99 research outputs found

    Investigation of acupuncture sensation patterns under sensory deprivation using a geographic information system

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    The study of acupuncture-related sensations, like deqi and propagated sensations along channels (PSCs), has a long tradition in acupuncture basic research. The phenomenon itself, however, remains poorly understood. To study the connection between PSC and classical meridians, we applied a geographic information system (GIS) to analyze sketches of acupuncture sensations from healthy volunteers after laser acupuncture. As PSC can be subtle, we aimed at reducing the confounding impact of external stimuli by carrying out the experiment in a floatation tank under restricted environmental stimulation. 82.4% of the subjects experienced PSC, that is, they had line-like or 2-dimensional sensations, although there were some doubts that these were related to the laser stimulation. Line-like sensations on the same limb were averaged to calculate sensation mean courses, which were then compared to classical meridians by measuring the mean distance between the two. Distances ranged from 0.83 cm in the case of the heart (HT) and spleen (SP) meridian to 6.27 cm in the case of the kidney (KI) meridian. Furthermore, PSC was observed to “jump” between adjacent meridians. In summary, GIS has proven to be a valuable tool to study PSC, and our results suggest a close connection between PSC and classical meridians

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for monitoring soil erosion in Morocco

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    This article presents an environmental remote sensing application using a UAV that is specifically aimed at reducing the data gap between field scale and satellite scale in soil erosion monitoring in Morocco. A fixed-wing aircraft type Sirius I (MAVinci, Germany) equipped with a digital system camera (Panasonic) is employed. UAV surveys are conducted over different study sites with varying extents and flying heights in order to provide both very high resolution site-specific data and lower-resolution overviews, thus fully exploiting the large potential of the chosen UAV for multi-scale mapping purposes. Depending on the scale and area coverage, two different approaches for georeferencing are used, based on high-precision GCPs or the UAV’s log file with exterior orientation values respectively. The photogrammetric image processing enables the creation of Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and ortho-image mosaics with very high resolution on a sub-decimetre level. The created data products were used for quantifying gully and badland erosion in 2D and 3D as well as for the analysis of the surrounding areas and landscape development for larger extents

    Monitoring soil erosion in the Souss basin, Morocco, with a multiscale object-based remote sensing approach using UAV and satellite data

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    This article presents a multiscale approach for detecting and monitoring soil erosion phenomena (i.e. gully erosion) in the agro-industrial area around the city of Taroudannt, Souss basin, Morocco. The study area is characterized as semi-arid with an annual average precipitation of 200 mm. Water scarcity, high population dynamics and changing land use towards huge areas of irrigation farming present numerous threats to sustainability. The agro-industry produces citrus fruits and vegetables in monocropping, mainly for the European market. Badland areas strongly affected by gully erosion border the agricultural areas as well as residential areas. To counteract the significant loss of land, land-leveling measures are attempted to create space for plantations and greenhouses. In order to develop sustainable approaches to limit gully growth the detection and monitoring of gully systems is fundamental. Specific gully sites are monitored with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) taking small-format aerial photographs (SFAP). This enables extremely high-resolution analysis (SFAP resolution: 2-10 cm) of the actual size of the gully channels as well as a detailed continued surveillance of their growth. Transferring the methodology on a larger scale using Quickbird satellite data (resolution: 60 cm) leads to the possibility of a large-scale analysis of the whole area around the city of Taroudannt (Area extent: ca. 350 km²). The results will then reveal possible relationships of gully growth and agro-industrial management and may even illustrate further interdependencies. The main objective is the identification of areas with high gully-erosion risk due to non-sustainable land use and the development of mitigation strategies for the study area

    El proyecto EPRODESERT. Cambios de uso del suelo y morfodinámica en el Nordeste de España

