2,166 research outputs found

    Using Indirect Turbulence Measurements for Real-Time Parameter Estimation in Turbulent Air

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    The use of indirect turbulence measurements for real-time estimation of parameters in a linear longitudinal dynamics model in atmospheric turbulence was studied. It is shown that measuring the atmospheric turbulence makes it possible to treat the turbulence as a measured explanatory variable in the parameter estimation problem. Commercial off-the-shelf sensors were researched and evaluated, then compared to air data booms. Sources of colored noise in the explanatory variables resulting from typical turbulence measurement techniques were identified and studied. A major source of colored noise in the explanatory variables was identified as frequency dependent upwash and time delay. The resulting upwash and time delay corrections were analyzed and compared to previous time shift dynamic modeling research. Simulation data as well as flight test data in atmospheric turbulence were used to verify the time delay behavior. Recommendations are given for follow on flight research and instrumentation

    Abrir las puertas de la cárcel. La negociación del acceso en una etnografía

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    Este texto se presentó como comunicación al II Congreso Internacional de Etnografía y Educación: Migraciones y Ciudadanías. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 5-8 Septiembre 2008.El encierro, como forma de castigo, ha existido siempre, aunque ha ido matizando sus formas a lo largo de la historia. Sin embargo, las cárceles no han dejado de ser recintos especialmente herméticos. Aunque actualmente se rijan por leyes explícitamente implicadas en la reinserción y reeducación de las personas presas, la entrada en la prisión, sin delinquir, no es fácil. En nuestro caso, la realización de una investigación etnográfica con la pretensión de interpretar los significados que la actividad física tenía entre los diferentes grupos que conviven en una prisión de máxima seguridad, exigió un largo proceso de negociación del acceso. En definitiva, el acceso permite la entrada a recintos y la aproximación a las personas que nos van a proporcionar los datos para la posterior interpretación. En primer término, el acceso formal se relaciona con el oficial y, para nosotros, la clave estuvo en vender la investigación como interesante, a parte de ofrecer contraprestaciones a la institución. En este caso, el investigador tuvo la condición de personal voluntario y debió colaborar con la ONG a través de la que se gestionó la entrada. En segundo término, el acceso informal se relaciona con el rapport y depende en gran medida de las habilidades sociales del investigador/a. En el caso que nos ocupa, el contexto carcelario dificultó sobremanera la aproximación y, sobre todo, la equidistancia entre los colectivos de presos y funcionarios, tradicionalmente enfrentados. Básicamente, el acceso a las personas entrevistadas u observadas se consiguió en base a una medida equidistancia, no juzgar lo que se veía u oía, la condición de voluntario del investigador, las contraprestaciones ofrecidas, tanto a la institución como a las personas, un cambiante rol que iba desde la observación total hasta la participación total en actividades tan variopintas como el squash o el almuerzo en algún patio, y manteniendo, como constante, un comportamiento marcadamente ético, representado, sobre todo, por el cumplimiento de todos los compromisos adquiridos. La negociación comenzó a finales de 1998 y el acceso real se consiguió el 5 de Febrero de 2001, prolongándose el trabajo de campo hasta el verano de 2003. Con ello, demostramos que ninguna puerta, por anquilosada que esté, se debe ni puede resistir a la sinceridad etnográfica

    Caffeine intake in Hungary – A population based estimation

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    Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that is synthesized in different parts of more than 60 plant species. In a previous study, caffeine content of 377 food samples obtained from the Hungarian market was measured by a validated HPLC technique. These analytical data were built up into a food composition database called NutriComp. Dietary caffeine intake of the Hungarian population was estimated based on the data of the National Nutritional Status Survey 2009. Daily caffeine intake of Hungarian adult males and females were 147±6.2 mg per capita (95% CI: 135–160), and 138±4.2 mg per capita (95% CI: 129–147), respectively. There was no significant difference between genders. The oldest men and women consumed significantly less caffeine than the people between 35–64 years of age. The main sources of caffeine are coffee and tea with 58–59%, and 35–37% of the total intake in men and women, respectively

