884 research outputs found

    Towards a high precision calculation for the pion-nucleus scattering lengths

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    We calculate the leading isospin conserving few-nucleon contributions to pion scattering on 2^2H, 3^3He, and 4^4He. We demonstrate that the strong contributions to the pion-nucleus scattering lengths can be controlled theoretically to an accuracy of a few percent for isoscalar nuclei and of 10% for isovector nuclei. In particular, we find the π\pi-3^3He scattering length to be (62±4±7)×10−3mπ−1(62 \pm 4\pm 7)\times 10^{-3} m_{\pi}^{-1} where the uncertainties are due to ambiguities in the π\pi-N scattering lengths and few-nucleon effects, respectively. To establish this accuracy we need to identify a suitable power counting for pion-nucleus scattering. For this purpose we study the dependence of the two-nucleon contributions to the scattering length on the binding energy of 2^2H. Furthermore, we investigate the relative size of the leading two-, three-, and four-nucleon contributions. For the numerical evaluation of the pertinent integrals, aMonte Carlo method suitable for momentum space is devised. Our results show that in general the power counting suggested by Weinberg is capable to properly predict the relative importance of NN-nucleon operators, however, it fails to capture the relative strength of NN- and (N+1)(N+1)-nucleon operators, where we find a suppression by a factor of 5 compared to the predicted factor of 50. The relevance for the extraction of the isoscalar π\pi-N scattering length from pionic 2^2H and 4^4He is discussed. As a side result, we show that beyond the calculation of the π\pi-2^2H scattering length is already beyond the range of applicability of heavy pion effective field theory.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, 10 table

    Exploring the performance of the spectrometer prisma in heavy zirconium and xenon mass regions

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    We present results from two recent runs which illustrate the performance of the PRISMA spectrometer in the proximity of the upper limit of its operational interval, namely 96Zr + 124Sn at Elab = 500 MeV and 136Xe + 208Pb at Elab = 930 MeV. In the latter run, the γ array CLARA also allowed us to identify previously unknown γ transitions in the nuclides 136Cs and 134I

    The rate of colonization by macro-invertebrates on artificial substrate samplers

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    The influence of exposure time upon macro-invertebrate colonization on modified Hester-Dendy substrate samplers was investigated over a 60-day period. The duration of exposure affected the number of individuals, taxa and community diversity. The numbers of individuals colonizing the samplers reached a maximum after 39 days and then began to decrease, due to the emergence of adult insects. Coefficients of variation for the four replicate samples retrieved each sampling day fluctuated extensively throughout the study. No tendencies toward increasing or decreasing coefficients of variation were noted with increasing time of sampler exposure. The number of taxa colonizing the samplers increased throughout the study period. The community diversity index was calculated for each sampling day and this function tended to increase throughout the same period. This supports the hypothesis that an exposure period of 6 weeks, as recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, may not always provide adequate opportunity for a truly representative community of macro-invertebrates to colonize multiplate samplers. Many of the taxa were collected in quite substantial proportions after periods of absence or extreme sparseness. This is attributed to the growth of periphyton and the collection of other materials that created food and new habitats suitable for the colonization of new taxa. Investigation of the relationship between ‘equitability’ and length of exposure revealed that equitability did not vary like diversity with increased time of exposure.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72073/1/j.1365-2427.1979.tb01522.x.pd

    The value of nonlinear control theory in investigating the underlying dynamics and resilience of a grocery supply chain

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    In an empirical context, a method to use nonlinear control theory in the dynamic analysis of supply chain resilience is developed and tested. The method utilises block diagram development, transfer function formulation, describing function representation of nonlinearities and simulation. Using both ‘shock’ or step response and ‘filter’ or frequency response lenses, a system dynamics model is created to analyse the resilience performance of a distribution centre replenishment system at a large grocery retailer. Potential risks for the retailer’s resilience performance include the possibility of a mismatch between supply and demand, as well as serving the store inefficiently and causing on-shelf stock-outs. Thus, resilience is determined by investigating the dynamic behaviour of stock and shipment responses. The method allows insights into the nonlinear system control structures that would not be evident using simulation alone, including a better understanding of the influence of control parameters on dynamic behaviour, the identification of inventory offsets potentially leading to ‘drift’, the impact of nonlinearities on supply chain performance and the minimisation of simulation experiments

    Specific Heat of Liquid Helium in Zero Gravity very near the Lambda Point

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    We report the details and revised analysis of an experiment to measure the specific heat of helium with subnanokelvin temperature resolution near the lambda point. The measurements were made at the vapor pressure spanning the region from 22 mK below the superfluid transition to 4 uK above. The experiment was performed in earth orbit to reduce the rounding of the transition caused by gravitationally induced pressure gradients on earth. Specific heat measurements were made deep in the asymptotic region to within 2 nK of the transition. No evidence of rounding was found to this resolution. The optimum value of the critical exponent describing the specific heat singularity was found to be a = -0.0127+ - 0.0003. This is bracketed by two recent estimates based on renormalization group techniques, but is slightly outside the range of the error of the most recent result. The ratio of the coefficients of the leading order singularity on the two sides of the transition is A+/A- =1.053+ - 0.002, which agrees well with a recent estimate. By combining the specific heat and superfluid density exponents a test of the Josephson scaling relation can be made. Excellent agreement is found based on high precision measurements of the superfluid density made elsewhere. These results represent the most precise tests of theoretical predictions for critical phenomena to date.Comment: 27 Pages, 20 Figure