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    The project EPRODESERT (Evaluation of Processes Leading to Land degradation and Desertification under Extensified Farming Systems) investigates the vegetation succession/morphodynamic/land-use complex in Aragón (NE Spain). Socioeconomic investigation studies the reasons and the dynarnics of land-use change. The evolution of the abandoned fields is suiveyed using large scale aerial photographies taken from a hot air blimp and combining them with a monitoring of geomorphodinamics and vegetation. Experimental studies about infiltration, runoff and eolic erosion cuantify the processes. First results mark the different behaviour, regarding rainfall, of fields with diferent time of abandonment and the different crust types.El proyecto EPRODESERT (Evaluation of Processes Leading to Land degradation and Desertfication under Extensified Farming Systems) estudia el complejosucesión de vegetación/morfodinámica/uso del suelo en Aragón. Un primer análisis socioeconómico considera las razones y la dinámica del abandono de tierras. Utilizando fotos aéreas a gran escala, tomadas desde un zeppelin aerostática teledirigido y combinándolas con una clasificación de la morfodinámicay la vegetación, se estudia detalladamente la evolución de los campos abandonados. Con métodos experimentales se cuantifican los procesos de infiltración, escorrentía y erosión hídrica. Destaca como primer resultado el diverso comportamiento ante la precipitación de los campos abandonadns de diferente antigüedad y de las costras edáficas que los cubren

    Influencia del pastoreo en la cubierta vegetal y la geomorfodinámica en el transecto Depresión del Ebro-Pirineos

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    Extensive grazing by sheep and goats on fallow land and abandoned fields in the Ebro basin and the Pyrenees impedes the regeneration of vegetation cover by browsing and hoof threads. An association of characteristic patterns of geomorphodynamically highly dynamic animal trails and largely stable areas develops. In the High Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenees, even existing matorral scrubss hows clear sign of thinning, while morphodynamic activity increases. Areas affected by erosion rills expand especially where sheep trails encourage their development by very high runoff and erosion rates. Regarding their effects on vegetation cover development and geomorphodynarnic processes, sheep breeding subsidizing programmes by the European Union have to he critically assessed.El pastoreo extensivo de campos en barbecho o abandonados entre la Depresión Central del Ebro y el Pirineo Central impide la regeneración de la cubierta vegetal. Se desarrolla un patrón típico de areas con geomorfodinárnica muy activa en los senderos del ganado, junto a otras extensas superficies estables. En el Prepirineo y el Pirineo Central, se puede incluso observar la reducción de la cubierta de matorral ya existente, de forma simultánea al incremento de la geomorfodinámica. Las zonas afectadas por fuerte erosión lineal aumentan a lo largo de los senderos, ya que éstos muestran tasas de escorrentia superficial y de erosión muy altas. A causa de estos efectos, los incentivos comunitarios a la ganadería ovina han de ser revisados de forma crítica

    The potential of small unmanned aircraft systems and structure-from-motion for topographic surveys: a test of emerging integrated approaches at Cwm Idwal, North Wales

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    This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Geomorphology and the definitive published version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.07.021Novel topographic survey methods that integrate both structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry and small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) are a rapidly evolving investigative technique. Due to the diverse range of survey configurations available and the infancy of these new methods, further research is required. Here, the accuracy, precision and potential applications of this approach are investigated. A total of 543 images of the Cwm Idwal moraine–mound complex were captured from a light (b5 kg) semi-autonomous multi-rotor unmanned aircraft system using a consumer-grade 18 MP compact digital camera. The imageswere used to produce a DSM(digital surfacemodel) of themoraines. The DSMis in good agreement with 7761 total station survey points providing a total verticalRMSE value of 0.517mand verticalRMSE values as lowas 0.200mfor less densely vegetated areas of the DSM. High-precision topographic data can be acquired rapidly using this technique with the resulting DSMs and orthorectified aerial imagery at sub-decimetre resolutions. Positional errors on the total station dataset, vegetation and steep terrain are identified as the causes of vertical disagreement. Whilst this aerial survey approach is advocated for use in a range of geomorphological settings, care must be taken to ensure that adequate ground control is applied to give a high degree of accuracy