    Alfabetización, gráficos y aprendizaje heurístico

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    Se describen ciertos tipos de gráfi cos como herramientas de investigación cualitativa utilizadas en la formación de profesores de la Facultad de Educación de la Univer sidad de Extremadura, a partir de un Proyecto de Innovación Docente. Se parte de la hipótesis de que los alumnos universitarios no son lectores formados ni expertos, sino lectores en construcción, que adolecen de los mismos problemas de los lectores precarios o superfi ciales y que, por tanto, deben diagnosticar y corregir su propia si tuación como mejor ejemplo y entrenamiento de cara a su intervención en contextos de aula. Se ponen en valor sus cualidades heurísticas y de autorrefl exión de cara a las competencias profesionales del docente

    Evaluation of Piloted Inputs for Onboard Frequency Response Estimation

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    Frequency response estimation results are presented using piloted inputs and a real-time estimation method recently developed for multisine inputs. A nonlinear simulation of the F-16 and a Piper Saratoga research aircraft were subjected to different piloted test inputs while the short period stabilator/elevator to pitch rate frequency response was estimated. Results show that the method can produce accurate results using wide-band piloted inputs instead of multisines. A new metric is introduced for evaluating which data points to include in the analysis and recommendations are provided for applying this method with piloted inputs

    Modifying catalytically the soot morphology and nanostructure in diesel exhaust: Influence of silver De-NOx catalyst (Ag/Al2O3)

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    The influence of an Ag/Al2O3 HC-SCR catalyst on the morphological and nanostructural aspects of the exhaust particulate matter (PM) generated during the combustion of diesel fuel and a glycol ether–diesel fuel blend was addressed in this research work. In addition, the impact of in-cylinder fuel post injections (FPI) on the particulate formation pathway and on the catalytic de-NOx efficiency was also studied. The tests were carried at low exhaust temperatures in the absence and presence of small amounts of hydrogen (H2). It is concluded that in the absence of H2, the catalyst does not modify the primary particle size (dp0) of the soot aggregates, while the aggregation of the soot particles throughout the catalyst channels is the main governing mechanism. The catalyst influence on the particulate structure was evident when H2 was introduced, with smaller dp0 seen downstream of the catalyst, indicating that despite the short residence time of the PM within the catalyst bed, the soot particles were partially oxidised. The use of late FPI reduces the exhaust PM level and delivers sufficient HC:NOx ratios that improves the catalyst activity up to a maximum of 80% NOx conversion, with no sign of catalyst deactivation when H2 (500 ppm) was injected. Furthermore, it is suggested that along with oxidising part of the particles produced during the main fuel injection phase, late FPI can also produce, to a lesser extent, some additional soot with a less matured structure, resulting on average in less ordered particles being emitted into the exhaust stream. This work shows that in modern diesel engines, a silver catalyst can alter the soot structure in the exhaust in a way that can ease the diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration cycles, improve its filtration efficiency and help in effectively reducing the tailpipe NOx emissions. For the catalyst to perform these functions, multiple in-cylinder fuel injection strategies (late FPI) combined with small amounts of hydrogen addition to the exhaust are required

    Socialization of the elderly in outdoor health circuits

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    En los parques biosaludables, originalmente concebidos para la población madura y anciana, se encuentran usuarios de diferentes edades y con distintas formas de entender la actividad física. El presente trabajo intenta examinar las relaciones de las personas mayores con el resto de usuarios para determinar en qué medida dichos parques pueden cumplir alguna función social más allá del fomento de hábitos saludables. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo una serie de observaciones, participantes y no participantes, en tres parques de la ciudad de Granada, donde se ha visto que, si bien existe una proporción minoritaria pero importante de usuarios jóvenes (aproximadamente un tercio del total), estos tienden a evitar una interacción que parte de los usuarios de mayor edad buscan expresamente

    Greater flamingos Phoenicopterus roseus are partial capital breeders

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    Capital breeding refers to a strategy in which birds use body stores for egg formation, whereas income breeders obtain all resources for egg formation at breeding sites. Capital breeding should occur more in large-bodied species because the relative cost of carrying stores for egg formation becomes smaller with increasing body size. Based on a comparison between stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in potential prey at wintering sites and eggs, we examined whether greater flamingos use nutrients stored earlier in the year for egg production. Our results suggest that the greater flamingo is a partial income breeder, since prey for egg formation were obtained both in overwintering sites and at the breeding site. This may be because there are selective pressures for nesting females to lay soon after arriving at the breeding site, which may be facilitated by arriving at the breeding site with developed ovarian follicles. © 2011 The Authors.Peer Reviewe