22 research outputs found

    Interpretation of the Provisions on the Parental Responsability for the Actions of Minors or those under Judicial Interdiction

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    Changes in Romanian civil law aimed at the issue of tort liability, ie the liability of parents for the infringements committed by their children and those placed under judicial interdiction issues that we will present to develop the theme. Without stated ambition to exhaust the subject, the research aims at contributing to the presentation as rigorous basis in the context of the new regulations known civil entered into force on 1 October 2011. So I will keep under review the provisions of Article 1372 of the Civil Code which, over the three paragraphs of his assumption of liability develops parents and other categories of respondents for illegal acts committed by minors or placed under judicial interdiction. Please note that this form of vicarious liability is established as an effective guarantor of the call to respond, ensuring by law to repair the damage caused to the victim.&nbsp

    EER - Mechanism for Promoting the Small and Medium Enterprises

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    In this paper we aim at presenting a new initiative of the Region's Committee, consultative organ of the European Union that comprises European regional and local authorities with the purpose of offering an impulse in the economic growth and employment at a regional level. Within the 7th edition of the manifestation "OPEN DAYS- European week of regions and cities" in Brussels, October 5-8 2009, the Region's Committee, in partnership with the European Commission, launched the pilot-project EER (Entrepreneur European Region). Its purpose aims at identifying and rewarding the regions of the EU that have an exceptional entrepreneurial view, irrespective of their size, prosperity or competence, as well as encouraging the local and regional authorities in a more sustained promotion of small and medium enterprises in Europe, that represent a source of economic growth, employment and innovation

    Offenses of Human Trafficking in the European Union

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    Within this paper there were briefly examined the trafficking in persons offenses the two European normative acts, namely the Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA and the Directive 2011/36UE, which repealed the first instrument, and some aspects of legal content of offenses of the two acts. The innovation and interest elements are represented by the comparative examination and highlighted by the incriminations development, thus identifying new ways to prevent and combat them. The work can be useful to those practicing in this field and in the academic environment or to the European or Romanian legislator

    Comparison of 10-year overall survival between patients with G1 and G2 grade Ta bladder tumors

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    To compare long-term overall survival (OS) in patients with G1 and G2 grade Ta bladder cancer after transurethral resection of bladder tumors (TURBTs). Secondary aim was to investigate clinical and pathologic prognostic factors for OS of Ta patients, except G3/high grade (HG). A total of 243 patients, retrospectively selected, with Ta nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) underwent TURBT between January 2006 and December 2008 (median follow-up 109 months). Inclusion criteria were: Ta at first manifestation, G1 or G2 grade with no associated carcinoma in situ (CIS). Seventy-nine patients were excluded due to concomitant CIS (1), G3/HG tumors (47), and lost to follow-up (31). Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethical Committee of the Mures County Hospital. Statistical analysis was performed using STATA 11.0. Following inclusion criteria, 164 patients with primary G1 or G2 Ta tumors, were enrolled. Recurrence was observed in 26 (15.8%) and progression in 5 (3%) patients. Ten-year survival in G1 patients was 67.8% (CI 54.3-78.1) and in G2 patients 59% (CI 49-67.3) (P=.31). Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis underlined that advanced age at diagnosis (hazard ratio [HR] 1.10) and no Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) treatment (HR 0.24 and 0.29) were independent predictors for death at 10 years after diagnosis. Long-term analysis confirms that patients with well differentiated (G1) and moderately well differentiated (G2) Ta tumors have similar OS. A longer OS was even reported in those who underwent BCG adjuvant therapy

    Transplantul hepatic ortotopic de la donator decedat la adult. Experienţa Centrului de Chirurgie Generală şi transplant hepatic Fundeni

