains were positive for CD45 (hematological marker) and myeloid markers, such as myeloperoxidase, and CD68, demonstrating myeloid lineage with monocytic cells differentiation, suggesting the diagnosis of GS associated to Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML-M5).Clinical implication: Although GS is a rare tumor in oral cavity, and its diagnosis is usually difficult, the clinician must know about its existence to make differential diagnosis