    Spin fluctuations in nearly magnetic metals from ab-initio dynamical spin susceptibility calculations:application to Pd and Cr95V5

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    We describe our theoretical formalism and computational scheme for making ab-initio calculations of the dynamic paramagnetic spin susceptibilities of metals and alloys at finite temperatures. Its basis is Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory within an electronic multiple scattering, imaginary time Green function formalism. Results receive a natural interpretation in terms of overdamped oscillator systems making them suitable for incorporation into spin fluctuation theories. For illustration we apply our method to the nearly ferromagnetic metal Pd and the nearly antiferromagnetic chromium alloy Cr95V5. We compare and contrast the spin dynamics of these two metals and in each case identify those fluctuations with relaxation times much longer than typical electronic `hopping times'Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. To appear in Physical Review B (July 2000

    Job searching with a history of drugs and crime

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    This article explores the experiences and aspirations of offenders with histories of substance misuse in job searching. The analysis is based upon qualitative data from a localised study of 27 men and two women who were undertaking community-based court orders in Scotland. Their perspectives on job searching, job-readiness and aspirations for sustained employment including the role of self-employment are presented. The article concludes that with adequate support, greater tolerance and flexibility by employers and job searchers could contribute to reducing the vicious cycle of suspicion and dishonesty. Policy action needs to be sustained and possibly augmented to include enterprise training

    Like-minded sources on Facebook are prevalent but not polarizing

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    Many critics raise concerns about the prevalence of ‘echo chambers’ on social media and their potential role in increasing political polarization. However, the lack of available data and the challenges of conducting large-scale field experiments have made it difficult to assess the scope of the problem 1,2. Here we present data from 2020 for the entire population of active adult Facebook users in the USA showing that content from ‘like-minded’ sources constitutes the majority of what people see on the platform, although political information and news represent only a small fraction of these exposures. To evaluate a potential response to concerns about the effects of echo chambers, we conducted a multi-wave field experiment on Facebook among 23,377 users for whom we reduced exposure to content from like-minded sources during the 2020 US presidential election by about one-third. We found that the intervention increased their exposure to content from cross-cutting sources and decreased exposure to uncivil language, but had no measurable effects on eight preregistered attitudinal measures such as affective polarization, ideological extremity, candidate evaluations and belief in false claims. These precisely estimated results suggest that although exposure to content from like-minded sources on social media is common, reducing its prevalence during the 2020 US presidential election did not correspondingly reduce polarization in beliefs or attitudes

    Perspectives on multiscale modelling and experiments to accelerate materials development for fusion

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    Prediction of material performance in fusion reactor environments relies on computational modelling, and will continue to do so until the first generation of fusion power plants come on line and allow long-term behaviour to be observed. In the meantime, the modelling is supported by experiments that attempt to replicate some aspects of the eventual operational conditions. In 2019, a group of leading experts met under the umbrella of the IEA to discuss the current position and ongoing challenges in modelling of fusion materials and how advanced experimental characterisation is aiding model improvement. This review draws from the discussions held during that workshop. Topics covering modelling of irradiation-induced defect production and fundamental properties, gas behaviour, clustering and segregation, defect evolution and interactions are discussed, as well as new and novel multiscale simulation approaches, and the latest efforts to link modelling to experiments through advanced observation and characterisation techniques.MRG, SLD, and DRM acknowledge funding by the RCUK Energy Programme [grant number EP/T012250/1]. Part of this work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROFusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 and 2019–2020 under grant Agreement No. 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission. JRT acknowledges funding from the US Department of Energy (DOE) through grant DE-SC0017899. ZB, LY,BDW, and SJZ acknowledge funding through the US DOE Fusion Energy Sciences grant DE-SC0006661ZB, LY and BDW also were partially supported from the US DOE Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences and Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research through the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) project on Plasma-Surface Interactions. JMa acknowledges support from the US-DOEs Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (US-DOE), project DE-SC0019157. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated by Battelle Memorial Institute for the US Department of Energy (DOE) under contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. YO and YZ were supported as part of the Energy Dissipation to Defect Evolution (EDDE), an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences under contract number DE-AC05-00OR22725. TS and TT are supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19K05338

    Application of compact laser-driven accelerator X-ray sources for industrial imaging

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    X-rays generated by betatron oscillations of electrons in a laser-driven plasma accelerator were characterised and applied to imaging industrial samples. With a 125TW laser, a low divergence beam with 5.2±1.7 × 107photonsmrad−2 per pulse was produced with a synchrotron spectrum with a critical energy of 14.6±1.3keV. Radiographs were obtained of a metrology test sample, battery electrodes, and a damage site in a composite material. These results demonstrate the suitability of the source for non-destructive evaluation applications. The potential for industrial implementation of plasma accelerators is discussed
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