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    Studiul de faţă analizează experienţa Centrului de Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic din Institutul Clinic Fundeni în transplantul hepatic ortotopic cu ficat întreg de la donator decedat la adult (THO), din aprilie 2000 până în aprilie 2006. În această perioadă au fost realizate 45 de THO – 20 femei şi 25 de bărbaţi, cu vârste cuprinse între 19-57 de ani (medie de 45 ani).Indicaţiile pentru transplantare au fost: ciroză VHB – 11, ciroză VHB VHD – 6, ciroză VHC – 13 (2 cu hepatocarcinom), ciroză VHB VHC – 2, ciroză VHB VHD etanol – 1, ciroză biliară primitivă – 5, boala Wilson – 2, ciroză toxic-nutriţională – 2, ciroza toxică non-alcoolică – 1, ciroză autoimună – 1, colangită sclerogenă primitivă – 1. Cu trei excepţii, la care s-a folosit tehnica clasică de transplantare, ficatul a fost grefat după tehnica Belghiti. Complicaţiile postoperatorii locale au survenit la 19 bolnavi (42,22%), iar generale la 19 (42,22%); complicaţiile tardive au fost înregistrate la 20 pacienţi (44,44%), iar recidiva bolii la 7 pacienţi (15,55%). Mortalitatea intraoperatorie şi postoperatorie imediată a fost de 6,66% (3 din 45 pacienţi). La peste 30 de zile de la TH, au decedat alţi cinci pacienţi (11,11%). Patru pacienţi (8,88%) au decedat la distanţă de momentul transplantului prin boală venoocluzivă, prin cancer bronho-pulmonar şi prin infarct miocardic -2. Patruzeci si doi de pacienţi au supravieţuit perioadei postoperatorii (93,33%) şi 33 peste un an (73,33%). THO reprezintă metoda principală de transplantare hepatică, cu o morbiditate şi mortalitate acceptabile

    The impact of immediate breast reconstruction on the time to delivery of adjuvant therapy: the iBRA-2 study

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    Background: Immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) is routinely offered to improve quality-of-life for women requiring mastectomy, but there are concerns that more complex surgery may delay adjuvant oncological treatments and compromise long-term outcomes. High-quality evidence is lacking. The iBRA-2 study aimed to investigate the impact of IBR on time to adjuvant therapy. Methods: Consecutive women undergoing mastectomy ± IBR for breast cancer July–December, 2016 were included. Patient demographics, operative, oncological and complication data were collected. Time from last definitive cancer surgery to first adjuvant treatment for patients undergoing mastectomy ± IBR were compared and risk factors associated with delays explored. Results: A total of 2540 patients were recruited from 76 centres; 1008 (39.7%) underwent IBR (implant-only [n = 675, 26.6%]; pedicled flaps [n = 105,4.1%] and free-flaps [n = 228, 8.9%]). Complications requiring re-admission or re-operation were significantly more common in patients undergoing IBR than those receiving mastectomy. Adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy was required by 1235 (48.6%) patients. No clinically significant differences were seen in time to adjuvant therapy between patient groups but major complications irrespective of surgery received were significantly associated with treatment delays. Conclusions: IBR does not result in clinically significant delays to adjuvant therapy, but post-operative complications are associated with treatment delays. Strategies to minimise complications, including careful patient selection, are required to improve outcomes for patients

    Interpretations and Implementation of the Regulations on the Protection of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

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    The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, part of the UNESCO world patrimony since 1992, enjoys an enhanced legislative protection regarding the protection of fauna and flora. In Romania we find the legislation in the field of traffic regulations on ships and boats on the Danube, on canals and inland lakes in the Danube Delta area, and in fisheries and protection of animals and plants. The state of the environment in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is constantly analyzed, achieving annual public reports. The aim of the paper is the interpretation of legal provisions both in the field, making proposals de lege ferenda for the smooth running of traffic and environmental protection in the Delta

    Interpretation of the Provisions on the Parental Responsibility for the Actions of Minors or those under Judicial Interdiction

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    The changes in the Romanian civil law aimed the issue of tort liability, i.e. the liability of parents for the infringements committed by their children and those placed under judicial interdiction, issues that we will develop within this paper. Without the stated ambition to exhaust the subject, the research aims at a rigorous contribution to the presentation, in the well-known context of the new civil regulations entered into force on 1 October 20112. Therefore we analyze the provisions of Article 1372 of the Civil Code which, over its three paragraphs, develops the hypothesis of assuming the liability of the parents and other categories of respondents for the illegal acts committed by minors or placed under judicial interdiction. We specify that this form of vicarious liability is established as an effective guarantor of the one called to respond, ensuring by the law to repair the damage caused to the victim

    Offenses of Human Trafficking in the European Union

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    Within this paper there were briefly examined the trafficking in persons offenses the two European normative acts, namely the Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA and the Directive 2011/36UE, which repealed the first instrument, and some aspects of legal content of offenses of the two acts. The innovation and interest elements are represented by the comparative examination and highlighted by the incriminations development, thus identifying new ways to prevent and combat them. The work can be useful to those practicing in this field and in the academic environment or to the European or Romanian legislator